Thursday, September 20, 2018

Leonardo Da Vinci's flying machine

Picture I

Kimmo Huosionmaa

There are many people, who believe that the Leonardo Da Vinci's glide-aircraft newer rise to the air. But when we are thinking very carefully, this kind of glider is actually capable to fly, if it is sot by giant catapult or ballista, what means very large crossbow. The glide-plane would put on the crossbow, and then this device would launch this thing into the air. But when we are talking about flapping wing aerial vehicles, those things are thought to be impossible. But then the scientists discovered, how birds actually flap their wings, and they noticed that the wing makes the similar movement, what the row makes when people row the boat.

Birds move their wings in an elliptical trajectory, and they turn the front edge to forward when the wing moves to the opposite way from fly direction. When the wing moves backward the bird turns the maximum surface area to the backward, and this would pus the air backward. When we are thinking about the flapping wing aerial vehicles, we must notice that the intelligence services have artificial birds, what fly like real birds, and they are used for surveillance, and assassination missions.

In the mouth of the artificial bird have been put the laser microphones or objective cameras, but sometimes they are equipped with weapons like small guns, what makes them useful in the elimination missions. But when we are thinking about the flapping wing aerial vehicles, what would be used by a man with muscles, they could be possible to produce.

If we are going to make that dream true, we must produce the aerial vehicle is equipped with crank and switching exchange, what allows to make the speed of the wings very fast, could the flying with the flapping wing aircraft possible. And also the direction of the wings must be right, that to the back would move more air than to the to the forward. This asymmetric movement of the air makes flying possible.

And here I must ask one question: Could some sightings about the men with bat wings caused this kind of aerial vehicle. Also, there is claiming that military forces have been tested the satchels, where the flapping wigs have been installed to the electric motor, what gets the electricity from burning cells. This kind of device could carry the operator in the operational area and then fly away silently. And that might interest many operators in the world.

Picture I

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