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Electric power innovations. Fuel cells in aircraft and solar panels over Arizona canal.


"ZEROe teams powered on the iron pod, the future hydrogen-propulsion system designed for Airbus’ electric concept aircraft." (Intersting Engineering, Airbus's ZEROe: First engine fuel cell powers up for hydrogen flight)

Electric power innovations. Fuel cells in aircraft and solar panels over Arizona canal. 

Airbus Zero is a testbed for fuel cells that are used in commercial aircraft. The problem with aircraft is always noise and pollution. If the aircraft uses electric engines. That decreases noise levels and cleans the air, especially around airfields. Lightweight solar panels that can be installed on the wings and body of aircraft can give electricity to electric engines. And they can extend an aircraft's operational range. 

 The thing that makes this kind of system interesting is that the "flying cars" or cheap VTOL aircraft can use them as a power source. The hydrogen power cells can give energy to electric aircraft at night time. And that makes them more flexible than if systems use only solar panels. 

If we think of the aircraft of the future the aircraft can operate over the city areas using electric engines. When they are at longer distances those aircraft can turn to use jet engines. Solar panels make it possible. That hydrogen-powered aircraft can create fuel in its body. 

Hydrogen can also be used as fuel in turbines, ramjets, and scramjets. The hydrogen-powered aircraft can travel at supersonic- or hypersonic speed. Solar power makes it possible for those aircraft to use ecological fuel. The solar cells would use electrolytic chambers that split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. 

The water injection into the combustion chamber can increase the oxygen-hydrogen fuel's thrust. Normally, rockets use hydrocarbon as fuel because that fuel gives more pressure against the front side of the combustion chamber. The weakness of the hydrogen-oxygen fuel mixture is the weak thrust. 

The thing that limits the use of hydrogen and oxygen in rocket engines is high specific impulse. That means exhaust gas speed is so high, that there is no push to the forward. There is low pressure against the front side of the combustion chamber. And that decreases the hydrogen-oxygen mixture's thrust. However, water injection into the combustion chamber will increase the thrust. 

"Project Nexus could save water while generating solar energy". (Interesting Engineering, Arizona's solar-over-canal project tackles drought — here's what we know)

The solar panels can used to cover aqueducts. 

There is a plan to cover the Arizona Canal in the USA using solar panels. Those panels can protect water. And they can deliver energy to the electric network. The power of those solar panels could be 13 terawatts. And it can deliver energy to Los Angeles in ten months. Another use of those solar panels would be the cooling system that denies water vaporizations. And those solar panels also increase the security of those water supply systems. 

Blinders or turning modules allow systems to adjust solar cell's energy production. In the last case, the silicone layer that produces electricity is installed on the square-shaped rod. That rod can made of wood. Solar panels cover one of its sides. When the system produces too much energy, part of those rods turn the solar panel off the sun's direction. That helps to adjust energy production. 

In the wildest visions, that kind of solar panel system can deliver energy to the particle accelerator or modular supercomputers. The computer or accelerator system will installed in those solar panel elements. If there are blinders, commonly used in windows or modular solar panels can turn their electric-producing silicone layer away from the sun which denies the overload. When the system requires more energy, it turns more electric production components to the sun. Turning elements allow for adjustment of the solar cells' power. 

The main problem with aqueducts or water channels that deliver water to cities, especially in sunny and warm areas is vaporization. Every time, when sunlight vaporizes water, that thing means that water will go somewhere else than it should. Cities like Los Angeles require lots of water, and the problem is clean water. 

In some visions, solar panels can used to cover the water supply system. Especially open water supply canals are places where water vaporizes. And another thing is that they are vulnerable to sabotage.


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