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Showing posts from April, 2022

The embarrassing things and the Tor network are problematic to handle.

Many things, including Tor-network, are not purely good or bad. The Tor network offers the platform for telling things, prohibited in many countries. And that thing makes this network difficult to handle. When people are making things like legislation for the internet. They are balancing privacy and individual rights and control. The thing is that if something is prohibited. That just slips into the Tor network.  The Tor network is the place that might feel safe. But there is the possibility that organizations like NSA or some other intelligence agencies are made trap pages or "honey pots" in that network. Those homepages include a so-called tracking cookie, that is sent to the receiving computer and that cookie tells the location and IP address of the computer by sending the data over the Tor connection.  The same network that offers privacy is offering a platform for child abusers and drug dealers. And the fact is that the things like network pornography are embarrassing th

What is the difference between drones and missiles?

  Russian Iskander missile (Wikipedia) Missiles are easier to use in war crimes. The missiles need only two coordinates the launching point. And the point where the target is. The missile crew will give the target coordinates to the missile. And then the GPS/GLONASS system tells the missile its location and the distance to the target. When the target is in range, the system simply tells, that it's time to shoot.  The problem with that kinds of missiles is. They need to update their target's position all the time if the missile wants to hit the moving targets. The CEP (Circular Error Probability) depends on the accuracy of the positioning system. Things like radar and image (or imaging infrared) homing missiles require the position of the target and then the GPS or inertial navigation system will drive the missile to the point, where its trajectory starts to turn to the ground.  Then the seeker must see the target. If the seeker doesn't see the target the AI must decide does

When the empire falls, there is a short-period successor.

History is repeating itself. Always when empires are fallen. There is a successor that wants to rebuild the empire. Those successors are always short-period empires. The best known of those successors of the fallen empire is Justinian I. That man was the Byzantine emperor. Who wanted to unite Rome. That dream died with that man. And western Rome fell into anarchy.  I can almost ask one question: Did Isaac Asimov predict the destruction of the Soviet Union and even Russia? Have you read the novel series "The Foundation"?  In that fictional novel, Asimov describes the destruction of the Galactic Empire and then after the decline, the empire will get its last death spasm. The last emperor wants to restore the empire, and equip the galactic fleet, which seemed very nice.  The fleet treated the independent states around the capital. And then those states that ripped themselves away from the empire swore alliance because they were afraid of the empire. But the fleet was unable to o

The new digital drugs are here.

Some things that are connected to the term binaural beat are a hoax. A binaural beat is an auditory illusion. It is perceived when two different pure-tone sine waves are presented to a listener, one tone to each ear. (Wikipedia, Binaural beat).  There are audio files that stimulate the brain areas that are controlling good feel.  Those things are called digital drugs and they can be harmful to people. The idea of those audio waves is that they are causing a binaural beat that is causing a similar effect to psychedelic drugs.  The binaural beat is one of the most interesting things in the world of information warfare. Because it means that the sound or acoustic rhythm can use as a drug. In some scenarios, the binaural beat can use with propaganda. Or the propaganda pictures can equip with acoustic systems that are creating a good feel near those images. That thing boosts the propaganda because it affects people for a long time.  The idea of that kind of system is that when the person lo