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Showing posts from February, 2019

I have written other blogs recently

Kimmo Huosionmaa I have written a couple of worlds in another place because it was more comfortable for some reasons. But those texts are handling similar questions and things, what I have written in here.  So be my quest, and click the link below this text. There is written something about UFOs, other strange things and electromagnetism, so if you are interested in those things, click the link below this text. And here is another text, what is written in Finnish and it is more about social and economic things. But there are also stories about the things, what have been happening in History.

The boiling river, a strange thing in the Andes (Did mycoplasma caused the vanish of the entire population in Angikuni Lake, Canada in 1930?)

Kimmo Huosionmaa I sometimes thought that could the answer for the vanishing of the people of the entire village in the ashore of the Angikuni Lake, Canada in 1930? There is something connected with this case to the boiling river in Peru, and the thing is "how those animals would step in the boiling river?". When an animal is dropping in the boiling river, would it boil to death, and there is nothing like bones to seen at the bottom of this strange river. The boiling river is located in South America, sharply in Puerto Inca, Peru, and the river is interesting because the water is boiling, but there is no lava near the surface, that the river would get the unusual level of volcanic heat from the ground, and this means that there is something strange in this river. The boiling river sometimes kills animals, what are sinking in the water, and there is no change to survive in the boiling water. This place is not the only place on the Earth, where the volcanic temperature wo

The thoughts about painting "Crucifixion of Christ"

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa The thing about the painting "Crucifixion of Christ", what is located in Kosovo, is that in that painting is there seems to to be "another Christ" below the landscape, and the thing seems to remember people, that there could be "another Christ" in the ground. Here is a reference about the thing, what is called the "Q"-source. In that theory, the man, who crucified on Jerusalem was the frontman for somebody else. In this theory the things, what Jesus made, when he acted in Israel were told to him by somebody else, who is mentioned as the "Q-source" in the so-called "Gnostic Evangelia", and in some discussions is mentioned the possibility, that the man, who executed in Golgata in the first Eastern was the wrong Jesus, and the authorities have arrested the wrong man in the garden of Mount of Olives. If that arresting was wrong, would the reason for it, that there found some texts, what proved

HCM (Hypersonic Cruise Missile) and the sixth-generation aviation

Kimmo Huosionmaa When we are thinking about the HCM (Hypersonic Cruise Missiles) like Boeing aircraft corporation X-51 "Waverider" concept would this same technology allow creating the new kind of aircraft, what would fly extremely fast in the atmosphere, and then jump to the LEO (Low Earth Orbiter), where that aircraft can maneuver by using small rocket motors. In fact, the paddle-scramjets can be used also as the rockets. During the slow flight, the front paddles of the scramjet will keep closed, and the oxygen with hydrogen will be injected into the motor, and then the electric arc will start to burn that mixture. Because the speed of air through the scramjet is too slow, that the spontaneous burning would begin, would the oxygen injected inside that tube by using compressors, and electric arc would detonate that mixture. When the speed of the aircraft will rise about to speed of Mach 8 would the flap in the front open, and the spontaneous fire will start to burn in th

The things about the sixth generation STEALTH-projects

Kimmo Huosionmaa There are many stories about the sixth generation STEALTH-aircraft, and one thing is sure, they can use multirole missions like recon, intelligence, attack, scout an aerial dogfight. Those aircraft can locate the targets also for the ICBM-missiles, and send that information to the command center of the strategic nuclear forces in seconds. They also might be used as the drones and manned aircraft, and the transforming from drone or UAV (Unmanned Attack Vehicle) would happen by putting a hand on the stick, and the pilot is supported by highly sophisticated artificial intelligence. Also, those aircraft could use sophisticated air-to-air and air-to-ground weapons, but they might have also new kind of DEW:s (Directed energy weapons) like maser and laser weapons, what can kill the target in seconds. They might have also EMP-weapons for non-lethal warfare, and they can neutralize the drone swarms and combat robots by using those weapons. The high-power electricity woul

The UFO-experiences and the science

Kimmo Huosionmaa When some person claims to seen UFO, that doesn't mean the same thing as being the contact with humanoids. The thing is that the person actually sees the unidentified flying object, what could be some kind of aerial vehicle, like drone or aircraft, what has the strange shape. Some recon drones, what can be dropped from aircraft or satellites might be covered by the sauce-shape core, what protects the propellers and the drone, if it impacts to the trees or some else barrier, or the heat, what is caused, when the drone in dropped in the atmosphere from satellites. Also, those covers would give the drone the STEALTH-capacity, and makes that vehicle harder to locate by using radars. But when we are thinking about abductions and contacts with humanoids, we are facing the thing that there is the only couple of cases, when things like abductions have really happened. We must think, that people could really be seen something strange, but those things like flying cows

