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Showing posts from July, 2022

Chaos is more common in societies than we ever thought.

Chaos and order. They are the presence of the individuals of the groups. When we look at wild animals, and especially herd animals like buffaloes at first we see that all buffaloes are in a form. That seems random. They are grazing and enjoying their life. The fact is that in that herd the direction of the animals is ordered. They are all looking in a certain direction.  And when they see some predator they give a warning sign. Then the herd starts to get the order. When buffalo sees a predator it must decide does it run or fight. If some lone cat is treating the herd the buffalo might want to fight. But a herd of big cats is too much. When those animals are getting a "warning danger" signal. They start to get certain orders.  We are seeing that when something like lions is threatening the herd those animals are starting to run by following a certain order. That order is made to protect those big vegetarian animals. But it's also a sign for other predators and preys that

Genetic engineering and technology are the tools, which give more abilities than ever before.

Genetic engineering and technology are the tools, which give more abilities than ever before. And that means we must have a responsibility to make this work.  There is a small movie clip above this text. Maybe this thing is true sooner than we expect. The background and philosophy of the creation of cyborgs and genetically engineered humans are always the same. That is getting the new abilities. That makes humans better and more effective than ever before. The philosophy behind genetic engineering and cyborgs is taken from Friedrich Nietzsche's over-human or overman model. And the purpose of this research is to make humans more capable.  And that's why some people are interested in things like vampires. The fact is that the tissue of bats and reptilians is healing very fast. And that ability could be possible to transform human cells. That makes it possible to create tissues for accident victims very fast. And maybe those genomes will transfer to the astronauts that are researc

How to send qubit in the long range?

All encryption systems have one weakness,  humans created them. And all humans make mistakes. How to send qubit in the long range?  Can quantum cryptography be the next-generation communication tool? The answer is yes. The information that qubit involves may send in over long distances by using regular radios. The system works like this. Every single qubit's state will transmit to the receiver by using a unique radio frequency.  In that system, the information will send to the receiver by using multiple radio frequencies, And the system cuts the message into pieces. That is sent precisely at the same moment. That means the ELINT men must capture messages from all frequencies that the transmitter uses. The use of multiple frequencies at the same time makes the message so short that part of it would not capture anyway.  The receiving system will reassemble or resort to the information bites. The system can use serial numbers in the bites of the message. Those serial numbers allow the

Somebody claims that even Putin himself doesn't trust his generals.

Image: Reddit There is claiming that there are no intelligent generals in Putin's military. Intelligent people are always threat, and Putin doesn't want threats around him. He wants people who are doing what he says when he says. And that denies the use of own brains. There is a tale in Novaya Gazeta that even Russian leaders don't trust their military. Putin's leadership style follows faithfully the same style. That was in use in the tsar and Soviet armies. The top thing in the Russian command system is political trustworthiness. That means the commanders have no right to say anything against their leaders.  That kind of attitude doesn't favor initiative people. It favors people who are not willing to take responsibility for their actions. And that is the problem with the Russian military.  And that lack of initiative actions and thinking gives a great opportunity to "yes men" whoever think themselves. The key element to earning political trustworthiness

Self-continent lion's problem.

People should not compare themselves with animals. Many people say that the lion is the king of animals. But I must say that the top of the evolution is still the species called Homo Sapiens. But let's go to think about the paradox of the self-continent lion.  Lions are cats that live in herds. The herd dynamics where is one strict ruler makes the lions effective hunters. There are only a few animals that dare to attack lions. The herd behavior is the thing that makes the lions self-continent. And the most self-continent in that herd is the king lion. The ruler of those deadly predators.  But then one day the lions faced the thing called Homo Sapiens. The Homo Sapiens didn't play nice games against the lions. It took the rifle and shot the lion that dare to threaten it and its family. The problem with lions is that they didn't develop themselves.  Or actually, the number of lions increased. They would destroy the entire populations of their prey. And sooner or later they wo

The mystery of the DNA.

"Scientists were able to examine tens of millions of three-dimensional locus groupings with the help of the new technology which they named Pore-C". ( New Technology Could Help Solve a DNA Mystery? DNA involves the code of life. And the question is why life advanced as it advanced. Why did evolution start to favor the quality in the line that formed the humans? What kind of animal was the first piece of the long journey that caused humans to form a long time after the dinosaurs? When that line separated from other species. Maybe the new research gives answers to that question.  Some philosophers say that DNA is a molecule with its own will. That molecule wants to live, and that's why it's created things like cells for covering it. If we are looking at or thinking about things like living organisms,  we can say that the purpose of life is to carry the DNA molecule and keep it safe. The fact is that all living organisms are carrying DNA molecules, and

Why Russian invasion of Ukraine was something else than it should?

