Monday, February 27, 2023

Wagner group and its purpose: why has Russia this kind of actor?

Even if officials claim that the Wagner group is a private military contractor the reality is that this corporation is straight responsible to Putin and his inner circle. Or where do you think this contractor gets its weapons? Wagner Group is the GRU covert-ops organization. Its purpose is to keep the Russian federation official away from mercenary operations. 

There is a possibility that the purpose of this military contractor is also creating a network of so-called safe houses, flats, and houses, where operators can stay. And of course, one of this company's purposes is to get western money for FSB and GRU illegal operations in the Western world. 

That money the Wagner group gets by providing military training for countries. That are willing to pay for that know-how. Another purpose of that paramilitary contractor is to offer a channel that Mr.Putin and his staff can use for their dirty operations like assassinations and other kinds of things. 

If somebody pays for those mercenaries about their services, there are no mentions of that kind of private operators in the GRU archives. And that helps Putin to keep his hands clean. That allows that Putin can keep his hands clean from things like mysterious heart attacks and the fallings of his political resistants.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Do woods and other vegetables communicate with each other through underground fungi?

"Scientists in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution challenge three commonly held beliefs regarding the abilities of common mycorrhizal networks (CMNs), which are underground fungi that link the roots of multiple plants". ( Web: Do Forest Trees Really “Talk” Through Underground Fungi?)

When we talk about the communication between vegetables, fungi, and animals, we must realize that many times. Many things are oversimplified. We know that animals eat vegetables. But we forget that some vegetables eat animals. Some good-looking berries and fruits involve deadly poisons. 

The purpose of those poisons is to protect the vegetable. But if somebody eats those things that animal dies. That thing brings more nutrients to those vegetables. 

Evolution affects trees and vegetables like it affects animals. And things like rustling leaves offer good protection from predators like snakes. The sound from those leaves covers the sound of a coming predator. And that thing benefits trees.  

In that case evolution model says that natural selection favors the rustling leaves. So in that case predators and trees are cooperating. Things like fungi can transmit some kinds of signals from trees. And the thing is that the trees and vegetables can transmit information to each other. Pollen and spores can theoretically act like neurotransmitters. 

A couple of years ago researchers noticed. Trees and fungi are sending infrasound. That infrasound is suspected to be some kind of call signal to fungi or vegetables.  

But there is a small possibility that some animals. Like reptiles can hear that infrasound. Somebody suggested that the infrasound forms when trees and fungi are growing. But if animals can benefit from that sound there is the possibility that the interaction between animals and vegetables is more complicated than we expect. 

In some models, the chemical qubit is the bacteria or virus, where information is stored in DNA form. Same way pollen and spores can theoretically carry information. That can transfer to the animal's nervous system. 

The bacteria or virus can transmit information to the animal's nervous system by using electric impulses that it creates in its cilium. The fact is that we don't know much about the interactions between animals and vegetables. 

We know that some fungi and vegetables form psychoactive chemicals like psilocybin. Those psychoactive causes hallucinations. And that means that those creatures can affect to animal's nervous system. The existence of that thing is interesting. Why fungi and vegetables are making that kinds of chemicals? 

We know that there are no unnecessary species. And we know that no species make things without purpose. Why do some fungi and vegetables create hallucinogens?

Have you heard about "Metsänpeitto"? (lit. forest's cover) From Finnish folklore. 

By the way in Finnish folklore is a thing called "Metsänpeitto". There is a possibility. That fungi spore or another thing affects the nervous system and causes this phenomenon. Maybe there is some spore that creates psilocybin. 

If some kind of spore can send electric or chemical impulses to the nervous system impacts to odor coil. That thing can cause bad hallucinations. The reason why the fungus is creating psilocybin is a mystery. And we know the interaction between animals and vegetables. Along with fungi. Is more complicated than we ever imagined.

Monday, February 13, 2023

The mighty fly drone is the next-generation logistics.

