Sunday, December 4, 2022

Why it's so hard to fight against mass myths?

Mass myths are falsified information that is well-known to the entire society. But mass myths are always falsified or false information that is believed to be true. The common thing about mass myths is that people handle them like absolute truth. 

So mass myths are dangerous to society. But the problem is that critical comments against mass myths might cause bad feedback. The bad feedback causes social pressure on people to keep their mouths shut. They don't react to claims and lies. They just see those things. And they don't want to say a word about those things that might be wrong. 

Mass myths are driven by arguments "everything was like that in the past". And things like respect for the elder generations make it very hard to speak against those very well-known myths. So people accept the lie as the "official truth" if they don't dare to say something against those things. 

Because nobody says anything against mass myths the persons who are delivering those things see that silence as acceptance. Things like lies and mass myths are the same things. And propaganda is a mass myth made to serve some political purpose. 

When we are talking about truth and lies the myth that is not true is the same way false information as lies that are told on purpose. But then we must realize that all urban myths are not lies or fake. They might overstate. And stories about things like werewolves are born from real things like rabies infections. 

Kennedy's assassination is one of the cases where people just want to believe something. They don't think that all people in that car in Dallas in 1963 were problematic to Mafia. And maybe Mafia planned to shoot Jacqueline Kennedy or Governor Connally. We just want to believe that the real target was John F. Kennedy. But the fact is that nobody knows the real target. 

The thing that feeds theories is that all three brothers of the family of Joseph Kennedy Sr. died violently. His eldest son Joseph Junior died in a possible accident in 1944. And both younger brothers died in attentates. 

The planned target could be some secret service agent. There is a possibility that some of those agents knew things like Mafia contacts between John F. Kennedy's father and organized crime. The fact is that the elder brother of JFK was killed in the accident. 

He planned to rise the kamikaze-version of the B-24 Liberator to airborne. But then there was some mistake in the barometer or handling of the aircraft. And 9000 kilogram of the RDX turned the big brother of the JFK to atoms. That thing might be an accident. Also, Robert Kennedy was killed in an assassination made by Sirhan Sirhan. 

Theories of the Kennedy assassination and Olof Palme's murders were a similar way to see things. People didn't want to believe that the statesman's wife was the planned victim. So the focus was on the statesman. 

Jacqueline Kennedy had a relationship with Onassis. And that thing caused problems for people, who wanted to hide things that happened behind coulisses of Kennedy's clan. 

The nickname of John F. Kennedy was "Jack" so the shooter might think that "Jack" (that could be the nickname of Jacqueline) means president. In that case, the mafia killed Oswald, because they didn't want the officials to know things like the names of the people who are involved in the JFK case. 

We want to believe that the top actor is the planned target. We don't want to believe that target was somebody else. 

Olof Palme's wife was a psychiatrist and that kind of profession brings enemies to people. So could the real target be Lisbet Palme, the wife of the prime minister of Sweden? 

There were fewer than ten actors. In the original conspiracy theory about Kennedy's assassination. 

But then that theory started to grow. And finally, there were over 30 000 participants in that thing. There are two investigation reports where another claims that Oswald acted alone. And the second report claims that some kind of "conspiracy to commit" the crime is hidden in the investigation. We don't even know who was the real target. 

Those reports are known as Warren's commission reports. And the second one was the Senate investigation report, made ten years later. The question is: did somebody pay or order Oswald to make that murder?  

Was it President Kennedy, his wife, or governor Connally? There are theories that Mafia wanted that Jaqueline Kennedy died because she wanted to divorce the president. And Kennedy's clan had relationships with Mafia. 

Or maybe Mafia wanted to murder Governor Connally because he caused problems for that organization. Another purpose for that thing could be to send a message that nobody is safe from organized crime. But then the shooter misunderstood his mission, and that caused the catastrophe. 

Willing to believe is the thing that destroys all investigations. Many urban legends or mass theories can debunk by telling a couple of jokes. And then that thing can cause a situation that makes criminals slip away. 

There are many stories in newspapers where the police are told to make arrests in some criminal cases. And then those suspects are believed to be guilty. But then those suspects are released in court or the police themselves released them.  Because there is no evidence. And all suspects are gone. The stories that are telling that crime is solved might cause some eyewitnesses would not even report to the police what they saw.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

How does the brain decide future brain or future profit? (Life is a game)

We can find the answer to that thing from the game theory. If a person sacrifices something. That sacrifice can bring lots of glory to that person. 

The question in the heading is simple. Why some people will climb Mount Everest? And another person sits in an armchair and watches TV at home? Or why some people will go to schools that cause personal financial losses while somebody goes to the pub and works as a cleaner? Why somebody chooses things that are causing pain?

Why do some people turn to war heroes serving in voluntary commando teams where training is extremely hard? And another will make only, what superior officers are saying. And why some people are going to evening school? Even if they would have a chance to sit in the pub and talk with their mates? 

Those solutions seem very different. But they are involving the same thing. The person makes sacrifices to earn something which seems meaningless. That means the person goes to make voluntarily the solution that seems wrong. But later that solution can bring lots of gold and glory. 

Even if they had a chance to choose another way and take a profit. The answer to the painful solution is simple. People who choose, pain can think about the thing after the next solution. Their way to think is if they feel pain, they will get more benefits and respect after that painful solution. 

This thing is the key element in so-called game theory. The nucleus of game theory is that the individual maximizes their benefit in their group. So the thing that makes the brain decide between future pain or future profit is determinating in game theory. Future pain can also mean future benefits. 

Things like extreme adventures, sports, and other kinds of stuff require lots of work. And they are sometimes very painful experiences. But then after that experience, the individual will get respect and glory. And that is the thing that makes those people very farsighted. They can think over the thing that seems painful.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Researchers created quantum entanglement between two quantum systems at a 12,5 km distance.

Researchers created quantum entanglement between two quantum systems at a 12,5 km distance. The ability to exchange information between two memory systems is the base requirement for communication. When two persons are talking to each other they are exchanging information.

Or otherwise, we can say that their brains exchange information. And the human brain is one version of the memory system. When we are discussing, we share information. Sharing information requires certain protocols. And one of those protocols is biz talk. Another system that can be human or computer asks permission to use another system's databases. 

When an elder person gives pieces of advice the situation is the same as when a server offers a client access to its databases. In both cases, systems offer a path to information, stored in their memories. So when another person offers pieces of advice that means the person offers information to another person. 

During that process, we are transferring information through the air to another person. And we cannot share any other information. If we want to share information we must have it. That means information is stored in our memory or we cannot share it. All information that we get goes through memory. And if memory doesn't save that information. That information does not exist. 

When researchers are sending information through the air the requirement is that two information or memory systems are at the same frequency. So before researchers can create quantum entanglement over long distances they must send the information parameters to the receiver. Or receiver can send a message about what atom, ion, or particle group the sender must use. 

The ability to create long-range quantum entanglement and exchange information over 10 km is one of the most powerful things in quantum technology. If we want to create the ultra-secure quantum system that allows high-secure communication between two memory systems. We must realize that the thing that makes this type of communication difficult is that another quantum system must be at a higher energy level. 

The quantum information system can make it possible to create the WARP-speed communication tool. In that system, the quantum entanglement is created through the air by using a hollow maser or laser ray as the virtual cable that protects the quantum entanglement. 

The radiation channel around the quantum entanglement makes it hard to see changes in the energy level of that entanglement from outside. Also, that energy channel or synthetic- or electromagnetic wormhole protects the quantum entanglement from outside electromagnetic effects. The quantum entanglement is like the stick that is connecting two places. So information that travels in this kind of system at goal before the free-flying photon is. 

