Friday, November 30, 2018
Tracking other people is not needed any special skills.
Kimmo Huosionmaa
There are many things, what we should beware in the Net, and one is using WhatsApp in some freak games. That solution would give exact information about the user to the opposite side on the Internet. This, of course, allows, that the trackers can find out the home of the person, and in fact, if they get an allowance to use the account of some mobile device, or slip in the pocket or handbag some cheap mobile telephone, whose persons can track their target in anywhere that person goes.
This makes those things a very big risk. But there are other things, what people should warn, and one is that if the social media solution would delete the messages after the person has read it, that doesn't mean that those messages would not have existed. Those messages can be saved in the server of the service provider, and then they can find them in there if they want.
And another thing is, that storing the messages would not need any technical knowledge. Only the photographs, what are taken from the screen of the telephone, by using another phone's camera, and taking pictures of the screen. This means that this kind of things must understand before using social media. The person who spies the target doesn't need to have passwords or any special technical skills.
Only the mirror in the wrong place would help the person to steal data from other person screens. The observe can follow the thing, what is happening by filming the session by using a mobile telephone and the mirror, what shows the screen, what the person, who is under the surveillance uses. Remember that if the tracker would have the right computer programs that person can capture data what is on the screen by using the reflections from the windows what would be make stronger by using graphics programs. and by using those images, can the tracker get the same information, what the target sees in own screen. And even if the picture is unstable or took from little bit wrong position, would that tracker get very much important data from the very small screens.
One thing about public WLAN and dynamic IP
Kimmo Huosionmaa
I must say that this writing is the continue for the last one, and the thing is about the IP-address. The IP-address is the thing, what the Internet uses for finding or specify the computer, where the data should be sent. And this thing is the thing, what client computer sends to the server before the server can start the data transfer. The server needs the static IP-address because other computers must find it over the network. And the homepages would link the data by using the IP-address.
The reason, why we cannot install the static IP-address for our home computers is that Internet service providers deny that action, and the reason for that is the streaming films or something like that from own server to the fellows is using so much bandwidth, that the service providers have normally locked that option, and they change the IP-address at least once per 24 hours. And there is another reason for that, what is not so well known. The thing is that the service providers have a limited number of IP-addresses and that means, they must release those addresses simultaneous, that the new devices can connect to the Internet.
But the major reason is that the material, what is prohibited to share would easily be shared from own server. The static IP normally pays extra money, and that's why most users use dynamic IP-where the IP-address changes in the time period. The payment for static IP normally guarantees more high uploading speed, and in dynamic IP the download speed is very high, but uploading speed is slower. Many people believe, that dynamic IP makes possible to surf anonymously on the internet, but the problem is that the network changes the IP by using the MAC-address of the computer.
And this means that the monitoring computer can easily track those computers if they are in the list of that machine. And changing MAC-address don't help, because the computer must get the new one from the net, and that would cause, that the tracking computer would just get information, that the new MAC-address is in use, and actually the new MAC-address can be given by the tracking server. The dynamic IP-might seem safe, but actually in the network might be a list of those IP:s to send the computer, what is under surveillance.
So those IP:s might be actually the same IP, what is send in the original session. Public networks might also seem perfect place for hiding the identity of the user, but the anonymous use by using them is actually allowed only if the service provider would give permission for that, because public WLAN:s are not meant for the support the communication of the terrorists, and as I just wrote in the text below this, that service provider can collect the information by using surveillance cameras about the person, who is using a computer.
Thursday, November 29, 2018
A couple of things, what you should know about a carrier IQ
Kimmo Huosionmaa
The thing, what is called a carrier IQ makes possible to track any mobile device, but that also allows actually to track any computer in the world, but this thing is not actually the reason, what makes this thing so frightening. This thing is allowed to make much more when it is connected to some other surveillance devices like surveillance cameras. The surveillance cameras allow taking pictures of the person, who is monitored, and also many things are basing the Carrier IQ. Carrier IQ is like telephone number, it would help the routers and switches to drive the data packages in the right IP-address.
Carrier IQ allows tracking every single cellphone or other devices because the TCP/IP protocol makes the action, where after every single package of data would the device give the receive, that the all packages are successfully received. The normal thing is that when the server sends data packages to the receiver, would it send before every package the sum of the bits to the receiver. And after that, the receiver of the data transmission would send the sum of the received data, and this is the thing what causes problems.
The system can also the other data of the computer like the serial number, and this information can be used to track the person, who uses the computer. Also, this protocol allows to see, what kind of films the user of the computer watches, and how long this person spends by looking the videos in the net. This data allows profiling every single net user, by using the data, what the device would transmit to the Internet. The thing bases, that the system knows every single movie clip, what the monitored person watches and homepage, where the net user visits.
For this action, what is called population, bases the matrix, that is made by using the information that is collected from a certain group of people. That group could be some ice-hockey players, military personnel or prisoners. After that, the data, what's collected from monitored person devices, and that can help profiler to make a profile the net user. And if the profile of the user matches with the group of serial killers or something like that, there would take the genome test of that person, because the reason for this kind of things is causing by the genome disorders.
Biological weapons and the genome manipulation
Kimmo Huosionmaa
One of the most horrific biological weapons would be the person, who delivers the organism but staying wealthy self. In those cases, some kind of retrovirus could be used to connect some kind of infectious genome in the human DNA. And that organism can transform the blood or some other things extreme poisonous. One of the most interesting ideas is to modify the immune system of a human to make the killing viruses.
And in that case, the idea is to modify the human genomes in that way, that those viruses would not cause symptoms in the person, who is immune to those organisms. But the most interesting thing is to modify the blood cells like the creation of the viruses begin after death, and that would cause very bad destruction if the field of the enemy. That kind of things might deny killing or torturing the imprisoned soldiers. Because if the killing organism would be released in the area, would that cause death for many men.
Modifying the genomes of the military personnel would be a very attractive thing. By using retroviruses would be possible to make the military men, who are resistant for the nerve gases and many diseases, like filoviruses and harmful bacteria. This opens the new lines to use biological weapons, what might be camouflaged as the natural epidemics, or even the famine, what seems like a natural. The horrifying vision to cause the famine by using biological weapons would happen by creating the virus, what destroys bacteria layer in the stomach, what denies the infected person to take nutrients from the food, and even if they would get enough food, they would die in hunger.
Those modifications might be visible and cause discussion about the ethics of the military personnel, but when we are going a little bit farther we must realize, that if we would have very advanced biotechnology in use, we might whip off those genetic modifications after the operation by using genome therapy. And if we would have high-tech laboratories in use, we might modify the genomes as the way we want. And this makes possible to change identities of the personnel, that even themselves is impossible to prove, that they have been in some military action.
Retroviruses and biotechnology.
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Retroviruses are an effective tool for transferring genomes in the cells, and they allow to create the brand new organisms and give the extremely large scale genome therapies in a very easy way. The idea of that kind of genome therapies is that the work is done in the laboratory. And the transferring the genome would happen by giving it with injection or by nose spray, what makes possible that even the person, who has no training can give those viruses for patients. The giving this kind of genome transfer is like giving the normal vaccine. In real life, that kind of genome medicals or vaccines can be delivered by air by using sprinkler systems, and that allows to give cure for a large number of people in the very short time period.
How to use retroviruses in the genome therapy and how that organism can improve the medical operations in the case of accidents? Retroviruses can transform organism or cell the another. And this ability makes possible to use those viruses in the biotechnology. One of the possible purposes to use genetically modified retroviruses, what bases in the synthetic DNA or RNA would be useful in the cases, where the large scale of tissues must be produced in the very short period.
Those cases are fire and another kind of accidents, where the large group of people would get very large injuries, and the production of the large scale of transparent cells must be done would the retroviruses use to modify the tissues of the animals like pigs, to create the cells, what fits the injured persons body. In fact, there is possible to make the genetically manipulated pig, what can use to grow organs as the spare parts of the people, who have cardiac diseases or lung cancer or their organs have been destroyed by some other reasons.
In those cases, the retroviruses would transfer the genomes of the fetus of the pig, as it would be transplanted to the people. The mitochondria transfer, where the mitochondria are transferred in the human body, by using retroviruses, what would make the human body to begin the creation of mitochondria, are existed. I don't actually know are those persons use only the mitochondria, what can be injected into the human, or are they using retroviruses to transfer the cells that way, the mitochondria would start to create in it. The mitochondria are a very interesting part of the cell. Their mission is to create the energy for the cells, and they work like the small fuel cells.
The mitochondria have the own DNA and they are actually parasites, what have the symbiotic relationship with cells, what offer them the food and protection. And mitochondria offers the energy for those cells, where they are living. So if the scientists will transfer mitochondria to the body of the human, that would actually work in the same way as the retroviruses, what transfer the genome, what allows the cell to produce new wealthy mitochondria. There have been ideas to use this technology as the "doping", what allows to create cells, where are more mitochondria, than normal cells. That thing would allow creating muscle-cells, what is stronger than normal muscle cells. Maybe this thing is real in the future, and it would cause need to create more doping tests for use in the Olympic games.
Project "Code EVA" (Enhanced Vehicle Agent (or Application))
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Kimmo Huosionmaa
Space technology and its relationship with military power are very well known connection. Sometimes there have been military projects, what has very well known code names. Military uses the same vehicles with civilians, and the fact is that most of the space pilots or astronauts have been in the military service when they are made that mission. Sometimes there are many inventions, what can be used in the multipurpose role in both areas. The most innovative things, what people have ever created for science and technology is the space-suit, what is actually a man-shaped spacecraft. The official name of the space suit is actually EVA (Enhanced Vehicle Agent). That suit is equipped with micrometeor and anti-radiation protection.
