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Showing posts from February, 2023

Wagner group and its purpose: why has Russia this kind of actor?

Even if officials claim that the Wagner group is a private military contractor the reality is that this corporation is straight responsible to Putin and his inner circle. Or where do you think this contractor gets its weapons? Wagner Group is the GRU covert-ops organization. Its purpose is to keep the Russian federation official away from mercenary operations.  There is a possibility that the purpose of this military contractor is also creating a network of so-called safe houses, flats, and houses, where operators can stay. And of course, one of this company's purposes is to get western money for FSB and GRU illegal operations in the Western world.  That money the Wagner group gets by providing military training for countries. That are willing to pay for that know-how. Another purpose of that paramilitary contractor is to offer a channel that Mr.Putin and his staff can use for their dirty operations like assassinations and other kinds of things.  If somebody pays for those mercenar

Do woods and other vegetables communicate with each other through underground fungi?

"Scientists in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution challenge three commonly held beliefs regarding the abilities of common mycorrhizal networks (CMNs), which are underground fungi that link the roots of multiple plants". ( Web: Do Forest Trees Really “Talk” Through Underground Fungi?) When we talk about the communication between vegetables, fungi, and animals, we must realize that many times. Many things are oversimplified. We know that animals eat vegetables. But we forget that some vegetables eat animals. Some good-looking berries and fruits involve deadly poisons.  The purpose of those poisons is to protect the vegetable. But if somebody eats those things that animal dies. That thing brings more nutrients to those vegetables.  Evolution affects trees and vegetables like it affects animals. And things like rustling leaves offer good protection from predators like snakes. The sound from those leaves covers the sound of a coming predator. And

The mighty fly drone is the next-generation logistics.

The Mighty fly drone can deliver 45 kg cargo about 965 kilometers. There is no mentioned one-way operational distance. Or is it two ways operational distance of that drone?  And the drone can lift off and land vertically. The GPS and advanced avionics allow this small drone craft can deliver pizza from Helsinki to Rovaniemi with very high accuracy. The Mighty fly will transform logistics for many purposes. And one thing is clear. These drones are effective tools in surveillance missions in private and governmental sectors.  The long-distance operational capacity allows this type of drone to guard areas from remote stations. And they can carry LLC(Low-Level Light Camera) systems that can uncover prohibited things. Infrared cameras are making it possible to search the pollution and missing persons.  Small-size radars can install under the drone. By using that system. The drone can detect underwater caves or tunnels.  The official and illegal private surveillance teams can use drones to s

The fourth mysterious recon balloon shot down over North America.

Is this the first time when jet fighters shoot down recon balloons over North America?  The fourth mysterious balloon shot down over North America. At least a couple of those balloons flew over 10 000 meters. Those balloons carried gondolas with advanced technology.  And that means that hobbyists don't make them. If some hobbyists are behind those balloons. The electronics can help to track those operators.  Above this text is the image of one balloon. And there seems to be a combination of solar-panel and probably some kind of wind generator that gives electricity to the systems. Or maybe, that solar panel acted as the sail. The balloon had guidance and engine systems so operators could control them.  There is one big question. How long have those recon balloons been used against the USA? And are there some other countries targeted for that kind of spying tools? Is this a brand new idea from some Chinese intelligence chief? If the balloon flies at the same altitude as the jet plan