Sunday, September 17, 2023

Robot ants can destroy foreign species like fire ants.

 Robot ants can destroy foreign species like fire ants. 

Fire ants are a new foreign species in Europe. Those ants are aggressive and harmful foreign species.  The problem with poisons is that some ants and ant queens will survive from poisons whose mission is to destroy the ant population. 

Those insects turn immune to poisons, and used poisons also affect useful insects. The robot ants or cyborg ants can be used to destroy queens from the population. Robot ants offer non-poisonous alternatives for the poison that causes danger in nature. 

Fire ant

Cyborg bug

 Someone introduced the idea, that things like ants can destroyed using cyborg ants. Cyborg ants are ants equipped with microchips that take them in command. The operator can equip some ants by using microchips. 

And then they can use those implanted ants to destroy eggs, and cyborg ants can assassinate the queen from the nests. Implanted cyborg insects can be used to carry pollen into the wanted vegetables. That thing makes the harvest better. 

The cyborg bugs also could be used in the drug war. Those small-size robots can used to carry harmful fungi to those drug plants. In some other visions, the small robots can simply cut the pistils and the heads of the stamens. That thing denies things like opium poppies the ability to make seeds.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

The next step in generative AI is interactive generative AI.

   The next step in generative AI is interactive generative AI.

The interactive AI means that the person just talks to AI and then AI follows the orders. The ability to use the natural language makes it easier to communicate with robots. The human operators can give instructions to robots on what they should do next. 

The interactive AI-based translator makes it possible. People can use their languages in communication whenever they want. The translation program can installed on cell phones. And then people can use it like any other social media program. The communication could happen through central computers where the server program translates words to the target language. 

Or the system can use the morphing network or cloud-based architecture where a cloud of cell phones shares their calculation capacity. Interactive AI can also be a powerful tool for programming and any other things like the R&D process of physical tools. 

The interactive AI can give instructions to programmers. Or it can generate the code from examples. Then the AI asks for the databases' names that want to connect with the program. If AI has access to hard disk, it can search those databases itself, and make the paths. 

There is the possibility that the AI has a multi-tasking user interface. If the names are not  said clearly. The AI can ask to write those filenames. Or it can suggest files that look a little bit about the name that AI heard. The AI can give lists about the found names and then the user can select the right one. 

The next big step in the development of AI is interactive, generative AI. Traditional generative AI just follows the order like "draw me a flower". And then the generative AI just creates that image. Interactive AI discusses with the user, it asks what colors and surfaces the user wants to use in the flower. 

The person can ask to make the yellow flower with crystal leaves and metallic surface and interactive AI just starts to make the flower. During that process, after every stage, it asks is customer happy. Is there something that wanted to change, or is there some hue of color that the user wants to use? 

If the user wants the AI to make a painting, the AI might ask if is there some painting, that the user wants to use as the base. Then the AI asks what parts are the best in the painting, and then it might ask what details the user wants to use in the AI-generated version. 

In the case of the R&D process, the interactive AI is the tool that can ask if is there some airfield where the aircraft must fit. Then it can ask some special variables what are the wanted payload and other abilities that the system must have. If AI creates drones it requires the computer code, that it uses. 

The complicated AI requires powerful computers, and those computers require cooling systems and other kinds of things. Also, the sensors and other things like the drone's purpose determine it's size. The things that the AI also requires are manufacturing tools and available materials. Interactive AI is a tool that discusses with people during the generative process. 

If the interactive AI  drives a car it acts like a second driver. The system might observe a human driver, and if that person is tired or nervous, it can ask what's problem, is and tell that the person needs a break. The interactive AI can take information from the traffic control and adjust the car's speed to a level that it must not stop. The AI can also make a report to authorities if the person seems drunk or somehow angry and request traffic police to stop the driving. 

If a driver makes the mistake that takes the car into the traction. AI can fix that error. When AI takes control the clutch separates the wheel from the power steering so that the driver cannot turn the car. That thing is an important detail in robot cabs. If a drunk person can take a car in control, that thing causes a terrible situation. 

When every single wheel is operated in separate electric engines the AI can adjust their rotation direction and rotation speed. These kinds of systems can installed in hybrid and electric cars. This type of vehicle can use diesel- (or combustion)-electric driving systems. And those systems make them very fast.

The neural spiral in our brains can mean very much to the human species.

    The neural spiral in our brains can mean very much to the human species.

And researchers can use the human brain as the model for AI-based solutions that are better than ever before. 

The neural spiral in the human brain is an impressive thing. It transmits information around our brain. And that thing is suspected behind the consequence. The thing in the neural spiral is that it gives brains the ability to analyze situations better. 

And that neural spiral gives us the thing called patience. That neural spiral makes our neural system better than insects. In insects neural system signals travel in one direction and that thing gives them an effective ability to handle information. 

But that thing means that if an insect decides to attack it will not think about the situation anymore, and that thing causes death if it attacks against the superior predator. If a human sees a cave bear human will go to a weapon before the hunter even thinks of attacking against bear. The neural spiral gives the hunter deliberation, and that ability is the thing that can save the hunter's life. 

Researchers used the human and other specie's brains as a model for high-power supercomputers. The human brain works like a computer. And that means it can give a model for next-generation systems. 