That allows to make very flexible protective layers, what can be rolled, and actually, the only thing, what limits the usage of those suits on earth is their weight. That kind of protective systems can be used against weapons of mass destruction, and they can be easy to take in use, and when the operation is over, they can be removed from area easily. Sometimes there have been plans to put man-shaped robots inside those spacesuits, and that kind of equipment would be useful in the space repairing missions.
The remote-controlled robots can spend an extremely long time in space, and they don't need any spacecraft. That's why those robots can operate in space independently, and they can send to space by using small-scale rockets like Pegasus. The space suit protects the metal body against micro-meteors. Those robots can be used to repair or hijack satellites in the orbital trajectory. In the last case, the robot would take the wire to the satellite and it would be pulled to the returning capsule, what is actually an "lying garbage can", what can land to the ground.
But there have been plans to equip the space suits with weapons. In many pictures, there has been the camera on the shoulder or astronaut during the spacewalk, and sometimes there have been discussions to equip that thing with the MAC-10 type sub-machine gun or microwave weapon, what allows to use that suit as the weapon. Those very deadly instruments, what is installed on the spacesuits are actually known as the Enhanced Vehicle Application or EVA, what is the same thing, what is used with the normal space suit.
Sometimes there have been plans to equip military personnel with such type of weapons like small size pistols, what are installed in the helmets. Those weapons would be Derringers, what can be launched by blowing the balloon, what is pulled through the trigger protection, and that can be the very effective thing in the short distance combat. But also the high-tech versions have been tested, and one of them is small-size sub-machine gun, what is aimed with helmet pointing system, and launched with a gesture, what is given by the data gloves.
That equipment can be used inside normal gloves. And they can also use to use many more remote things, like small size robots, what are slipping in some heavily protected or polluted area. Those lego-man sized systems can fly in the target, and use similar tools with normal people. The ergonomy makes easy to control those systems and those small helpers can collect data, take samples or remove parts from microchips. So those "ant men" are very flexible tools they can fly to the target, and operate there as long as batteries have voltage. They can be controlled with virtual sets, what makes possible to use them in the field conditions. Those robots would operate with VR-glasses, where they would send the image from their CCD-cameras and the microphones and piezo-crystals send the sensation to the operator, and that person might use virtual joysticks and other things like that by using data gloves.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Two zeros problem with a microprocessor (How to send two "empty" marks one after other?)
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Problem with the microprocessor is caused by a number "zero" or empty. The idea of the system is that one is when there is electricity in the wire, and zero is when the wire is without voltage. thing. What makes this thing problematic for the microprocessor is to separate two lines of the binary code. This thing might feel very easy to answer, but the problem is that the computer's microchip can only handle numbers one and zero, what means that giving the "break" mark has not many things to choose.
When we have only two things what to choose, and those things must be used for other purposes, must the system somehow separate two different programs, what makes impossible to send the break marks by using some different marks. And the problem is, how to separate the separation mark from other marks.
As I have written in binary code is only numbers one and zero, and when the next series of the binary code is transmitted in the processor, must the computer know, when the first line ends and the second line of the binary code starts. If that is not determined, would the computer not able to tell the difference for a computer of two different programs. When the computer works the clock is determining the time, what means zero in the line of the code and what is the length of the cut in the electric circuit, when the processor is going to begin to drive another program.
The thing, what cuts voltage in the wire is rotating switch, what makes possible to cut the electricity in the wire by using extreme fast speed. Actually, this problem is always existing, when the processor must handle two same numbers one after the other. And the thing is very easy to explain by giving an example, "how to separate two number one or two number zero from each other?".
The answer is very simple, the microprocessor must have the only clock, what determines the length of the electric cuts, and when the length of electricity cutting limits certain time, would that determine that the cut means that there is sending number zero. But how microprocessor would separate break or zero and the end of the program code from each other is a very difficult thing. In theory, there should be a mark, what is send before each mark, but the thing is that it would be done by the second microprocessor and that only transfers this problem to another place in the microcircuit.
Gustav Klutsits: "Fulfilled plan, Great work".
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Kimmo Huosionmaa
Latvian born artist Gustav Klutsits made this avantgarde- or propaganda poster in 1930, for 13th. anniversary of the revolution. There is a hand, what is filled with smaller hands. And the message of this poster is, that the group gives power. The message of that propagandist poster is very strong, and they are given very good ideas for many people, even if they don't like communists. The idea of the poster is that every whole is consists of individual units.
And if the whole would want to be strong, every each individual must work for it. The idea is to demonstrate the state as an organism, what consists of the individual cells. This seems a very good idea, but the problem is, that this way to think makes possible to make the most horrific crimes, what mankind ever think. The idea of this way to think is that if the individual becomes useless for the system or composition must that individual removed immediately. And that would justify and legalize the political arresting. But there is some other thing, what we must understand.
This thing, that every single individual must work in the same way, and act in the same way with others, also makes the henchmen think that they are released from the moralistic and ethic responsibility when they are following the orders of their leaders. In this way of thinking, the structure is more important than the individual, and when an individual turns to useless that part can be removed. This would work in a short period, but when enough parts have been removed, would the whole become useless, because the parts must be replaced with other parts and making new parts costs time, and this means that the replacing some parts with other would be possible in the fast period in one case.
If there is stored spare parts in some storage, the replacement would be very easy. The lower level of parts like screws are almost always found from the storage, but replacement of higher level of parts like gearwheels are not stored so much. And this gave an idea in the head of Joseph Stalin, that he was the most difficult part of the system to replace and all the parts of the system or machine are working for this particular part, what is like the god or master particle for other particles of the machine. The idea is that every machine must be the top piece, what has the justification to give orders for every other particle in the machine.
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Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Could aliens have completely different kind of mathematics what we have?
Kimmo Huosionmaa
I lent the heading for this text for one article, what I have just read. And I'd like to say something about our mathematical system, what bases the thing, that we have ten fingers. That's why our numerical system consists nine numbers, and of course, number zero, what means "empty". That's why we are calling out the numerical system as the "decimal system", and actually this term is caused, that when our calculator comes to the end of the continuum, we mark this point with numbers one and zero, what are consisting number ten.
That means the "full". The first number and mark for empty means, that the calculator must begin to calculate or fill the second line of numbers. And when the second line of numbers is full, the first number turns two and the last is again empty. This means of course that the second line of numbers is filled. We can continue like this forever because there is no end for lines of numbers.
With computers, we are facing the thing, what is called the "binary system". In that system is two numbers one is full, and zero is open (or empty). This is very remarkable because this binary system is making microprocessor functional. And the thing, what makes very difficult to make the so-called quantum computer, is that ever microprocessor in the world can handle only one operand per case, and this is because it is connected to the binary system. And that numerical system makes impossible to make two or more operands per case.
When we are thinking about other numerical systems, we must first understand that normal decimal system and the binary system's number of numbers are the pairs. This means that we could also make numerical systems, where is not paired number of numbers. The simplest of those systems is where the line of the numbers is three numbers long. Here the end of the numerical line is after number three, and that means that the line of the numbers is filled after number three.
This is the question about communication with hypothetical aliens. If we don't know their numerical system, we cannot open their messages. And if the hypothetical aliens would think a little bit like us, but they would have three fingers they would have the numerical system what consists of three numbers, would that mean, that we could not open that message with the computers, what handle the binary system.
Another thing is if the humanoids would not use normal computers, what means that they would use quantum computers, would the message be so heavily coded, that we ever cannot open it. Maybe they would use the trick, what is known as "linear ( or modular) algebra", and that means that the coding machine would calculate many extreme long numerical calculations at the same time. And even the most modern computers cannot make that thing. In this case, the computers calculate their own parts of the numerical operand, and they would connect together.
Those operands need very hard calculations. The thing is that everything, what is hard for the normal computer is very easy for the quantum computer. If the hypothetical humanoids would use their personal computers like tablets or laptops, they might think that their message would be easy to open, and maybe they have forgotten normal or binary computers a long time ago. They might want to make that hypothetical message easy to open, but in this scenario, they don't understand, that they are making too hard messages that we could open it. So they forget, that everybody is not on their technical level.
A large layer of sensors can control large areas
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Kimmo Huosionmaa
Nanosensors can cover very large areas, and they might seem like natural things. Snow on the top of the trees is a beautiful thing. And that thing has been inspired one of the most unique and particular ideas of the world. This idea has sent the person, who created almost to a mental hospital. The idea is to use water, what goes in the vascular bundles of vegetables like trees to give electricity for computers. The size of the systems must be very small, that this idea works. That's why this idea seemed like made by a maniac.
The idea seemed silly, and the person who told that thing sent to the psychiatrist. But when we are thinking about the thing, that the extremely weak water flow would give energy to some machines like computers, we must remember, that nanotechnology actually makes possible to make electricity for small size computers, what might seem like snowflakes. The nano-size windmill-generators would give energy for the extremely small size microchips.
Those microchips can be used as the recon sensors, or they can be "only" computers. The idea is that using Bluetooth-technology would the small and limited capable computers connect together. When we are thinking about the capabilities of that kind of that kind of systems, we are facing that thing, that the extreme small recon systems can cover very large areas. Even if they look limited because they have only one sensor, the layer might have the multisensor capacity.
The system might be like sand-crystals and every single element of those structures might have different sensors, like microphones and small size cameras and electronic intelligence systems, what can control GSM-traffic. They can collect data from large areas, and they can send it to the control centers by using the normal Internet. So one hidden GSM-telephone can send that data to the controlling officer, and those stations might be camouflaged as the garbage cans.
