Friday, December 31, 2021

Can machines predict the future?


 Can machines predict the future? 

In the beginning, I must say that the world is changing. The great mathematicians like Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906) had not had quantum computers. 

And maybe quantum computers are allowing us to create the calculations that are making it possible to predict the behavior of human society. But there is the possibility that those systems could predict the behavior of a single person. 

Can we predict the future of material?

When we are thinking about the shape of the universe and material. The behavior of material should follow a certain formula. Making predictions of the things that are going to happen. Seem the easiest thing in the world. We should know the trajectories of the particles and objects very well. The problem is that the universe is full of wildcards like supernovas and other things like gravitational waves that might have a bigger influence than nobody predicted. 

If we are thinking about things like electrons. Those are monopolar particles but they can connect in one entirety by using quantum gravitation. Those quanta gravitational connections might be extremely weak. And the gravitational waves can cause that the electron structure will blow away. There is also another way to connect electrons with other electrons than quantum gravitation. And that thing might be even more sensitive. 

The electron is a particle that has multiple poles. And if two electrons would position that the main pulling effect of the poles are between the poles of another electron that thing can make it possible to create electron chains. But if something pushes that object that causes that the poles of electrons are pointing to each other. That causes that electrons would start to repel each other. 

The answer to the questions is why we cannot predict the movements of the particles. Is that we cannot predict supernovas. And other highly energetic reactions like impacts of black holes. The missing parts of the universe. Are making it impossible to predict. What would be the end of the Universe? Those missing parts are dark matter and actually, we don't know even how many black holes are in the universe. 

There is the possibility that in the black holes is a large mass of material of the universe. The fact is that the only known common phenomenon between dark and visible material is a black hole. Theoretically is possible that dark matter forms a black hole. Suddenly in the middle of some solar system. But nobody has seen dark matter yet and that is the hypothesis. 


Can AI predict the future?

The idea of the mathematical method. For predicting how gas is moving in certain conditions created Ludwig Boltzmann. His formulas are introducing very well how the large gas masses are behaving. But the problem is to calculate the position of the single gas atom in the space. Calculations are made by using the Boltzmann constant gives more accurate answers when the gas mass is higher. 

The thing is that quantum computers are making thermodynamical calculations more accurate. So maybe we can try to calculate the position of a single gas molecule very accurately by using quantum computers. 

So somebody introduced an idea that maybe those calculations are made for thermodynamics. Can benefit from predicting the future of society. The problem in society is the human effect. But humans can also be thought of as atoms and particles. Predicting the behavior of one person is not possible. But predicting the behavior of great entirety is possible. 

The ability to predict the future is one of the most interesting things in the world. Theoretically, a thing called "Psychohistory" which introduced in the fictional novel series "The Foundation" by Isac Asimov. Is possible to make. 

Artificial intelligence can find all data that predicted some upheavals in history. Then the artificial intelligence can search the similar markings in the environment. And that thing can give warning that something will happen again. 

So could we deny something bad happening again? The thing is that we can analyze the society that made something happen. We can search for things that made people support leaders and try to remove or replace that thing from society. 


Black swans and wild cards are making predictions of the future difficult. 

But if we want to create predictions of the things that are happening to human civilization. We are facing too many wild cards and black swans. 

Black Swans are the effects that happen only once and they have a great influence on the entirety. Nassim Nicholas Taleb introduced that term. And that term Blac Swan means extremely extraordinary but still existing possibility. And one of the best examples of that kind of effect was the 9.11.2001 terror attack. That single thing caused effects that still influence global politics. 

Another thing is wild cards. The most effective wild card is the internet. Things like social media and other things are not predicted things. The internet is like the string where is hanging all the time new services and other kinds of things. So the internet offers the term "wild wire". It's like the wire that connects multiple things. 

The internet is the instrument that makes it possible to create new services and new systems even without budgets. Computer program codes and technical manuals are easy to find if a person knows where to look for them. At this moment nobody controls the development of Artificial intelligence. 

So fast that nobody can imagine or respond to that thing. The information is free on the Internet. That means the development of new technology is free. And R&D (Research and Development) precesses are turning self-controlled. The computers are cheap and every flat has an internet connection. So everybody can make what they want on the Internet.


Thursday, September 2, 2021

Can interplanetary nebula turn to "Bolzmann brain"?

Science fiction writer Fred Hoyle introduced the idea of the intelligent nebula in his novel "Black cloud". The idea of the universe as the intelligent learning entirety is basing the idea introduced in that novel. If some gas cloud can spontaneously form the quantum mind, that thing means that the nebula is turning to "Boltzmann's brain". The neural structure just waits for the data, which turns the entirety like universe intelligent or conscious. 

