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Genetic engineering and genome therapy

Genetic engineering can make it possible to improve living organisms. The photonic brains are the thing that can make a revolution in computing. Those brains can create by connecting neurons with the cells that are forming the retina. And the cells that are making the deep-sea fishes create bioluminescence light. That system can transform the neurons to use the light as a data transporter. 

Human brains are powerful. But if the axons can use light in the position of chemical neurotransmitters. Those brains could be more powerful. In that case, there is the bioluminescence organ at the end of the axon. And there is the retina-cell in the receiver that transforms the light to the neuroelectric signal.

The purpose of the retina cells is to transfer the light signal to neurons. If the neurons themselves can transfer the light signal to electricity and the opposite way. That makes it possible that computers can communicate straight with brains by using light as a communication tool. This is one vision of the abilities of genetic engineering. 

Genetic therapy is one of the possibilities in medical work. The use of genetically engineered animals can make it possible to save the lives of humans. There is the possibility that the genetically engineered hagfishes or their slime cells can use as bioprinters. The hagfish is creating an incredible mass of slime. And the reason for that is this.  

The hagfish spits the slime-producing cells to the point that it wants to slime. Those cells can genetically transfer to produce the cells of human organs. That means that maybe in the future the wounds like burning injuries. Would be cured by using the cells that are produced by the genetically engineered hagfishes mucus gland. And those cells can also manipulate to create antibiotics. 

Genetic engineering in movies. 

The "Spiderman" movies are telling about the fictional man "Peter Parker" who bites by the radioactive spider. The radioactive spider turned that fictional character into "spiderman". Sometimes some people have created models of how that thing is possible to make. 

The idea is that the spider will transfer the virus to that character's body. 

By using "Peter Parker's" own DNA there is possible to avoid the immune system. And then the other creatures will be connected to that DNA. The virus can produce in the bacteria that is injected into the body of that character. And it can replace the own DNA of the character. Those animals can be geckos, spiders, and some other creatures. 

That thing is one of the most incredible things in genome therapy. By using genome transfer there is possible to "boost" the abilities of humans and animals. 

By the way... Did you know that the first man-made hybrid animals are from the bronze age? 

The first known man-made hybrid animals were "kungas" from the bronze age. Kungas was the offspring of the female donkey (Equus Africanus Asinus) and a male Syrian wild ass (Equus Hemionus Hemippus). But we know that scientists and holy men s are trying to offspring many other species. There is offspring called Liger. That is the offspring of the tiger and lion. The most well-known offspring is the mule. Offspring of donkey and horse. 

After that humans are made some other hybrid animals like mules. Those mules are the hybridization of the horse and donkey. In Medieval times used small-size horses as war horses and the size of those small horses was smaller than the pony. 

Sometimes I have thought that those small horses were small mules that were hybridization between pony and donkey. The hybrid animals like mules were not interested in the opposite gender horses. And that means they were easier to control. And of course, those small horses and very unusual creatures were statuses for knights. Those creatures were like some Ferrari for the modern princes.


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