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The magical crystals and the things behind that myth

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Some people think that "magical crystals" allows us to see the past, and there are two or three possible things, how crystals would do that. First is the psychological way, and there the crystals suggest the person concentrate the memory, or that thing gives the person dare to tell things, what that person doesn't want to tell before that. Or concentration allows making the connections to neurons, that the images can return to the mind or knowledge. Sometimes people have thought that the electricity, what is stored in the giant crystals makes magnet fields, what would make the electric signals, what travel in the nervous system stronger, and that brings them to our concentration. But there are other theories, and one of them is connected with the symmetrical crystal balls. The tale that the "Thunder god" gave human the crystal, what allows to see the future or the past could be possible in theory.

In this case, the symmetrical crystal ball would load with the energy, what was giving by lightning. The crystal ball would put in the top of the long wooden stick, and then the priests wait that the lightning would strike to that ball. If the ball would be enough symmetrical, there could form the singularity. I don't know does the lightning got enough electric power to form the singularity. But if mankind could someday form the singularity, that could revolutionize the communication technology. Even if we would not able to see the future or past, we would have ultimate communication equipment for extreme long space trips.

Then the system needs resonance to take the same amplitude with some other singularity or small size black hole in the different time. In some silly thoughts, the high prize of some musical instruments like Stradivarius-violin causes because they were used in that purpose. But this is only the silly theory, what bases the idea, that nobody pays for nothing.  For that thing is possible to use some musical instrument. But when we are thinking about the shape of the singularity the crystal would deny that the black hole could suck the material, but if the ball would take to sunlight, that would allow keeping the singularity stable, because the sun is feeding the black hole.

The problem with nano-size black holes is that they are vanishing because they cannot get enough energy for keeping them stable without energy pumping. There are suspected that the NIF (National Ignition Facility) would be used by this kind of tests. And the electromagnetic radiation, what would make the singularity possible can also be made by lasers or electron accelerators. And NIF has the ability to give full symmetrical electromagnetic shock for the crystals, what is made the fully perfect ball that allows forming a black hole, what would not crash the structure of the ball.

National Ignition Facility homepage


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