Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Censorship and the rescue for the political career


Kimmo Huosionmaa

There are many politicians on the Earth, who don't ever make their own speeches. Why they should make them because there are many good writers on the Earth, who would make texts against little payment. And this is the thing, what makes life easy. But the problem with that kind of things is that those politicians don't want their voters to get that information.

They don't want to tell people, that their speeches and texts are made by somebody else. When we are thinking about the things, what many times rescue those politicians, we are facing the thing, that many times politicians say, that they are not experts in some things. And of course, media would support that kind of things, because many journalists or the owners of newspapers have political destination and connections to political movements.

And those persons offer many times their services to political candidates, who want to be parliamentarians. The thing, what those politicians would not remember is, that this makes them only the frontman of the movement. The situation is similar as with musicians, who buy  texts, what are made by another person. They cannot work independently and those persons have always addicted the support of those writers. If those writers would not make their job, the speeches would not be forming.

Of course, that thing addicts politicians, or musicians because that offers an easy way to make things.  But when we are facing the social media, that is very problematic for the politicians. In social media, the comments can be given immediately after some news, and if the politician cannot make texts independently, that would cause the very embarrassing situation, when the politician is giving the speech, and the update for social media comes in the front of the people during the speech. And this makes social media problematic. This situation is similar to the case when some ice-hockey player would update their social media from the ice during the game.

If we are writing something, we can make mistakes. But if we are not doing anything, we cannot make mistakes. This is true, but if somebody makes our texts and writes our speeches and we would portrait them as our own production, would that be a little embarrassing. If some person gives speeches and shares opinions, would people right to believe, that they are those persons own production. Sometimes in politics, the parties have asked people about their opinions about foreigners or some other things, and then the politicians have made their speeches to please the opinions of the biggest group of people, and that thing has guaranteed the votes for that politician.

Of course, politicians might say, that censorship or moderators have removed their texts from the social media. This is the very good point when the next elections are coming. In a long time, ago the newspapers and TV were very good friends for politicians. They would claim that the media did not publish their opinions and this was the very good argument also for many other persons who were working in the public workplaces.

The professors, who didn't make their jobs could claim, that they have sent their texts to newspapers and scientific magazines, but those media were not published in those texts, because the readers were not interested about them. Censorship is the thing, what allows hide behind the back of some faceless authorities, who would want to drive their own benefits on the Internet.

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