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Why do Russians have problems destroying Turkish-built drones?

Image) Baykar Bayraktar TB2 (Wikipedia/Baykar Bayraktar TB2)

The Russian-Ukrainian war predicted that Russia will win Ukraine in 96 hours. The reality might be different. The war carries on, and many other predictions are not matched with reality. This war has been a pain and nightmare for Russians. 

The drones are invisible and very frightening killers. That can use alone or with manned aircraft. The manned aircraft can drop drones to the operational areas. And then those drones can mark targets. Or they can attack against the targets. Long-range drones like Loyal wingmen can be equipped with warheads and they can hit against missiles. And especially the long-range anti-aircraft and tactical battlefield missile launchers. 

Many things are problematic in the Ukrainian war. The predictions are not matched with reality. But one of the questions is simple. Why Ukrainian drones are not as easy to destroy as they predicted? Those Baykar Bayraktar TB2 drones are predicted to be easy targets. But there is something why Russians are not made that thing? The Bayraktar-drones are not the most advanced systems in the world. They are classified as the 2nd or 3rd. class drones. 

That is sold for some 2nd or 3rd. class countries. The Turkish build drones are introduced as "easy to jam" systems that are not so multi-use and effective as manned aircraft. But those drones seem still flying and destroy the attackers. The ECM systems along with air defense missiles and AA-artillery are predicted to be the most effective counteractors against the drones. 

There are three possibilities for the jammer system's ineffectiveness against those drones. 

1) Russians have those systems, but they don't use them. 

2) Russians have those systems, but those systems are somewhere else

3) Russians have those systems, but they are ineffective. 

But how that thing can be possible? The fact is that even cheap drones can turn extremely dangerous very easily. Operators can change components and the computer programs of those systems without telling the manufacturer that modification. The Ukrainian war, or rather saying, Russian invasion to Ukraine shown, that predictions are dangerous. Putin overestimated his force. And now he will pay the price. 

Drones might be very unsportsmanlike. But those systems are effective. The purpose of the military is to be frightening. It must scare enemies that they are not attacking to country. The military is meant to be a tool in the hands of the country and government. And the drones are allowing that government can control those things easier than some special forces man. 

And the only purpose that force has is to destroy enemies. If there is a shame to be some drone operator that is good for government. The shame helps those people to keep their mouths shut. The reason why drones are in use in many countries. Is the problem to recruit people in special forces. 

Or actually, the problem is that there are very long service times for those operators. And the skills that are trained to them are causing those people to be hard to control. The drone operator is easier to control than traditional special forces operators. The only needed thing is to cut their connection with drones. 

The fact is that the new drones are bringing new doctrine to battlefields. There are two types of killer drones. The Bayraktar is a Predator-type unmanned quite complicated unmanned aircraft. 

Another type of those horrifying system is smaller and simpler kamikaze drones. Those kamikaze drones are cruise missiles that are used in many conflicts. The target drone is equipped with a camera and the warhead can use as a kamikaze drone. 

In traditional systems, the weakness is that the system requires all-time communication. The RPV controller orders that small cruise missile dive against its target. The target can be the tank, building, or some other suitable target. But there is the possibility that the kamikaze drones are also equipped with the IIR (Image InfraRed) or image recognition-based systems. When the drone recognizes its target it will dive and impact against them. 

The "mother of those systems" is the BGM-109 Tomahawk cruise missile. That well-known and deadly weapon is the BQM-109 target and recon drone that is equipped with conventional or nuclear warheads. After the success of the Tomahawk systems, the smaller drones are equipped with similar target recognition and attack systems. And the fact is that all target drones can equip with warheads. 

The threat is that terrorists can modify the flying assembly kits by using warheads. And that thing causes problems with national security. Drones are frightening and scary systems. The army of Azerbaijan used drones effectively against Armenian troops in their conflict. 

But they are effective. And that's why they are part of the arsenal of many nations. The success of Bayraktar TB2 in Ukraine and Azerbaijan guarantees good markets for those drones. The thing that makes the drones effective is that they can use against better-trained soldiers. The drone operator doesn't need military training at all. And that makes those people easier to control. There is always a risk that highly trained special forces operator turns against the authorities or regular people.

Drone operators might seem very unsportsmanlike. But armies are not made for sports they are made to afraid enemies. And one thing is that the control of those systems and men are the key element in military planning. The skills that are learned in armies. Are meant for serving their country and government. Military skills are not meant to use in some restaurants. The problem with special forces has been the long service times. When the service ends the serviceman must go and find a new profession. And that thing causes problems in civil life.



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