Monday, November 26, 2018
The strange thing in clouds, what could be a reflection but...
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Kimmo Huosionmaa
The picture above the text is taken by me, and portraits "strange lights", what might be caused by natural reasons like reflections. The smoke from the power plant might cause that the group of clouds is forming holes, what seems like some UFO. But I want to write a little bit more text about this kind of things. Of course, they can have an extraterrestrial origin, by some craft what those aliens might create. I think that there would be the more terrestrial origin. They could be reflections in the lens of a camera.
There is a strange line of light in the clouds of this picture. Those lights are actually holes thru the clouds. It might be only a coincidence, that those lights are in that form. That kind of things is caused by many UFO alerts around the world. When we are thinking about "V"-shaped craft, what might have jet-engines or some more exotic blowers below it, those kinds of holes might be caused by them.
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But could that craft be something extraterrestrial? There are claims, that Superpowers like USA and Russia has got very large size recon platforms, what are made by using carbon fiber, and that would allow making very large but a long enduring platform, what can be used in multimission recon operations. Those "flying wings" have been equipped with special airborne radars and another kind of intelligence equipment, and they have produced by using similar technology with "Helios" solar power aircraft, what reached the record altitude of the "heavier than air" aircraft.
There could be more advancing version of that aircraft, what might use hybrid systems for operating. That hybrid version of "Helios" is probably equipped also with small size jet engines, what are similar what is used in AGM-86 and "Tomahawk" cruise missiles. The operator can select, does the plane use jet engines or invisible propels, what is rotating by electric engines, what can powered by using fuel cells or solar panels. Also, those planes can be loaded remotely by using "MASER" (Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation" system, what would save fuel. And if that plane is VTOL-capable that thing could hover above some area, and collect some pieces from the ground. But are those lights caused by this plane remains mystery? They can, of course, be naturally formed as I wrote at the beginning.
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Tactical pen, and improvised weapons
Kimmo Huosionmaa
The tactical pen is actually a pen, what is made by using metal, what makes it a very good weapon. But when we are thinking about the use of a pen or pencil for self-defense, we can say, that any mechanical pencil or normal pencil can be used in that purpose. One good way to make mechanical pencil the weapon is to put the pin of the place, where the lead normally is, but also the lead can be made sharper. That kind of weapon can make very serious injuries.
But as we know, that more camping and self-defense equipment are made by using plastic or bakelite. And that stuff is extremely dangerous because they can slip the security check of airports. In the picture above the text is the CIA plastic-made survival kit, what would pass the security check, and this kind of things are easy to make in the home. Making that kind of knives is very easy, and the only thing is needed is the plastic, what can be melted, and that operation can be made by using the frying pan, and the maker can use disposable spoons for that thing.
Then the person can use the file to make the knife by using the plate of melted plastic, what is cooled. If that thing is made in some prison, those things could make life in there very dangerous. The thing that the risks of plastic weapons have ever mentioned, would risk sometimes the lives of the people. The plastic knives are not toys, and if some prison guards don't understand that their "customer" would have that kind of equipment in hand, would it cause very big risk in that section.
The Internet is a very interesting place. and there are finding many interesting things. Many of the orders of weapon manufacturing are made for making life more safer, but if somebody misuses those instructions, would the thing change devastating. One example is the bite of glass, what is taken from a broken lamp or razor steer in the rubber. That weapon might seem harmless, but if that is in hand of the wrong person, that thing makes terrible injuries and it can cause death. The same instructions, what are made for security personnel, can also help criminals to make their crimes true, and also the persons, who live in prisons can make their plan to escape reality if they would cut the guards throat by using improvised knives.
Short writing about paranormal activities
Kimmo Huosionmaa
There is not a single person found, who really has paranormal abilities, and this is the fact. But this kind of questions is a good way to spend time. And as we might have seen somewhere, an American magician or circus artist James Randi has offered one million dollars for the person, who proves to have those abilities. And here it goes crazy. When we are thinking about this kind of abilities, there might be no persons existed, who have that kind of skills.
And that's it humans would not have those skills, but then we must start to think this case by opposite point of view. This is for making this writing longer, and here we must say, that some persons might have the skills to read body language better than other people. Those things are written in the guides, what is written to the headhunters, that they can notice when the applicant for the workplace is lying to them.
But then we must think about the skills like telepathy. Those skills might feel very good, but then we can think that those persons would go to the extreme danger. If that kind of abilities would be noticed, that person might find out the secrets, what is deeply covered in the dark. This means that those persons would want to hide their abilities. Those persons would actually think that Randi's gift is a trap, what is set by the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) or some other intelligence organization.
Maybe those organizations have tested those skills in some rooms, but those projects have given a negative result. There is a story, that some of those tests have given results, what were different than the calculated probability, but the thing has been put in the name of the defective test conditions. The explanation was that the persons, who supervised the situation were talked too loudly about the tests.
And that means the tests were waste of time. The reports of those projects have been shoved that there is no evidence of telepathy or other paranormal skills. Somebody claims those reports can be faked, and involve false information. Or those tested persons have hidden their abilities. But there is the truth, that nobody has shown paranormal skills in the way, that Randi could give that money. So if somebody would feel that have those skills, would that person take contact with Randi for demonstrating the own paranormal skills.
There is not a single person found, who really has paranormal abilities, and this is the fact. But this kind of questions is a good way to spend time. And as we might have seen somewhere, an American magician or circus artist James Randi has offered one million dollars for the person, who proves to have those abilities. And here it goes crazy. When we are thinking about this kind of abilities, there might be no persons existed, who have that kind of skills.
And that's it humans would not have those skills, but then we must start to think this case by opposite point of view. This is for making this writing longer, and here we must say, that some persons might have the skills to read body language better than other people. Those things are written in the guides, what is written to the headhunters, that they can notice when the applicant for the workplace is lying to them.
But then we must think about the skills like telepathy. Those skills might feel very good, but then we can think that those persons would go to the extreme danger. If that kind of abilities would be noticed, that person might find out the secrets, what is deeply covered in the dark. This means that those persons would want to hide their abilities. Those persons would actually think that Randi's gift is a trap, what is set by the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) or some other intelligence organization.
Maybe those organizations have tested those skills in some rooms, but those projects have given a negative result. There is a story, that some of those tests have given results, what were different than the calculated probability, but the thing has been put in the name of the defective test conditions. The explanation was that the persons, who supervised the situation were talked too loudly about the tests.
And that means the tests were waste of time. The reports of those projects have been shoved that there is no evidence of telepathy or other paranormal skills. Somebody claims those reports can be faked, and involve false information. Or those tested persons have hidden their abilities. But there is the truth, that nobody has shown paranormal skills in the way, that Randi could give that money. So if somebody would feel that have those skills, would that person take contact with Randi for demonstrating the own paranormal skills.
Sunday, November 25, 2018
The inflatable structures
Kimmo Huosionmaa
How to find, if some company has something to do with restricted productions? This is the question when we are trying to think about the military equipment and government secrecy. One thing is simple to look about information about that company from Google, and then try to find out the connection of the products of that company to something, what is secret.
One very interesting company is the Bigelow Aerospace corporation, what we can find from Google. This company makes inflatable structures for spacecraft and one of its balloon modules have been in use at the International Space Station what is known as ISS. This thing makes us think, what kind of products this corporation makes. And the thing, what makes me think about the role of this corporation in the space program, and it's connections to other defense industry producers is that one balloon module would not make the company, what is operating with the international space station.
Then we must realize, that the corporation might have the ability to produce gas sections for very high flying airships. Those high flying airships are operating on the edge of space, and they can be manned or unmanned. Those systems can operate passively like ECHO-satellites operated in the early 1960s. But they can operate also with a very highly sophisticated electronic equipment as the civil and military communications and electronic intelligence missions.
But they can also take small space rockets to the outer atmosphere and shoot satellites to the orbiter, by using Pegasus or if those airships are bigger, they can deliver also Minotaur rockets. In fact, if those airships are the size of Hindenburg, they can be used to launch Delta rockets from airborne.
I have written about this thing many times before, but this kind of technology makes possible to create large structures, what can launch to space by using conventional rockets. Those very high flying airships have still one theoretical use. If those airships would be delivered to the orbiter by using rocket, and then it can be blown to the shape.
And that kind of thing makes possible to make extremely large structures like manned space stations to the orbiter and far away from Earth. If those light structures would cover with gold and water layer, what is between two-layer structure, will that make very good protection against radiation, that comes from the Sun. And the outer layer must be covered with carbon fiber plates and the entrance of the station goes thru the airlock, what allows to deny the lack of oxygen.
Bigelow Aerospace
Lockheed-Martin High altitude airship concept
The book cover, what is causing discussions (Lauren Stratford: Satan's underground)
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Kimmo Huosionmaa
Above the text is the book-cover, what portraits the book, what is written by a woman, who escaped from the Satanists, and the writer of this book is Lauren Stratford and the name is "Satan's underground". I don't know who has drawn this image, but sometimes I see there, of course, the sword, and Satan or sawhorse-shaped thing sit on it. That sword is, of course, symbolizing the power, and then we can see the image of quadcopter-drone in that picture.
Those small size drones would bring to their operator's hands very much information about the targeted persons. Those drones are very sophisticated for surveillance purposes, and they can operate from remote bases far away from the drone by using the Internet for communication. They can load themselves from the power stations, what are made for mobile telephones. The operators might use mobile telephones for controlling those devices.
The mobile telephones can only connect to the drone, and the phone might equipped with the right software, and they can used from extremely long distances. And if those drones are properly cleaned, they cannot be tracked. When we are thinking about the situation, that somebody collects the information from the high-rank politicians, that thing can be used as pressuring them for making decisions, what are against the national interest.
