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Showing posts from January, 2022

Ancient magnetic levitation and other things that might interest people.

Above) The view of Napoleon's uncomplete plan. For conquering Britain. In that plan. Napoleon planned to use tunnels, balloons, and gunboats. Napoleon himself withdrew that plan because it was too futuristic to accomplish. Ancient antigravity is one of the most interesting things in the world. The Chinese knew compass and there is the possibility that those people knew also magnetic levitation. Magnetic levitation means that the same poles of the magnets are pushing objects away. And that thing might make a very big impression on people who heard the repelling effect of the magnetic force.   Also, things like hot air balloons are things that could be big secrets when their inventors have introduced those things to people. So is it possible that the ancient inventors made the hot air balloons that pull lightning to them? And if those balloons were covered by leaf gold. That thing can turn part of the electron flow into antimatter.  The balloon can use to connect natural electricity

Why do some UFOs have a mast?

In 1954 in Rouen, France, some witnesses saw the UFO. That thing had the mast. And the question is. "Why that mast installed in that UFO?" The thing is that somebody is always telling jokes that the wire. Where that model is hanging is connected to that mast. But the fact is that the UFO would not require so complicated technology as people might think. And that kind of system can use to put the suction cup on the roof of the vehicles.  Also, some kind of space elevators can use that kind of suction cup. The thing is that the orbital vehicle must be at a stable position at the orbiter. And then that craft can bring the suction cup or magnet to the vehicle. Or of course, that thing can locate at the helicopter or some airship.  The UFO can be a man-made thing. That thing requires the blower turbine on its floor. And then the horizontal rocket engines will make it fly in different directions.  In the image above this text is a famous UFO picture. In that UFO is a mast above it.

Sociology and game theory.

The use of game theory is expanding from nuclear strategies to the social sciences. And one of the users of this interesting theory is are companies. The company owners want to know. What is the point when personal benefit overruns the collective benefit? There is the possibility that some person gets a job from another company. But that thing causes the fall of the present workplace.  The collective benefit must go ahead. The benefit of the company is the benefit of its workers. Or that is the normal way to think. But the company owners are people whose benefit is that the workgroup is optimal. When we think. About the number of workers. There are always people who are not "doing anything". The reason for that is that if the worker will not make things right. That person can kick off the company. If the workforce is minimal. There is no way to divorce workers. But if there is some kind reserve of workers. That means the divorcing worker is easier.  But then we must realize t

Neuralink might be the biggest opportunity in history. Or it is the biggest catastrophe in history.

Image: Wikipedia Elon Musk and Neuralink are preparing to test their microchip which is implanted in brains with people. That microchip can give the user the ability to control prostheses. And that thing is one of the biggest reasons why that neural link microchip is developed. That neural link system is also making it possible to control computers straight without keyboards or mouses.  So it can be the key element in the BCI (Brain-Computer Interfaces) and BMI (Brain-Machine Interfaces). Normally the BCI and BMI are the same things. The BCI system is the only needed thing. And the brains can control robots through the computer.  That thing gives fantastic but at the same time frightening visions in the mind. The thing is that this kind of system can collect data from the EEG. And that thing makes this kind of technology dangerous. In the wrong hands, the neural link system turns to the ultimate tool in the hands of dictators. But same time those systems allow us to make the external b

What does teleportation mean?

Somebody speak about the entanglement of tardigrades. But what that thing means? The term quantum teleportation or superposition and quantum entanglement mean. That the oscillation of the particles will copy to another particle. And that turns those particles to the same. And there is a theory that the fate of superpositioned and entangled particles is connected. Quantum teleportation means that the information travels in the superpositioned and entangled quantum system. Teleportation is possible in the quantum world. So we can say, that the term "quantum teleportation" means almost the same as superposition or quantum entanglement.  In superposition two subatomic particles like quarks or electrons. Turn to oscillate with the same frequency. Normally that synchronization of oscillation happens by using electromagnetic radiation like laser rays.  When two electrons are in line. That laser ray will synchronize the oscillation of those electrons. So that thing turns those electr

