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Showing posts from January, 2019

STEALTH-yachts and the naval warfare

Kimmo Huosionmaa Mysterious, possible STEALTH-yachts are seen at San Francisco-bay, and maybe they are some kind of experimental vehicles, what mission is to operate with special forces and intelligence service, for taking pictures of enemy harbors and recording the sounds of propellers and machines, and also they might collect information of opposite force's radar and communication signals. Those yachts are probably used also for anti-smuggling operations for customs and DEA, but there is no sign for the operators. Modern STEALTH-ships are of course highly automatized systems, what can operate independently. They can be dropped to the sea from other warships, and they can slip near the enemy battle-units and open the fire by using sophisticated weapon systems. Also, those vessels can operate with naval special forces. If we think the weapons and automatization, we might think, that some of those small size vehicles are actually sea-running versions of the Predator-drones, an

Why fingerprints are risking the data security?

Kimmo Huosionmaa Access to rooms could get by using fingerprints. The idea is to clean the keys and keyboards before the person comes in, and then the intruder would use those buttons for getting access in the room. The thing, what those persons need is acetone and UV-light, what uncovers the fingerprints from the keys.  Also, the computer program, what calculates the sort of the letters, what can be inputting the system by used keys is necessary. And this is why the hacker must remember to put the special marks in the program, what would calculate the order of the given marks.  The mathematical term for the number of sorts is the permutation. Writing of that kind of program, where the mathematical formula calculates the order of the letters, what are inputting there is not very difficult. Then the program must first input the possibilities to the database, and then simultaneously test every possible order of the marks, what can give by the certain keys of the keyboard. There

The shape of the atomic structure orders the hardness of the material

Kimmo Huosionmaa The diamond is the hardest of all materials and that thing is because of its atomic structure. The carbon atoms are in a certain angle together each other. And this structure is very hard to break off, and that's why there is no material, what has the same hardness with diamond. But in fact, by using nanotechnology, and the most modern 3D-printing and ion-technologies, what allows to move single atoms, we might make the atom size structures, what have the same form, what carbon takes in diamond by using other chemical elements like silicon or some metal. But sometimes I have thought, that could the iron or some other metal atoms be shot in the same structural form, what carbon takes in the diamond. When we are thinking about this kind of metal, where metal atoms are forming the diamond style structure, it will be very hard. The idea of this thing might feel absurd but in fact, the ion cannons could make this kind of structures true. Ion cannons can shoot the s

What kind of thing could be the hypothetical Alien base?

Kimmo Huosionmaa If we will meet an alien base on Earth, should we allow them to communicate with their home planet, or how we handle this hypothetical situation? We might think, that those aliens would have the technology, what we need and what we want. But the thing in this kind of case is a little bit more complicated than we expect. We have always thought that alien base would be something extraordinary looking thing, but then we must remember, that aliens might have an undercover base, what might look like normal houses. This kind of things are very interesting to think about while looking the music videos on the bed, but I certainly hope that those things, like alien bases on Earth, are the only production of my imagination. But when we are thinking about the situation, that we would have that kind of thing on Earth, we might have little problems with those aliens. If we would attack to that base, the situation would turn that the aliens would revenge us that attack. And

Could the ancient spacecraft use gunpowder as a solid propellant for the adjustable rocket motor?

Kimmo Huosionmaa Could the spacecraft use the iron dust as the propellant? And could it control the power of the motor, that the punch would be gentle? In fact, the answer will be "yes".  The system would drive the iron dust by using a cogwheel system through the hole, what is surrounded by very powerful magnets.  This could be a very advanced nuclear-powered system, but in ancient times would be used something more conventional thing, what could be gunpowder, what is dosed in the combustion chamber by the conveyor and cogwheel.  But in fact, I think that the spacecraft could use also gunpowder in that thing. In this conventional model would the system drive the gunpowder in the middle of the saucer-shaped craft, and the system might be similar, what is used in the steam engines. But the gunpowder would be driven to the chamber by the cogwheel and then ignite by the spark.  In this system, the magnets are replaced by the burner or grate, what would be ring-shap

About genomes and nuclear test

Kimmo Huosionmaa When we are talking about the use of identical twins in the tests, where is tested the influence of the radioactive radiation to the genomes, this kind of tests would be extremely brutal. And also the data, what can be collected with those tests would be very effective. If another twin would be targeted by radioactive radiation, and another will stay in the "clean area" will that show very sharply the effect of some protective equipment, because that data can be used to comparing the rise of probability to get sick by cancer. If that kind of research would be made during the nuclear tests during the Cold War, we must think one thing, what we might not even imagine. If those researchers used the twins, they must make sure, that nobody mentions this kind of things.  In fact, there is one very disgusting rumor about this kind of experiments, and it will be that the government used the twins, who were separated after the birth. And here comes another questio

Floor plan of Ningirsu temple of Sumer about 2144-2124BC.