The thing is that researchers can model the neural spiral from the human brain into computers and morph networks. The AI-based morphing network means that the system can, as an example, forget things. The AI can have values that if the system doesn't use some database in a certain time the system removes those files. 

If we think about the mark of the recycling center, we can think that arrows are the sequences or pulses when data travels between computers. And at the end of every pulse is the computer. The system drives data in the direction where arrows show. And every time the data travels through the computer, that system analyzes the data that is handled by a computer. That is behind that ring. 

Image: Recycle mark can used as a model for spiral computing structure. Every arrow symbolizes the pulse where information travels between computers. And then after each pulse, the information travels through the computer that processes it. The number of processing sequences depends on how many times information travels in that circle. 

So the system can send the data to travel around this spiral or ring, and in every pulse, the data system can breed the information. That kind of system can be the ultimate tool for AI to analyze data. The type of those computers is not important. And they could be regular binary computers, DNA-based computers that can drive billions of programs at one time or they can be quantum computers. 

The AI-based kernel can make computers more powerful than ever before. And carbon nanotubes can make lightweight quantum computers possible. Every layer in the carbon nanotube is one state of qubit. So the four-layer carbon nanotube can act as a qubit where is one layer for zero, and three layers are for states 1,2, and 3. In the image is a layer nanotube, that could have qubit states 0,1 and 2. 

Maybe those lightweight systems are not as powerful as some superquantum computers. But they are more powerful than modern binary PCs.  And nobody expects that laptops can make the same things as supercomputers. 

The AI-based kernel can improve the system's power in every computer type. The binary computer can use different wires for transmitting one and zero. In that model, electricity that travels in wire one gives value one. And the electricity that travels in the wire two gives a value of zero. That thing makes the binary computer faster than ever before. And AI-based kernels can make this kind of system possible. 

By using fullerene nanotubes is possible to transmit information. In the form of qubits. In that model, each layer in a multi-layer nanotube is a certain state of the qubit. The quantum system can transfer data to those multi-layer carbon nanotubes. And that makes some kind of lightweight quantum computer possible. 

If there are four layers in the nanotube, that thing means that there is one zero layer and three states in qubits. This kind of system might not seem very impressive. But we can say that this kind of system's calculation power is enough for many simulations. 

The fact is that. The Internet allows to use of high-power quantum computers over the net by using laptops or even mobile telephones. That means the high-power quantum computers can be far away from their users. 

So lightweight quantum computers are not as powerful as super-powerful quantum computers that are in data centers. We can say that we don't even think that some laptops or home PCs have the same calculation power as some supercomputers have. However, the internet allows the users of the laptops can use the abilities of supercomputers.

Radio transmission is the weak point of modern military drones.

  Radio transmission is the weak point of modern military drones. 

The new British military jet-propelled "Hydra 400"quadcopter is an interesting design. 

The new jet-propelled drone is an interesting design. The jet-propelled quadcopter can fly fast. And it can raise more cargo from the ground than electric engine drones. There is a possibility that these kinds of quadcopters can used as "quad autogyros". 

In those designs, the quadcopters use their quad rotors for lift-off and landing. During a long-distance flight. The drone can use free-rotation propellers and a jet engine. And that thing makes those drones fast. 

Those drones can used as kamikaze drones. Or they can launch missiles like Javelins if they are connected to them. The kamikaze quadcopters are interesting tools because they can observe the area. And if there are no targets those drones can return to base. 

But if there are some kind of targets the drone can make it's surveillance mission and then attack targets when their flight time ends. The drones can use an image-recognition homing system that allows them to take out targets with very high accuracy. 

Above Hydra-drone. 

The military is interested in independently operating drones is that those drones don't require full-time communication between the drone and HQ. The Ukraine war shows how dangerous full-time radio communication is. If the electronic intelligence finds the transmitter, the enemy can turn every cannon against those command centers. So the kamikaze-recon drone can transmit data to the command center and then dive against the target. And that helps to hide the place of the command system. 

The full-time operating radio transmissions are dangerous for drone swarms. The drone swarm where hundreds of members is a suitable target for large anti-aircraft missiles or AA grenades. Similar ELINT systems that are used for track radio transmitters also aim AA cannons at those drone swarms. High-power radio waves can jam the data communication in that drone swarm. 

Those missiles could equipped with a similar homing system as HARM (High-speed Anti Radiation missiles). The HARM-type missiles are also deadly against any radio transmitters. 

Normally HARM is shot from the aircraft. Portable shoulder-launched Stinger missiles also have a so-called "Anti-radiation variant" called Stinger ARM (Anti-Radiation Missiles) that can detect and destroy enemy radiation sources. That makes radio telephones missile magnets if the enemy can track their positions by using radio detectors. 

But there is the possibility that those missiles can be mounted on rocket launchers or warships. Warships can also use those missiles against enemy surface combat unit's radars. And that means the artillery rockets and grenades can have a warhead that can detect radio transmitters.

Chinese researchers manipulated miniature robots with laser rays.

    Chinese researchers manipulated miniature robots with laser rays. 

