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Why do we see only negative or weird things?

In life, we must realize that benefit of the individual is not the same as the collective benefit. When we are thinking about working life the benefit of the employee is not always the same with employers. The thing about unemployment is that offers the workforce reserve for work marketing.

And that thing means that unemployment is causing costs to society. But the same way that thing allows to select workers. The benefit of the employers is not always the same. In the business sector where certain actors are operating are different. Some companies are operating in the unusual sector. And that causes problems for the hiring of trained employees. 

The unusual business sector means. There are not many people who know how to make things. In that business and operational environment. If there is a company that is working in the usual business sector. There are lots of competitors for that company. The name of the game is how to make people select the new actor? If the operating sector is very usual many companies are competitors for the new employer. 

But when we are thinking about the benefit of the employee. We must realize that there are many different sectors. And types of employees in the business life. The problems with the employees who are working in customer service. Are different than employees who work in offices. The young workers have different problems than the people who are spent 30 years in their work life. 

The thing is that the working life is always different. The fixed-period employee might think of being an endless summer worker. And that thing makes those people think that they want to quit. Being an outsider doesn't motivate people to share their knowledge. 

Also, the new thing person says something wrong causes jokes, and cheating is not very motivating. If some person must introduce new ideas. People who had ideas are always being different than others. That thing has caused many times that ordinary people felt the need to isolate those people from "regular people". 

Was Sir Isaac Newton Virgin?

When we are thinking about men and women who were something in history we remember many negative and unusual things about those people. Nikola Tesla invented the radio control device. And induction electric engines. But we remember this man spent a long time. In the nighttime feeding birds of prey. He might have a phobia. But nobody remembers how many inventions that man created. Those people remember phobias but they don't understand that Tesla was entirety. 

When we are looking at some real geniuses who dare to introduce new ideas the first thing that people notice is how "strange" those people like sir Isaac Newton were. Their work means nothing. The only thing that is remembered is that they lived in celibate. The best thing that I read about Sir Isaac Newton is that this man was a virgin. The fact is that Sir Isaac newton ever married. And that thing means that he might want to protect the honor of women. 

All inter-gender contacts with Newton and women would happen outside marriage. In a time Newton lived. Relationships that happened outside marriage would destroy the reputation of the women. If there were born some children in those one-night relationships. They had the same genomes as Newton. So maybe, some people create the story of Newton's virginity that the children of Newton could keep their reputation. Or maybe that man was a virgin.  

But Newton is a typical example of a genius. That man created many things that were before his time. The gravitational theorem, derivate, and integral calculation as well as Newton telescopes invented by that man. Or actually, Newton created integral and derivate with Gottfried Leibniz. Leibniz is the person who created one of the first mechanical calculators in the world. But how do we remember Isaac Newton? 

We remember that man as a man who lived in celibate. The same thing is about Albert Einstein. That man made a couple of very accurate theories. About light and gravitation. Those theories are the Special- and General theories of Relativity. But how do we remember that man? The man is remembered, that he was not using socks. That is a remarkable thing. 

When we remember the great military leaders like Napoleon Bonaparte we always remember Waterloo. That was the end of his career. But how many battles did that man win before he faced the Duke of Wellington? Or when we remember Von Pappenheim, the man who lost the battle against the King of Sweden Gustavus Adolphus in the field of Breitenfeld. 

We forgot that the same man was one of the highest commanders of the Catholic League. He raised to his position by winning battles. And the only battle we remember is that Breitenfeld battle where he lost. So we remember only the negative or some other way "unusual" behavior of those people. 


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