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa Above the text is an image of Ningirsu's temple floor plan, what seems very modern, and there are drawings of entrances like in many modern public buildings in the modern era. The picture is a part of the statue, what portraits the Gudea, the ruler of Sumer from the 2144-2124BC. This king has probably given his name to Judah or Judea is probably one version of his name. When we are thinking about this floor plan, what ruler Gudea keeps his hands, we must realize that this building might have marked entrances, that the people find, what they were looking for.  In fact, Gudea had many skills, and he is portrayed as an architect, and there are two possibilities, why this man was mentioned as an architect. First is that Gudea might be worked as the protector of the building site of this temple, and gave financial support and workers for that temple. Or maybe he self was really an architect. I don't know how those Mesopotamian rulers act or how

Vimanas part II (Advanced flying)

Kimmo Huosionmaa I just thought that could Vimana just be an ancient heat air balloon?  If the balloon is big enough it can raise even very large objects from the ground, and even if modern days the regulations and rules are made about this kind of vehicles before aircraft were not air-traffic regulations. The thing would be very easy to create, and it is actually the tubes, what are blowing air under the parachute or inside the oil-canvas balloon. This is one version of the hot-air balloon, and if the parachute would be over the Vimana, the air, what rises to capillary tubes might give enough power to rise that device from the ground. And if the fire burns below the tubes, would they increase the flow of the heated air, what makes possible to raise the hot-air balloon faster and higher than in regular burning.  In fact, we must not think conventional things, when we are thinking about the flight, and one way to think that thig is that rocket motor can actually pull the thing upwa

The ancient Vimanas: could some ancient civilization fly?

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa When we are talking about ancient Vimanas, we must remember one thing, the stories of flying Vimanas might be of Indian origin, but they might come from the 19th. the century or later. So the idea might be "just" build an airship, what could have little bit different form, than Zeppelins. But if we think about the things, that Vimanas might be only the equipment of power, we might imagine that they were actually castles, where the lowest part was open, and if the Vimana were filled with methane, and somebody will drop the candle in the space below Vimana, the explosion will be very powerful, and thermobaric explosion would exterminate everything around this thing. Actually, Vimanas could not be very big, and maybe the user could stand on the top of it, and when the lowest part, what is made by using weak material would have the stored gas in it will explode, the results might be horrible. The weak part of the structure helps to focus the

Did Mesopotamians actually know the firearms?

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa When we are thinking about the Chinese as the inventor of the gunpowder, we might think that gunpowder is a necessary thing for firearms. In fact, effective firearms need the gunpowder but shooting the bullets would happen by some other way or burning some other fast burning chemical combination. If we would think the Sumerians and other ancient civilizations, they might have ceremonial firearms, what was used for the ceremonies, and those firearms might have very low potential in the real fight, but in ceremonies, those firearms could be impressive. Maybe the Sumerians used the hollow sticks, what were filled with dung, and above the dung would put the bullet, what was made by using mud or beeswax. When those sticks were closed the dung would create methane-gas, the would explode in the flame.  And then those firearms or guns were put on the campfire, and then the projectile would fly to the target. Maybe the small cone-shaped containers, are used

About identity thieves

Kimmo Huosionmaa Identity thieves are very dangerous for the reputation of the corporation. One faked email address can destroy the reputation of the company for a very long time. This is the big thing, what the leaders must know, and they must follow the use and creation of the email addresses. If the wrong person would get the identity as the worker of some company,  that person will make very big damages for the reputation and business for the targeted corporation. This is the reason, why we must understand the threat, what the new kind of business culture creates. If the competitor can slip the agent inside some other corporation, that person can destroy the reputation of the company in seconds. And this is a big problem. If the company's customer service officer would use bad language and gives answers, what is not correct in business life, that will cause trouble.  Or what do you think about the case, where the merchandise, what is ordered were not send to the customer o

The Internet allows creating the extremely big network based supercomputers.

Kimmo Huosionmaa I might publish similar texts in somewhere else, but if you want to read this, you are welcome. In modern computing, the most important thing is the innovation and one way is to get that innovation from nature. One thing that can make the revolution for computing would be the interface, what could connect millions of normal personal computers in one big computer, and then by one click to separate those systems back to separated and independently operating computers. This allows to use normal computers like the one single computer and create huge network-base supercomputer if the millions of computers would connect together. The idea is same with modular supercomputers, what are sometimes introduced in the media, but the scale of this system will be larger and the connections will be made farther than in the regular modular supercomputer, but in this case, the size of the system is not limited in one hall. In theory, every single computer on the Internet can be con

Jellyfishes and the creation of the nervous system

Kimmo Huosionmaa The stories of the "real sea monsters" might be a little bit different, what you expected. The thing is that sometimes waves would push the polyps in the line and push them to the beach. In fact, those jellyfishes can really kill and injure people very badly, and there is not much new about this kind of things. Some jellyfishes are not the single animals, what means that they are colonies. That kind of jellyfishes or polyp colonies can be very large, and they can actually coalesce, and there are other animals, what are really dangerous. Those animals are actually the polyp animal colonies, what can break themselves in the small pieces, and then return in one piece. The size of those colony polyps is not well known. In the ocean is also the polyps, what are looking like plastic bags. In the ocean, those colonies can grow in the very large scale and the polyps can also be very lethal because they tentacles involves cell and neurotoxin, what cause death eve