The idea of the universe as the intelligent entirety is creating the largest possible version of the "Schrödinger's cat". Can the intelligent creature exists even it cannot speak or communicate with us? That thing is one of the most interesting questions in history. Even if we cannot interact with some entirety. We know that entirety exists. But how can we say, that the creature is intelligent if we cannot communicate with it? Being large and material doesn't mean necessarily that the thing can think. 

We can send signals to interplanetary nebulas and ask if the nebula is intelligent. But without an answer, we can think the interplanetary cloud is just a cloud of material. But the same way human brains are also material. When we are looking at human brains, we are looking at the quite boring-looking object. That looks like some kind of mushroom. We cannot say that the brains are intelligent, especially if they are removed from the body. In that case, those brains are not intelligent anymore. They are just a pack of cells.

Then we might go to looking for the human. We can ask that human if that person is intelligent? But how do we know that the person who is standing in front of us has brains? That certain person can be just the body that has the computer in the place of the brain, and that computer is communicating with artificial intelligence. 

The idea is that the quantum annealing system can be extremely large, and the form of the qubit has theoretically no limits. So the ions and particles in the entire universe can theoretically form the entirety which can store and process data. And that thing causes the philosophical theory of the universe as the conscious and intelligent creature. 

And that thing can also have consciousness. So it can defend itself. The energy to that entirety is forming in the supermassive black holes. And the black holes or galaxies are forming the nexuses. The points where the quantum channels are connecting. 

Sometimes is introduced that the interplanetary nebulas can turn to qubits of the quantum computers. And the extreme version of quantum computers is the universe-size quantum computer. 

The idea is that the universe is like a giant quantum computer, that can learn things like a normal computer or human. So can this happen in real life? Maybe and maybe not. Every single atom and particle has so-called quantum fields around them.

 But can that thing turn into a computer or consciousness? So if that thing happens, it can cause the question about the reason. Why we cannot communicate with the universe? The answer is that the white noise in the giant quantum computer is so loud, that we cannot simply get the message through.

On that scale, humans are so small things. If we want to communicate with the universe-size creature that thing is very difficult to make. If we are transferring that problem to our scale. The thing is similar to the case, where some creature that is living on the quark is trying to communicate with us. The size of that creature would be so small that we cannot recognize the signal. 

That we cannot have enough transmitting power. For making contact with those large entireties. So if we are starting to think about the theory of the gas nebulas, that is turned to the quantum computers we are facing one interesting hypothesis. Is it possible that in space are so-called empty brains? The intelligent and conscious entireties where is not the data stored in them. 

Those so-called "virgin brains" are interesting. Because if those clouds will send extremely powerful radio signals it can turn them into super powerful and large-size quantum computers. Or the radio wave that travels through the universe can turn those "intelligent clouds" into the "Boltzmann brain" and form consciousness. That thing is one of the most interesting philosophical problems in history. 




The sound weapon will cripple the target and the target would not recognize a thing.

Above this text is the film of nuclear test "Hardtack 1/Nutmeg".  Nuclear weapons can cause extremely powerful resonance if there is wrong material in the core of the nukes. 

There is the possibility that in the core of the nuclear weapon is position things. Like the bites of enemy aircraft, blood samples, or amalgam that is used in teeth. That thing causes resonance in the materials in which counterparts are at the effective area. 

The system bases the idea that the ultra-powerful sound is overloads neurons and that thing causes the effect, where the sound effect will dam the nervous system. The sound effect causes the case where the stimulus is just traveling through the brain. And that thing denies the targeted person cannot concentrate. The system uses possible infrasounds that are not causing symptoms for the victims, except the concentration problem. 

Acoustic weapons can use also against submarines. And that causes that the attempt to launch nuclear weapons to fail, because the operators cannot concentrate on the launch codes or launch process. If the power of soundwave is high enough. That thing will lock the targeted persons, and they cannot even move their hands. 

The acoustic systems are not necessarily harmless. The soundwave can resonate with the targeted materials and that causes unexpected cracks to the materials. The resonance is the thing that causes metal fatigue. The metal fatigue that drops the aircraft can form because the screw that is made by using the same material with the vital point of the wings is put in the engine. 

There has been introduced an idea about the resonance. In some books is introduced that the metal. Used in structures of ICBM can be put in the loudspeakers, and that resonance will cause cracks in the structures of those systems. 

