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The new systems allow researchers to control qubits better than any time before.

  The new systems allow researchers to control qubits better than any time before. 

The new observations about electron's permanent dipole movement are pathfinders for atom-size quantum computers. Precisely working quantum computers require the ability to control the system with extremely high accuracy. That ability requires that the system can observe its actor and a new type of sensor makes it possible to create new types of qubits. The ability to measure electrons' dipole movement makes it possible to create sterile photons with high-accurate energy levels.

Because the system sees the actor like electrons it can shoot very highly accurate laser beams into those quantum systems. If the system can make atom-size quantum computers those systems will be the most advanced tools that researchers have ever created before. 

The atom-size quantum computer that operates at room temperature can turn even nanomachines intelligent. In some visions, researchers can put atom-sized quantum computers inside living neurons, and those systems could make a new type of boost for neural networks. Those atom-size quantum computers can have microscopic chambers where they operate by using neural electricity. Those small systems might exchange information between neurons. And that thing can give a boost to the abilities of the insects. 

"MIT researchers have successfully controlled quantum randomness using “vacuum fluctuations,” introducing a breakthrough in probabilistic computing with potentially wide-ranging applications." ( the Void: MIT Controls Quantum Randomness For the First Time)

"A new study offers the most precise measurement to date of the electron’s permanent electric dipole moment, providing critical insight into the imbalance between matter and antimatter in the Universe. The study used electrons confined in molecular ions to improve the previous best measurement by a factor of about 2.4, aiding efforts to refine or extend the standard model of particle physics". ( One of the Universe’s Biggest Mysteries: “The Most Precise Measurement Yet” of Electron’s Permanent Electric Dipole Moment) 

"Using laser light, researchers have innovated a precise method to control individual barium qubits, advancing prospects for quantum computing". ( Precision Qubit Control: Leap in Reliable Quantum Information Processing)

The ability to control the quantum randomness makes it possible to create new quantum systems with better error-handling capacity. 

What if we put qubit in the bubble, or some kind of cosmic void? That thing makes it possible to eliminate the outcoming radiofrequency radiation. The control of the qubit can made by using lasers. The idea is that the miniature void. That is made by using extremely high-energy electrons. 

A laser or some maser system inputs energy to that electron which forms the protective field over qubit. The idea is that the electron sends radiation that power is easy to calculate. And then that radiation keeps the natural radiation with randomly changing energy levels away from the qubit. The idea is that the calculated and controlled field covers the non-calculated field. 

The ability to control quantum randomness removes the disturbance from quantum systems. And that thing makes it possible to understand, model, and control the quantum systems. The ability to control quantum systems and calculate the outcoming effects makes it possible to create quantum calculators that have better error tolerance. 

Theoretically is quite easy to remove the outcoming radiation effect from quantum computers. The system must know the qubit's original energy level and then the level of outcoming energy. 

Then the system must just reduce the outcoming energy from the final energy level. (Final energy level-original energy level). Of course, the system must follow outcoming energy during the entire operation. And then it must know things like frequency, wavelength, and other kinds of things about the outcoming energy. 

But if the system knows all the necessary variables and makes the right calculations at the right time. That thing makes it possible to create new quantum systems with higher error tolerance. Or the system can control and detect errors better.


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