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Mysterious electromagnetic motor "The Bell" part II (And it's connection with "Operation Paperclip")

Kimmo Huosionmaaa

Here I write again about the most mysterious motor-design in history, what was called "The Bell" ("Die Glocke"). Sometimes I have thought that maybe this project was part of the "Operation Paperclip", and the purpose of it could be making the recruitment of the Nazi-scientist seem allowed just after the Second World War. There were many scientists, who worked with the weapons of mass destruction and especially with the organophosphates or nerve gases and the resistance chemicals. Here I must say, that maybe the recruitment of those persons has happened under the code name of the "Operation Deepwater". That technology was not wanted to give the hands of Soviets, and maybe that project was made in the United States and the purpose was to deny that knowledge to go the hands of the Stalin.

When we are thinking about nerve gases and atropine, that resistance chemical allowed to use the nerve gases as a superior assault weapon. If the nerve gas or nerve agent would be delivered to the enemy lines, and own troops take the resistant chemical, they could be immune against those nerve gases, what gives the superior effect for assaults. But those scientists were also war criminals because the tests, where the nerve gas would be used has cost the human lives in the concentration camps. And also the carbon dust was tested for cleaning the blood of the victims of cyanide poisoning. The small bites of carbon were injected into the prisoner's veins and after that, they were injected and otherwise exposed to many lethal chemicals include the cyanide.

Those tests were made in the Dachau concentration camp and some other concentration camps, and they were absolutely brutal and painful. The makers of those experiments were war criminals, but the military leaders of the western allied and Soviets called the recruitment of those scientists as the "necessary evilness". Also, Stalin was interested in that kind of weapons, what he could use to control the Soviet Union. And when they were done their jobs NKVD executed them after the court-martial, what helped Stalin to keep the secrets about the things, what were done in his notorious prison system.

This electrodynamic motor used opposite rotating magnets to suck the air thru the tube, and this would cause the pyramid-shaped tornado in the back of that tube, what could make aircraft or rocket travel very fast. When we are thinking that machine very carefully, that could actually be meant for use in Horten-229, where it can get the electricity from standard jet engines. That magnet system could be installed in the same tube with the jet engines, or there could be the system, where the turbo generator was installed in the body of the aircraft, and the magnet system would installed in the tubes of the wings were the air would be sucked thru it.

But was "The Bell" meant to be more advanced and radical, than we ever can understand. That system can give the aircraft a very fast speed.  In theory, the WARP-drive could be generated from the "The Bell". In this case, in the magnet dynamic motor or particle accelerator would have the bite of quicksilver in it, and if that system could reach the speed of light, would the system move quicksilver forward. If the craft is near the speed of light the Quicksilver could break the "light wall", and in this case, the spacecraft would accelerate about the 99,9 percent of the speed of light, and then the particle accelerator would push the other spacecraft in the speed of light.

But let's think that mysterious machine again. Was "the Bell" meant actually for something more exotic use than working for some kind of motor? Something what we ever expected.  Was the purpose of that structure is the target for radio-waves, what was targeted it? In this case the purpose of "the Bell" meant for the "crystal ball"? The device, what allowed the persons, who worked in that project see the future or even walk thru the dimensions. Here I must say something about secret projects. If the purpose of the project were something, that doesn't mean that the system could be the functional solution. And maybe it was only the hoax for denying the Soviets get their hands those chemical specialists and rocket engineers, who could help Soviet military for making intercontinental missiles and bombers.


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