The idea is about the amalgam is stolen from dentists who worked on the enemy side.  That amalgam can position in the core of nuclear weapons. And that thing can use to uncover enemies that are working behind lines. The enemy is also well-known. Because of that idea was introduced by the CIA. The idea was that the broken teets are uncovering the people, who visited the hostile dentists. The rumor tells that this kind of weapon was tested in operation Hardtack 1. 

In some other versions, the used things would be the pieces of jewelry. That is delivered to the hostile operators. Or the stolen blood samples can use in that case. There are many ways to make that kind of thing. The resonating thing in the body causes the resonance and breaks the bones or even worse. 

Friday, August 27, 2021

The origin of the human-animal hybrids is in the ancient Egyptian gods and plaque doctors.

The origin of the stories of the werewolves might be in the stories of the Egyptian gods Anubis and Seth. Those gods had the heads of the jackal. The Anubis was the god of the as an example of dead and mummification. The original face of Anubis is the face of a jackal, but maybe that thing has turned into the wolf because that thing seems more impressive than the jackal. 

Seth was the god of chaos, storms, and war. And that god has the strange head of "Seth animal" with hanging ears and jackal face. Sometimes is believed that "Seth animal" is the anteater. Or maybe it was some early dog race, the jackal that has similar ears with dachshunds. Maybe that dog has left in the past. 

And Seth was the brother of another god, with the head of the animal. There is the possibility that the two-patched tail has been included in that character for protecting the innocent. That thing means that nobody should even try to play those gods, which might be the role of the powerful officials of ancient Egypt. 

Image II: ()Anteater 

The name of that god was Horus the Elder. That god had the head of a falcon or eagle. Other gods had the head of animals but those three gods are interesting. The role of is connecting to mummification, and there is the possibility that the people who acted as models for those gods used gas masks or they used the masks that changed their voice. And that hides their identity. 

Maybe ancient Egyptians believed that the gods with the head of animals looked like those animals. And there is also the possibility that medieval people believed that the plague doctors looked like bird-human hybrids. 

The remarkable thing is that the plague doctors in medieval times used masks with the bird's bleak-looking detail. There is the possibility that people, who lived in medieval times though that the plague doctors look like some kind of bird.  

So there is the possibility that some priests in ancient Egypt used masks that made them look like animals. Maybe the people who have grown the Pharaoh used masks for hiding their identity from Pharaoh. And that thing eliminated the opportunity to dun the ruler of Egypt. 





Image II ()


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Traversable wormholes can be possible in certain gravitational conditions

There is an article about this thing on That means there is a possibility that someday we will travel through the wormhole. Traveling through the energy channel through time or space is offering interesting visions. But the thing is that the wormhole where an astronaut will drive must be stable enough. If the wormhole is not stable it will collapse and crush the astronaut. 

Before the astronaut will drop in the wormhole, that person must travel across a powerful radiation field. And then our hypothetical traveler must cross the event horizon of the black hole. So the spacecraft's speed must rise so close to the speed of light as possible. That is necessary for eliminating the stretch that is the result of the extremely powerful gravity field. And also that extremely high speed minimizes the time of the effect of the radiation. 

The quantum-size wormhole can be used to protect the qubits through them. And they can use as optic fiber or camera obscura to the distant words. But the problem is that we must get access to the black hole before we can try to travel through them. Or if we just want to send the data through the wormhole, we must make one of them in the laboratory. And that thing requires very much energy. 

But if the quantum size wormholes can be made the qubits can be put to travel through them. Also, things like laser rays and radar signals can send through the wormhole for measuring the distant solar systems. And that thing brings an ability to use wormholes as the radar or optic fiber. That will make it possible to make observations from the distant solar systems, but the thing is that we should travel to the black hole, that we can benefit wormholes. Or we can make our black hole by pumping energy to the particles that they can turn into a black hole. 

Even if the wormhole cannot transfer the spacecraft to another solar system in a second, that thing is offering new and powerful opportunities. If the wormhole can transfer light through it, it can offer the camera obscura or light fiber to another solar system. So the wormhole is offering the ability to see very long distances. 

Or to the past and maybe to the future. The fact is that if there are black holes are both sides of the wormhole. That thing causes the effect that the laser rays and radio impulses can send through the wormhole. And that thing is offering the possibility to see things that are distant from the Earth. 

In the wildest dreams, the wormholes that are made through the miniature or quantum-size black holes can be used to secure the qubit. In that case, the qubit sends through the wormhole. And the data should be safe while it travels through that energy bridge. The data is packed in the qubit which travels through the wormhole to the receiver. But those things are only the ideas of tomorrow. 


Why did writers put tales about giants in memory in ancient Greece?