The benefits of this type of communication are increasing when the distance between sender and receiver grows. And that means the WARP speed communication is the most effective in the longest possible distances. If we want to make WARP-speed communication at a distance of a couple of kilometers the speed of the communication is not the top reason. 

The WARP speed communication is very hard to break and that thing means that data security is top of the ranking list when researchers create this kind of system. But if we would create that quantum communication line to Mars that allows real-time communication between Mars-rovers and ground stations.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Chaos is more common in societies than we ever thought.

Chaos and order. They are the presence of the individuals of the groups. When we look at wild animals, and especially herd animals like buffaloes at first we see that all buffaloes are in a form. That seems random. They are grazing and enjoying their life. The fact is that in that herd the direction of the animals is ordered. They are all looking in a certain direction. 

And when they see some predator they give a warning sign. Then the herd starts to get the order. When buffalo sees a predator it must decide does it run or fight. If some lone cat is treating the herd the buffalo might want to fight. But a herd of big cats is too much. When those animals are getting a "warning danger" signal. They start to get certain orders. 

We are seeing that when something like lions is threatening the herd those animals are starting to run by following a certain order. That order is made to protect those big vegetarian animals. But it's also a sign for other predators and preys that lions are hunting. During that hunt, lions must leave their puppies unattended. And the eagles and some other predators like hyenas can steal those puppies. 

That's why lions want to end their hunt soon as possible. Every moment when lions are hunting their puppies is in danger. This is the reason why animals are screaming when they are under attack. The purpose of the scream is to call another predator to hunt that attacking predator. And turn its attention away from the prey. 

Same way lions are starting to follow certain choreography when they are searching for their prey. But no group is under attack all the time. When lions get what they want rest of the group can go for free. The free time means that buffaloes can also rest. During that time the buffalo herds are grazing. They are, of course, attended. But those animals are doing their things. 

That is the normal way to act in nature. When lions and other beasts are eating their prey the other, grass-eating animals have their free time. Of course, buffaloes are not the only grass-eating animals. And they are living in groups. Someday the lions will get other animals like gnus. Or they will select some other buffalo groups. If some animal group is often under attack there will become weak and old individuals to some other group or population. 

And then predators sooner or later choose easy targets. We must remember that predators are not hunting for pleasure. They hunt for a living. Without prey also predators will die. Buffaloes are dangerous also for their predators. If their horns will hit a predator that can cause dangerous injuries. So that's why predators are searching for weak and ill individuals.

To find out those weak individuals. The predators are following certain choreograph before they attack. But when an attack is done. The rest of the prey herd can rest for a while.  During that time those animals are not in order. They eat grass and enjoy their life. Until they will get a signal about danger. 

In an ecosystem, chaos is more common than people think. The herd animals seem very organized. But those animals are spending lots of their time in the unorganized form. So the ecosystem or society is organizing when they need that ability. The herd animals like lions, wolves, gnus, and buffaloes can organize their group when they need that ability. But those animals have also their own free time. During that time they are, taking care of their fur, and resting.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Genetic engineering and technology are the tools, which give more abilities than ever before.

Genetic engineering and technology are the tools, which give more abilities than ever before. And that means we must have a responsibility to make this work. 

There is a small movie clip above this text. Maybe this thing is true sooner than we expect. The background and philosophy of the creation of cyborgs and genetically engineered humans are always the same. That is getting the new abilities. That makes humans better and more effective than ever before. The philosophy behind genetic engineering and cyborgs is taken from Friedrich Nietzsche's over-human or overman model. And the purpose of this research is to make humans more capable. 

And that's why some people are interested in things like vampires. The fact is that the tissue of bats and reptilians is healing very fast. And that ability could be possible to transform human cells. That makes it possible to create tissues for accident victims very fast. And maybe those genomes will transfer to the astronauts that are researching our solar system in the future.  

But there is the possibility that there are some other backgrounds in genetic research. The creation of robots that are controlled by human brains gives abilities to people that they never had before. The robot bodies can have quadcopters inside them. And that makes it possible that cyborgs can fly. The EEG-controlled robot can be remote-controlled. But it can involve living brain tissue. 

Genetic engineering makes it possible that maybe in the future. People can order certain abilities for their children. They might choose if their child is musically gifted. And then the laboratory workers are making the artificial DNA that will inject into the egg. 

Cyborgs or robots that are mixed machines and living organisms are reality. The microchip-controlled bugs and prostheses are controlled by using brain-implanted microchips are the tools of modern engineering. And the fact is that things like biological power-production which mean that the cells of an electric eel would create electricity for the robot's body are making it possible to create robots that can eat the same food as we eat. 

The same microchips that can control robotic prostheses can control the entire robot body. And modern biotechnology makes it possible to transfer entire brains to the robot body. That system requires the living bone marrow would put in the body. And then that robot requires an artificial stomach and digestion system that delivers nutrients for the living neural system. 

Things like robot bodies are fascinating tools. But genetic engineering makes it possible to create extreme humans. Those creatures can transmit their abilities to their descendants. 

And that is one version of controlled evolution. When our understanding of the DNA turns deeper. We can control our and other specie's evolution more accurately. Than ever before. The researchers found that the "junk DNA" involves data that is key to brain development. And that opens new visions for genome therapy. 

The reason why some people are interested in vampires. Is their ability to control other people. So the researchers are making models of what kind of DNA that kind of creature needs. 

If the "Dracula creature" must just bite the victim it only requires to produce of tetrodotoxin. That poison is one of the poisons that fishes are creating. That poison causes death because the exposure happens in underwater conditions. The victim pulls water into their lungs.  But on the dry land, the tetrodotoxin turns a person into a zombie that makes everything that the master says. So there is the possibility. That some researchers already created the microchip-controlled hybrid snake that creates tetrodotoxin. 

Sometimes some researchers asked, why Dracula cannot look at mirrors? The answer is that Dracula uses the contact lens that gives flashes with the same frequency as the alpha EEG of the brain. Those flashes cause the targeted person would face an epileptic seizure. But that kind of creature can be a so-called genetically engineered human. 

And then some researchers made a hypothetical model of what that kind of creature can be. The creature called "Dracula" requires. That creature requires the ability to change its neural system electric level. When the neural system of that creature is lower energetic it can receive the electric signals from other people's nervous systems. 

And when it's at a higher energy level it can send the electric signals to another species' nervous system and take it to control. That "Dracula creature" can also slip a couple of its neurons into the smell coil of the victim. And then control the victim by using the neurotransmitters. 

Bioluminescence is giving an ability to flash the light by using a certain frequency. If those bioluminescence cells have folds that can very control the frequency of the flashes of light. The deep-sea fishes can flash their light organs very fast. And if the genomes that make it possible to control those flashes are transferred to some artificial, genetically engineered creature. That thing makes it possible to create a creature that can cause epileptic seizures.

How to send qubit in the long range?

All encryption systems have one weakness,  humans created them. And all humans make mistakes. How to send qubit in the long range? 

Can quantum cryptography be the next-generation communication tool? The answer is yes. The information that qubit involves may send in over long distances by using regular radios. The system works like this. Every single qubit's state will transmit to the receiver by using a unique radio frequency. 

In that system, the information will send to the receiver by using multiple radio frequencies, And the system cuts the message into pieces. That is sent precisely at the same moment. That means the ELINT men must capture messages from all frequencies that the transmitter uses. The use of multiple frequencies at the same time makes the message so short that part of it would not capture anyway. 

