Monday, February 21, 2022

Russian stock markets are diving.


Russian stock markets are diving. And that thing is a good example of how military actions are affecting the economy. When we are thinking about things like strong leadership and authoritarianism we forget one thing. In an authoritarian nation, the leased has a different position than, in a non-authoritarian nation. 

In an authoritarian government, leadership has a bigger purpose than in a non-authoritarian government. And that thing means that the words of that kind of leader mean bigger things than in a non-authoritarian nation. 

When we are thinking about the crisis there is always the possibility that the investments would be confiscated. And the other thing that causes uncertainty in marketing is the thing that being fellow with the attacker is bad for business. If there will be some kind of sanctions. That means that those investments to the nation that will get sanctions can cause problems for that investor. 

The thing is that uncertainty in the marketing means that the investors will start to remove their investments from that nation. The thing is that people are afraid the authoritarian and violent governments. And that thing means that the investments to the authoritarian nation would be a hard thing for investors. 

Threatening to use force means that other governments must react to that kind of thing. And that means there is the possibility that investments that are made to that country would be withdrawn. The thing is that the marketing statuses tell about the trust for that country. 

Things like corruption and non-predictable actions would destroy the trust. And without trust nobody makes investments. The thing is that there is the possibility that nobody buys products like gas from Russia. The reason for that might be that the customers are afraid. That Russia would cut the energy shipments. If other nations would not follow its orders. 

When we are thinking the words that Nordstream-2 pipeline is a non-political project we must remember one thing. Nordstream-2 is the thing that brings billions of Euros in Russian cash. And those billions are free to use in all projects including nuclear weapon research. This means that all energy shipment contracts have a political dimension. The problem is that if Russia attacks Ukraine, the energy shipments would be a good political weapon in the hands of Russia. 

If Russia attacks there would be problematic things. One of them is the Russian as a business partner. If the Russian government turns very unpopular in the west. That causes problems with Russian investments in western Europe.

The brain is the battlefield of the future.

Above this text is Dr. James Girdino's lecture about these topics. The thing is that the brain is the center of your life. Brains are willing and conscious that are allowed to operate on the battlefield. The brain is the key element of humanity. They are needed to control things in and out of the body. 

The brain is the thing that is making the will to accomplish the mission. And the brain is the thing that makes new machines and equipment. So affecting the brain is one of the key elements on the battlefield. If the soldier would not want to follow orders. That means there is no chance of success in the mission. 

As Napoleon Bonaparte said: the person who knows the soldier's mind owns the army. When we are thinking about false information and information operations they are meant to justify the operation. And also the purpose of those operations is to drive the operation forward. So in the Ukraine situation, the final chance of the weaker part is to take off the support of the military operation. 

That means the INFO-OP group will want to destroy the will to follow orders. So they "clean" the information. During that operation, all criticism and counterarguments are removed from the information that is shared with operators. And another version is to strengthen the will to defend. 

And the attacker would want to make otherwise. Justifying the attack and destroying the will to defend the area. So the purpose of that team is to remove the non-wanted parts of the information. And another names for that team are PSY-OP (Psychological Operations) or simply the propaganda team. 

The brain of the most modern system is interacting with computers. The computers are needed to control the drone swarms and other kinds of tools like pinpoint accurate missiles. The ex-commander of the Finnish military said that traditional machine guns and other weapons are like hammers and saws. The computer-controlled systems are like electric equipment like motorized screwdrivers. 

When there is electricity and other things the electric equipment is superior to traditional systems. But the EMP-pulse can destroy the computerized systems. And in that case, traditional combat systems are superior. But that requires that the computerized systems are facing malfunction. 

Affecting the brain is not limited to propaganda or killing. Things like hallucinogens and narcotics can use to shake the assurance of the person. Or the acoustic infra- and ultrasound systems can target the people who are using BCI (Brain-Computer Interface). Or making some things that require extremely intense concentration. If the person is not certain what should do, that thing disturbs concentration. 

When interaction with machines and brains is turning more intensive. That is making it possible to hack brains. There is the possibility that the BCI system will hack and then the brains would be disturbed. The new pinpoint accurate systems require concentration. And if the person will get out of balance at the right moment that can make the high-tech weapons unable to work.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

What if Earth would be flat?

We all know that Earth is almost like a ball. Or it's flattened on poles because centripetal force is stretching its equator. But the Earth is not flat. This is the thing that everybody should understand. 