Genetic engineering and genome therapy

Genetic engineering can make it possible to improve living organisms. The photonic brains are the thing that can make a revolution in computing. Those brains can create by connecting neurons with the cells that are forming the retina. And the cells that are making the deep-sea fishes create bioluminescence light. That system can transform the neurons to use the light as a data transporter.  Human brains are powerful. But if the axons can use light in the position of chemical neurotransmitters. Those brains could be more powerful. In that case, there is the bioluminescence organ at the end of the axon. And there is the retina-cell in the receiver that transforms the light to the neuroelectric signal. The purpose of the retina cells is to transfer the light signal to neurons. If the neurons themselves can transfer the light signal to electricity and the opposite way. That makes it possible that computers can communicate straight with brains by using light as a communication tool. This is

The first programmable quantum computer is made by using neutral atoms.

The ability to use neutral atoms in quantum computers is a remarkable thing. Until now, quantum computers used trapped ions or superconductors in their structure. But the problem with those versions is that they are very sensitive against outside effects. If trapped ion touches the core of the chamber. Or the temperature of a superconductor is rising too high. That thing causes the problems. When we think about the possibility to make the room-temperature operating quantum computer.  The researchers must "simply" calculate the resistance of the wire is possible to calculate precise points where the qubit reaches a certain state while it loses its energy. By using that information. The computers can calculate the points where qubits are releasing their information. So what if we want to make so-called quantum brains? What would we need for that? There is the possibility that the hybrid system is made by using a nanotechnological structure. The system's core would be made o

Wolves and men.

Game theory and everyday life Pixelation in game theory means that. When the entirety tuns unnecessary the individuals are starting to rise. There is a point where the individual benefit will face the benefit of the entire group. The benefit of the entire group is not always the benefit of its single members.  And at that point, there is the possibility. That benefit of the individual will win the benefit of the group. The pixelation means that the entirety is forming of the smaller and smaller subgroups. And the smallest possible sub-group is a single person or member of the group.  When wolves are sharing their meal. They start to fight with each other That thing can use as an example where remove outcoming threats causing the entirety to turn chaotic.  The benefit of an individual member of the group wins the benefit of the group. And that causes problems with safety when wolves start to fight with each other.  When we think that the species want to maximize their benefit that thing

Why do we see only negative or weird things?

In life, we must realize that benefit of the individual is not the same as the collective benefit. When we are thinking about working life the benefit of the employee is not always the same with employers. The thing about unemployment is that offers the workforce reserve for work marketing. And that thing means that unemployment is causing costs to society. But the same way that thing allows to select workers. The benefit of the employers is not always the same. In the business sector where certain actors are operating are different. Some companies are operating in the unusual sector. And that causes problems for the hiring of trained employees.  The unusual business sector means. There are not many people who know how to make things. In that business and operational environment. If there is a company that is working in the usual business sector. There are lots of competitors for that company. The name of the game is how to make people select the new actor? If the operating sector is v

Nuclear weapons and game theory: calculating the force.

The nuclear force must be powerful. But not too powerful.  The idea of the game theory is that every species in the world are trying to maximize their benefit. The origin of that theory is in the nuclear weapon strategies. Nuclear weapons are the most powerful weapons in the world. They are offering extreme benefits for the states that own those weapons. But the problem is that if the strike capacity of the state is too high. That causes the problem with own military.  The problem with its military is if the state has no outside enemies. Own military can turn rebellious. In that case, the own military can attack other states without permission. And without outside enemies, the military can turn against the state leaders. Nuclear weapons are extremely powerful. And only one nuclear warhead that comes through defense can terminate the state leaders. So that is the thing that makes nuclear weapons so good.  In nuclear strategies, the key element is the strike capacity. When weapons are la

The problem in innovation meetings is how to make people share their knowledge?

Many times in innovation meetings are two benefits against each other. The personal interest of the individual worker might be hiding the ideas. And the benefit of the company is that the person shares those innovations or ideas that can turn to innovation.  One thing about teamwork is that if the people are staying in their workplace during all their working period that sounds fine. When people enjoy their work they know their work and all stages of work very well. But there is one negative thing about that kind of way to make jobs. The problem is that if the people in the work never change their workplace that causes the problem to get new ideas for the company.  If people have ideas. But they don't want to share them. This thing means those ideas are not even known. Sharing ideas is in a key role in innovation meetings. Silent knowledge is an interesting thing. But people should let other people know about their knowledge.  This means that there might be many wise men on Earth.