Data gloves and weapon technology

Kimmo Huosionmaa Have you read the book named "Dr. Adler"? That book is telling a story about a notorious doctor, whose code name was "Dr. Adler", and that man had the weapon, what was a prosthesis, what is transformed as the notorious killing-machine. The shape of this thing was the prosthesis, what was equipped with electromagnetic or resonance weapons, what would explode entire human if it would be targeted to some persons. The problem with this kind of weapons is that they are connected straight to the nervous system, and this would allow taking the user under the control by some remote station. Those computer-based systems can also input the other data, what their sensors collect, and that means that those systems can be used to program the user for thinking another way. The energy, what those systems need might to create by using plutonium batteries, what would have very long-enduring life. That kind of solutions can be created in some military laborat

Strange science (Capturing ghosts)

Kimmo Huosionmaa One of the strangest ideas, what mankind ever get is that the ghosts are some kind of electric vortex or the nanometer-class fog, what comes down to Earth by some wormhole. In fact, the same persons introduced that the human soul would be a similar thing, and that thing would slip in the tiny wormhole when the human would die. In fact sometimes is introduced theories, that some ghosts are actually the creatures from the fourth dimension, or they might be some kind of electric vortex. I don't know if this kind of theory is relevant, but there are persons, who want to test many things, and maybe somebody has tried to capture the traveling soul. When we are continuing to read about this kind of texts, we might first think, that those persons would not probably able to catch any soul, but this kind of experiments are very interesting. The idea was that the soul is actually some kind of operating system of the human brains or nervous system, and if they could tra

The story about the speed of light and time machine

Kimmo Huosionmaa When we are thinking about the principle of the time machines, we might think that the shape of the machine is like a donut. The system is actually the particle accelerator, what will accelerate the atoms at the speed near of the speed of light, what is 300 000 km/s (kilometers per second), but the thing is that the real speed of the light in the atmosphere is about 299 700 km/s and the difference with the speed of light in atmosphere and speed of light in empty space is about 90 km/s. When we are thinking the case that the atom would decrease its speed when it faces the gas, that would cause the thing, when it will across the speed of light. And in this case, the barrier layer causes the effect, that the atom would send the blue-light sock wave because it will decrease the speed of light because the slowing the particle would not be without time limit. That causes that the time in the craft would be stopped, and this will allow that the time machine will travel

One example for absurd inventions, what the super civilization can use

Kimmo Huosionmaa The Fast Radio Bursts or FRB:s are involving a huge level of energy, and maybe some super civilizations use those bursts to give the energy for their civilization. The idea of this thing is just put the radio telescope in the line of the FRB, and then this telescope would transform the FRB to the laser- or maser-ray, what will transform back to electricity by the radio receiver, or the solar panels. This kind of radio burst would involve high energy level and the use that thing for creating the energy is not difficult, but first, we must predict that burst, and then we must go close enough, that the energy can benefit, must we get the power satellite close enough the neutron star or black hole, where those bursts are coming. That this system will be work properly only if the distance of the energy source is close enough, and the journey to that place is the thing, what makes this thing impossible for modern technology. And another idea is to anchor the power satel

The modern ghost story

Kimmo Huosionmaa In the Netflix is the series, what tells about the demon, what makes your worst nightmare become real, and this is why I'm writing this text. When we are thinking about demons, what causes that person must cover their eyes, we might think this thing is a hoax. But then we might start to investigate this kind of demons. And the first question is to find out, how people recognize the demon existence? Is there some kind of sound, what tells the people, that the demon exists or comes in place? This sound is also the sign, that people will cover their eyes. When we are thinking about this kind of "demons" they might be a good thing to cover something, what the leaders of the society don't want people to know. But then we might start to think about the form of the demon. And if the demon is some kind of sound, we might think that there is something in the person, what makes to hear sounds.  This kind of thing, what causes psychosis would be very effe

Writing about strange inventions and super-fast flying (SCRAMJETS and capillary tubes again)