The receiving system will reassemble or resort to the information bites. The system can use serial numbers in the bites of the message. Those serial numbers allow the receiving system put those bites back in order. 

The diagram below portrays the model of the ultra-secure binary data transmission. 


*=The encryption algorithm that can be unique for each data carrier byte. 

-=The data carrier byte. In that system, the receiving system can use the different encryption keys for opening every individual data-carrier byte. And those data-carrier bytes can send by using different radio frequencies. 

There is no unbreakable code. 

Modern encryption systems can cover all bytes that are traveling in the network by using unique code. In that model behind and after the information-carrier byte travels the encryption code. The ultra-secure quantum systems can involve multiple layers of encryption. The most out layer is the quantum system but also binary code can be protected by using encryption. And those systems still can be broken. 

The problem with all codes and encryption systems is. That they are all made by humans. This means that there is always a weak point in the encryption systems. If there is no weak point in the system itself. There are people, who are using computers. The attacker can track those people and use some drugs to make them tell what is in messages that certain computers or operators handle. 

Or the attacker can slip things like surveillance cameras into the computer room, and then that camera sends all data from the screens to the attacker. That means if you cannot go through the encryption you can always go around them and use alternative methods to break the code. And in this text term "breaking the code" means the ability to steal information. 

Stealing information is the objective of hackers. Cryptology is the race between code makers and code breakers. The first-generation systems were just kicking the intruders off the system when security tracked them. But the new AI-based systems use things called "honey pots". The honey pots are databases where is a certain type of information. But the vital part of that data is removed. Modern systems also inform their users about the anomalies of the user's behavior in the system. 

Honey pots are traps. They can send tracking cookies to attackers' computers.

But they can also make a profile of the intruder. The data that the intruder searches uncover what kind of data interests the hacker. And that data helps to find out the people who are cooperating with the hacker. The drug dealers and mafia men are interested in different types of information than the governmental security and intelligence services. 

The thing that makes quantum cryptology hard to break is that data is traveling in the form of the qubit. Qubit bases the superposition of the partciles. So in quantum systems data is packed in physical form. And the thing that makes quantum cryptology secure is that the data is lost from the qubit if somebody tries to steal it. 

So the user of the system knows if the qubit is stolen. And that gives a warning to the operators. But as I wrote the quantum systems can also leak. There is the possibility that somebody just drinks too much alcohol. And tells all secretive information to unauthorized people. 

Somebody claims that even Putin himself doesn't trust his generals.

Image: Reddit

There is claiming that there are no intelligent generals in Putin's military. Intelligent people are always threat, and Putin doesn't want threats around him. He wants people who are doing what he says when he says. And that denies the use of own brains. There is a tale in Novaya Gazeta that even Russian leaders don't trust their military. Putin's leadership style follows faithfully the same style. That was in use in the tsar and Soviet armies. The top thing in the Russian command system is political trustworthiness. That means the commanders have no right to say anything against their leaders. 

That kind of attitude doesn't favor initiative people. It favors people who are not willing to take responsibility for their actions. And that is the problem with the Russian military. 

And that lack of initiative actions and thinking gives a great opportunity to "yes men" whoever think themselves. The key element to earning political trustworthiness is just to make everything and only things that superiority officers or higher ranking officers are saying. And another thing is that the officers must not update their education. 

That thing caused a terrible loss to the tsars navy in the Tsushima naval battle in 1905, where Russian officers were not prepared for the Japanese torpedo boats. And that caused the entire fleet sank by Japanese torpedoes. If things like initiative education are forbidden. That causes problems. 

Another remarkable thing in the Russian-style command is that information goes only one way. The higher-ranking officers are giving orders, and they might not even want to hear reports that something goes wrong. That means the troops might try the same thing again and again causing terrible losses. The major problem in the Russian command culture is that commanders don't want to grant their mistakes. Granting the mistake is a weakness. And that's why the Russian military can make big losses on battlefields. 

This is one of the reasons why Putin started the invasion of Ukraine. The philosophy behind this kind of decision is simple. When a decision is made nothing can change it. If Putin would change or pull that order back that is against his authority. And that cannot be accepted, in that country. 

The role of people like ministers in Russia is just to give pieces of advice to Putin. And decisions are made by Putin himself. If Putin believes his advisors that shows that he cannot do everything. That is like giving the command to that advisor. Putin's philosophy is that the henchmen's role is just to please him. If that is not clear. The henchmen must go. 

So those advisors are told Putin just what he wants to hear. And there is the possibility that some commanders are giving false reports of the attack capacity of their troops. And there is the possibility that some commanders are inflated their success. The fact is that Putin is dependent on the reports that his henchmen are giving him. 

And that makes him vulnerable. If commanders are telling lies about their success, that causes the wrong estimation of the situation. And the problem is that. The commanders would not want to lose their jobs or die because they are making mistakes. So they are giving false information to their superior officers and Putin himself. 

 And this is one of the reasons why he continues his offensive without caring about losses. Accepting the reality that the mission failed is a weakness. And the Russian masculine military cannot accept weakness. So that's why the Russian military sends more and more men to war which is one of the saddest in history. 

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Self-continent lion's problem.

People should not compare themselves with animals. Many people say that the lion is the king of animals. But I must say that the top of the evolution is still the species called Homo Sapiens. But let's go to think about the paradox of the self-continent lion. 

Lions are cats that live in herds. The herd dynamics where is one strict ruler makes the lions effective hunters. There are only a few animals that dare to attack lions. The herd behavior is the thing that makes the lions self-continent. And the most self-continent in that herd is the king lion. The ruler of those deadly predators. 

But then one day the lions faced the thing called Homo Sapiens. The Homo Sapiens didn't play nice games against the lions. It took the rifle and shot the lion that dare to threaten it and its family. The problem with lions is that they didn't develop themselves. 

Or actually, the number of lions increased. They would destroy the entire populations of their prey. And sooner or later they would leave without food. And that forces them to find a new food source. 

Without that rifle, Homo Sapiens is not still helpless. There another choice is to make a fire between the camp and lions and all animals are afraid of fire. The ultimate flexibility makes Homo Sapiens ruler of the food chain. And that ability made lions endangered species. 

The Homo Sapiens is the ruler of the entire planet. But as you might know, we are still dominating species. And we are facing the same problems as all other dominating species in history. Overpopulation, pandemics, and loss of food are the biggest threats to our species. 

The problem with Homo Sapiens is dominance. Because Homo Sapiens dominate the Earth that thing causes one very interesting. And at the same time sad thing. The sad thing is that Homo Sapiens systematically kill other Homo Sapiens. The thing that makes it possible is dominance in the food chain.  

That our species would go to war and be violent against other people is dominance. Because there are so little numbers of predators that can cause a large-scale threat to our species we have time to fight with each other. And that is the problem with dominant species. If we have some outside enemy, we would find a new type of cooperation. 

Originally the self-continent lion's problem was a self-continent-T-rex's problem. There was no other predator in history that was similar to T-rex or Tyrannosaurus Rex. That monster dinosaur became the dominant predator in the Jurassic period. The T-rex was like a shark that walked on the ground. There was no other predator on the ground that could challenge T-rex. 

The adult T-rex had only a couple of enemies. they all lived in water. Things like crocodiles could eat baby T-rex and the giant shark called Megalodon could win that dinosaur. But that requires that T-rex went to water. 

