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Showing posts from December, 2022

Why it's so hard to fight against mass myths?

Mass myths are falsified information that is well-known to the entire society. But mass myths are always falsified or false information that is believed to be true. The common thing about mass myths is that people handle them like absolute truth.  So mass myths are dangerous to society. But the problem is that critical comments against mass myths might cause bad feedback. The bad feedback causes social pressure on people to keep their mouths shut. They don't react to claims and lies. They just see those things. And they don't want to say a word about those things that might be wrong.  Mass myths are driven by arguments "everything was like that in the past". And things like respect for the elder generations make it very hard to speak against those very well-known myths. So people accept the lie as the "official truth" if they don't dare to say something against those things.  Because nobody says anything against mass myths the persons who are delivering