Manipulating miniature robots with lasers can lead the road to next-generation nanotechnology. The system can manipulate nanostructures by benefiting the different material's ability to absorb different wavelengths. In another version, the feet and arms of the nanorobot are made by using different materials. And in that case, different materials can move by using lasers with different wavelengths. 

The system can benefit the protein and temperature interaction that affects the length of protein fibers. 

When a laser ray hits material it raises its temperature and makes it possible to manipulate the bonds. So if the left leg of the robot absorbs blue laser light stronger than the right leg, that causes a situation in which the laser raises the left leg's temperature. That thing causes a situation. Where the left leg moves faster than the right leg. 

"Researchers develop tiny "dancing" robots." (

The ability to manipulate nanomaterials makes it possible to create complicated structures that do not require internal power sources. And that makes it possible to create complicated molecular structures that the system can manipulate by stressing them with multi-band laser rays. That kind of ability can improve nanomachine abilities. 

The complicated actions require complicated movements. And that thing gives molecular-size nanorobots new roles. In medical work the nanorobot that looks like a hairy ball can slip in the cell. Then the laser will send energy impulses to those balls that will push their hair out. That causes a situation, where the ball fills the cell. 

In some other versions, the limbs are a different number of photovoltaic materials. That means laser affects those limbs at different times. But in complicated models. The laser ray can simply transfer electricity to the miniature robots. Lasers are multipurpose tools that can transport information and electricity, and lasers can used as weapons. That makes those systems interesting from the point of view of DARPA. 

Those laser systems can do all those missions. They can used as tools for delivering commands and electricity for small-size drones. That thing is one of the ways the systems can use their multi-use capacities.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Beyond Moore's law: how to make more powerful computers.

    Beyond Moore's law: how to make more powerful computers. 

The main problem is how to keep the temperature in the computer system low. 

Moore's law means that the number of transistors in microprocessors grows exponentially in time units. Or otherwise saying the number of transistors will double every year. Moore's law is not reality anymore. The reason for that is when the size of microprocessors and transistors is getting smaller, quantum phenomena like electromagnetic whirls cause problems. The resistance raises temperature which causes oscillation in wires. And that oscillation is the thing that disturbs high-power data transmission. 

The reason why the researchers wanted to keep the size of microchips small is that long wires cause temperature problems and the electromagnetic turbulence and outside electromagnetic effects are causing more problems for microchips than short wires. And that's why a small microchip is less vulnerable to outcoming radio interference than large-scale microchips. 

Above: A supercomputer center

Above fullerene nanotube. But that image could portray EMP-protected wire that is in a Faraday cage. 

How to remove the electromagnetic oscillation and outside EMP effect from computers? 

The EMP protection allows to use of larger-size microchips and high-power coolers can stabilize the wires. Reseachers must cover every single by using a Faraday cage, and the system must keep their temperatures low. 

But one version to remove the outcoming effects is to use the EMP-protection in the wires. The image that portrays a fullerene nanotube can portray EMP-protected wires. Those wires would be closed in a Faraday cage that removes the electromagnetic effect from those wires. 

1) The microchip's size can turn bigger. Making bigger microchips with high-power cooling systems makes it possible to create microchips that have more transistors and diodes than existing microchips. 

The advanced cooling systems can keep the temperature low. However, those microchips can be suitable only for supercomputer centers. Those large-size microchips require EMP protection and advanced cooling systems. And that's why they are not suitable for home computers. 

2) The system can use photonic computing. In photonic computers, the laser rays are replaced by regular copper wires. The laser transmits data to the small-size light- or photovoltaic cell. And that silicon crystal turns flashes of light into zero and one. Photonic computers can keep their temperatures lower than regular computers. 

3) The third method is to control the system more effectively. The AI-based operating systems can keep the temperature in the microchips optimal. And that means the AI-based systems can share missions between multi-core processors more effectively. In those systems when the temperature rises in one processor, the AI can route the missions into other processors. 

That allows for decreased temperature in those processors. And, of course, the system can share its missions between multiple components. Those components can be independently operating computers even if they are in the same box.  The AI-based network can share its missions also between physical systems.

The new kamikaze quadcopter could be a game-changer. But it can also cause risk for security.

 The new kamikaze quadcopter could be a game-changer. But it can also cause risk for security. 

The new large-size anti-tank quadcopter is a tool whose abilities have not been realized yet. Aircraft or satellites can drop those kamikaze quadcopters into some operational area. And if the target for those systems is the silo-based ICBM systems. The quadcopter can wait for the silo's hatch to be open. Then those quadcopters will fly over the ICBM and detonate themselves just when the missile is firing. Anti-tank quadcopters can make holes in the submarine's hulls. 

Also, agents can carry those kamikaze quadcopters near airfields or other military bases. Then those drones will fly into the ammunition dumps or they can cause damage to radar systems or electric supply, destroy aircraft, or detonate ammunition dumps. 

"Rotem Alpha anti-tank drone at DSEI 2023 in London Image: DAVID HAMBLING" (, Super-Smart Kamikaze Quadcopter ‘Bringing Anti-Tank Dominance)

Artificial intelligence creates other programs. And that makes it a very powerful tool. By using freeware tools is possible to make customized software for less than 7 Euros an hour. The ChatBot type AI can operate as a development tool for creating software for robots. That allows the system to create customized software for civil and military drones. 