But the T-rex had a problem. It was a lizard that made eggs. The baby Rex was a chicken-sized helpless thing. And it was good prey for the new predators called mammals. 

Those new predators acted like moles. They dug themselves under the eggs of T-rex. Then they must just bite the hole in that egg. And that thing caused the death of the T-rex. 

Another problem was that T-rex was too dominant. In some areas, there were no other dinosaurs at all when the T-rex hunted all of them away. The problem with dominating species is that its population turs too large. And then they must move to another area. Or they must find a new food source. 

The mystery of the DNA.

"Scientists were able to examine tens of millions of three-dimensional locus groupings with the help of the new technology which they named Pore-C". ( New Technology Could Help Solve a DNA Mystery?

DNA involves the code of life. And the question is why life advanced as it advanced. Why did evolution start to favor the quality in the line that formed the humans? What kind of animal was the first piece of the long journey that caused humans to form a long time after the dinosaurs? When that line separated from other species. Maybe the new research gives answers to that question. 

Some philosophers say that DNA is a molecule with its own will. That molecule wants to live, and that's why it's created things like cells for covering it. If we are looking at or thinking about things like living organisms,  we can say that the purpose of life is to carry the DNA molecule and keep it safe. The fact is that all living organisms are carrying DNA molecules, and that thing involves the chemical code that makes all living creatures what they are. 

Maybe artificial intelligence and other kinds of modern stuff make it possible to solve that mystery. Why the DNA molecules exist and why the form of life is what it is. The philosophers are always bad scientists say some well know scientists. And the idea of the philosophy is that there must not have a scientific explanation for some phenomenon or object. And that thing makes the DNA interesting. 

Maybe someday we can get an answer to the question who were the first humans? Where do they live and how do they form? Where do they get an idea of things like clothes? Why has nature changed to favor things like big brains but make us so slow that most snakes can reach us even if we would run as fast as we can? 

Those things are interesting questions. And maybe someday we can get an answer to that question. That thing can solve the question did life come from another planet in the meteorite? Or was the born of life a spontaneous thing that happened on Earth? Why the DNA starts to control the species' advances as it does?

The researchers found microbes that could survive on Mars. 

The main problem with the bacteria suspected of being extraterrestrial is that the DNA samples of those bacteria cannot confirm. Confirmation of that theory requires the DNA that is taken from the Mars planet. So there could be a lot of the DNA that has an extraterrestrial source. But without confirmation of the source of the DNA, that thing remains a hypothesis. 

Researchers are making research in the arctic area for finding extraterrestrial microbes. But the fact is, there is no single confirmed extraterrestrial microbe. So in the Arctic area research teams must contact the microbes that live in a condition similar to the planet Mars. 

This thing is one of the most remarkable things in history. The fact is that there are bacteria that can use non-organic material as a nutrient. Those bacteria are the lowest part of the food chain. Bacteria that first lived on Earth needed that ability. 

Researchers are found bacteria in meteorites, which are buried under the arctic ice. We are facing one thing that denies us to tell that there was life on Mars or that could still live primitive organisms is that the origin of those organisms that are found in meteorites is hard to confirm. 

Those bacteria or their fossils can come from the ice when they were searching for the heat of meteorites. Or they can come from Mars. But the confirmation of that thing requires the DNA sample from the bacteria. That lives on the planet Mars.

Why Russian invasion of Ukraine was something else than it should?

Above: Antonov An-22 heavy transport aircraft plays a vital role in the Russian military. Heavy transporters' primary role is that they can carry paratroopers to capture some airfields. Then the same planes can bring tanks, artillery, and men for creating another front behind the enemy back. 

The idea of this tactic is this: Russian forces are taking enemy troops between two main groups.  Then Russians would destroy their enemy by using mortars, tanks, and artillery. 

Putin planned that the Russian invasion and Ukraine occupation would be a good demonstration of the skills of the modern Russian military. The invasion was planned as a short-term military action against Ukraine. And then something went wrong. 

The key element in the Russian military tactics is the cooperation between tank corpses and VDV (Airborne Assault troops). The idea is that when the Russian main force attacks from the front the paratroopers attack to back of the troops and conquer some airfields. Then cargo planes bring tanks and other equipment to the back of the enemy troops. So the idea of this tactic is that the enemies of the Russian army are on two fronts. And Russian military can attack from two sides. 

The Russian plan was probably to destroy the Ukrainian main force. That would defend the area between the Russian border and Kyiv. The idea was that the Kyiv airport captured by VDV and the heavy artillery along with tank corpses and motorized infantry would crush the Ukrainian troops that location is between those groups. 

The airport would be the base, where the Russian military brings tanks and other equipment. If that plan was successful the Russian military would crush the Ukrainian army in one single battle. But then something happened. VDV fail in its mission. And the Ukrainian back was secured. 

Then the Ukrainians got some impressive victories. Because Ukraine didn't fall in 36 hours the Russian plans were ineffective. The idea of the service of this operation was that Russian troops would get their food from supermarkets.  Only ammunition and fuel were in the convoys that followed the main battle units. 

Those mainly unprotected vehicles are good targets for Bayraktar-drones. And Ukrainian helicopters and aircraft. Russians didn't expect that the Ukrainian air force can operate against them. They expected that the captured airfields eliminates the threat of the Ukrainian air force. So those troops didn't have anti-aircraft equipment.

And also, the Western military aid to Ukraine was a surprise. Russian leaders believed that their nuclear arsenal makes Western nations afraid. And Russian gas would be a good tool for buying sympathy from the Western nations. So stick and carrot was the method that Russians planned to use on Western nations. The carrot was cheap energy. And the stick was the threat of military actions. 

The thing that caused more casualties is probably that the Russian headquarters didn't know that the prime element of this kind of military operation fail. Without the success of the VDV, the Russians couldn't build another front behind Ukrainian lines. When the war is prolonged the nations must say something. 

The leaders of the Western nations couldn't just stand. Because the resistance continues that thing will encourage Western nations to give more and more military aid to Ukraine. The Russian invasion of Ukraine caused fear that similar action can happen to anybody. 


The Institute of Study of War (ISW) tells that Russia wastes its power in meaningless battles.

Su-25 "Frogfoot"

Why Russians are wasting their power? The fact is that two things can explain why Russians are fighting in meaningless areas, wasting their power and causing casualties. The first thing is that the Russian military is following the original battle plan without caring about casualties. And Russians might think that some area is important to them. But Ukrainians or Western observers think that the areas have no meaning in the war. 

There is the possibility that the Russian military makes its casualties on purpose. The Russian government promised over 8000 euros price for recruiting to the war. And if those soldiers die, they must not pay that money. But another reason why Russian waste its power in meaningless areas like small towns can be in defense tactics of the Ukrainian army. There is a possibility that the Ukrainian army makes "unnecessary-looking" hard resistance in the small towns and countryside.

That kind of tactic when the defender wants to make a series of resistance battles is effective against an army that uses massive firepower. If the Ukrainian military will try to hit Russian troops in one battle by using the tactics where a large group of troops faces the Russians in one solution battle. That causes the ultimate loss for Ukrainians. 

The major part of the Russian tactics is maybe that the Russian main force faces the Ukrainian main forces in an open field battle. In that battle, Russians would use the TOS- mortars, thermobaric explosives, and other kinds of stuff. The idea is that if the Ukrainians are using the fixed combat positions the Russian recon planes will locate those positions. And then the defender will be bombed away by using air force and heavy artillery. 