Kimmo Huosionmaa When we are thinking about the hypersonic flight the thing is that using the similar paddle-system, what was used in the V-I-flying bomb in the Second World war is possible to create the SCRAMJET (Hypersonic Ramjet) quite easily. The idea is that the tube, what is between those paddles is only design in the form of RAMJET or SCRAMJET, and that would be possible to create extremely fast aircraft. In this version, the SCRAMJET-motor, what uses hydrogen as the propellant, would be equipped with the flap system, and the electric arc would detonate that mixture of air and hydrogen. The paddle-system allows using this system also in the low-speed flight. And when the speed would increase high enough, would the paddles would be locked that they stay open, when the speed of aircraft is rising very high. One of the inventions, what might not be the practical benefit, is the flying saucer, what gets the power for the flight from the smokestack. In this invention, the inv

Forgotten geniuses

Kimmo Huosionmaa We have sometimes forgotten the things, why some things are interesting about investigators and hobbyists. One thing is very sure, and a good way to make people interested in some things just makes some remarkable things out of the pages of history. And then we must realize that there is something if one of the greatest inventors of history is left from the pages, what tells about inventions. When we are thinking about the light bulb, the invention, what has been put in the name of Thomas Edison, and what is becoming the symbol of the inventions and ideas, we always forget something. Edison didn't actually invent that thing alone, he made it with the genius, whose name was Joseph Swann, and that man actually got the idea, that the glass bulb should be pumped empty. The loss of the air made possible that the filament didn't burn cut. But I always wonder, why the light bulb is mentioned invented by Edison alone? In fact, Edison invented many more things, t

Monkey soldiers

Kimmo Huosionmaa Do you know that the monkeys send to space before humans, to tests the space capsule, and here I started to think, that has somebody attempted train monkeys like Chimpanzee to operate like the military personnel? This is a good question, and monkeys are used as the test pilots in the space explorations. And in every space capsule has flown a Chimpanzee before the human would make the flight with the capsule. In space, programs are used monkeys as test pilots but have there also another kind of duties like rifleman in the military forces. Monkeys could be ideal operators for Special Forces because they could climb across the barriers, and install the climbing anchors on the roofs, and they could as well put the intelligence equipment on the houses. But those cousins of humans can also use the assault rifles if they were trained to do that. And if own troops have got IFF system, would those monkeys not shoot them. Monkeys have one benefit to the dogs, and that is, t

Strange detail of Angkor Wat (Flying machines again)

(Picture I) Kimmo Huosionmaa Have you noticed that the word Angkor is similar with English world Anchor? And in my opinion, this is a strange coincidence between those words, and there is something strange in those buildings, what are built in that city. I don't mean that those people, who lived in that city could fly, but maybe modern engineers have got innovation for the quadcopters from that city. Above this text is a picture of the temple of Angkor Wat, and the strange detail of it is that the dimensions of that temple are similar to quadcopters, and sometimes I have thought that this building has been given an idea for the engineers to create those drones? Sometimes I have thought and silly thought that could somebody created the house-sized quadcopter, what can stay on the air even years? Of course, this might feel very silly, but when we are thinking about the situation, that the makers of the machine would have a nuclear reactor, what uses neptunium or some synth

The mission of intelligence is to give real information for government

Kimmo Huosionmaa In the INF-contract is one thing, what is forgotten, and that is in 2007 Vladimir Putin said, that the INF contract is against the Russian interest, and that thing is sometimes interpreted as that Russia would leave the contract, what makes this contract as the "empty paper", and if there is only one nation, what is in the circle of the contract, will that mean, that contract has no mean. There is no contract if everybody part of the paper breaks it all the time. Real information is not always pleased the leaders of the government. But in fact, the truth always hurts.  The mission of the intelligence is to give information to the leaders of the nation, not just say, what other people want. The thing in that work is to find out, what other side don't want to tell about their plans. Sometimes the discussions between the parts of the conflict or crises are meant only for playing time for own mobilization and filling the weapon storages for military oper

Rhesus-negative blood type

Kimmo Huosionmaa The mystery of Rhesus-negative blood is, why it is claiming to be an alien origin? The Internet is full of conspiracy theories about the RH- minus blood extraterrestrial origin, and this is very interesting. What is the origin of this theory? When we are looking about this kind of theories, there must be something, what supports them, and what is the smallest common denomination for that theory? Are those persons, who have rhesus-negative blood type more intelligent than others? Or why somebody always claims that? When we are thinking about this theory, we must realize, that there is something, what causes this kind of things. I think that is absurd, that some blood type would code you in the category, that you are an alien or you have an alien origin. But there is something, what might interest you, my dear readers. If some person is lonely and feels to not be a member of some group, that might hurt this person. And when we are thinking about the rhesus-negativ