Religion is a powerful tool in the hands of the media and political enemies. And if the religious politicians family member would connect to the things like the Church of Satan, would that thing be very bad for that person's reputation. And also that might give pressure for sending that person to the mental hospital. So this kind of things is very big things even in the life of people, who live today in 21st.century. And the information, what is collecting by using quadcopters would bring many hidden secrets in the hands of the persons, who want to blackmail other people.
Picture I
One of the unusual tank designs "Progrev-T"
Kimmo Huosionmaa
"Progrev-T" was the tank, what used the gas turbines as the flamethrowers, and this thing was one of the most notorious versions of the flamethrower-tank, what was ever created, and this tank saw action in Afghanistan. The difference between this and the normal flamethrower tank was, that the "Progrev-T "was also given very hard pressure-punch, and that made it very multipurpose vehicle.
It could burn camouflage, and also use the high-temperature and high-pressure gas to the target. The used Jet-engine was the same model, what has been used in MiG-15 fighters, and it causes a very influential effect in enemy troops. The system was made for tanks, but there were stories, that similar jet-engines but in the smaller scale have been installed in some personal vehicles, what are used in the special missions of the KGB.
And if those miniature turbines have been installed in some Soviet limousines for giving extra power to those cars, what were reserved for the highest rank leaders of the Soviet Union. But also the similar weapon systems, what was used in tanks were installed in the cars like Chaika limousines. Some of those cars, what was used by KGB were equipped with flamethrowers and machine guns, what mission was to keep the protected persons alive even in the cases of the riot.
That's why Chaikas and Volgas, were sometimes equipped with the side working acetylene-oxygen flamethrowers, what gives the flame, what is over 3500 degrees Celsius, and machine guns, what mission was to stop attackers. Those vehicles were used with KGB protective groups and the mission of those teams was also stop their client's try to escape from the convoy. Also, those vehicles were claimed to use in the strikes in Western Europe, but there is no proof, that those cars would have an offensive use.
Saturday, November 24, 2018
The man who said "no" to Hitler and lived to tell that after the war.
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Below this text is an article about the man, Dietrich Von Saucken (1892-1980), the man who refused to take commands from Gauleiter and SS-Obergruppenführer Albert Forster (1902-1952) and told that thing to Hitler. Many men have died when they did that thing. And the remarkable thing is, that Von Saucken was not executed after that. Those things happened in the surrounded Berlin and this action might save the life of Von Saucken because Russians hated him very much. That man had many medals from the Eastern Front, and Russian beat him very roughly, and when he returned to the home, that thing might felt very bad, because those batons left injuries, what caused pain rest of his life.
And the thing what might cause also sympathy for this man was that Soviets tortured him, and that might make the image or how this could think, that this man was very hated in the East. The thing, when Von Saucken refused to act against Adolph Hitler, was that he should take orders from Gauleiter Forster, who was actually civilian in uniform. Forster was hanging after the Second World War because he served high rank in Nazi government, and his rule was not very tough, but he was responsible for the actions in Stutthof concentration and death camp, and also he sends Jews to death. That caused the reason for hanging.
But there is one very interesting detail of that man. He has exactly the same family name, what Hitler's psychiatrist Dr. Edmund Robert Forster (1878-1933), whose family name could also be Foster, but when the First World War began, that man might change it as the more German form "Forster". If this man was English, that could mean troubles in Germany during the First World War. In 1918 this man worked in Pasewal mental hospital and worked with Adolph Hitler because he had hysterical blindness.
Sometimes there are stories, that Hitler would be blinded by mustard gas, but the reason for sending that man to the hospital was psychical collapse and blindness. When we are thinking about the Gauleiter Forster and Edmund Forster, could they be members of the same family? And if Forster was murdered in 1933 by orders of the Gestapo or Hitler himself, that would mean, that Forster might deep inside him hate Hitler.
Of course, he was a boot kisser, and probably a loyal member of the Nazis, and one thing is left without answers, and this is, "why Hitler left Von Saucken to live?". Why didn't his fanatic followers shoot that man, who was refused to follow his orders? And in the Second World War were death penalties given even for smaller reasons than saying straight against the face of Hitler that the superior officer was a person, who would not be wanted to give orders.
Dietrich Von Saucken
Albert Forster
Edmund Forster (or Foster)
Edmund Forster ( or Foster)
The problematic relationship between western and Arab nations
Kimmo Huosionmaa
The relationship between western and Arab nations are of course a very interesting thing, what has been in the main role in many books. The bad relationship between western- and Islamic people are from 13th. century, when the pope ordered the Christian people to conquer back the Holy Land and after that, the conflict has been ideological, and this makes it a very complicated thing. The thing, why the western world would not cut the diplomatic relationships and support for Arab nations is, that somebody else would fill that empty thing.
And this "somebody else" is, of course, Russia, but also China is interesting about relationships and weapon selling to those nations, what have very rich oil refineries, and also they have an excellent position in the middle of the air routes in the World, what makes them very attractive place for nuclear weapons, what can used to strike against southern Russia. But the thing, what makes those nations very complicated thing is not actually the location as military bases. This is, of course, more reasons, what makes those nations very influential actors in the global political field.
The great natural resources have taken billions of dollars to the cash of those nations and their leaders. The families, what rules those wealthy states have also very much money, what they can invest in the west. This means that those people should not irritate forever, or they took their billions in some other country. The big money is the reason, why people don't talk about things like bombardments in Yemen, and because the leader of the bombarding countries is Saudi-Arabia, there would not find a western nation, what can be prosecuted by those things, what seems like war crimes.
But again and again, we must understand that even the worst crimes in the war can leave without punishment. The used weapons have been so-called "smart bombs", what are guided by satellite to the target. And the question in the hypothetical court-martial would be that did the pilot know, that the weapon was targeted to the civilian targets.
If the target information sent from some agents on the ground, would the reason for deadly strikes, that they would not know how to use their location devices. In the worst cases, they might have normal GSM-telephones in use, and they might use the telephones GPS, and then send this target data by using text messages, and then the operators would target the bombs by using those messages, the western devices works that they would automatically send that information for bomb operators.
But the thing, what makes this thing quite difficult is that if the GPS is jammed, that makes specifying the location difficult. And in those cases, the GPS-bomb is something else than a precision-guided weapon. The target locators, what is made by using military undercover operations are looking like mobile telephones. The system inside the locator would use the position identifier of the device to get the precise location of the target.
The system uses two pictures, what are taken in the different locations of the target. When the operator targets the system to the target it would take the line to the targeted place, and if the operator works alone must this person move to another point, and take another photo of the target. The system calculates the location of the target by using triangulation lines from those places and the weapon can target to it.
If the team has two devices the targeting happen in seconds by using two persons, that are in different locations. This thing works like old fashion triangular targeter for artillery, but the system is complicated. The locator can use in the normal mobile telephones, and it can have the stealth mode, what makes it thing, what can carry on the streets. The software-based version can use GPS signal also for communication.
But the thing is that they are normal mobile telephones, what can be used in normal communication, and when the secret code would be given, it would work as the military locator. The support team, what aims the bombs would also get images, that the targeting has been happening in the legal targets, but also the text messages can be used to send the target information.
The question is, "is the bomb targeted to its target in purpose or accidentally." And this is the thing, what brings convictions to the operators, and the pilot if this person knows that the target is civilian. But in the civil war, there could be persons with assault rifles and in Arabia, there are many assault rifles even in the neutral hands. And if the targeter would accidentally think that the targeted group is some fighters, they can explain the bombardment by using this argument. Or simply claim, that the person who targeted that weapon have died in combat and nobody can ask questions from the dead person.
About scary places and thing around them
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Everybody of us knows some places, where is happening paranormal activity, and in some cases, the reason for that is that maybe there is really happen things, what wanted to cover. The stories about paranormal activities might be made because somebody wants to keep other people out of some area. The best way is to use horror stories, what makes people avoid the test area or if the use of the area is illegal, would some drug baron try to hide some drug laboratory in the ranch and start to tell stories about ghosts.
In this kind of cases would be released stories about some kind of vampires and another kind of things, what is going on in those areas. Here I started to think about cattle-mutilation. Maybe those things are done because some people wanted to move from some area and that's why some special unit killed animals and then mutilates the bodies.
And if they would use surgical equipment, what are sterilized, that thing would not leave marks to the body of an animal. In some cases, I suspect that those mutilators may use cranes or airships and just hang below them by using similar harness what is used in parachutes. And then they might use their surgical instruments. In fact, those persons might have an ultralight quad- or multi-copters, what can be equipped with manipulators and knives.
The use of those equipment denies the footprints and those manipulators can be operated by remote or with local control. They would be equipped for collecting parts of dropped aircraft from the hostile area. Those animals can be killed by shooting them poisoned arrow what is filled with some snakes poison, or by using high voltage electric shock. And when that kind of things are happening, the people are going to avoid those places.
Friday, November 23, 2018
The second "sun" has been discovered, but can we find another civilization?
Kimmo Huosionmaa
The second "sun" has been founded, and then we are thinking about the possibility to find the life from planets, what might orbit this star. And here we are facing the thing, what is the problem of life hunting in the world. The thing is, that life doesn't mean the necessarily same thing, as the intelligent life. The intelligent life at the universe is the thing, what is fascinated us during the history.
The reason, why we are thinking about the change to find another civilization from the universe would be that we would not be alone if there would be some other civilization. But this scenario would also be the most terrifying thing, what we can think. One reason for the SETI program is that somewhere in our subconscious want to find out we would like to find out, who was a god, the mysterious and powerful creature in holy books in many religions. This thing is very fascinating and also fearing question, what mankind has ever faced.