Attacks before a big solution battle are meant to cause casualties for the attacker and leave it without ammunition or some systems. The loss of tanks, heavy artillery, and mortars force Russians to order those systems from Russia. 

And spend its force. In this kind of tactic, the idea is that the defender will destroy some vehicles and other units. And then step backward. If the defender can destroy the force of the attacker before the main battle, it cannot use all its weapons that are meant for that battle. The Russian tactics like massive, but non-accurate firepower favors the single battle tactics. 

The idea is that the Russian military will crush the enemy in one single battle where it can use its mortars and all its firepower. So one of the best counter-tactic is to try to force the enemy into warfare where the attacker must use unduly firepower. So this is one variation of the "Hit and run" tactics. 

When Russian TOS rocket launchers and heavy artillery comes into place those systems will target HiMARS or Ukrainian Howitzers. And then those systems are destroyed. Also, combat helicopters and attack aircraft can destroy convoys, especially at night time. And those attacks destroy the combat vehicles or support. And if the fuel trucks or ammunition carriers are destroyed the troops are left without equipment. And that thing slows the advancing. 


Is data handling the purpose of existence?



The eagle could be very dangerous to cavemen, who had no weapons to resist the bird. In the time of cavemen, eagles could take their children. The technical advancement of the human race turns eagles less dangerous. 

But it's still a respectable bird that can make serious injuries to its victims. Technical advancings are not turning things like lions harmless. our houses and all equipment are giving protection against those predators. But sometimes they still kill humans. 

The race between a predator and its prey requires advancing. Or otherways saying, ability to create new skills and tactics. And top of that game is the species name Homo Sapiens. And we are that species. 

Our brains are the ultimate tool, that allows us to create new tricks to hunt prey and protect ourselves. Human brains are made to solve problems and develop new solutions. Without our tools and weapons, we would be in trouble. 

But our brain's flexibility allows us to create tools and survive in a rough environment. Intelligence makes humans so powerful. Without our intelligence, we would be easy prey for things like lions. 


At this point, I want to tell one example about intelligence. It's a tale about cavemen and cave lions. 

Those cavemen needed to conquer the cave where the lion lived. So they needed cooperation and communication for solving that problem. 

The cave lion is one of the species that has faced extinction. And probably the reason for that is that animals lived in caves. so let's start our tale. 

The weather in the savanna was extremely bad. And two cavemen needed to get protection from the cave. The problem was that there was a lion in that cave. The cavemen couldn't kill that lion without tools. 

So the other caveman created an idea that the other caveman will entice the lion away from the cave. And when the lion runs out, the other caveman will drop the stone to its head from above. That thing could be the first tactical plan in the history of mankind. 

Then there was the need to transmit the information on how to get cave lions out of their caves. And some cavemen draw those things to the walls of their cave. The birth of written language is coming from the need to transmit data over generations. And that was the birth of a culture. 


When we are thinking carefully, evolution is one big computing or data handling process. Evolution is the race between predator and prey. When the prey is creating some new method to avoid the predator, the predator must create a new method to catch its prey.

 If a predator cannot create the new method it will not get food and get eliminated. If the prey cannot answer that challenge it will face the ultimate fate and be eliminated. The key element in the game between predator and its prey is flexibility. And the ability to create new tactics. 

Of course, if the predator turns too dominating it can destroy all other animals. So in that case, predators must learn to eat vegetables. Or they will face extinction. And then some other species can "learn" to hunt it. So when dominating species steps away. Sooner or later, another species will fill its place. 

What is the purpose of life of the human being? Is it the same with other creatures? And is handling data the purpose of the existence of creatures? When we are thinking that existence is the purpose of the creature, we can ask what guarantees that the existence of the creature continues? 

If we are saying that the purpose of living creatures is to produce descendants that thing requires that the creature's existence continues so long that it can make those descendants. And here is the reason why we can say this. that the purpose of the existence of the creatures is to handle data. 

In nature, there is always a race between predator and prey. The prey must create new methods how to avoid the predator's attack. And the predator must answer for that thing by creating a new attack method. To create new methods, species require data handling. In nature, natural selection means that. If some prey cannot avoid hunters that means extinction. And if the predator cannot reach prey it will be destroyed because of hunger. 

So when the prey creates new tactics the predator must answer to that tactics. And the top predator on Earth is humans. The thing that makes us top predators is our brains. Our brains are made for handling data. Their purpose is to create new methods to avoid hunters and protect humans against outcoming enemies. 

Human brains are very flexible and that makes them able to create tools. Without flexible brains and their ability to connect information to new entireties, we would face extinction. Without our weapons, tools, and clothes human race would be very easy food for most of the other predators. 

When we are thinking about the purpose of human brains or our mission is to create and develop new things. The purpose of the body is to protect brains and make what brains are ordering. There is a reason why I used the word "our" in the last sentence. The thing that writes this text are brains. Rest of the body that writes these words are just following commands that are coming from the neurons that are forming brains. 

The thing why the purpose of brains is to handle data is that brains must find new methods to find solutions for more complicated problems. When the human race turned more and more dominating it faced new threats. New threats need new tools. When the human's living environment expands that thing brings new challenges for humans. And human brains must give response to those challenges. 

COVID-19 has shown that the biggest threat to humans is not lions on the savanna. The biggest threats are the small tiny predators that slip into the body and destroy it from inside. Vaccines and medicines are the response to that kind of threat. 

And another big threat to humans is another human. That is one of the saddest things in our nature. Humans are the biggest threats to each other. The wars are forcing us to create new weapons, and those weapons require counter-weapons development. 

And that is the next step in evolution. That step is the evolution of the machines. 

Another name for machine evolution is development. When a machine is inefficient, it needs to be developed. In other words, the developer must give a feature to the machine, that makes it possible to complete the task. If the machine can't do its job, it's useless. This requires people to create a new machine that can do its job. 

The situation in nature is always the same. It's improved protection against an improved attacker. When some prey is creating the ultimate way to protect itself some predator will create a method of how to avoid that protection. Then the prey must create some other method to protect itself. If it cannot make that thing, it will face extinction. 

Saturday, July 16, 2022

There are two remarkable things in the Ukrainian war. The war crimes and destructive firepower.

The major question is why Russia doesn't use harder language against the western weapon aid for Ukraine? The fact is that this military aid is not enough for driving Russians away from East Ukraine. But those weapon systems causes losses for Russian troops. Maybe one purpose of that operation is simply to kill some fighters who know something that Putin doesn't want people to know. 

Things like the murders of Anna Politkovskaya and some oligarchs might be made by some people, which fighting in Ukraine today. Maybe those people have some kind of evidence about things that can harm even Putin himself. Or they might know something about Putin's financing systems especially before he became president. 

And the comfortable solution would be for the Ukrainian army kills those people, who made dirty work for Vladimir Putin. Could the man who poisoned Boris Yeltsin be on the blacklist or kill list of Vladimir Putin? 

Things like Wagner Group are meant as a tool in the hands of Putin. That military company makes it possible to order dirty work without telling those things FSB. There is the possibility that the use of massive, nonprecise firepower is meant to hide robberies in that area.

The thing is that the Russian operation in Ukraine has been something else that Putin wanted. The Russian invasion of Ukraine was no surprise if we are looking backward. Kreml has introduced new weapon systems all the time. And then Putin shows that he wants to return to the Soviet Union. 

That could be meant to demonstrate the power of the re-established red army in the attack on Ukraine. And the result is a fiasco. The Russian losses are been quite big and we must remember that at the beginning of this conflict Ukraine had not all the weapon systems that it used to drive Russians out from northern Ukraine. The fact is that Ukraine needs more firepower to kick Russians away from entire Ukraine. But Russians don't have enough force to occupy the entire Ukraine. 

