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Looking for a civilized person (What is a definition for a civilized person? )

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Above the text is a statue in Helsinki Worker's Institute what seems to search something. I sometimes have thought that maybe it searches individualistic, intelligent and civilized persons. Johan Vilhelm Snellman has been said, that civilized person understand the being for the group or structure, and this is the thing, what we always think. We don't always realize, that civilization and science have a very big difference and the scientist don't always understand, that the things what this person creates have always influence for the groups. Civilizing is right and duty for the person, who wants to get something from the world.  One of the best ways to make trouble for some group or individual person is to publish information that is not true in the name of the science.

Even the top level scientists are individual humans, who are making mistakes. In that time they must understand that making science is a serious thing, what is reserved for serious persons. When a scientist makes something, this person must understand, that the thing, that is made might have influence for the bigger structures, and this makes science very dangerous. If that thing would be demonstrated with a little example could there forming too much antimatter in some particle accelerator. And if the electricity is cutting off from this equipment at the wrong moment, could our planet just demolished in the annihilation reaction.

Science is a very good way to explain some things, what can cause very big tragedies for some people. And the best thing, what people can do for protecting themselves against that kind of disinformation is to get knowledge about propaganda. When we are thinking about one "Dracula movie" there is the line, what always stay in my mind "arm with knowledge". When a person wants to face the opponent in any situation, must this person arm with knowledge. Knowledge about the thing, what we would face is very important.

And if we are thinking about vampires, we can say, that maybe those vampires are only some cult, what makes horrible things. Or maybe those stories are told only for making people scared and leave their houses. There are many simple and natural explanations for some paranormal activities. In the cases like "Mothman," there might be some person, who uses the night scopes, what is installed the bandana. The infra-red and night vision- or "Starlite" system show sometimes red light if they are looked from the outer direction, and this might cause the effect of the red-eyed creature.

Real knowledge doesn't mean that we must believe everything, what people are written in the newspapers or blogs. When we are thinking about the cases, where somebody claims something, what seems funny or ridiculous, we must react other ways than normally is thought as the right way. We should find out, what makes that person believe something, what we first think only the hoax or spooky thing.

Before we say something about any things or claiming, we can simply use the internet to look for information of the things, what are claimed in some discussions. When we are thinking, that some person is different, we must realize, that every person has differences. And we are in trouble in that question, because working-life gives us the norms, what we must follow in the workplace. There are situations, where we must be homogeneous and follow the rules, what comes from the upper levels.

But in fact, we must remember, that everybody has the right to be individual in one place and situation, alone at home. When we are in the team, we must understand, that making something against the rules has very bad influence for the group. Groups must be homogenous when we are looking them from outside, and when we talking about individualism, we must say, that being individualist doesn't mean that person can run as the naked. We must always follow the rules of society and of course, written laws when we are putting green slips on our suite. But if there are some rules in the working place, there should be found those rules from some computer or they are told to the person before the punishments will start to deliver.


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