Intelligent life is different from the term "life". Even if the founded star would have a solar system, and there would be a planet in similar trajectory with Earth, that doesn't necessarily mean that there would be animals. The vegetables don't need animals for growing and making the seeds. Also, those vegetables can be actually bacteria or cells, what lives in oceans.
But if there would be some kind of intelligent life form, that would not mean, that those hypothetical intelligent humanoids would have a reason or will to answer our messages. The intelligent lifeforms are an interesting and tricky question. If we would find another intelligent species from the universe, there would be the situation, what we have hoped and at the same time, we would face the thing, what is the most feared in the history of mankind.
The thing, what we are hoping is that those humanoids would not be similar to us. If they act like Europeans in America, it would make a very bad thing for mankind. Here we are thinking about the situation, that it would take Earth to control and force us to act like slaves. In some speculations, humanoids would park the giant Dyson's sphere to orbiter of Earth, and threaten us with antimaterial weapons. Those weapons could destroy entire Earth in second. And those giant spheres would be camouflaged as the small planets.
But then somebody has asked, why humanoids would not contact us? There could be two very interesting reasons for that. Maybe they are afraid some other aliens, what is hostile to them. And that's why they are silent because of the aliens afraid that this another alien would shoot them away with their Death Star. Another reason for being silent is offered that humanoids would like to observe us and how we would increase our civilization.
As you see, this kind of things is only speculations until we find another civilization. And in that case, another civilization can be at the same technical level as we are. Or they can be far more advanced than we can ever imagine. If we would find some UFO:s or alien bodies, and we could isolate the cells from that craft or body, we could imagine, what kind of solar system would their home. But in fact, there are many questions about this thing. one of the major questions is, could this kind of spacecraft only taken to the AREA-51 or some other military base, and then hidden in some secretive room.
Sometimes I have thought that maybe those rooms are sterilized for covering the existence of human being. This is only speculation. And in fact if military forces have taken UFO in custody, they would not tell that thing to the great public. If we would want to find UFO:s we must notice that most of the Earth is covered by water, and that would be the great idea to look for the hypothetical humanoid spacecraft from the deep oceans. But this things are only thoughts or imaginational speculations, where could be found some extraterrestrial objects if they have existed. And maybe those crashed alien crafts have been taken in hands of the military from the Roswell incident. But there is no proof that the objects what have been taking from Roswell have been extraterrestrial.
The second "sun" has been founded, and then we are thinking about the possibility to find the life from planets, what might orbit this star. And here we are facing the thing, what is the problem of life hunting in the world. The thing is, that life doesn't mean the necessarily same thing, as the intelligent life. The intelligent life at the universe is the thing, what is fascinated us during the history.
The reason, why we are thinking about the change to find another civilization from the universe would be that we would not be alone if there would be some other civilization. But this scenario would also be the most terrifying thing, what we can think. One reason for the SETI program is that somewhere in our subconscious want to find out we would like to find out, who was a god, the mysterious and powerful creature in holy books in many religions. This thing is very fascinating and also fearing question, what mankind has ever faced.
Intelligent life is different from the term "life". Even if the founded star would have a solar system, and there would be a planet in similar trajectory with Earth, that doesn't necessarily mean that there would be animals. The vegetables don't need animals for growing and making the seeds. Also, those vegetables can be actually bacteria or cells, what lives in oceans.
But if there would be some kind of intelligent life form, that would not mean, that those hypothetical intelligent humanoids would have a reason or will to answer our messages. The intelligent lifeforms are an interesting and tricky question. If we would find another intelligent species from the universe, there would be the situation, what we have hoped and at the same time, we would face the thing, what is the most feared in the history of mankind.
The thing, what we are hoping is that those humanoids would not be similar to us. If they act like Europeans in America, it would make a very bad thing for mankind. Here we are thinking about the situation, that it would take Earth to control and force us to act like slaves. In some speculations, humanoids would park the giant Dyson's sphere to orbiter of Earth, and threaten us with antimaterial weapons. Those weapons could destroy entire Earth in second. And those giant spheres would be camouflaged as the small planets.
But then somebody has asked, why humanoids would not contact us? There could be two very interesting reasons for that. Maybe they are afraid some other aliens, what is hostile to them. And that's why they are silent because of the aliens afraid that this another alien would shoot them away with their Death Star. Another reason for being silent is offered that humanoids would like to observe us and how we would increase our civilization.
As you see, this kind of things is only speculations until we find another civilization. And in that case, another civilization can be at the same technical level as we are. Or they can be far more advanced than we can ever imagine. If we would find some UFO:s or alien bodies, and we could isolate the cells from that craft or body, we could imagine, what kind of solar system would their home. But in fact, there are many questions about this thing. one of the major questions is, could this kind of spacecraft only taken to the AREA-51 or some other military base, and then hidden in some secretive room.
Sometimes I have thought that maybe those rooms are sterilized for covering the existence of human being. This is only speculation. And in fact if military forces have taken UFO in custody, they would not tell that thing to the great public. If we would want to find UFO:s we must notice that most of the Earth is covered by water, and that would be the great idea to look for the hypothetical humanoid spacecraft from the deep oceans. But this things are only thoughts or imaginational speculations, where could be found some extraterrestrial objects if they have existed. And maybe those crashed alien crafts have been taken in hands of the military from the Roswell incident. But there is no proof that the objects what have been taking from Roswell have been extraterrestrial.
Cheaters and psychic skills
Kimmo Huosionmaa
One interesting thing with psychic skills is about the hypersensitivity for electricity, and could that kind of person read the WLAN network. The thing is actually very interesting, because we know, that the nervous system of those people detects electric fields with different way than other people. So some scientists and philosophers have been claimed, that this kind of persons would actually read the data, what goes thru the electric circuits of the microchips. And this thing has been investigated in some laboratories around the world.
But there are problems in those tests. Persons, who are tested might lie in that test because those persons afraid that they are stamped as the cheaters. Also, the problems with those skills, what is not scientifically proven would be that if some person has that kind of skills like the ability to read thoughts or WLAN networks, I think that this person would not tell that to other people. This kind of things is connected to things like to be different or "better than other people".
This thing causes isolation and another very sad thing in a person life. And the attitudes about testing things like the ability to read thinking by using electric fields, what nervous system creates makes this kind of tests quite difficult. The systems that are using this kind of things are MEG- and CAT scanners, what mission is to detect, how the nervous system reacts to the changing of the electric fields, what happens when magnets would bring near the tested person.
That kind of tests is shown that many of the "parapsychic skills" are causing other things, like the very sensitive sense of touch. That means that a person has felt the breathing or heard the voice of the clothes of another person, who came to the room. Sometimes they have seen the shadow of the other person. This kind of things it felt like some kind of telepathy. In some cases in the gambling table that person has actually cheated. He has seen the marks what the dealer has shown, or the playing cards have been marked by very small figures, what were numbers, what was drawn to the corners of the cards.
And this kind of things has created the illusion on telepathy. Of course, those persons might be used radio telephones or smartphone, What's app type applications, and headsets what were camouflaged as the hearing aid. In those cases, the assistant has been in the position, where the cards were visible, and simply told the other players cards to the partner. This would help to make very big profits to those persons.
Thursday, November 22, 2018
The punt gun
Kimmo Huosionmaa
The punt gun was an extremely large shotgun, what was meant for shooting even 100 birds per shot. This shotgun is illegal in modern times, but it still remains one of the most brutal and extreme firearms in history. The punt guns were used in the late 19th. and early 20th. century. The thing, what caused the end of this kind of extreme firearms is how lethal they are, but they are not actually prohibited. There is possible to use this weapon legally for hunting, and there are still those guns in the register at Great Britain.
In 1914 the British Army tried to use those guns on the battlefield because punt gun was harder to locate than a machine gun. When the machine gun started to fire the snipers could shoot the shooter, and in the night the flame, what comes from the pipe of the gun is very visible. But if the soldier uses punt gun, would that position be harder to locate, and those guns are extremely lethal against assaulting troops. In fact, I don't personally know has that weapon used in battle, or did they only in test use in some test range. And in modern time claymore-mines could be used to protect the position in the same way. When the trooper would notice that the enemy is coming, could he launch the claymore mine, or plate mine, what would send a deadly burst of bullets thru the air.
The idea of punt gun has taken from shrapnel-rounds. The shrapnel is actually the cannon, what is filled with musket ball-bullets. That thing is effective against cavalry and infantry. The shrapnel has given an idea to make extremely large shotgun ammunition for cannons. That ammunition would give the 155 mm. cannons air defense capacity, and if that ammunition is used against infantry formations the power of those weapons could be devastating. If the 40 mm. cannon is filled with shotgun-type ammunition, it would be easier to shoot down the small size drones.
In Waco, Texas the cult members of David Koresh were used own made punt guns against FBI. I don't exactly know, what kind of ammunition those people used in this sad case. But sometimes the own made punt guns were used in some military actions. Those things were actually steel tubes that were filled with steel balls and at the back of the tube was dynamite or plastic explosives. They are able to launch by using electric nails, and that makes possible to launch them from distance and use them as claymore mines.
The moral and ethic problems with human cloning
Kimmo Huosionmaa
In many movies, the cloning of human being is strictly prohibited, and this kind of things are very difficult to think. We have the technology for that kind of actions, and somebody claims, that some of the most brilliant scientific geniuses have been cloned. The cloning is a very simple process, we must just take the fetus, what is in one cell level and suck the genomes out of the nucleus, and replace that with another genome, what is taken from other organisms.