The benefit of this conflict is on the side of the Russian commander, who must not care about losses and civilian casualties. The thing is that the use of massive firepower that is not aimed is the thing that makes the enemy fear Russians. But the war crimes that Russians are made also make people fight harder. If Russians shoot the defenders anyway, they can sell their blood at the highest possible price. 

Could the purpose of those war crimes be that they are meant to make the distance between Russians and Ukrainians? In this hypothesis, the war crimes are authorized by the Russian high command. And another purpose could be to cause shame to those combatants that they will not tell things that they heard to non-authorized persons. 

Image: Pinterest

What kind of companies gets the benefit of the rise in the price of oil globally?

When people are talking about the rise of the price of oil. They are talking about the rise in the price of fuel. That means the rise of the price of oil rises with the price of traveling. The companies that get benefit from that situation are the companies that are selling especially services that can replace physical traveling. 

So things like data security companies might get lots of benefits from the rise of the price of oil which is the primary component in fuel that is used in cars and other vehicles. If people would get orders to use remote meetings as the primary meeting type. 

That means the company must secure its communication. The thing is that the rise of the oil price will make the use of own car expensive if it burns fossil fuel. So electric trains and electric cars are getting benefit from the situation that the price of oil is high. 

The rise of oil's price affects especially the price of the fuel. And if the price of natural gas that is commonly used in power plants remains at the lower level. That benefits also the users of electric cars. So maybe some people would start to use electric cars or public transportation. That thing decreases the carbon emission that comes from combustion engines. 

The next winter will be difficult for economic advances in the entire world. And there would be a recession sooner or later.  

The Ukrainian war will cause the situation that we might have to control energy use the next winter. The Ukrainian war causes a recession. And when we are thinking about sanctions against Russia, we must realize that Russians want that we believe that those sanctions do not affect the Russian military. 

We must realize that sooner or later we must rip ourselves from the addiction to Russian cheap energy. The thing is that sooner or later Putin would go too far. And Russians are using cheap natural gas and oil as the weapon that is used to rip the EU and NATO into pieces. The idea is that the Russians promise cheap natural gas and oil for countries that please their leaders. 

The fact is that whenever the western microchip is used in some missile that is shot in Ukraine Russians must get the new one. Things like gold and western currency play a vital role in the Russian intelligence services, SVR, and GRU operations in western Europe. Without money, the Russian intelligence cannot buy things like western mobile telephones and operational workspaces like flats for their agents. Russia needs western money to finance its intelligence and industrial spying operations. Also, the lack of western currency denies that the Russian agents cannot just buy western mobile technology. 


Tuesday, April 12, 2022

The embarrassing things and the Tor network are problematic to handle.

Many things, including Tor-network, are not purely good or bad. The Tor network offers the platform for telling things, prohibited in many countries. And that thing makes this network difficult to handle. When people are making things like legislation for the internet. They are balancing privacy and individual rights and control. The thing is that if something is prohibited. That just slips into the Tor network. 

The Tor network is the place that might feel safe. But there is the possibility that organizations like NSA or some other intelligence agencies are made trap pages or "honey pots" in that network. Those homepages include a so-called tracking cookie, that is sent to the receiving computer and that cookie tells the location and IP address of the computer by sending the data over the Tor connection. 

The same network that offers privacy is offering a platform for child abusers and drug dealers. And the fact is that the things like network pornography are embarrassing things for people who are playing with their attitudes and high moral things. When some people will justify something. They should understand. That when they are using the net somebody can walk behind them. 

So what would you think about the person who justifies things like pornography? But in that person's home is a room full of pornographic movies. That thing is a little bit embarrassing. Same way. When a person like a conservative "family man" is surprised watching child pornography, that thing can be a "little bit" embarrassing.  

The Tor network offers privacy and protects information. Privacy and information protection along with anonymity in the use of the internet are the key elements for protecting democracy. But those things are the most misused in the world. The Tor network is also the dark side of the internet. In the so-called darknet child abuse, drug dealers, and other kinds of marginal groups are found the place where those people can make their hobby. That is one of the saddest things on the internet. There should be limits to freedom. 

Things like pedophilia are the tabu. They are prohibited, and the problem is that many people are not confessing those things even to themselves. And then suddenly they see the homepage, where are shown those things. So that homepage can turn very often to the browser of that kind of people. So sooner or later somebody walks behind that person, and then some things that are not tolerated in a middle-class family are seen on that screen. 

The problem in western society is that people are hard to talk about their thoughts and "prohibited behavior". There is a high threshold to go to the doctor and ask about things like suspicion of pedophilia especially if the person is talking about themselves. That kind of thing might help, if a person gets support, therapy, and the right medical and maybe some child-abusing cases will not happen, if pedophiles dare to get help. And if some person is addicted to net pornography that disturbs the work that thing requires discussion. 

But the internet has brought hardcore porn and its byproducts to the front of people. And some of the things that are in the films and pictures are embarrassing. There might be middle-class conservative families' housemaids making something that is prohibited. 

The fact is that most of those people are full-aged and responsible for themselves.  But should we deny pornography? The fact is that this kind of thing just will slip to the Tor network where nobody can control it. The problem is that the wealthy pedophiles can travel to countries where is no legislation about those things. 

The internet brought many things that are prohibited in front of people. The crimes and wars including the Ukrainian war are now in front of our eyes. And sometimes, I wonder would there be sanctions against Russia if there is no internet? 

This is the problem with the internet and Tor-network. Tor network offers freedom and a channel to publish things that are not tolerated. The problem is that it's the platform for things like child abuse and drug dealers.

What is the difference between drones and missiles?


Russian Iskander missile (Wikipedia)

Missiles are easier to use in war crimes. The missiles need only two coordinates the launching point. And the point where the target is. The missile crew will give the target coordinates to the missile. And then the GPS/GLONASS system tells the missile its location and the distance to the target. When the target is in range, the system simply tells, that it's time to shoot. 

The problem with that kinds of missiles is. They need to update their target's position all the time if the missile wants to hit the moving targets. The CEP (Circular Error Probability) depends on the accuracy of the positioning system. Things like radar and image (or imaging infrared) homing missiles require the position of the target and then the GPS or inertial navigation system will drive the missile to the point, where its trajectory starts to turn to the ground. 

Then the seeker must see the target. If the seeker doesn't see the target the AI must decide does it detonates the missile in airborne. Or would it allow it to impact the ground? The thing is that AI-based imaging infrared systems are the new things and the computer code that is needed is complicated. And the most usual way to make a missile fly to its target is to use GPS/inertial navigation. 

If there is no optical seeker the operators would not even know where they shoot their missiles. So the fault, if the missile hits civilian targets, is the person who gives coordinates to the guidance system. 

Things like UCAV (Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles) are made against highly mobile missile systems. The combat drone can patrol for hours or even days and search the targets. And missile systems are the primary objects for small and lethal anti-tank missiles. 

Those drones can observe the ground operations but they are capable to destroy both anti-aircraft and short-range ballistic missiles. They can use along with the manned aircraft or alone against all ground targets. The thing is that the controller of the system sees the target. And if there are some civilians those drone operators should see also that thing. 

The thing is that the high-flying low-enduring drone is always quite a hard target for ground-based systems. The piston engine leaves a very low infrared signature. The question is why Russian military have not those systems?