When we think about killer drones the system must only know the point where it should land, and then the system must not have slow-down mode. The ChatBot-type software generators can modify any drone in the world into a killer drone. When we think of killer drones. We are facing a very dangerous situation. In that situation, only one drone that is sold to the wrong hands can cause catastrophic. 

It's possible to download that control software from that drone. And then operators can load that software to any quadcopter. That means that in the wrong hands. Those systems are high-risk for national security. 

The new quadcopter-looking kamikaze drone is a good example of how cheap AI is. R&D work with that application is expensive things. But when the software is ready, it can scale all over the entirety. 

When software is developed system can download it into any tool, connected with it. The morphing neural network topology makes it possible to program one drone, and then that drone will transmit its program over the entire network. The AI-based applications can interconnect every system into one entirety.

Monday, September 11, 2023

Removing radio interference gives a new boost to radio telescopes and communication.

   Removing radio interference gives a new boost to radio telescopes and communication. 

"An artist’s impression of a station of radio antennas. Each station has 256 antennas, and the SKA-Low ( Square Kilometre Array Low frequency)  telescope will have 512 stations. Credit: DISR" (

The world's largest telescope uses "radio quiet" electronics. And the same technology can give a boost to communication and computing. 

Radio quiet electronics are necessary for very highly accurate radio systems. The radio-quiet electronics remove the radio turbulence from the system. And that gives the world's largest radio telescope a new type of accuracy. The world's largest radio telescope is not the only thing that can get a boost from highly accurate radio communication. 

Things like extremely powerful supercomputers that are required to transform binary data into qubits require the ability to control extremely short-term data pulses. Radio-quiet electronics remove radio interference from the microchips. That makes it possible to create nanotechnical microchips that can be used as virtual quantum computers. The interference-free systems also can make it possible to make complicated molecules. 

But radio quiet electronics can also make it impossible to steal information from copper wires and supercomputers. These kinds of systems have many types of use. And one is to offer extremely secure communication by using wires. If the wire uses radio quiet technology, that makes it impossible to eavesdrop on electric noise that travels in that wire. 

The ability to remove the radio interference from the system makes them more accurate. And that makes it possible to use that kind of system in regular communication. The term regular communication means data communication,  used for "normal purposes". Removing radio interference from those systems makes it possible to use lower power and faster pulses than ever before. 

The "radio quiet" technology makes the world's largest telescope very highly accurate. And it can be used for communication and computing. 

"Scientists from the University of Konstanz developed a method using femtosecond light flashes to generate electron pulses with a duration of around five attoseconds. This breakthrough, offering a higher time resolution than light waves, paves the way for observing ultrafast phenomena, such as nuclear reactions". ( Seconds – Physicists Generate One of the Shortest Signals Ever Produced by Humans)

The fastest manmade radio burst lasts 0.000000000000000005 seconds. 

These kinds of bursts can make communication and computing systems more powerful and faster than ever before. And that is one case where removing the radio interference can make the system more accurate and powerful. The tracking systems cannot find the origin of extremely short radio bursts. 

Because there are no non-controlled oscillations in the microchips. They can control data with higher accuracy. Than ever before. Very fast data bursts can make the information transport more effective, and eavesdropping that kind of system is a very hard thing. In the cryptological process, the key element is to separate and detect the signal that carries information from non-proposal radio signals. 

In peacetime, the network can send so-called empty data packages between data-carrier data packages. That means the attacker can get the data, but there is a lot of work to separate proposal data from the empty data packages. In war, this kind of thing is not safe, because tracking systems can find the transmitters and then the artillery shells will impact the transmitters.

The new systems allow researchers to control qubits better than any time before.

  The new systems allow researchers to control qubits better than any time before. 

The new observations about electron's permanent dipole movement are pathfinders for atom-size quantum computers. Precisely working quantum computers require the ability to control the system with extremely high accuracy. That ability requires that the system can observe its actor and a new type of sensor makes it possible to create new types of qubits. The ability to measure electrons' dipole movement makes it possible to create sterile photons with high-accurate energy levels.

Because the system sees the actor like electrons it can shoot very highly accurate laser beams into those quantum systems. If the system can make atom-size quantum computers those systems will be the most advanced tools that researchers have ever created before. 

The atom-size quantum computer that operates at room temperature can turn even nanomachines intelligent. In some visions, researchers can put atom-sized quantum computers inside living neurons, and those systems could make a new type of boost for neural networks. Those atom-size quantum computers can have microscopic chambers where they operate by using neural electricity. Those small systems might exchange information between neurons. And that thing can give a boost to the abilities of the insects. 

"MIT researchers have successfully controlled quantum randomness using “vacuum fluctuations,” introducing a breakthrough in probabilistic computing with potentially wide-ranging applications." ( the Void: MIT Controls Quantum Randomness For the First Time)

"A new study offers the most precise measurement to date of the electron’s permanent electric dipole moment, providing critical insight into the imbalance between matter and antimatter in the Universe. The study used electrons confined in molecular ions to improve the previous best measurement by a factor of about 2.4, aiding efforts to refine or extend the standard model of particle physics". ( One of the Universe’s Biggest Mysteries: “The Most Precise Measurement Yet” of Electron’s Permanent Electric Dipole Moment) 

"Using laser light, researchers have innovated a precise method to control individual barium qubits, advancing prospects for quantum computing". ( Precision Qubit Control: Leap in Reliable Quantum Information Processing)

The ability to control the quantum randomness makes it possible to create new quantum systems with better error-handling capacity. 