Every tale in the world is not turning to myths. There must be something special in the tale that people like Homer wrote those tales to memory. Papyrus and parchment were expensive, and Homer and other writers must work with hands. So what was the reason why did Homer choose the tales for Greek mythology. 

What category did he use for selecting the tales for his books Iliad and Odyssey? We know that Homer didn't write Iliad and Odyssey alone. Or he was not the source of those tales. The interesting question is, who was the source for each tale? Which of those tales were chosen by Homer himself? And what text was chosen by somebody else? And who told them to Homer?

When some tale turns to myth, which is written in memory, there must be something special in that case. If we think of Gigantes many guarding and combat units were formed from the tall people in ancient Greece. Tall men were more frightening and strong-looking than the short ones. And the question is, why was the story of Gigantes or giants have written in memory? What made those things so special that writers wanted that people remember them?

When we are thinking about giants and their background in Greek mythology, we must realize one thing. Every single adult is a giant for the children. So if we are thinking that giants are only fake or legends. The child's point of view people can explain that legend. So was the origin of those tales somebody who escaped from some kind of palace?

And were the Gigantes some family? And was the source of that tale some child, who founded from some grassland? When that foundling grows and learns to speak the Greeks or people who wrote that tale might ask that child, where that child came from? And probably that hypothetical child told a story about the Gigantes. 

We should find the origin of those tales. Why did that tale become the myth that repeated a time after the time?  So was the origin of the stories of Gigantes some young child, who found from some grassland?  There is a possibility that the child who was found from somewhere told the story about the Gigantes. 

What kind of reason would make those people put that story to the memory and write it? Maybe there was something positive in that child, and that caused questions, why was that person abandoned? There must be some reason why the tales about Gigantes told?

And why do people put that in memory? Were they written for warning, and what was the thing that people must be afraid of? Or was there something that writers didn't want to tell people?






Monday, August 23, 2021

Is there something that people don't want you to know about giants?

I sometimes thought that could some giants made by using eugenics? The Gigantes were in Geek mythology the extremely great size warriors. And maybe in some kingdoms were military units formed by extremely large-size warriors. So if some people want to benefit those military units by creating large-size soldiers that thing is possible. I don't know how much ancient Greeks knew about genetic heredity, but there is the possibility that they knew that tall parents got tall children. 

There is the possibility to create a bloodline where descendants are made by favoring the tall persons. This thing where tall people are favored will create people who are taller than regular humans. So are some giants made by creating the bloodline of the extremely tall people? Who knows, but those kinds of theories are interesting to think about. 

When the president of the Smithsonian institute Powell wrote the paper called "Powell doctrine" is it possible that this kind of paper covered the giants who made it in purpose? In that case, there is the possibility that extraordinary growth can make by using the bloodline, where is used, extraordinary tall people. Or the other way is using the growth hormone. So are some of those giants the results of the genetic experiments? And is Powell doctrine made for prohibiting people to play god? 

That kind of bloodline is the same way easy to create as bloodlines of the racehorses. If people have suitable genetic material like gametes of the wanted horses. Creating the bloodline of good racehorses is easy. In those bloodlines is selected only good runners. And that thing makes it possible to create racehorses that are better runners than others. In the same way, researchers can highlight all wanted features of living organisms. 




A couple of mythic tales of identical twins, and I hope that both of them are just myths. 

The use of identical twins as the testing the genetic heritable and learned abilities is difficult. That thing requires that the twins are grown separately, and that thing is very hard to make. But if that kind of case is found. This thing gives good information of the skills which are learned or which are genetically heritable. 

The identical twins are an interesting thing. If we want to make synthetic identical twins, there is the possibility to share the early-stage embryos and then the other of them can transport to another side of Earth. That kind of thing is not allowed, but that kind of sharing the embryos doesn't require very high-level skills. 

Identical twins are close to each other. And that thing causes the very little known theory about the mysterious abductions or the UFO kidnappings. That theory is that one of the purposes of abduction is to steal gametes for the research where researchers are mapping the genetically heritable and learned abilities. 

A couple of creepy thoughts about identical twins. And how to benefit them. Those ideas can be used as topics for some political thrillers. 

The identical twins are connected with Dr. Josef Mengele. And that nazi-doctors interest in those things is causing interesting theories. There is the possibility that Mengele or his superiors planned to benefit identical twins as the servants of the nazi-government. In the simplest model, the twins can play with each other. While another is in secret training the other will occupy the place of the another. 

In this scenario, another twin is making illegal actions like assassinations another twin can be visible.  That thing is possible if the people don't know about another twin.  In some scenarios, identical twins are grown separately. Another twin is grown as nazi and the another will grow as normal people. Then that "nazi-twin" will replace that "normal" twin. That kind of scenario might be a myth.

