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Showing posts from December, 2020

What would we ask artificial intelligence, what runs on a quantum computer?

      . What would we ask artificial intelligence, what runs on a quantum computer? As you might know, there is a 50% possibility that reality is a simulation. That means that we are living in a computer simulation if this theory is true. But what we would be if that theory is true? Are we some kind of computer programs or are we some kind of creatures that are laying in some kind of tank, and our nervous system would be connected to the computer and virtual reality? The simulated reality theory is the actually philosophical dilemma about things like could the computer program got feelings? Or rather asking: could artificial intelligence programs sense the environment like a living organism? Or could there someday be possible to make artificial intelligence, what has the same intelligence level, what human has? If we are thinking about the complicated artificial intelligence-solutions that are running on the quantum computer, there is the possibility that the computer can solve mathema

The wormhole theory and the explanation for the form of wormholes

     . The wormhole theory and the explanation for the form of wormholes Can we someday travel through wormholes? Maybe not, but there is a possibility we can send an unmanned miniature probe through it or use it as the camera obscura. In that case, the wormhole would be acting like optic fiber, which brings light through it, and that light can use to make it possible to make observations from the distant areas in the universe. The natural explanation for things like dark matter is that the lost matter or dark energy would be the energy stored in the wormholes, and the thing that is ripping the universe into pieces would be the oscillation of the wormholes. So does that feel like some kind of strange vision? The existence of wormholes doesn't mean that it can use in travel. There is the possibility that only energy can travel through that energy tunnel. There are lots of articles about wormholes and you might look at them by Googling the words wormhole theory. In this case, I must

The wormholes and cosmic web

        Image I: The model of a wormhole The wormholes and cosmic web At this point, we must realize that there is little difference if the material can travel through the wormhole in the form of electrons or photons than the human can travel through those hypothetical energy channels. Even if we could send the miniature unmanned probe, what size is about a couple of centimetres, that thing is far away from technology, that some astronaut can travel through that energy channel. The attempt to explain every phenomenon in the universe by using mathematical calculations is doomed to fail. There are many things in the world, that we cannot even see, and one of them is the fourth dimension. We cannot realize or describe it, because we cannot imagine things that we cannot see. We cannot see things in the black hole, because there are no photons, what can escape from that place. The event horizon is the end for observation of material, but we can imagine that there are many layers behind that

Wave movement and dimensional theories

    Wave movement and dimensional theories

Cognito Ergo Sum II

   . Image I Cognito Ergo Sum II Cognito Ergo Sum "I think I am," said René Descartes, and the question is does the thinking mean that person or creature exists. So when we are thinking that only aware creatures can think we must realize that there is a question what makes this Descartes quote one of the most interesting topics in history. That question is that would the creature need the ability to think that it exists? If we are thinking about things like stones they exist. We can test that thing by kicking the stone without a shoe, and that thing proves that thing exists. So does the ability to react to some kind of things like yelling by saying, "are you all right" mean that the creature understands the meaning of the words? The artificially intelligent robot can emulate feelings by looking at certain marks from the face of a human. When the volume of the speech rises very high that robot can say "please low down your noise". Or if a person seems to be