What if we put qubit in the bubble, or some kind of cosmic void? That thing makes it possible to eliminate the outcoming radiofrequency radiation. The control of the qubit can made by using lasers. The idea is that the miniature void. That is made by using extremely high-energy electrons. 

A laser or some maser system inputs energy to that electron which forms the protective field over qubit. The idea is that the electron sends radiation that power is easy to calculate. And then that radiation keeps the natural radiation with randomly changing energy levels away from the qubit. The idea is that the calculated and controlled field covers the non-calculated field. 

The ability to control quantum randomness removes the disturbance from quantum systems. And that thing makes it possible to understand, model, and control the quantum systems. The ability to control quantum systems and calculate the outcoming effects makes it possible to create quantum calculators that have better error tolerance. 

Theoretically is quite easy to remove the outcoming radiation effect from quantum computers. The system must know the qubit's original energy level and then the level of outcoming energy. 

Then the system must just reduce the outcoming energy from the final energy level. (Final energy level-original energy level). Of course, the system must follow outcoming energy during the entire operation. And then it must know things like frequency, wavelength, and other kinds of things about the outcoming energy. 

But if the system knows all the necessary variables and makes the right calculations at the right time. That thing makes it possible to create new quantum systems with higher error tolerance. Or the system can control and detect errors better.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Why researchers are so interested in laser weapons?

 Why researchers are so interested in laser weapons?  

The arm race is a race between an improved attacker and an improved defender. Things like Javelin missiles have two-stage tandem warheads that send hypersonic metal beams against the target. The improved weapons require improved counteractions. One of those counteractors is a laser weapon, which can destroy incoming missiles and ammunition over long distances. 

Laser weapons are the next-generation tools against grenades, drones, and low-flying aircraft. Laser weapons can also cut holes in the ship's hulls and the thing that makes laser weapons so interesting is simple. It gives also small-size crafts the ability to make fatal damage to large ships. 

If a laser cuts a slit in the ship's bow that kind of damage will be fatal if the ship must run at high speed. The Ukraine war has shown how difficult is to protect targets against drones. Even simple, straight-flying drones are difficult to defend. The drone itself is an easy target but when there are coming tens or hundreds of them. 

At the same time, the air defense cannot let any of them go through which means it requires lots of ammunition. And one purpose of those drones is to force the enemy to use their AA ammunition against them. The AI-based drones can take evasive actions and they are harder targets than those simple and cheap drones. 

The Ukrainian surface kamikaze drones are also effective tools. They can destroy or damage large ships. The problem is that things like Russia and terrorists notice that thing, and they wish to make their own versions of that tool. Maybe in the future, those drones also can operate underwater. That gives them the ability to attack the surface and underwater at the same time. 

The fact is that. Those drones can equipped with GPS-guided antitank missiles that can also be deadly against targets in the harbor area. And those kamikaze drones can attack against equipment loaded on the quay and then try to destroy ships. And that kind of target requires counter-weapons that can react very fast. And laser is suitable for that role. 

The only thing that limits the number of shots is the energy supply. Laser weapons are the same tools that are used in metal factories for cutting metal plates. And that means the laser systems can just cut off the wings of flying drones.  The aircraft, equipped with a laser weapon can use that weapon against incoming missiles. 

Protective laser weapons installed in high-flying platforms like stratospheric aircraft and airships can protect them against incoming missiles. The same lasers can also be used against enemy aircraft. 

Lasers are also double-used tools. The same lasers, used as weapons against aircraft and ships can be used as communication tools. The thing that changes laser from a communication tool to a weapon is the power, that the laser system uses. Lasers are tools that can protect satellites against ASAT weapons. And when people talk about laser satellites or "killer satellites", they mean satellites made to destroy other satellites. 

Lasers can offer communication and weapon tools against traditional missiles. But the arms race is a race between ultimate attackers and ultimate defenders. 

But the problem is that missiles can also equipped with microwave warheads. In those systems, the missile carries a magnetron that sends microwaves ahead of it. That kind of electromagnetic warhead can use a windmill generator as a power supply. And then in the final moment, explosives press the battery to make high-power radiation impulse. The purpose of the electromagnetic warheads is to shut down the target's computers and destroy its electric systems.

Maybe quite soon we can transfer memories between people.

   Maybe quite soon we can transfer memories between people. 

Cloned neurons that involve certain information can be used to transport skills and memories between people. In those visions the needed information is stored in cloned neurons. And then those cells will transfer to the person's neural network. 

We have one morphing neural network that gives inspiration for computer-based networks. That morphing neural network is our nervous system. The lab-grown cloned neurons were injected into a Parkinson's patient's brain. The problem with cloned or lab-grown neurons is that they are so-called "empty neurons". 