Tornadoes, cannons, and rockets.

Fictional Columbiad cannon from the Jules Verne novel  "From the Earth to the Moon" We all remember Gerald Bull and his "Babylon project". The thing was the super cannon which could shoot the ammunition from Iraq to Tell Aviv. The fact is that there might be possible to make the cannon that shoots ammunition even to the orbiter. So that thing which idea is to make the tornado which will remove the air from the front of the grenade or small rocket could make space launches cheaper.  There is the possibility to make the "space elevator" other ways than making the physical constructs. The thing is that the tornado can rise through the atmosphere. And if the ammunition of the cannon will shoot to the sonic whirl there is the possibility that it can travel to the orbiter. The idea is simply the sonic whirl will make the low-pressure channel at the front of the space capsule. And that would be a good way to shoot grenades to longer distances than they would othe

Aliens and game theory

Image: Pinterest Mathematics is the universal language.  In the science fiction novel "Contact" by Carl Sagan,  the human race will contact aliens by using mathematical formulas. The fact is that mathematics is the universal language. The pi is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. That number is about 3,14. But the fact is that pi is an endless decimal number.  So that thing is universal. And it could be the key to communicating with aliens. But before we are starting to believe that communication with a hypothetical alien civilization is easy we must accept one thing. The aliens might not use the 0,1 or system or decimal system as a binary system.  We use our decimal system because we have ten fingers. But what if we have 11 fingers. Would we use the numeric system that has the 11 and after that comes 10. That number is the mark that this point in number straight where the fingers are ending. So if the aliens would have three fingers in each hand they might

Primitive animals like insects can use for modeling new types of data handling tools for small-size robots.

    Primitive animals like insects can use for modeling new types of data handling tools for small-size robots.  Image 1: Why scientists are interested in how the fly is navigating in 3D space? Primitive animals make many things by using a couple of neurons. And that process can copy to the computers which are used to navigate things like drones. The fact is that also things like flies and butterflies are migrating. And that ability can copy to things like drones. The ability to understand the operands of the neurons makes it possible to make more autonomic and more independent robots. The problem with computers is that the things like butterflies can make many things that computers are making.  But the problem is that butterflies or flies are needed less space than computers. So the system that some monarch butterflies are using in their lifetime is more compact than some supercomputers. If we want to make a long-range drone that can make the same things with monarch butterflies it re

Thoughts of the puzzle man

 Thoughts of the puzzle man When we are looking at the image above this text. It portrays a man who is looking at the piece of the puzzle that is in his hand. We can call this person a puzzle-man. In this image, only the last bite is left.   The missing bite is in his hands. Its color is green. And the problem is: Where that green bite belongs? It might belong to some entirety. Every single bite of puzzles is part of bigger entireties. So there must be a puzzle where the bite belongs. There are no meanless pieces in puzzles. So that means that the green bite has its partners somewhere else. But where is that missing puzzle?  And then the job is done. The last bite is hard to put in position. There is needed very high accuracy. The person who stands side of the puzzle-man could tell immediately where to put that last bite.  But the problem is. That man himself is part of the puzzle. He cannot stand outside the puzzle. And see where the piece belongs. For making that thing. He must see t

Why do we research history?

   Why do we research history? We should learn from things that were made in past.  Why do we research history? History is a series of things that happened in the past. Those things that are happened in history can use to make models for the future. Research of history is the thing. That purpose is to find the things that will happen in the future. The key question in the history research is to find answers for the questions like "what made something happen"?  What mistakes were made in cases that are under the research? And what did people learn about those cases? Another thing is that that the purpose of the research of history is to find the answer to the question "what should we do in similar cases"? What went wrong? And what went right?  When we are thinking about questions like "which side had better generals Confederate or Union side in the United States civil war?". We must realize that the thing that fights is the entirety. Even the best generals