Above: Antonov An-22 heavy transport aircraft plays a vital role in the Russian military. Heavy transporters' primary role is that they can carry paratroopers to capture some airfields. Then the same planes can bring tanks, artillery, and men for creating another front behind the enemy back.  The idea of this tactic is this: Russian forces are taking enemy troops between two main groups.  Then Russians would destroy their enemy by using mortars, tanks, and artillery.  Putin planned that the Russian invasion and Ukraine occupation would be a good demonstration of the skills of the modern Russian military. The invasion was planned as a short-term military action against Ukraine. And then something went wrong.  The key element in the Russian military tactics is the cooperation between tank corpses and VDV (Airborne Assault troops). The idea is that when the Russian main force attacks from the front the paratroopers attack to back of the troops and conquer some airfields. Then cargo pl

The Institute of Study of War (ISW) tells that Russia wastes its power in meaningless battles.

Su-25 "Frogfoot" Why Russians are wasting their power? The fact is that two things can explain why Russians are fighting in meaningless areas, wasting their power and causing casualties. The first thing is that the Russian military is following the original battle plan without caring about casualties. And Russians might think that some area is important to them. But Ukrainians or Western observers think that the areas have no meaning in the war.  There is the possibility that the Russian military makes its casualties on purpose. The Russian government promised over 8000 euros price for recruiting to the war. And if those soldiers die, they must not pay that money. But another reason why Russian waste its power in meaningless areas like small towns can be in defense tactics of the Ukrainian army. There is a possibility that the Ukrainian army makes "unnecessary-looking" hard resistance in the small towns and countryside. That kind of tactic when the defender wants to

Is data handling the purpose of existence?

    The eagle could be very dangerous to cavemen, who had no weapons to resist the bird. In the time of cavemen, eagles could take their children. The technical advancement of the human race turns eagles less dangerous.  But it's still a respectable bird that can make serious injuries to its victims. Technical advancings are not turning things like lions harmless. our houses and all equipment are giving protection against those predators. But sometimes they still kill humans.  The race between a predator and its prey requires advancing. Or otherways saying, ability to create new skills and tactics. And top of that game is the species name Homo Sapiens. And we are that species.  Our brains are the ultimate tool, that allows us to create new tricks to hunt prey and protect ourselves. Human brains are made to solve problems and develop new solutions. Without our tools and weapons, we would be in trouble.  But our brain's flexibility allows us to create tools and survive in a rough

There are two remarkable things in the Ukrainian war. The war crimes and destructive firepower.

The major question is why Russia doesn't use harder language against the western weapon aid for Ukraine? The fact is that this military aid is not enough for driving Russians away from East Ukraine. But those weapon systems causes losses for Russian troops. Maybe one purpose of that operation is simply to kill some fighters who know something that Putin doesn't want people to know.  Things like the murders of Anna Politkovskaya and some oligarchs might be made by some people, which fighting in Ukraine today. Maybe those people have some kind of evidence about things that can harm even Putin himself. Or they might know something about Putin's financing systems especially before he became president.  And the comfortable solution would be for the Ukrainian army kills those people, who made dirty work for Vladimir Putin. Could the man who poisoned Boris Yeltsin be on the blacklist or kill list of Vladimir Putin?  Things like Wagner Group are meant as a tool in the hands of Puti

What kind of companies gets the benefit of the rise in the price of oil globally?

When people are talking about the rise of the price of oil. They are talking about the rise in the price of fuel. That means the rise of the price of oil rises with the price of traveling. The companies that get benefit from that situation are the companies that are selling especially services that can replace physical traveling.  So things like data security companies might get lots of benefits from the rise of the price of oil which is the primary component in fuel that is used in cars and other vehicles. If people would get orders to use remote meetings as the primary meeting type.  That means the company must secure its communication. The thing is that the rise of the oil price will make the use of own car expensive if it burns fossil fuel. So electric trains and electric cars are getting benefit from the situation that the price of oil is high.  The rise of oil's price affects especially the price of the fuel. And if the price of natural gas that is commonly used in power plan