Those cloned neurons have no memories or skills that they use in their brains. But the BCI (Brain Computer Interface)--based technology makes it possible for the system to see those cloned neurons before they are injected into brain tissue. The system can use Cloned neurons to make hybrid microchips where living neurons and silicon-based systems exchange information.      

Lab-grown neurons are promising tools for Parkinson's. But the lab-grown neurons are the tools that can do much more than just give treatment for Parkinson's patients. The lag-grown neurons can also be used to fix brain damage that accidents cause. In some visions, the lab-grown neurons will trained by stressing them with electromagnetic impulses. 

Term trained neuron means neuron where the system transfers information that it needs for its mission. The thing that causes problems in brain damage treatment is that memories, including skills stored in neurons To fix brain damage the neuron must have the same skills. That the destroyed neuron had. 

Skills are memories that are stored in neurons and are unique. And without those things, the brain damage is hard or almost impossible to fix. Even if the system transfers cloned neurons in some brain areas, those empty neurons require skills. That they can do their mission.

The same technology that was created for control BCI (Brain Computer Interface) can used to transport information into brain cells that are grown in the laboratory. That allows the transfer of new skills and other things into people's brains. The trained neurons are things that make computers and robots more independent. 

The lab-grown neurons can change to create microchips with an organic layer. 

Those hybrid microchips can communicate with living neurons, and those systems will make at least small-size robots very independent. The problem with small human-shaped robots is that they have no space for supercomputers or high-power computers that can run complex AI-based applications. 

The living neurons that control that robot's operating system make it possible. That small robot can operate independently. Otherwise, those systems require high-speed WLAN connection for swarming and communicating with central computers.

The AI-based PCs will replace current PCs quite soon. A Lenovo director says.

    The AI-based PCs will replace current PCs quite soon. A Lenovo director says.  

Lenovo plans to replace current PCs by using new AI-based systems. The AI-based PC is the tool that makes computing more powerful, more effective, and safer than ever before. The Kernel-based AI that guards computers and identifies the users are tools that are required at this time of modern computing.

The problem with this type of advantage is that if those AI-based system's servers are in China, makes the PC an ultimate control tool. Another thing is that the host who controls servers can use data collected from the users to create military AI applications. Computer games help to create AI that can respond to all types of actions. And AI also can create things like hypersonic lifting bodies and command systems for military tools. Also, AI can create new types of dual-use systems that control drone swarms in marketing situations for making dragon images in the skies. But the same systems can control drone swarms in the military world. 

Above: 1000 drones create giant dragon into sky. (Indian Times)

There is a possibility that in the future only computers that use strong identification and user recognition have access to the AI-based tools that make computer applications in seconds. The Ukrainian conflict and especially the Russian style of using Western components in their weapon systems creates the need to create new ways to control at least places where the computers can used. 

And another thing is that if the wrong persons can use AI-based programming tools the results can be digital pandemics. Also, AI-based programming tools allow us to make things like signal detection programs that can be used to observe quasars. However, the same programs can be used as surveillance programs that can capture different types of signals. The problem is that all products have dual use. The same systems that can control a crane's azimuth can turn motorized cannons into wanted directions. 

The future AI is a modular tool. That tool can load part of itself into the local workstations. That makes it faster to use, and the hybrid network-based solutions decrease the usage level and stress for central servers. The AI-based PC makes computing more flexible and leaves more space for customized applications than regular PCs. 

Also, companies can generate custom software by using AI-based tools. Those tools require a description of what software must do. Then it creates the code, that the user can copy-paste to the compiler and turn the code into an application. 

AI-based PCs are tools that can make many types of dreams true. The system can generate customized applications. And the thing that makes the AI-based PC is that it can host that kind of application in its kernel. That makes the system faster because the modules needed for the computer's primary use can lead to the station's mass memories. That makes the system faster because it decreases central server usage. 

There is a possibility that the user can select the modules that are needed for the work that the user does with the computer. The system can locally install the modules that are used very often, but other modules. That user uses for fun, can used over the network. These kinds of hybrid solutions are the tools that change the world forever.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Self-learning morphing neural networks are a big risk and a big opportunity at the same time.

    Self-learning morphing neural networks are a big risk and a big opportunity at the same time. 

The future of machine imaging is that AI can tell your age by looking at you from the back. This is one version of how AI can make life easier and, and the same time more difficult at least if the AI is used as a control tool in some authoritarian countries. 

The AI-controlled man-shaped robots can turn all production platforms into robot factories. The man-shaped robots can use the same tools as humans. That means even old-fashioned factories can turn into robot factories. Where robot welders and other robot workers operate. The human-shaped robots are morphing tools. The same system that can make cars can use weapons to act as tank crew, assault operators, or flight combat aircraft. 

The AI is an ultimate tool for making complicated molecules, and it can make many things faster and better than humans. AI is also a more effective surveillance tool than ever before. 

In medical factories, AI creates new complicated molecules. And that thing means that the AI must be self-learning. The AI records the time and how long the molecule keeps its form. Then, it stores physical and chemical environment values, like pH, temperature, and energy levels that the system uses to push atoms in the right direction and position from the molecular structure. 