The Mighty fly drone can deliver 45 kg cargo about 965 kilometers. There is no mentioned one-way operational distance. Or is it two ways operational distance of that drone? 

And the drone can lift off and land vertically. The GPS and advanced avionics allow this small drone craft can deliver pizza from Helsinki to Rovaniemi with very high accuracy. The Mighty fly will transform logistics for many purposes. And one thing is clear. These drones are effective tools in surveillance missions in private and governmental sectors. 

The long-distance operational capacity allows this type of drone to guard areas from remote stations. And they can carry LLC(Low-Level Light Camera) systems that can uncover prohibited things. Infrared cameras are making it possible to search the pollution and missing persons. 

Small-size radars can install under the drone. By using that system. The drone can detect underwater caves or tunnels. 

The official and illegal private surveillance teams can use drones to shadow people from their workplace to home. The drones that are equipped with laser microphones can record discussions. 

And the compact electronic surveillance systems can also dismantle information that hidden eavesdropping tools record. The same systems can dismantle information that trail cameras store in nature. So the thing is that the recorders that are recording birds' songs can easily transform to eavesdrop tools that are hard to detect. 

Regular eavesdropping tools send electromagnetic radiation all the time. And that makes them easy to detect. The protective systems notice those eavesdropping tools called "bugs" because of radio transmission. 

Modern systems are recording information in their mass memories. And then the drone, satellite, or some manned system will send an order that the bug must dismantle its data. The microchip-controlled eavesdropping tool sends a so-called burst. The burst lasts less than a second. And that makes modern eavesdropping tools hard to detect. 

But this kind of drone can also target smart weapons to manned- and unmanned attack aircraft. Or they can drop SDBs:s (Small Diameter Bombs) on precise targets. The same system that leads pizzas down can use to release those SDBs that are effective against at least APCs (Armored Personnel Carriers) or helicopters and aircraft. 

As you see, drones are multipurpose tools. And the world is a race between defenders and attackers. The private military contractors are interested in this kind of system the same way as they are interested in surveillance systems. The criminals can use drones to take images of their next target. Or they can deliver weapons and other prohibited tools to prisons by using drones.

The fourth mysterious recon balloon shot down over North America.

Is this the first time when jet fighters shoot down recon balloons over North America? 

The fourth mysterious balloon shot down over North America. At least a couple of those balloons flew over 10 000 meters. Those balloons carried gondolas with advanced technology.  And that means that hobbyists don't make them. If some hobbyists are behind those balloons. The electronics can help to track those operators. 

Above this text is the image of one balloon. And there seems to be a combination of solar-panel and probably some kind of wind generator that gives electricity to the systems. Or maybe, that solar panel acted as the sail. The balloon had guidance and engine systems so operators could control them. 

There is one big question. How long have those recon balloons been used against the USA? And are there some other countries targeted for that kind of spying tools?

Is this a brand new idea from some Chinese intelligence chief? If the balloon flies at the same altitude as the jet planes that risks aerial security. 

And if the balloon has a guidance system. It can carry some kind of weapons like glide bombs like JDAM or SDB. Are those balloons some experiments for cheap weapon carriers? If we think that balloons were sent from China, how do operators think they get those balloons back? 

Did they think that balloons can fly around the Earth? And then land nicely in China, and nobody sends aircraft to check them out? Or did they think that nobody was ever interested in those balloons? And nobody opens those capsules of the shot-down balloons? 

Another question is why those balloons are flying at that altitude. The mylar balloon filled with helium or hydrogen cloud flies much higher. A balloon can rise to altitudes of 39-79 kilometers. So why was the sender of those shot-down balloons adjust them to the altitude, where jet fighters can shoot them down?

Superhydrophobic materials can be more fundamental than we think.

"Research on metal-organic frameworks has led to the development of superhydrophobic surfaces by grafting hydrocarbon chains, which cre...