Bayraktar TB-2 (Redditt)

The answer could be that the drone can use for so-called "surgical strikes". And that means drones are useful also things like assassination missions. The thing is that drones are effective and dangerous tools is that they can be almost everywhere. Small UCAV drones can carry to operational areas even in the trunk of the car. 

And they can leave to the attack position. The drone can be a quadcopter or it can be aircraft-shaped like Boeing Dominator. So when the target is coming to the operational area it will go airborne. The aircraft-looking drone can use a balloon for lift-off. 

And the operator can make that strike from a long distance. That thing makes them very frightening. And the weapon systems must be frightening because they deny the attacks from foreign countries. The purpose of the military system is to put fear in the mind of enemies. And that thing makes all successful weapon systems rough, brutal and shocking.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

When the empire falls, there is a short-period successor.

History is repeating itself. Always when empires are fallen. There is a successor that wants to rebuild the empire. Those successors are always short-period empires. The best known of those successors of the fallen empire is Justinian I. That man was the Byzantine emperor. Who wanted to unite Rome. That dream died with that man. And western Rome fell into anarchy. 

I can almost ask one question: Did Isaac Asimov predict the destruction of the Soviet Union and even Russia? Have you read the novel series "The Foundation"?  In that fictional novel, Asimov describes the destruction of the Galactic Empire and then after the decline, the empire will get its last death spasm. The last emperor wants to restore the empire, and equip the galactic fleet, which seemed very nice. 

The fleet treated the independent states around the capital. And then those states that ripped themselves away from the empire swore alliance because they were afraid of the empire. But the fleet was unable to operate because they were only core. 

Those ships or spacecraft were equipped with thousand years old engines and the emperor attacked the Foundation. That war destroys the galactic empire. Because the great fleet of the emperor was destroyed nobody was afraid empire anymore. We can almost see the connection between the fictional space fleet with the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov. That ship might look impressive. But there are many lacks in that warship. 

Her engines were not so impressive. The power system was six engines that were used in Krivak-class missile destroyers. And there were also other lacks in that vehicle. Aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetzov seems impressive outside. But where people cannot see. She had many lacks. 

The thing is that when Asimov wrote his novels he took elements to the novel from history. The battle of Tsushima and the fall of the British empire might inspire Asimov. The Battle of Tsushima was a fleet battle where the Russian fleet lost in 1905. All its vehicles sank by the Imperial Japanese fleet. 

The main reason for the loss in Tsushima was that the Russians didn't predict that the Japanese fleet used torpedoes. Torpedoes hit holes in the underwater structures of the ships. Those torpedoes were used by fast and lightweight torpedo boats. And the result of the battle was that the entire Russian fleet sank. Is this thing repeating in the drylands where tank battalions are facing new anti-tank missiles? 

That loss was the reason for the overestimation of the capacity of the Russian navy. The underestimation of the Japanese navy and the old fashion tactics. The Russian officers didn't update their training for the response to the new naval weapon, the torpedo. A similar thing can be seen in Ukraine. 

The Russian tactics are ineffective against the modern kamikaze drones, killer drones, and Javelin anti-tank missiles. The Javelin missile can install also in lightweight aerial and ground vehicles. And that kind of weapons area makes it important to re-estimate the role of the tanks on the battlefield. 

The torpedo was an effective weapon against ships. But it was useless against dryland targets. Same way in Asimov's novel the Foundation used small attack vehicles against the imperial fleet. 

And when we are thinking about history, the abyss of the empire always starts from the areas. That is distant from the capital. When the empires like Roman Empire and the British Empire and German Empire fell there was always a short-time successor for the empire. 

In the Roman Empire after the fall of Rome the East-Roman or Byzantine emperor Justinian I tried to return the Rome. He conquered almost all areas that Rome has lost together. And he united Rome. But after his death, the short-living Justinian empire lost. The reason for that was internal chaos. 

In Roman Empire, the emperor was one of the gods. That position justified him to make anything that he wanted. The first emperor who rise themselves as a god was Caesar Augustus. When the emperor repressed the opposition he pushed the opposition underground. 

That caused the situation that the emperor didn't get the right information about the need of his people. And that means that the capacity of the army and other things were overestimated when Roman troops faced the troops of Attila. Also, Romans underestimated Attila and that causes the loss. 

 In the same way, we can think that Putin is the successor of the Soviet leaders. He wants to rebuild the Soviet Union. But when the person who personalizes and connects the government to self, causes chaos after that strong leader will step away from leadership. 

Admiral Kuznetsov

The Battle of Tsushima

Javelin missile

Justinian I


Tsushima fleet battle

Friday, April 1, 2022

The new digital drugs are here.

Some things that are connected to the term binaural beat are a hoax. A binaural beat is an auditory illusion. It is perceived when two different pure-tone sine waves are presented to a listener, one tone to each ear. (Wikipedia, Binaural beat). 

There are audio files that stimulate the brain areas that are controlling good feel.  Those things are called digital drugs and they can be harmful to people. The idea of those audio waves is that they are causing a binaural beat that is causing a similar effect to psychedelic drugs. 

The binaural beat is one of the most interesting things in the world of information warfare. Because it means that the sound or acoustic rhythm can use as a drug. In some scenarios, the binaural beat can use with propaganda. Or the propaganda pictures can equip with acoustic systems that are creating a good feel near those images. That thing boosts the propaganda because it affects people for a long time. 

The idea of that kind of system is that when the person looks at the propaganda film that might have normal propaganda or subliminal propaganda that "feel-good" sound will make the person look at those images longer time. The system that is causing the binaural beat can connect with LRAD-type acoustic weapons. Those systems can use to control riots or disturb the opponent's operations and ability to concentrate. 

The binaural beat can be the acoustic LSD. The electromagnetic LSD is the theoretical thing where the same brain areas are activated when the person takes the LSD. Are activated by using electric stimulation.

The thing is that electromagnetic drugs might replace chemical drugs sooner or later. The digital drug means that the brain areas that are making the person feel good would be stimulated by electromagnetic impulses or electromagnetic radiation. Also, some acoustic systems can create conditions that the "feel-good" areas in the brain that will turn active. And that thing can use to make people follow certain internet pages.


Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Why do Russians have problems destroying Turkish-built drones?

Image) Baykar Bayraktar TB2 (Wikipedia/Baykar Bayraktar TB2)

The Russian-Ukrainian war predicted that Russia will win Ukraine in 96 hours. The reality might be different. The war carries on, and many other predictions are not matched with reality. This war has been a pain and nightmare for Russians. 

The drones are invisible and very frightening killers. That can use alone or with manned aircraft. The manned aircraft can drop drones to the operational areas. And then those drones can mark targets. Or they can attack against the targets. Long-range drones like Loyal wingmen can be equipped with warheads and they can hit against missiles. And especially the long-range anti-aircraft and tactical battlefield missile launchers. 

Many things are problematic in the Ukrainian war. The predictions are not matched with reality. But one of the questions is simple. Why Ukrainian drones are not as easy to destroy as they predicted? Those Baykar Bayraktar TB2 drones are predicted to be easy targets. But there is something why Russians are not made that thing? The Bayraktar-drones are not the most advanced systems in the world. They are classified as the 2nd or 3rd. class drones. 

That is sold for some 2nd or 3rd. class countries. The Turkish build drones are introduced as "easy to jam" systems that are not so multi-use and effective as manned aircraft. But those drones seem still flying and destroy the attackers. The ECM systems along with air defense missiles and AA-artillery are predicted to be the most effective counteractors against the drones. 