Nanomachines are complicated molecules. And weponize that technology is very easy. The nanomachines can cut cell membranes into pieces. And then they can turn targets into liquid. The other thing is that. The AI itself is a weapon that hackers can use. 

For making damages the AI doesn't need access to any laboratory. It can just create a computer virus that deletes target information from weapons.  Or it can delete access cards that allow personnel to go into the highly secured command places. In that case, those personnel cannot take command in those command centers. 

AI-based hacking tools can used to steal codes that are used to control missiles like Javelin. Those AI-based tools can destroy operating systems in tactical and strategic systems. In those cases, the AI can create a virus that removes programs from high-tech missiles and other weapons. 

And that means there are not only good or bad things, that the AI can do. This is the thing that makes AI a more powerful and more complicated tool than nobody expected. When we think about the arms race and AI, the fact is that small countries get more benefits from robot weapons than big nations. And that is the thing that makes those systems game-changers in international areas. Ukraine conflict shows that a bigger army doesn't win conflicts anymore. 

The thing is that the world needs innovations and the AI is the greatest tool that we ever created. The AI-based morphing systems can change their structures and operations dynamically. Are tools that make neural networks better than ever before. In neural network-based structured networks virus infection in one workstation does not destroy the entire network. '

The morphing network just removes infected workstations and then formats the system. After that, it reconnects that cleaned workstation back to the network. Teaching new things for the morphing neural network is also possible by loading the application into one workstation, and then that system scales that information all over the network. In morphing networks, the network is only the platform, that operators can use in multiple missions. 

The self-learning morphing networks are the tools that can be next-generation spying tools. The idea is that the neural network can use multiple IP addresses for attack. And that makes it hard to deny those attacks. Then the AI can create common passwords if it has the namellist of the workers. The neural network can search for things like what those people borrow from the library and what type of movies they watch. 

Then it can create the "most common" passwords like the first letters on the license plate, the name of the favorite actor (or favorite book, dog's or spouse's name, etc.), and numbers from the license plate. The AI can search and interconnect data that it can collect from security cameras drones and other sources. If an attacker is a state, the attacking system can use recon satellites and recon planes to get that kind of data. The resources determine what kind of systems and methods the neural network can use.

New creative AIs can accelerate the arms race worldwide.

    New creative AIs can accelerate the arms race worldwide. 

Creative AIs can accelerate the arms race on both virtual and physical levels. The operators can use AI-based image and text generators to make material for information warfare campaigns. That is one thing that we must realize. The AI can also observe people and their reactions and make sure that they believe what they see. 

The AI can also operate as a tool, that interconnects multiple systems together to an entirety where manned and robot systems can operate very accurately together. Also, AI can serve as an automatic fire control tool. The idea in those tactical systems is that when a fighter pilot or tank crew loads ammunition to the weapon and presses the "fire button" the system will not shoot immediately. The idea is similar to elevators that remember the floor where they should go. 

That means the fire command is stored in computers. And then the system recognizes an enemy target. And automatically aims weapons at it and launches it automatically. The system knows the ammunition type that is loaded from its RFID code, and that guarantees that it will not use that grenade against targets. Where it has no effect. The smart bombs and missiles can have preloaded missions. 

But missions can loaded similarly into all smart ammunition. And the same way the GPS-guided grenades can have preloaded targets in them. The system loads data stored in a grenade to the motorized howitzers computers. That guarantees the pinpoint accuracy for those systems. 

Creative AI  can used to make tools for the military. 

Quantum material technology requires that the system can control complicated entireties. One of the promising new stealth materials is a graphene network which is small nano-diamonds. The nanodiamonds are pyramid- or prism-looking structures, that are oppositely on fullerene. That makes the strong material that is hard to push in. Also, things like ADNR (Aggregated Diamond Nanorods) nanorods make it possible to create new types of armor and ammunition. 

The ADNR nanorods can be used to cover the nose of the flechette ammunition. There is the possibility that uranium is put behind ANDR nanotubes making the flechette vertex harder than the diamond.  

Creative AI is the ultimate tool for the R&D process. The system can make cars, medicines, as well as, aircraft and tanks, along with other machines by following the command "make jet fighter". Then the AI will get parameters like budget. Then it will make drawings and other necessary things like material and equipment lists for CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) tools. 

The 3D printing technology allows the system can make even cannons and machine parts from steel and chrome wires. The 3D printers can operate in vacuum chambers where oxygen cannot reach the mold. Normally, the thing that decreases the mold's quality is air which can affect hot metals. The robot factories can make almost everything without breaks. And the only thing that limits the products are the CAD (Computer Aided Design) images that robots use to make products. 

Virtual simulators are making AI-based design more effective than ever before. 

Stanislaw Lem's Sci-Fi novel "Peace on Earth" describes AI-based evolution. The computer- or AI-based evolution released on the Moon. The system uses two levels. The AI-based simulator makes the virtual- or digital twin for things like jet fighters. Then selective simulator that involves digital or virtual twins of existing aircraft tries to fight against that new system. 

Then the simulators will check what went wrong, and then the developer simulator makes necessary changes for the product. That kind of automatized R&D tool requires many parameters like flow simulation, radar profiles, and tactics. The AI-based automatized evolution is the tool that will make more advanced systems.