 Flat Earth is one of the things that are proven wrong. But if Earth would be flat. That thing should rotate quite fast. Or the size of the pancake world should be extremely small. 

If the flat Earth would be stable the gravitation would pull all water to the middle of the disk. But large size object requires centripetal force to deny the collapse of the structure. That means the structure must rotate. Same way, if we will create the black-hole-driven spacecraft. Its core should rotate. For eliminating the effect of the massive gravitation. In that case, the centripetal force will pull the edge of the core outside. 

When we see films where people would hang at the edge of imaginational flat Earth we forget that gravitation would pull those people to the center of that thing. So people could walk at the edge of the world normally. Or the centripetal force will just throw people away from the edge of our flat Earth. 

Many things are wrong when people are talking about flat Earth. If the flat Earth would rotate the rotating disk would act as a centrifugal cannon. That thing means that water and all hummus will fly away from the disk. The idea is similar to when the fast-rotating disk would drop water. That disk would sling that water around the room. 

The centripetal force would just remove gas and water away from that disk. If that disk would not rotate the gravity would crush that structure. So the centripetal force is needed to deny the collapse of the pancake world. 

The flat Earth is the thing that is proven as fake. The curving horizon proves that Earth is ball-shaped. 

The "Alderson disk"

But there is one very interesting model that might interest people. That model is called "Alderson disk". The idea of the Alderson disk is taken from flat Earth. The Alderson disk would be a giant artificial megastructure. So-called artificial planet. The Alderson disk would require rotation movement for keeping its form. 

And that thing makes this futuristic disk-world very hard to build. Without centripetal force that structure would collapse immediately. But the rotating speed at the edge of the disk would be extremely high. And that speed would drive all water to the space. 

The Alderson disk would be very big construction work even the Kardachev class 3 civilizations. The weight of that kind of structure would be enormous. So that means there is the possibility that even if that structure is possible to make. The asteroids will impact with it and destroy that thing.

Friday, February 18, 2022

The target of marketing is always the masses, not individual persons.

In the point of marketing, we would not even want to use personal internet data. The marketing requires the mass-data or data where is listed products, what typical person or lead is using and what they don't use. 

That means the system requires information about masses, not individuals. The individual data turns the databases more complicated than they are without personnel id. Removing the personal data would there be removed on the table from the database. 

And that thing makes them fit to "kiss(ap)" (Keep It So Simple (as Possible))-model. If we think that one character means nothing in databases that might be true. At least, in the cases where we should handle about 100 lines of data. But when we are collecting data for marketing solutions we need data from thousands or even millions of people. 

And that means if there is some personal information, that makes thousands or millions of lines in databases. That means we might want to use some other type of data for aiming for that kind of marketing. We might want to use some tool to collect data from people. So we might want to know what kind of stuff a person like a typical heavy metal listener buys. 

When we profile some persons for marketing we can send those people queries. But the problem is how to make people answer those queries? And, of course, people should be honest while they are filling those queries. The problem is how to motivate people to fill those things? When we are collecting information for the marketing. we should know what kind of person is the typical user of the service. 

In the political world, the politician should know, who is the typical voter? What kind of things do those people value? And Brexit is made by using this method. The Cambridge analytics created the forms where was asked things that typical EU-resistant thinks important. And that thing made possible that Brexit was successful: multiple politicians promised many things. But they had only one common theme. Britain must get out of the EU. 

There are also made scenarios that Russian intelligence. Would make similar operation for breaking NATO. That means the values of the people. Who is criticizing or is against NATO would be mapped. And that thing would channel voted to politicians who are against NATO. In that system, the political campaigns of the politicians would be different. But there is one certain theme, and that is NATO-critics. In that kind of operation, the denial would turn into a synonym for the criticism.

In that case, we are interested in a typical heavy-metal listener, not individual persons. But how we can collect data about the typical people who listen to some kinds of music? We might put the link to the sale card that is shown in some music videos. There might be certain numbers, and by giving those numbers in some net storage the person can buy something small.  

Or they can use that code as a sale card. The data where that sale is used would be stored in databases. The system can collect data about things that those persons buy, what things are their favorite colors, and other kinds of things. The thing is that this thing is called user profiling. The profile of typical users is helping to aim commercials for the homepages.

Superhydrophobic materials can be more fundamental than we think.

"Research on metal-organic frameworks has led to the development of superhydrophobic surfaces by grafting hydrocarbon chains, which cre...