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Self-continent lion's problem.

People should not compare themselves with animals. Many people say that the lion is the king of animals. But I must say that the top of the evolution is still the species called Homo Sapiens. But let's go to think about the paradox of the self-continent lion. 

Lions are cats that live in herds. The herd dynamics where is one strict ruler makes the lions effective hunters. There are only a few animals that dare to attack lions. The herd behavior is the thing that makes the lions self-continent. And the most self-continent in that herd is the king lion. The ruler of those deadly predators. 

But then one day the lions faced the thing called Homo Sapiens. The Homo Sapiens didn't play nice games against the lions. It took the rifle and shot the lion that dare to threaten it and its family. The problem with lions is that they didn't develop themselves. 

Or actually, the number of lions increased. They would destroy the entire populations of their prey. And sooner or later they would leave without food. And that forces them to find a new food source. 

Without that rifle, Homo Sapiens is not still helpless. There another choice is to make a fire between the camp and lions and all animals are afraid of fire. The ultimate flexibility makes Homo Sapiens ruler of the food chain. And that ability made lions endangered species. 

The Homo Sapiens is the ruler of the entire planet. But as you might know, we are still dominating species. And we are facing the same problems as all other dominating species in history. Overpopulation, pandemics, and loss of food are the biggest threats to our species. 

The problem with Homo Sapiens is dominance. Because Homo Sapiens dominate the Earth that thing causes one very interesting. And at the same time sad thing. The sad thing is that Homo Sapiens systematically kill other Homo Sapiens. The thing that makes it possible is dominance in the food chain.  

That our species would go to war and be violent against other people is dominance. Because there are so little numbers of predators that can cause a large-scale threat to our species we have time to fight with each other. And that is the problem with dominant species. If we have some outside enemy, we would find a new type of cooperation. 

Originally the self-continent lion's problem was a self-continent-T-rex's problem. There was no other predator in history that was similar to T-rex or Tyrannosaurus Rex. That monster dinosaur became the dominant predator in the Jurassic period. The T-rex was like a shark that walked on the ground. There was no other predator on the ground that could challenge T-rex. 

The adult T-rex had only a couple of enemies. they all lived in water. Things like crocodiles could eat baby T-rex and the giant shark called Megalodon could win that dinosaur. But that requires that T-rex went to water. 

But the T-rex had a problem. It was a lizard that made eggs. The baby Rex was a chicken-sized helpless thing. And it was good prey for the new predators called mammals. 

Those new predators acted like moles. They dug themselves under the eggs of T-rex. Then they must just bite the hole in that egg. And that thing caused the death of the T-rex. 

Another problem was that T-rex was too dominant. In some areas, there were no other dinosaurs at all when the T-rex hunted all of them away. The problem with dominating species is that its population turs too large. And then they must move to another area. Or they must find a new food source. 


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