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Warning sign in the movies, what are an art form too

Picture I

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Again I will show you the music video of the song "The Year 2525", and the film is the classic "Metropolis", what was directed Fritz Lang in 1927, just before the Nazis rise in the power of the Reich, and started to persecute and murder Jews. The clip is below the text, and the picture above is the screenshot from that film. When I see this film, I must ask, did Lang wanted to warn Germans about the things, what is coming. In the time 0:21 there is the symbol, what seems the David star.

And those persons, who will go in the mysterious elevators would put their head down, and their faces are covered, and here we must ask, was there some gas chambers in the Siegfried fortress line. In fact, there was a very good choice for the gas and it was tuberculosis. If there were persons, who had tuberculosis in the workgroups, that could mean the isolation for a very big group of people. Tuberculosis was used for an isolate and terminate the political enemies of the state in many countries.

That bacteria gave the reason to isolate people, and also ashing those persons were allowed, because that denied the releasing of the epidemics. Tuberculosis investigations have been used, when the spreading of information have been investigated, and the investigations of the epidemics are used also for modeling the spreading the computer viruses.  In those places could the murders be made without nobody seen.

So were the people, who went down the same who came up? If those persons were changed, what meant that Nazis or SS was looking for persons, who look like some other person like a politician, and then murder the original person, and then replace that man by some fanatic, they would take control of the parliament. When we are thinking about etheric gardens, that smell could cover the smell of cyanide or some kind of tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is a very effective way to isolate people because it's epidemic.

And if during that isolation the plastic surgeries would start to work with the replication. But in that film is also the fascinating details, the woman in grey dress seems to have eyes, what looks like reptilian or cat's eyes. Somebody has claimed, that she is a reptilian hybrid. and then there is a white tower. The tower must symbolize some organization, what seems like very fascinating and handsome, but that would be cause death. In fact, there was a symbol of death in that film, and when we are thinking about that tower, that might be warned about very big structure in the Alps.

That structure could be tube or something, and if that tube would be opened the persons would fly away from that castle, and die. I remember in that or some other film the big house was opened and the air would blow thru the coolers, what caused the extremely low temperature. In fact, this kind of thing can be done in real life. There would need only the balloon, what rises the hosepipe to the altitude of the kilometer. If that air would go thru the heat exchanger, will that cause the extreme cold in that house, but if the hosepipe will rise very high, will people suck thru it, and when the human goes thru the tube, what diameter is about 10 mm. would that cause immediate death.


Picture I and the movie clip


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