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Why we must concern the information, what seems to come from Vega?

Lunar base by artist David Hardy
(Picture I)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we are thinking about SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) program and the thought that if the radio signal, what those hypothetical humanoids would send from near the star like Vega, we might think that this kind of thing cannot be done. Vega is the very bright star, and there is probably not planets around it. So we can blow and relax, and think that this was only the thing, what comes deep from our imagination. When we are thinking, that those aliens would send the message by using Maser, they would not need very big equipment for that transmission.

High power Maser system would not be similar to an optical telescope, but the radio waves would go thru the electromagnetic field, what will strengthen them in extremely high power. That system can be hybrid. There could be also an optical telescope, and behind the mirrors is the radio receiver, what makes this telescope equipment effective also for radio astronomical purposes. The active amplification system would make possible to create small size but at the same time effective radio telescopes. Also, light amplifiers, what are created for night scopes have made the revolution for the astronomy, because the active system, what is used in "starlight-binoculars" would allow making small size but effective optical telescopes.

But then we can start to think more carefully about the radio signal, what comes from the star, where would not be possible lifeforms. And in this text, what consists the hypothetical situation, that the humanoids would contact us and the signal comes from Vega or another similar star, we might think that this kind of message comes from the remote base of humanoids. In this case, they would have the space station near that star. Or maybe they have something, what is not very often mentioned.

Those extremely advanced aliens might use unmanned space telescopes, what are orbiting this star, and then use the remote-control system for handling that equipment. In this scenario, the system would observe the radio waves and then transmit it to forward by using laser, or singularity base communication, what would make the tracking of those humanoids more difficult. And this is the thing, what we must remember about the SETI program.

 If those humanoids would have the capacity to create extremely powerful radio waves, they can create artificial dreams to the human mind. This technology is tested in the laboratories, what is developing electromagnetic weapons. By stimulating nerves by using radio waves, the user of that system can create faked memories in the mind of the people.  This is one thing, what we must remember when we are looking for the other civilizations. In fact, the "extraterrestrial civilizations" might mean the secret communication satellite, what is anchored to the Lagrange point, where this satellite orbits the sun.

This communication satellite would allow using secretive communication between members of the secret military, or intelligence unit. And this kind of system allows bypassing the electronic observation satellites, what are orbiting the Earth. Those satellites mission is to observe also own military bases because the operators would want to uncover unauthorized radio transmissions from those bases. And this would help to catch the spies, who might send classified information to their employers.

Unauthorized systems mean that somebody would slip the eavesdropping equipment in those bases, and that's why they must send that information to the communication satellite, what is far away by using lasers. That system would send the location mark to the ground crew and also it can use optical telescopes to receive the laser communication. And then this satellite will resend that information back to Earth by using radio frequency. The operator would come from any state on the Earth. That person could also work for the private corporation.

Picture I


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