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Showing posts from July, 2023

What is a side-channel attack?

Side-channel attacks are always connected with things like algorithms. But the fact is that the side-channel attack benefits some usually small but destructive vulnerabilities in physical infrastructure. In the worst case, people can have a straight line to see through the window what people are writing on their screens while they are walking on the streets. The side-channel attack means that the attacker benefits from physical vulnerabilities.  In Wikipedia, the description of the side-channel attack goes like this. "In computer security, a side-channel attack is any attack based on extra information that can be gathered because of the fundamental way a computer protocol or algorithm is implemented, rather than flaws in the design of the protocol or algorithm itself (e.g. flaws found in cryptanalysis of a cryptographic algorithm) or minor, but potentially devastating, mistakes or oversights in the implementation. (Cryptanalysis also includes searching for side-channel attacks.) T

Is math real or not? Or are virtual things real or not?

Mathematics plays a vital role in many everyday actions. Things like Pi and trigonometry are in a vital role in geometry used to measure things like houses. And mathematics is used to create quantum decimal numbers. That is used in modern data encryption.  People sometimes say that mathematics is a virtual thing. So that means math is not real. Another thing is that the world is full of things that are not real or that we must not follow. But leaving those things unattended causes serious situations. Same way as in math. We can say that things like lawbooks are virtual things. Laws are "only" written texts. But breaking them can cause serious consequences.  Things like traffic lights base are that people follow those orders like red lights "voluntarily". And there are strict rules about what people must do when they see red light. Of course, people can continue driving when they see that stop sign. But if the police see that thing, it causes punishment. And another

Laser is the next-generation tool for communication.

Laser-communication systems are the tools that can turn the race of secured communication to the next level. The laser-communication tools are the same systems. The developers planned in the Star Wars program to use ASAT (Anti-Satellite) and ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile) systems. The difference between those systems is the laser's power. The laser communication system with power adjusting is a tool that could use to protect satellites against incoming missiles.  When a satellite detects an incoming missile, it will adjust the power of its communication laser to the destructive module. And then the same lasers can destroy that incoming missile. The laser-communication is the system that makes it harder to detect the satellite. And the laser system that developers install on the black of aircraft can make the next-generation GPS possible.  The idea is that the photo-recon satellite follows those aircraft and that satellite sees those planes above the ground. And then those systems can