And that thing works with humans as well as other mammals. But there are many juridical and ethical problems with that thing, and one is, how we deal with the clone? Would we treat it like other children, and another thing is that the biometric identifiers with the clone and the original person would be identical. That makes a threat, that in some country would be made clone about some military commander, and that clone would be used to replace that person. In this operation, the original commander would be murdered and the clone would replace this person.
But there are persons who claim, that human cloning would take the fear of death from humans. And that kind of things are giving many ideas for some movies, where some "horrible person" would execute, and this person would make the clone about self. That thing is very interesting, and same time horrible point of view of this thing. But this kind of things are possible, and when we are thinking about the marginal persons, they don't care about laws and orders.
When we are thinking about cloning, we are facing the thing, that what we should do, if that thing is done? Have we got moral or ethic right to justify some person to death, because we think that the person is a clone? Is that reason to kill somebody? And how we can prove that somebody is cloned if the original person has been lost. Also, we can think, how to prove that the person is a clone if we see only one person?
There is medical disease known as progeria, what means that person would get elder really fast. In some discussions, there is meant, that some scientists are investigating the thing, that the virus would connect the progeria genome to the cells of the person, what makes this human getting elder faster. And when the person looks like old enough, the progeria genome would be removed from the cells. This makes possible to create the copy also from some mature person. But this text is meant also for philosophical thinking.
In many movies, the cloning of human being is strictly prohibited, and this kind of things are very difficult to think. We have the technology for that kind of actions, and somebody claims, that some of the most brilliant scientific geniuses have been cloned. The cloning is a very simple process, we must just take the fetus, what is in one cell level and suck the genomes out of the nucleus, and replace that with another genome, what is taken from other organisms.
And that thing works with humans as well as other mammals. But there are many juridical and ethical problems with that thing, and one is, how we deal with the clone? Would we treat it like other children, and another thing is that the biometric identifiers with the clone and the original person would be identical. That makes a threat, that in some country would be made clone about some military commander, and that clone would be used to replace that person. In this operation, the original commander would be murdered and the clone would replace this person.
But there are persons who claim, that human cloning would take the fear of death from humans. And that kind of things are giving many ideas for some movies, where some "horrible person" would execute, and this person would make the clone about self. That thing is very interesting, and same time horrible point of view of this thing. But this kind of things are possible, and when we are thinking about the marginal persons, they don't care about laws and orders.
When we are thinking about cloning, we are facing the thing, that what we should do, if that thing is done? Have we got moral or ethic right to justify some person to death, because we think that the person is a clone? Is that reason to kill somebody? And how we can prove that somebody is cloned if the original person has been lost. Also, we can think, how to prove that the person is a clone if we see only one person?
There is medical disease known as progeria, what means that person would get elder really fast. In some discussions, there is meant, that some scientists are investigating the thing, that the virus would connect the progeria genome to the cells of the person, what makes this human getting elder faster. And when the person looks like old enough, the progeria genome would be removed from the cells. This makes possible to create the copy also from some mature person. But this text is meant also for philosophical thinking.
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Writing about interplanetary flight
Kimmo Huosionmaa
When we are thinking about nuclear thermal rocket propulsion and Mars-flights, we are facing the solution called "Orion". This nuclear-powered rocket could travel interplanetary routes by using small nuclear bombs for giving thrust to those devices. The idea is that neutron bombs would be fired behind that spacecraft, and that would give it extremely high speed because the radioactive particles would push spacecraft forward.
One of the ideas is to use machine-gun, what is loaded with bullets, what are made by using the highly enriched radioactive material, and they would shoot thru the electric arc, what would cause fission in that ammunition, what would give thrust to that thing. But the problem is to create the electricity for that spacecraft. Spacecraft would always need also electricity for its systems.
That's why the main engine solution for that journey was chosen NERVA (Nuclear Energy Rocket Vehicle Application), what is like a normal rocket, but it is nuclear reactor inside. The NERVA solution deletes the dead weight and the nuclear power would give also thrust for braking. In this situation, the nuclear rocket would turn to give thrust to forward, and this brake the spacecraft. The most modern version of the spacecraft, what would be used to travel other planets is the hybrid system.
The nuclear reactor, what uses the closed-cycle cooling system would give the needed electricity for the electric systems of the spacecraft. And also at the beginning of the journey can be used the same methodology with "Orion". In the back of the Interplanetary spacecraft would be installed the plate, and the nuclear bomb would send this spacecraft in the very high speed.
And then the system would transfer to use NERVA or WARP-system, what could give extremely high speed for spacecraft. WARP is actually the particle accelerator, what is connected to the spacecraft, and what sucks ions from the space thru it. There is a theory, that this kind of device could someday break the cosmic speed limit. Traveling faster than light is basically a very simple thing. The spacecraft would accelerate to the speed of light and inside it, something would be accelerate to higher speed.
In some theories, this kind of thing would be the magnetic rail, what would accelerate some particles to the 20% of the speed of light, and it would be launched when spacecraft will travel precisely the speed of light. This thing would make by installing the particle accelerator in the spacecraft, what uses WARP, and the accelerator would shoot the atoms forward when the speed of the spacecraft would be high enough. Sometimes has been discussed the opportunity to use electromagnetic radiation for the breaking the light wall. The thing, what makes electromagnetic radiation so fascinating is that there is no thrust and that thing would not need any ions, what would give retard for the spaceship. This kind of spacecraft is still at the theoretical level, but maybe they are someday in use and travel to other planets.
The thing, what makes this kind of electromagnetic devices more interesting, than NERVA, is that they don't need the different propellant for giving thrust, and this means that the system would be lighter. But as we know the interplanetary travel is extremely difficult. The WARP-craft would give solution for traveling in our own solar system. But that system needs very strong magnets to work properly, and that means that the only thing, what is needed is a nuclear reactor.
In 1978 an aircraft lost over Australia (Case of Frederick Valentich)
Kimmo Huosionmaa
There are cases, what remains a mystery. One of those cases is the case of Frederick Valentich, the Australian pilot, who disappeared in the training flight of the little Cessna. There is a strange record of this flight, and only one thing, what made this thing interesting is this record, and another is, where the aircraft lost after the death spiral of the aircraft. Australian authorities claim, that they are solved in this case, but the thing is who stole the aircraft after the accident.
The thing, what Valentich saw might be the cloud, and because the Cessna was in the movement, what seems like a screw, the pilot was unable to notice that thing as the cloud. But there is claiming, that this man has taken Marijuana, Mescaline or some other drug or psychoactive before the flight. But this thing is pure speculation. There is claiming, that Fraderick Valentich tried to fly to the top secret " Pine Gap base", and there were happen something, what made the plane disappear.
One thing what this strange thing near his plane was, could be the plasma plate. The thing is easy to create with electromagnetic radiation, and those things are claimed to be behind many UFO incidents. The things what causes those plasma-plates are claimed to be the high-energy weapon tests. Or tests, where is claimed to modify the weather. The system makes a plasma shield to the upper atmosphere and its mission is to destroy the electronics of the warhead.
Or in other ways to vaporize the warhead with extreme heat. And if Valentich flew accidentally in the area, where this weapon was tested ould the result be very devastating, and the aircraft would completely vanish in the desert. There is one silly claiming about this flight, and it is, that this person used Cessna, what has made by using wood or canvas. If this kind of aircraft would be dropped, could this material is eaten by animals, what lives in the desert.
This kind of material would make possible to use Cessna for some activities, where it could damage, and there was no change to buy spare parts for that thing. So was Valentich took part of the drug smuggling or something that kind of illegal activities? If that has happened, somebody could put the bomb in the plane. But under the text is an article, where is a possible solution for this thing. Sometimes have been claimed, that this unidentified aircraft, or airship, what flew above Valentich plane shot him down, and this case is popular in the UFO discussions.
There are cases, what remains a mystery. One of those cases is the case of Frederick Valentich, the Australian pilot, who disappeared in the training flight of the little Cessna. There is a strange record of this flight, and only one thing, what made this thing interesting is this record, and another is, where the aircraft lost after the death spiral of the aircraft. Australian authorities claim, that they are solved in this case, but the thing is who stole the aircraft after the accident.
The thing, what Valentich saw might be the cloud, and because the Cessna was in the movement, what seems like a screw, the pilot was unable to notice that thing as the cloud. But there is claiming, that this man has taken Marijuana, Mescaline or some other drug or psychoactive before the flight. But this thing is pure speculation. There is claiming, that Fraderick Valentich tried to fly to the top secret " Pine Gap base", and there were happen something, what made the plane disappear.
One thing what this strange thing near his plane was, could be the plasma plate. The thing is easy to create with electromagnetic radiation, and those things are claimed to be behind many UFO incidents. The things what causes those plasma-plates are claimed to be the high-energy weapon tests. Or tests, where is claimed to modify the weather. The system makes a plasma shield to the upper atmosphere and its mission is to destroy the electronics of the warhead.
Or in other ways to vaporize the warhead with extreme heat. And if Valentich flew accidentally in the area, where this weapon was tested ould the result be very devastating, and the aircraft would completely vanish in the desert. There is one silly claiming about this flight, and it is, that this person used Cessna, what has made by using wood or canvas. If this kind of aircraft would be dropped, could this material is eaten by animals, what lives in the desert.
This kind of material would make possible to use Cessna for some activities, where it could damage, and there was no change to buy spare parts for that thing. So was Valentich took part of the drug smuggling or something that kind of illegal activities? If that has happened, somebody could put the bomb in the plane. But under the text is an article, where is a possible solution for this thing. Sometimes have been claimed, that this unidentified aircraft, or airship, what flew above Valentich plane shot him down, and this case is popular in the UFO discussions.
