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Lorentz's strange attractor. The butterfly-effect can turn the zero-point energy possible.




Lorentz's strange attractor can make pure energy or one version of "zero-point energy possible". If the electricity would travel in the superconducting circuit it can travel there forever, and if the circuit would take energy from outside in the form of radio waves, it can make it possible that the system can get more energy than it delivers.

Lorenz's strange attractor is one of the most interesting things in chaos theory. The strange attractor is the model of the system, where energy will surround endlessly, and if there will come energy from outside, the energy in the strange attractor will grow. So the idea of the system is that the strange attractor would be acting as the generator, which creates energy from the radio fields, and it can transmit it to the normal electric circuit.

Lorentz's strange attractor is the model is the self-sustaining system, where energy travels in a circuit, and the circuit means that when energy is traveling around the form it just transfers to the other circuit. So the energy would travel in the system forever if some turbulence would not break the form. That thing requires that energy is traveling only one direction, and if the system can conduct it nowhere, that means it would travel forever. And the outcoming energy will increase the power of the energy, which travels in the system.

The key element in the chaos theory is that if the butterfly flaps its wings on another side of Earth, that thing causes the hurricane at another side on Earth. The reason for that is that the friction would eat less energy from the system than it gets. If we would be on the liquid planet, where friction is extremely low, and we would blow, we can make the storm, what would ever end.

The requirement for that stable trade winds is that the energy, what that wind will get is higher than the energy that goes to friction. One version of this kind of effect is the whirl, like the "Great Red Spot of Jupiter" where the anticyclone gets more energy than the friction takes. And the reason for the power of that whirl is the gravity of the moons of Jupiter, the internal heat of the planet, and the energy of sunlight, which makes that whirl continue forever.  Or some big object can hit to that point, and destroy the form.

Term attractor means a set of phase spaces into which a dynamic system ends up when time passes and in the vicinity of which it also remains, even if the system is slightly disturbed. And the thing is that also atoms, and subatomic particles are also one version of the systems. The system can be stable or it can be moving.

So if we are thinking the quantum entanglement, and superposition, can this kind of turn to stable in one situation. The system must get the energy from somewhere else, and the case is that if the quantum entanglement and superposition are through the level of dimension.

In that case, the quantum entanglement and superposition can stay "forever", or at least until the existence of the material of the dimensions is ending. The quantum entanglement has caused a theoretical possibility that the energy can be brought from higher dimensions to our dimension by using the superpositioned particles.

The Lorentz's strange attractor or Lorentz's butterfly is also the form of the particle, or twin particle system, which can be in two spaces (or quantum spaces) at the same time. Lorentz's strange attractor is the thing that could symbolize quantum entanglement, the condition where two particles have opposite spin, and that thing is one of the most interesting visions of the quantum systems. '
But if the system can be in two spaces or quantum spaces at the same time, could those particles be in two dimensions at the same time? So if the particles are in a superposition, and they are also quantum entanglement, could that mean that the other part of this superposition particle pairs can be in the upper dimension and one is at the lower dimension?

In this case, the strange attractor would connect the dimensions. But the Lorentz's strange attractor is one of the most interesting models of artificial intelligence. There two supercomputers (or quantum computers) that can make data flow through the same hub, and that would make the system create the own models. The idea is that when data is traveling through the hub, the hub would send the action to the actor. Then the system would analyze the action and make the additions or deletions required to streamline operations.



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