Friday, September 1, 2023

The new AI paves the route for next-generation AI and intelligent systems.

  The new AI paves the route for next-generation AI and intelligent systems. 

We are in a situation where AI takes a stronger role in life. But even if modern AI is an impressive tool, the cold truth is that the AI just interconnects databases together. The AI requires certain parameters so that it can select the right information from large databases. The problem is that databases and hard disks have limited capacity. So the system must have parameters that makes it forget or remove data from certain database. If there is no that parameter the AI fills its databases with no necessary information. 

When we are selecting routes, we must remember a golden rule. There is no perfect route, and the second thing is that the shortest and easiest-looking path can be dangerous or turn very hard later. If we drive a car, the computer must calculate time but also costs that the route takes determine how effective it is. Things like needing to refuel or recharge batteries or stand at a crossroads with the motor on can cause costs. 

When we are transferring this thing into AI, we are against the new situation. The AI is not perfect. It makes life easier, but it also destroys some jobs. The best sector for AI is the limited operational area with clear orders. That means the AI is the best tool for things like mathematical analysis, and the only problem is this. When somebody wants to use the AI that person must describe the mission clearly and use language that the AI can understand. 

"Researchers have improved deep learning by selecting the most efficient overall path to the output, leading to a more effective AI without added layers." ( AI: Choosing the Best Path to Optimal Deep Learning)

The golden rule with the AI is this. It can create many things that humans make but the AI is not intelligent. It knows multiple things, but the problem is that when the AI must learn something. It's helpless. The AI is not very good in cases where it must interconnect multiple data allocation units from multiple sources into one great quantum computer.  So the AI has no imagination. 

That means the AI cannot create anything new without orders from its master. But the game is changing. The computer can use simulations for making new databases that involve new ways to react to something. AI is an ultimate tool. And it can turn into a very powerful tool in life. Because it can interconnect many sources together it can give the right answers and seem very intelligent. But that system needs pre-made answers for making decisions. 

When the AI faces some situation it finds the match for situations that it. That is stored in its memories. That means the AI cannot create the databases from emptiness. But during the day the AI faces many things that mean nothing. And if robots or AI stores all the data that they see, the mass memory. That means robots fill even the largest mass memories. It requires parameters for select reactions it stores in its mass memory. Reactions must match with details that are stored in a database.

ESA's Hera mission tests new radar technology.

  ESA's Hera mission tests new radar technology.

The radar images from the asteroid's internal are interesting things. The radar systems used in the Hera mission are a flexible tool. It can also used to make mineral maps and uncover underground structures. This system is suitable for asteroid missions. And also for civil and military operations on Earth. 

The Hera probe has a very small radar, that size is 10 cm. These kinds of miniature radars can be pathfinders for next-generation miniature radar technology. 

Engineers can install small-size radars in satellites, aircraft, and drones. It's possible that miniature radars can be installed on ground vehicles like Jeeps, and they can cooperate with optical sensors. Those radars also can search for underground objects like archeological objects, dug metal things, and mines.  

"Due to launch in 2024, Hera will travel to the Didymos pair of near-Earth asteroids to test planetary defense, find out more about asteroids, and demonstrate novel technologies. Hera will carry two CubeSats that will get up close and personal with the asteroids. This artist’s impression shows the Juventas CubeSat carrying out one of its main tasks – using radio waves to study the interior structure of the smaller asteroid, Dimorphos. Credit: ESA/Science Office" (’s Hera Mission: Mini-Radar Will Probe Asteroid’s Heart)

"This 10-cm box will make history as the smallest radar instrument to be flown in space – and the very first radar to probe the interior of an asteroid. Its target? The Dimorphos asteroid, which on the night of September 26, 2022, had its orbit diverted and a vast 10,000 km plume sent out into space by collision with NASA’s DART mission. Credit: JuRA Team / UGA" (’s Hera Mission: Mini-Radar Will Probe Asteroid’s Heart)

VLF and ELF radars can search submarines from deep sea. The same systems can also map deep underwater structures. Those radars can be used to map Asteroid Ceres' internal structures. 

And maybe those radars can someday see Jupiter's Europa moon's ocean bottom. Radio spectroscopy allows the radar to see molecule structures from deep underground objects. 

Maybe in the future radars can observe our blog sales because radio waves are jumping out from iron of hemoglobin. And if radar is enough that system can see even a single blood cell.  There is a need for a test bed for those highly effective miniature radars. 

That is why Hera is an important tool for researching radar technology. The Hera uses miniature radar to make radar images about the asteroid's internal structure. And that means researchers can install similar systems in drones and aircraft. There is a possibility that those miniature radars can be installed in one entirety. 

And that allows the system to act like a compound eye, where miniature radars can replace optical sensors. That kind of radar combination can increase the resistance against jamming. In that system, each segment can act as independent radar making it possible to create new multi-band radar systems. That kind of radar also can act as a radio weapon, that aims plus and minus electricity into a target that could overheat it.

Superhydrophobic materials can be more fundamental than we think.

"Research on metal-organic frameworks has led to the development of superhydrophobic surfaces by grafting hydrocarbon chains, which cre...