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
A short tale about quantum computers
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Biggest and the most difficult problems of creating the quantum computer are to make a processor, what can make real multitasking and making the command language for that thing. The idea of the regular computer is that it would use binary numbers one and zero for making its tasks. Use of those numbers is very simple. Number one is the thing when there is voltage in the wire, and zero is the situation that the wire inside the processor is without electricity.
The binary system, what is used in computers is the thing what is created by mathematicians like Johan von Neumann, for ENIAC computer. And after that, every single computer have used that kind of architecture. If there would be another programming architecture the computer would not able to handle the data, that is stored in the elder databases. If the system what is using zero and one would be replaced by some other would the elder databases become useless, and storing that data again is a very hard process.
Also, the system what would replace the binary code in processors is hard to create. But if there would be a regular computer as the translator for the commands, what would give to the quantum computer, that would make the dream true. There would be many problems with the screens, and how they handle the data, what comes from the quantum computer. The most difficult thing would be, that the output device will be slow, and the quantum computer is very fast in comparison with regular computers. The technology, what is planned to use in the production of quantum processor would make possible to create a compact computer, what can be installed in human-size robots.
The real life that means that the regular processor can make only one task per operand, what makes it very slow when we are handling very big databases. When we are thinking about multitasking in the operating systems like Windows there is one thing that has ever mentioned. The multitasking in those operating systems is virtual, what means that we can, of course, open many programs at the same time to screen, but the processor would handle them by one by one.
In the Windows that is done by the way, that the program would leave handler in the memory of the computer, and if the window is open, will the code of program very easy to find from memory. This means when the user uses another program, would the unused program remove most of its code from the memory, and a small part of it would leave as the trigger in the memory, and the user can activate the program by clicking the icon or window of the program. If the processor would be the quantum processor, those programs can run in real mode.
When we are thinking that some calculations would be done backward with a regular computer, that means the computer would switch between programs and calculation. Modern computers are very fast, and that thing would not disturb anybody until the needed calculations are on a very massive scale. When computer calculates extreme long series like prime numbers by using Riemann's conjecture would there need to calculate billions of numbers.
And in that kind of cases, the calculation power of the modern computers would not be enough. If the computer would be cooled in the superconducting temperature, would that make it faster, but the thing what is needed is the real multitasking. The quantum computer would give the mathematicians ability to create extremely large simulations, and that gives also the ability to drive extremely large databases at very high speed, in the real world the system what uses real multitasking have been tried to make by creating processors, where is installed multiple processors in the structure, and that is called multi-core processor. Quantum processor would be used by using another computer, and in that case, the normal computer would translate the commands to the quantum processor. And that would be making that computer real thing.
Monday, November 19, 2018
Thoughts about plagiarism and isolated societies
Kimmo Huosionmaa
This writing tells about plagiarism and also how people behavior changes in isolated societies and behavior sometimes uncover, that somebody have been in jail. Plagiarism is a crime, you see. There are many people in the world, who are caught of plagiarism. The main reason for the making a new search and detection in the work is that the speech of the suspected person is full of paraphrases or phrases, what seems very known for some professors, and the reason, why those things are dangerous, is that in many universities is very strong culture.
And in those cultures are forming unique phrases or paraphrases, what is always repeating in those societies. And the thing, what makes us repeat some words is that those words are involving something positive for the speakers. Have you ever heard the speech of the person, who has used crack in the pipe? The speech would go well until this person faces the world "pipe". After that begins the reaction, what is very usual for drug addicts.
They are starting to repeat simultaneously the word "pipe". This same phenomenon is visible in other cases, like where the drug has been mixed to tea. This thing makes drug addict repeating word "tea". But there is something else in those persons, what causes the check for plagiarism. One thing is that professors notices, that those words are straight from own publications. Or the person seems to be unable to concentrate the work. This causes suspicious, that some works have been plagued from some other persons work.
In the closed societies is strict behavior code. And that means that some phrases, like some guard, can talk about those questions would mean something more in isolated groups. That could mean, that the person has caused problems and those problems would cause the punishments. This kind of things can uncover many secrets of that kind of person. If somebody is in jail very popular by guards, that would mean that this person is very brave.
Those people sometimes dare to yell anything, what they want, because isolated environment makes possible to get immediate protection by guards. And this kind of thing might cause hate against that kind of persons, who feel that prison has been a great experience. That kind of people can thank the guards of the prison before they go to the execution room. Here I'm talking about some cases, what is handled in public media. Sometimes they believe, that they would get mercy because they are so handsome for the guards who are watching them in death row. But this similar thing is happening sometimes in another kind of prisons, and that thing is making those people quite stressing relationships in freedom.
The new miniature drones are extremely dangerous in wrong hands
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Kimmo Huosionmaa
On the Internet have been stories, that the Russian new drones can jam any cell-phone by the distance of about 10 to 15 kilometers. Those drones can be equipped with ECM system, and they can interrupt any data communication, what have used the frequencies, what the operators would know. Those extremely small drones can throw to the air by hand or they can shoot by using crossbows or dropped from aircraft or helicopters. This makes those drones extremely sophisticated, and they can use in recon or attack missions by military personnel or undercover operators.
Sometimes those drones are equipped with the thermobaric warhead, and plainclothes agents can carry that equipment near the target, what might be the enemy radio station, ammunition storage or airfield. Those drones can operate remotely from the other side of the world. This means that those agents must only get those devices to air, and in that mission can use balloons, what would be filled by using the remote command. When those drones are high enough the wires would cut and the operator would fly them against targets. Use of balloons guarantees, that those agents must just leave those weapons to the ground, and flee away.
Those drones can be controlled by cell phones, what communicates with the guidance unit, and that thing is actually normal radio-amplifier, and the idea of the controlling system is similar to WLAN, but it uses more powerful radio transmissions than the normal WLAN. This kind of system could be installed to radio telescopes, and the idea is that the other side receiver-transmitters must be powerful, and the drone can be operated from another side of the Earth by using this kind of remote systems. When we are thinking about those miniature drones, they can also be equipped with explosives, and use small sizer cruise missiles.
If those small size cruise missiles are equipped with HEAT warheads, they can destroy even the tank or those systems like RQ-11 can have the thing like "frag grenades", what means thermobaric hand grenades, what has killing radius almost 30 meters. Thermobaric ammunition can installed easily to those miniature drones. And also the force of the HEAT-warhead can boost by filling the empty space ahead of the explosive hydrocarbon like gasoline or propane, what makes those ammunition extreme powerful. Sometimes the small size FAE warheads are only the HEAT ammunition, what are equipped with ventile, what can be used to fill that ammunition by aerosol, and the Russian RPG-7 has sometimes this capacity.
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Sunday, November 18, 2018
Could computer someday predict future?
Kimmo Huosionmaa
In Isaac Asimov's book, "the Foundation" is the fictional or hypothetical thing, known as "psychohistory" This thing s actually the way to predict the behave of billions of humans by using similar mathematical formulas, what are used to calculate the movements of the giant gas masses. The idea of psychohistory would be that those computers would collect all data, about what has been happened in history, and then use that data to predict the future. In those predictions is used similar software what is used in astronomy and meteorology for predict the large mass of gas.
Mathematical formulas, what is used in this action would be given the predictions with the large mass of humans. The reason for that is the single individual would have too many transformers, and that makes single persons or individuals very hard to predict. When we are thinking of clouds, we cannot predict the place of single waterdrop, but meteorological computer programs can predict quite well the place of the cloud. What bigger is the gas mass, the sharper is the result, what calculations would give about the prediction of the gas mass.
The idea is similar than in the rivers. We have hard to predict the place of the individual water molecule, but the prediction of the water line, what goes in the river is quite easy. Same way is easy to predict the route of water if the dam would collapse. When we are transferring this thing to sociology, we must think the ants. It's very hard to know, what single individual Ant would do next, but when we see the Ant group, what is looking for food for their group, we can predict quite good, how those bugs would act.
This is the idea of psychohistory. Individual human prediction is hard to predict, but the large groups of humans can predict quite easy because controlling large groups is very hard. When large groups of people would be released the stopping and controlling those groups is hard. But the predictions about their behavior or direction, where that group is going is very easy. And this thing has caused the thoughts, that there are plans to make that kind of experiments.
Here we must say, that this kind of systems would give sharper predictions for the long time period than the short period. Here we are talking about the thing, that the common prediction can be sharp, but then that thing disappears in the jungle of single cases. This thing is like a highway. We don't know every turn of the road, but we know where the road is going. This is the thing in that kind of attempt to predict the future. Using computers make possible to collect and handle multiple variables, and compile them with together.
In Isaac Asimov's book, "the Foundation" is the fictional or hypothetical thing, known as "psychohistory" This thing s actually the way to predict the behave of billions of humans by using similar mathematical formulas, what are used to calculate the movements of the giant gas masses. The idea of psychohistory would be that those computers would collect all data, about what has been happened in history, and then use that data to predict the future. In those predictions is used similar software what is used in astronomy and meteorology for predict the large mass of gas.
Mathematical formulas, what is used in this action would be given the predictions with the large mass of humans. The reason for that is the single individual would have too many transformers, and that makes single persons or individuals very hard to predict. When we are thinking of clouds, we cannot predict the place of single waterdrop, but meteorological computer programs can predict quite well the place of the cloud. What bigger is the gas mass, the sharper is the result, what calculations would give about the prediction of the gas mass.
