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The 6G communication can use terahertz radiation.

"Tohoku University researchers have developed a tunable filter for terahertz wave signals, facilitating higher transmission rates and improved signal quality. This breakthrough, crucial for the advancement of terahertz applications in communication, medical imaging, and industrial analysis, promises to unlock the full potential of terahertz waves across various fields." (ScitechDaily, Unlocking the Future of 6G: A New Breakthrough in Terahertz Communication)

The world is going to be mobile. And that means there is always a need for new and faster mobile networks. The problem with data networks is that even if 4G and 5G are fast. Mobile applications always turn harder and harder. More and more mobile applications like cell phones connect to mobile networks. And that thing increases the need for data transportation capacity. 

In the future, all TV sets and even houses use wireless data transmission because data cables are expensive. It's cheaper and easier to install long-range wireless mobile hotspots than to install optical cables to the house. And the next-generation data communication solution can be a Starlink-based satellite solution. 

"Schematic concept of the developed tunable filter. (a) Cross-sectional view of the filter; (b) relationship between period and refractive index; (c) frequency shift due to the change of refractive index. Credit: Ying Huang et al." (ScitechDaily, Unlocking the Future of 6G: A New Breakthrough in Terahertz Communication)

The ability to filter terahertz radiation means that the next-generation data communication networks might use terahertz radiation for data transmission. The biggest problem with using terahertz radiation has been filtering that radiation. The problem is how to make data transmission between multiple mobile systems using the same frequency is solved. 

The system equips every data package with the identifier. That allows the router to route those data packages into a certain device. And other ways that identifier makes the receiver reject those data bites. After that, the device collects those data bites into one entirety. 

The ability to put a serial number to those data bites makes the network more flexible and more secure. The system can use different routes to send the package and the serial number allows the receiver to collect data in its entirety even if the system uses radio- and optical communication at the same time. 

"The mechanically refractive index variable metamaterial. Credit: Ying Huang et al." (ScitechDaily, Unlocking the Future of 6G: A New Breakthrough in Terahertz Communication)

In that model missing serial number tells the system that there are missing data bites. And the transmitter can send those missing bites again. That saves the network and releases its capacity for something else. 

But the other thing is how to protect data against physical damage. When two electromagnetic fields with different frequencies impact those fields start to disturb each other. That thing is problematic because the system must remove the artifact, the non-controlled part from it. If some outcoming waves hit electromagnetic fields, they act like a jammer system. Those outcoming waves destroy the data from the field. 

There is one problem with radio communication. The problem is that there is a limited number of radio frequencies. And terahertz radiation helps that problem by offering new frequencies for communication systems. The terahertz radiation is a new frequnéncy for communication. And the terahertz networks can be the solution for the next-generation data transmissions.


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