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Showing posts from January, 2024

Genetically engineered bacteria can eat plastic waste and make spiders silk.

"Scientists have created a method to transform plastic waste into biodegradable spider silk using bacteria, providing an innovative and sustainable approach to tackling plastic pollution. (Artist’s concept.) Credit: (ScitechDaily, Engineered Bacteria Eat Waste Plastic and Make Spider Silk – “Nature’s Kevlar”) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Next text is from "For the first time, researchers have used bacteria to “upcycle” waste polyethylene. Move over Spider-Man: Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have developed a strain of bacteria that can turn plastic waste into a biodegradable spider silk with multiple uses. Transforming Plastic Into Protein Their new study marks the first time scientists have used bacteria to transform polyethylene plastic — the kind used in many single-use items — into a high-value protein product. That product, which the researchers call “bio-inspired spider silk” because of its si

Neuralink reports on the first human neuro-implant assembly.

Elon Musk said that the first human got Neuralink's bio-implanted microchip. That thing makes the person able to move the prosthesis wirelessly. The thing is that the Neuralink is not the top level of the neuro-implated microchips. And researchers can install some more advanced microchips on the skull without the need for a special neurosurgeon.  Those Neuralink's neuroport-type systems can make it possible for machines they communicate with people without borders.  Also, the neuro-implated microchips can make things like technical telepathy possible, when people exchange their thoughts using brain-implated microchips. Those microchips allow to control of robots and animals using those microchips. The neuro-implated microchip makes it possible. People can fusion their senses with other people or animals. That causes visions where hackers can attack that kind of system. And that can cause a very bad situation.  The brain-implanted microchips can used as BCI (Brain Computer Inter

Error detection in quantum computers is the key to making trusted systems.

 "Researchers have developed a groundbreaking method to identify errors in quantum computers, greatly improving error correction efficiency. This advancement employs real-time error monitoring in quantum computations, marking a significant shift in quantum computing research. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Finding and Erasing Quantum Computing Errors in Real-Time) Quantum computers have the same problems as other computers. Even if the system is over 40 years faster than binary computers. That means quantum computers calculate in one second. Calculation that takes 47 years using binary computers. Researchers make more, and more complicated calculations, and quantum computers must give response to challenges. And the reason why quantum computers developed is that more and more complicated simulations and AI-based software require more and more effective computers. Quantum computers require fast-reacting AI that follows that system operates as it should. Trust plays a

Goodbye, Ingenuity helicopter.

NASA's Ingenuity helicopter made its last mission into Mars's atmosphere. The rotor damage made the end of that helicopter's mission exceed its calculated time. Ingenuity was an awesome tool, that gave data about Mars. That helicopter also gave data about high-altitude helicopters that can used to observe Earth and as area surveillance tools.  Ingenuity also gave information about the AI solutions that can used in independent systems that will send to the Titan and other planets. And the same systems also can operate over the battlefield. If the helicopter can operate independently. It can deliver data to the command center. Without the need for two-way communication. That makes it hard to detect the command center using radio detectors.  The high-flying automatized helicopters can deliver information about what happens below them. If those helicopters are kamikaze tools. They can operate as surveillance tools. And when their batteries are empty, they can dive against targe

What if somebody copies the mechanic computer's structure to the quantum computers?

   What if somebody copies the mechanic computer's structure to the quantum computers?  The mechanic computers are immune to EMP pulses. And that thing makes them interesting, even if they are old-fashioned systems. The small nanotechnical mechanic computers can be used as backup systems for simple, one-purpose systems.  Nanotechnology makes it possible to create very small mechanical components. And it's possible. The small mechanic computers can assist the digital computers in cases where EMP (Electromagnetic pulse) damages digital computers.  Digital computers are more effective and multi-use than mechanic computers, and that's why they replaced mechanic computers. But it's possible. That mechanic computers work as background systems, for special cases.  (Wikipedia, Colossus computer) Colossus When we think about digital computers the first electric "computer" before ENIAC was Colossus, the top secret code-breaking machine. They used electric wires and elec

MIT researchers created a sensor that harvests energy from its environment.

"This energy management interface is the "brain" of a self-powered, battery-free sensor that can harvest the energy it needs to operate from the magnetic field generated in the open air around a wire. Credit: Courtesy of the researchers, edited by MIT News" (/news-media/self-powered-sensor-automatically-harvests-magnetic-energy) There is nothing new about sensors that harvest energy from the sunlight. The thing that makes the new sensor fundamental is that it can also operate in complete darkness. This system makes it possible for employers to make sensor installations in narrow places, where is hard to pull wires.  Because these kinds of sensors can operate in darkness, researchers can use the same technology to create the power sources for the miniature robots. That new technology makes those robots able to operate in areas. Where there is no sunlight.  The new sensor is fully battery-free. It can harvest its energy from the environment. The difference between sol

What would you do with the most slippery material in the world?

 What would you do with the most slippery material in the world?  "Researchers have made groundbreaking discoveries in superlubricity, demonstrating how this state of minimal friction could revolutionize energy efficiency in mechanical systems. Their work reveals that friction in superlubricity defies traditional laws, offering promising applications for reducing global energy consumption. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Slippery Science: Unlocking the Secrets of Superlubricity for Energy Efficiency) While people talk about slippery materials they don't think about what makes material slippery. The thing that makes materials slippery is one thing that determines the use of materials. People can use Slippery materials, like slippery polymers for transporting heavy things, like furniture at least for short distances.  In those cases, the ideal material can be a polymer shell that is slippery when it's against another polymer. That thing decreases friction. In t