The idea is similar than in the rivers. We have hard to predict the place of the individual water molecule, but the prediction of the water line, what goes in the river is quite easy. Same way is easy to predict the route of water if the dam would collapse. When we are transferring this thing to sociology, we must think the ants. It's very hard to know, what single individual Ant would do next, but when we see the Ant group, what is looking for food for their group, we can predict quite good, how those bugs would act.
This is the idea of psychohistory. Individual human prediction is hard to predict, but the large groups of humans can predict quite easy because controlling large groups is very hard. When large groups of people would be released the stopping and controlling those groups is hard. But the predictions about their behavior or direction, where that group is going is very easy. And this thing has caused the thoughts, that there are plans to make that kind of experiments.
Here we must say, that this kind of systems would give sharper predictions for the long time period than the short period. Here we are talking about the thing, that the common prediction can be sharp, but then that thing disappears in the jungle of single cases. This thing is like a highway. We don't know every turn of the road, but we know where the road is going. This is the thing in that kind of attempt to predict the future. Using computers make possible to collect and handle multiple variables, and compile them with together.
How could we test psychic powers?
Kimmo Huosionmaa
How could we test psychic powers? This is a very interesting thing because if we are thinking about telepathy, telekinesis and another kind of things, we must realize, that those skills would be in some persons personal control, and that makes them hard to test. When we are thinking about the situation, that some scientists would like to test those skills or mental powers, the reason, why people could avoid that kind of tests, is that the participation in this kind of tests would be mean, that those persons would tell that they are believing that they have some kind of telekinetic powers.
And they are afraid that this kind of testing would stamp them as abnormal persons, or some kind of "folio hat users". This attitude is very common, and the investigation of this kind of things is very often stamped as a hoax, and do you know, what is a funny thing? There was no test even made, before that kind of judgment came. The truth was that those tests had millions of dollars in funding, and they were conducted by military intelligence. The only needed thing was some playing cards or paper cards, there were some pictures.
An idea was to test could test person see the same things, what the tester sees. There is claiming that somebody hides something during those tests. And the thing is, that the test situation allowed those people to know, that behind those tests were DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency). That means that the test person could see, that behind some of those test were the Department of Defense. Those tests were not motivated enough to use that skill, what was under the investigation.
The thing what they should use in that kind of tests is the thing like gambling tables. The thing, what those scientists used was the probability. The persons who have those skills might have the ability to change the probability in the roulette or card table. The gambling table would be a very motivated thing, and if the profit would be high enough, would the motivation to use those skills like telepathy and telekinesis rise very high level.
And if the person can read the electric fields of another person nervous system or use the own nervous system electricity to influence the material, could that kind of influence the movement of the roulette ball. Influencing those things would cause the difference between calculated probability and real cases. But this text is handling only the methodology, how those tests should do.
Why other governments don't make an invasion in North Korea
Kimmo Huosionmaa
There is one question about the geopolitics, and that is "how other nations allow North Korea to make things as it does?". One of the answers could be that small crisis with that nation would turn the public eye away from some local problems like uncomfortable laws, what are made in the Parliaments, and the crisis in the Korean peninsula would be a very good thing, to fill the front pages of the newspapers.
The nuclear armament of that state guarantees that the military invasion against that country is not an option and the nuclear armament is a good threat for any country in the world. But the fact about the North Korean nuclear missiles is, that they could be effective against civilian targets like cities and another kind of things. Also if North Korea uses EMP weapon, what might be camouflaged as the satellite, it can make serious damages to the electric and signal devices, and shut down some communication lines. But that kind of attack causes immediately counter-strike.
In fact, the attack by nuclear weapons is over-dramatized. There is the change to use biological weapons by a very terrible and silent way. Only what the government must do is to inject some bacteria virus like Ebola or Crimean Congo to some person, and after that send that man or woman walking on the streets. The epidemic could kill millions of people. And the reason, why China as an example have established a military base in Africa could be that they also want to get organisms from the jungle to their laboratories. The reason why people afraid more nuclear weapons than biological warfare is that nuclear weapons are more dramatic than bioweapons.
The production of nuclear weapons is more difficult than biological weapons, what can product in very simple laboratories by using normal organisms like Tuberculosis or viruses. The afraid of nuclear weapons is a good example that we are afraid the thing, what we actually don't need to afraid. But we cannot afraid the thing, what we should afraid, and only thing, what is needed in biological warfare is a vaccine, what makes own troop immune against those weapons.
The thing, what makes this small country very complicated is the speculation, that North Korea is allowed to make nuclear weapons because superpowers need somebody, what plays "role of a bad boy" in their policy. And they want that this political "bad boy" looks like the serious enemy. The fact is, that this enemy is easy to terminate with nuclear weapons if it becomes a real threat. That nation can, of course, cause terrible destruction in the West coast of the USA or it can kill millions of people by attacking Shanghai or make destruction in Petropavlovsk but in the scale of those nations, the destruction would be only local. Of course, many people would die but for the entirety that has little influence. But this justifies the attack on that country.
There is one question about the geopolitics, and that is "how other nations allow North Korea to make things as it does?". One of the answers could be that small crisis with that nation would turn the public eye away from some local problems like uncomfortable laws, what are made in the Parliaments, and the crisis in the Korean peninsula would be a very good thing, to fill the front pages of the newspapers.
The nuclear armament of that state guarantees that the military invasion against that country is not an option and the nuclear armament is a good threat for any country in the world. But the fact about the North Korean nuclear missiles is, that they could be effective against civilian targets like cities and another kind of things. Also if North Korea uses EMP weapon, what might be camouflaged as the satellite, it can make serious damages to the electric and signal devices, and shut down some communication lines. But that kind of attack causes immediately counter-strike.
In fact, the attack by nuclear weapons is over-dramatized. There is the change to use biological weapons by a very terrible and silent way. Only what the government must do is to inject some bacteria virus like Ebola or Crimean Congo to some person, and after that send that man or woman walking on the streets. The epidemic could kill millions of people. And the reason, why China as an example have established a military base in Africa could be that they also want to get organisms from the jungle to their laboratories. The reason why people afraid more nuclear weapons than biological warfare is that nuclear weapons are more dramatic than bioweapons.
The production of nuclear weapons is more difficult than biological weapons, what can product in very simple laboratories by using normal organisms like Tuberculosis or viruses. The afraid of nuclear weapons is a good example that we are afraid the thing, what we actually don't need to afraid. But we cannot afraid the thing, what we should afraid, and only thing, what is needed in biological warfare is a vaccine, what makes own troop immune against those weapons.
The thing, what makes this small country very complicated is the speculation, that North Korea is allowed to make nuclear weapons because superpowers need somebody, what plays "role of a bad boy" in their policy. And they want that this political "bad boy" looks like the serious enemy. The fact is, that this enemy is easy to terminate with nuclear weapons if it becomes a real threat. That nation can, of course, cause terrible destruction in the West coast of the USA or it can kill millions of people by attacking Shanghai or make destruction in Petropavlovsk but in the scale of those nations, the destruction would be only local. Of course, many people would die but for the entirety that has little influence. But this justifies the attack on that country.
Saturday, November 17, 2018
The strange thing about the war on terrorism and organized crime
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Spies, agents or intelligence officers, what is the official term for those persons, have a mission. They have a role to send information from the enemy or opponent's ground about the future missions against their employer. The role of the mission is to help own commanders and other authorities predict the opponent's movements and operations. And there is one key element in those operations, what makes spies extremely dangerous even to their employers.
Spies see also another side in conflicts. They see things, what own high command don't want them to see. They are facing the bombardments of own bombers, and they know enemy side like normal people. This is the thing, what makes spies very dangerous because there are always people, who have something to hide even in the own headquarters. When we are thinking about the spy, who is working in drug mafia, we are facing the fact that this kind of persons is sometimes in trouble after operations. But most of the modern agents are working in the world of law enforcement. The mission of those persons is to uncover corruption and the connections between businessmen and organized crime.
When we are thinking about the conflict in the Middle East, that is a very effective thing to turn the public eye away from the Drug business in South America. I have sometimes thought about the complicated relationship between criminals and political violence. And there is hanging one question: does cartel something to do with Isis? Do they give money or buy medicine to that terrorist organization? When we are thinking about this thing more carefully, there is a possibility, that drug cartels wash their money in the banks in the Middle East. Many of those countries think that the USA is their ideological enemy and this kind of situation makes possible to wash money in those banks. And the money must just pack in the cargo planes and fly to the Middle East, where it would put in the bank using accounts, what are made to faked identities or some companies, and then it would transfer thru China and other countries to the Banks of Wall Street.
Those agents are hearing names, what can have connections to the highest level of the law enforcement and justice system. They are hearing stories of the law companies, what hides criminal activities, and here we must return the case, Pablo Escobar. The leader of the Medellin drug Cartel. That man had money, and money gives power. But there is still one question remaining. Could that man really lead the Cartel? Was the person who sniffed cocaine all the times, and who was almost choked, when cocaine powder filled his lungs able to manage the business of the Cartel?
When the police and DEA started operations against that Cartel, everybody on the Earth knew, who Escobar was. And that makes interesting, that this man could live and hide law enforcement in Colombia. There were stories that some other persons were the real leaders of this Cartel. When we are thinking about money laundry, we must realize, that Cartels have money and that money is a very suitable element for growing the financial situation of some banks and investment companies. Those people have only one problem, they cannot walk to the bank with plastic bags and put the money to the desk.
Also, authorities are always interesting the origin of the money. And this is why the money must make clean. Nobody wants to take drug money to a bank account, because that would that would cause that the permission to make business in the legal area would be prohibited. If the person knows about that the money has the origin from drug marketing, that would bring a very long period in jail.
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