Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Why did writers put tales about giants in memory in ancient Greece?

Every tale in the world is not turning to myths. There must be something special in the tale that people like Homer wrote those tales to memory. Papyrus and parchment were expensive, and Homer and other writers must work with hands. So what was the reason why did Homer choose the tales for Greek mythology. 

What category did he use for selecting the tales for his books Iliad and Odyssey? We know that Homer didn't write Iliad and Odyssey alone. Or he was not the source of those tales. The interesting question is, who was the source for each tale? Which of those tales were chosen by Homer himself? And what text was chosen by somebody else? And who told them to Homer?

When some tale turns to myth, which is written in memory, there must be something special in that case. If we think of Gigantes many guarding and combat units were formed from the tall people in ancient Greece. Tall men were more frightening and strong-looking than the short ones. And the question is, why was the story of Gigantes or giants have written in memory? What made those things so special that writers wanted that people remember them?

When we are thinking about giants and their background in Greek mythology, we must realize one thing. Every single adult is a giant for the children. So if we are thinking that giants are only fake or legends. The child's point of view people can explain that legend. So was the origin of those tales somebody who escaped from some kind of palace?

And were the Gigantes some family? And was the source of that tale some child, who founded from some grassland? When that foundling grows and learns to speak the Greeks or people who wrote that tale might ask that child, where that child came from? And probably that hypothetical child told a story about the Gigantes. 

We should find the origin of those tales. Why did that tale become the myth that repeated a time after the time?  So was the origin of the stories of Gigantes some young child, who found from some grassland?  There is a possibility that the child who was found from somewhere told the story about the Gigantes. 

What kind of reason would make those people put that story to the memory and write it? Maybe there was something positive in that child, and that caused questions, why was that person abandoned? There must be some reason why the tales about Gigantes told?

And why do people put that in memory? Were they written for warning, and what was the thing that people must be afraid of? Or was there something that writers didn't want to tell people?






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