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Showing posts from October, 2023

Researchers connected ADHD with Alzheimer's. (Dementia)

 Researchers connected ADHD with Alzheimer's. (Dementia) New research connects ADHD with Alzheimer's. The thing that we must realize is that ADHD patients have more often social problems. Sometimes ADHD patient is "weird". And those people have problems with their social relationships.  ADHD patients must concentrate harder to keep themselves calm than other people. If we must always concentrate on our behavior and be afraid that somebody sees something that we don't want to tell that causes stress. Stress causes high blood pressure.  "Scientists have discovered that short-term fluctuations in blood pressure are linked to cognitive impairment and increased vascular problems in older adults. These fluctuations, overlooked in clinical treatments focusing on hypertension, also correlate with arterial stiffness. The findings suggest that monitoring blood pressure variability could serve as an early marker or intervention point for preventing dementia, even in ind

Russia shot down one of its Su-35S fighter-bombers.

Russia shot down one of its Su-35S fighter-bombers.  Human error, or somebody who might jam the jet fighter's IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) system, can cause this kind of episode. So if we talk about human errors, we should ask what caused those errors. Or maybe someone forgot to drive the IFF codes to the computers that control the AA systems.  The jammer systems that deny the IFF system to transmit their codes to AA radars can cause situations where their air defense shoots aircraft down. Modern jet fighters and attack aircraft have only a couple of minutes or seconds to react when they see unknown, maybe hostile aircraft. If the aircraft comes closer to the headquarters would be an enemy attack aircraft, like the Ukrainian MiG-29 armed with "Storm Shadow" missiles, that aircraft could destroy the headquarters.  One version of how to break the stealth technology is to use the IFF systems as the target.  AA crew can aim antiradiation missiles at the IFF system. Thos