But the high-ranking SS officials might discuss it in the SS headquarters about this kind of solution for winning the war.  We know that Himmler collected religious artifacts, so why they would not discuss this kind of solution. There is made identical twins who are acting as pairs. Another would be liberal and another is nazi. The liberal pair does not know about that nazi-twin. And then the liberal part will be killed by assassins. And nazi takes the place of that person. 

Then the liberal pats of those pairs will turn to politics and then change to the nazi. That thing happens by murdering the liberal and then losing the body. Then the nazi will take that place. The thing that something was under discussion is not the synonym that something is to be done. The identical twins would be useful in that kind of operation. 

And the more weird theory goes like this: If the human will grow in the same womb as the human that alien will think of the human as brother or sister. That thing will make the gate to the world of aliens. But that idea is pure theory. The thing is that this thing is one of the biggest mysteries in the world is abductions. 

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Lorentz's strange attractor. The butterfly-effect can turn the zero-point energy possible.




Lorentz's strange attractor can make pure energy or one version of "zero-point energy possible". If the electricity would travel in the superconducting circuit it can travel there forever, and if the circuit would take energy from outside in the form of radio waves, it can make it possible that the system can get more energy than it delivers.

Lorenz's strange attractor is one of the most interesting things in chaos theory. The strange attractor is the model of the system, where energy will surround endlessly, and if there will come energy from outside, the energy in the strange attractor will grow. So the idea of the system is that the strange attractor would be acting as the generator, which creates energy from the radio fields, and it can transmit it to the normal electric circuit.

Lorentz's strange attractor is the model is the self-sustaining system, where energy travels in a circuit, and the circuit means that when energy is traveling around the form it just transfers to the other circuit. So the energy would travel in the system forever if some turbulence would not break the form. That thing requires that energy is traveling only one direction, and if the system can conduct it nowhere, that means it would travel forever. And the outcoming energy will increase the power of the energy, which travels in the system.

The key element in the chaos theory is that if the butterfly flaps its wings on another side of Earth, that thing causes the hurricane at another side on Earth. The reason for that is that the friction would eat less energy from the system than it gets. If we would be on the liquid planet, where friction is extremely low, and we would blow, we can make the storm, what would ever end.

The requirement for that stable trade winds is that the energy, what that wind will get is higher than the energy that goes to friction. One version of this kind of effect is the whirl, like the "Great Red Spot of Jupiter" where the anticyclone gets more energy than the friction takes. And the reason for the power of that whirl is the gravity of the moons of Jupiter, the internal heat of the planet, and the energy of sunlight, which makes that whirl continue forever.  Or some big object can hit to that point, and destroy the form.

Term attractor means a set of phase spaces into which a dynamic system ends up when time passes and in the vicinity of which it also remains, even if the system is slightly disturbed. And the thing is that also atoms, and subatomic particles are also one version of the systems. The system can be stable or it can be moving.

So if we are thinking the quantum entanglement, and superposition, can this kind of turn to stable in one situation. The system must get the energy from somewhere else, and the case is that if the quantum entanglement and superposition are through the level of dimension.

In that case, the quantum entanglement and superposition can stay "forever", or at least until the existence of the material of the dimensions is ending. The quantum entanglement has caused a theoretical possibility that the energy can be brought from higher dimensions to our dimension by using the superpositioned particles.

The Lorentz's strange attractor or Lorentz's butterfly is also the form of the particle, or twin particle system, which can be in two spaces (or quantum spaces) at the same time. Lorentz's strange attractor is the thing that could symbolize quantum entanglement, the condition where two particles have opposite spin, and that thing is one of the most interesting visions of the quantum systems. '
But if the system can be in two spaces or quantum spaces at the same time, could those particles be in two dimensions at the same time? So if the particles are in a superposition, and they are also quantum entanglement, could that mean that the other part of this superposition particle pairs can be in the upper dimension and one is at the lower dimension?

In this case, the strange attractor would connect the dimensions. But the Lorentz's strange attractor is one of the most interesting models of artificial intelligence. There two supercomputers (or quantum computers) that can make data flow through the same hub, and that would make the system create the own models. The idea is that when data is traveling through the hub, the hub would send the action to the actor. Then the system would analyze the action and make the additions or deletions required to streamline operations.


Superhydrophobic materials can be more fundamental than we think.

"Research on metal-organic frameworks has led to the development of superhydrophobic surfaces by grafting hydrocarbon chains, which cre...