There are three possibilities for the jammer system's ineffectiveness against those drones. 

1) Russians have those systems, but they don't use them. 

2) Russians have those systems, but those systems are somewhere else

3) Russians have those systems, but they are ineffective. 

But how that thing can be possible? The fact is that even cheap drones can turn extremely dangerous very easily. Operators can change components and the computer programs of those systems without telling the manufacturer that modification. The Ukrainian war, or rather saying, Russian invasion to Ukraine shown, that predictions are dangerous. Putin overestimated his force. And now he will pay the price. 

Drones might be very unsportsmanlike. But those systems are effective. The purpose of the military is to be frightening. It must scare enemies that they are not attacking to country. The military is meant to be a tool in the hands of the country and government. And the drones are allowing that government can control those things easier than some special forces man. 

And the only purpose that force has is to destroy enemies. If there is a shame to be some drone operator that is good for government. The shame helps those people to keep their mouths shut. The reason why drones are in use in many countries. Is the problem to recruit people in special forces. 

Or actually, the problem is that there are very long service times for those operators. And the skills that are trained to them are causing those people to be hard to control. The drone operator is easier to control than traditional special forces operators. The only needed thing is to cut their connection with drones. 

The fact is that the new drones are bringing new doctrine to battlefields. There are two types of killer drones. The Bayraktar is a Predator-type unmanned quite complicated unmanned aircraft. 

Another type of those horrifying system is smaller and simpler kamikaze drones. Those kamikaze drones are cruise missiles that are used in many conflicts. The target drone is equipped with a camera and the warhead can use as a kamikaze drone. 

In traditional systems, the weakness is that the system requires all-time communication. The RPV controller orders that small cruise missile dive against its target. The target can be the tank, building, or some other suitable target. But there is the possibility that the kamikaze drones are also equipped with the IIR (Image InfraRed) or image recognition-based systems. When the drone recognizes its target it will dive and impact against them. 

The "mother of those systems" is the BGM-109 Tomahawk cruise missile. That well-known and deadly weapon is the BQM-109 target and recon drone that is equipped with conventional or nuclear warheads. After the success of the Tomahawk systems, the smaller drones are equipped with similar target recognition and attack systems. And the fact is that all target drones can equip with warheads. 

The threat is that terrorists can modify the flying assembly kits by using warheads. And that thing causes problems with national security. Drones are frightening and scary systems. The army of Azerbaijan used drones effectively against Armenian troops in their conflict. 

But they are effective. And that's why they are part of the arsenal of many nations. The success of Bayraktar TB2 in Ukraine and Azerbaijan guarantees good markets for those drones. The thing that makes the drones effective is that they can use against better-trained soldiers. The drone operator doesn't need military training at all. And that makes those people easier to control. There is always a risk that highly trained special forces operator turns against the authorities or regular people.

Drone operators might seem very unsportsmanlike. But armies are not made for sports they are made to afraid enemies. And one thing is that the control of those systems and men are the key element in military planning. The skills that are learned in armies. Are meant for serving their country and government. Military skills are not meant to use in some restaurants. The problem with special forces has been the long service times. When the service ends the serviceman must go and find a new profession. And that thing causes problems in civil life.


Are we living in a simulation?



The origin of the "simulated reality hypothesis" is in "Plato's cave"

When we think about physical simulations we forget one thing. If the person is living the entire life in that kind of simulation that person believes that the simulation is reality. The idea of this type of simulation is taken from Plato's cave.

If some people are living their entire life in the cave. They think that the cave is an entire world. Those people who live in their cave think. The bizarre shadows that they see on the wall are real creatures. So why those cave people would live in their caves? And don't come out to see are those creatures real? 

The cave offers a safe and protective place. Of course, there can come the army of men. And they will destroy that place easily. But those cave people think that the cave is in the middle of the world. There is nothing that can harm them if they stare at the wall. 

They forget that the armies still exist even if they stare at the wall and deny the reality. The people in the cave are using filtered and selective information. And that thing makes those caves dangerous. Denying the threat doesn't mean that threat does not exist. 

When we think of things like asteroid impacts. They might not seem a big thing. If we compare them with conflicts. But the thing is that without depending on the conflicts on Earth those asteroids still exist. They still can impact our planet. There is still the same probability to impact an asteroid. Even if there is some war going on. 

Are we living in a simulation? If we live in a simulation, why did somebody make that simulation? 

The thing, that fights against that conclusion is the motive for making that kind of complicated simulation. That kind of simulation requires extremely complicated algorithms. And it means that these kinds of things are not made just for fun. 

The major argument against allegations. That we are living in a simulation is the question, why would somebody make the virtual reality, where everybody lives? The thing is that we have the technology to make that kind of virtual reality. But why does somebody wants to close the entire human race to simulation? 

We can connect our cortex to computers and then use robots as external bodies. The BCI (Brain-Controlled Interface) can make brains interact with computers and we cannot see the difference between the real and virtual world. The thing is why would somebody make that thing? 

The movie "Matrix" brought that idea of simulated reality to the knowledge of a great audience. In that movie, the humans are hybridized with computers. The people are living in chambers and the matrix, ultimate virtual reality is making the virtual space where people are living. The idea of the Matrix is that when a human dies in virtual reality the computer will kill that person. 

Why are black cheeps allowed in the Matrix? 

The black cheep is the opponent to the white cheep. The white cheep is the thing that supports the majority. And the black cheep is the actor that mission is to bring discussions and criticism to decisions. Also, the mission of the black cheeps is to bring new and fundamental ideas for the society that is in the Matrix-movies the people who are connected with computers. 

There is a so-called "black cheep" paradox in Matrix-movie. Why those black lambs are allowed in Matrix? The main characters are the persons who are working in the secret underground resistance movement that purpose is to release people from the virtual reality simulation called "Matrix".  But where the computer requires those black cheeps? 

The black cheeps are needed to bring new ideas and new tactics to society. The thing is that the purpose of "black cheeps" is to criticize the majority. The idea is that there would also be another opinion and point of view than the only one that serves the majority. Also, majorities are making mistakes. And those mistakes can be fatal. 

If the majority is ordering to attack against some other state, there is the possibility that the opponent is stronger than expected. So the black cheeps mission is to ask: does anyone see the force of the opponent? Or are everybody just thinking that they can handle that problem? The thing is that when we are blinded to success we cannot see the risks or think the worst possible scenes. And one of them is that the opponent is not uncovering its all cards. 

When we are thinking about simulations we forget one thing. There are at least three types of simulations. 

1) The virtual-reality-based simulations

In those simulations, everything happens in the virtual world of the computer memories. Those kinds of simulations are like games. 

Some of them are made for fun. But some of them are created for training people. Like military commanders and surgeons for their missions. 

X) The mixed or enhanced reality simulations. 

In the most advanced of those simulations, the human senses are connected with robots. That means that the person senses and feels everything that robots see and feel. That allows using remote-controlled robots like remote bodies. 

But those simulations can be the network of simulators. That kind of system can use to simulate things like building sites, military operations, or car driving. In the building-site simulation, everything is needed in building sites, and then the operators can test things like cars how they fit in those simulations. 

2) Real-life simulations. 

The most well-known of those simulations are military exercises. But there are many more types of simulations like "lone island" simulations where people are going to lone islands and live in primitive conditions. 

Also, the closed-space simulations where people are living in isolated rooms or spaces for simulating the Mars flights are very good examples of physical simulations. 

In that kind of simulation, people are going somewhere. And they are acting as they should act in the real situation.


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