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Why it's so hard to fight against mass myths?

Mass myths are falsified information that is well-known to the entire society. But mass myths are always falsified or false information that is believed to be true. The common thing about mass myths is that people handle them like absolute truth. 

So mass myths are dangerous to society. But the problem is that critical comments against mass myths might cause bad feedback. The bad feedback causes social pressure on people to keep their mouths shut. They don't react to claims and lies. They just see those things. And they don't want to say a word about those things that might be wrong. 

Mass myths are driven by arguments "everything was like that in the past". And things like respect for the elder generations make it very hard to speak against those very well-known myths. So people accept the lie as the "official truth" if they don't dare to say something against those things. 

Because nobody says anything against mass myths the persons who are delivering those things see that silence as acceptance. Things like lies and mass myths are the same things. And propaganda is a mass myth made to serve some political purpose. 

When we are talking about truth and lies the myth that is not true is the same way false information as lies that are told on purpose. But then we must realize that all urban myths are not lies or fake. They might overstate. And stories about things like werewolves are born from real things like rabies infections. 

Kennedy's assassination is one of the cases where people just want to believe something. They don't think that all people in that car in Dallas in 1963 were problematic to Mafia. And maybe Mafia planned to shoot Jacqueline Kennedy or Governor Connally. We just want to believe that the real target was John F. Kennedy. But the fact is that nobody knows the real target. 

The thing that feeds theories is that all three brothers of the family of Joseph Kennedy Sr. died violently. His eldest son Joseph Junior died in a possible accident in 1944. And both younger brothers died in attentates. 

The planned target could be some secret service agent. There is a possibility that some of those agents knew things like Mafia contacts between John F. Kennedy's father and organized crime. The fact is that the elder brother of JFK was killed in the accident. 

He planned to rise the kamikaze-version of the B-24 Liberator to airborne. But then there was some mistake in the barometer or handling of the aircraft. And 9000 kilogram of the RDX turned the big brother of the JFK to atoms. That thing might be an accident. Also, Robert Kennedy was killed in an assassination made by Sirhan Sirhan. 

Theories of the Kennedy assassination and Olof Palme's murders were a similar way to see things. People didn't want to believe that the statesman's wife was the planned victim. So the focus was on the statesman. 

Jacqueline Kennedy had a relationship with Onassis. And that thing caused problems for people, who wanted to hide things that happened behind coulisses of Kennedy's clan. 

The nickname of John F. Kennedy was "Jack" so the shooter might think that "Jack" (that could be the nickname of Jacqueline) means president. In that case, the mafia killed Oswald, because they didn't want the officials to know things like the names of the people who are involved in the JFK case. 

We want to believe that the top actor is the planned target. We don't want to believe that target was somebody else. 

Olof Palme's wife was a psychiatrist and that kind of profession brings enemies to people. So could the real target be Lisbet Palme, the wife of the prime minister of Sweden? 

There were fewer than ten actors. In the original conspiracy theory about Kennedy's assassination. 

But then that theory started to grow. And finally, there were over 30 000 participants in that thing. There are two investigation reports where another claims that Oswald acted alone. And the second report claims that some kind of "conspiracy to commit" the crime is hidden in the investigation. We don't even know who was the real target. 

Those reports are known as Warren's commission reports. And the second one was the Senate investigation report, made ten years later. The question is: did somebody pay or order Oswald to make that murder?  

Was it President Kennedy, his wife, or governor Connally? There are theories that Mafia wanted that Jaqueline Kennedy died because she wanted to divorce the president. And Kennedy's clan had relationships with Mafia. 

Or maybe Mafia wanted to murder Governor Connally because he caused problems for that organization. Another purpose for that thing could be to send a message that nobody is safe from organized crime. But then the shooter misunderstood his mission, and that caused the catastrophe. 

Willing to believe is the thing that destroys all investigations. Many urban legends or mass theories can debunk by telling a couple of jokes. And then that thing can cause a situation that makes criminals slip away. 

There are many stories in newspapers where the police are told to make arrests in some criminal cases. And then those suspects are believed to be guilty. But then those suspects are released in court or the police themselves released them.  Because there is no evidence. And all suspects are gone. The stories that are telling that crime is solved might cause some eyewitnesses would not even report to the police what they saw.


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