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Sometimes important persons seem boring

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Willing to doubt sense is the key to making new things. The new ideas and new ways to do can only found from the old and traditional ways. When we are thinking new things and will to make new ideas, our mind needs food, and this makes our lifestyle important. The lifestyle must have three balanced parts, the fun, the rest and the work must take balanced roles in our life, and there is one thing, what we always forget. If one part in this triangle takes the too big role, that thing changes its form. Let's take an example. Have you ever took part to parties, where you must go? That might feel very funny, we always like the party.

But in this case, the parties are because the old grandma would have her 85th. birthday. In there the youngsters would not feel comfortable, because the old grandma doesn't normally listen to the same music what youngsters like. And the clothes and behavior in those parties are the little bit different than in normal school parties. In this case, the clothes, what youngsters wear might be different than in the normal parties they visit and do you think that they have fun to listen to the things, what they would not quite understand.

The business life is not the quite interesting thing in the mind of young people, and there are not many adults, who quite understand the mechanisms about the economy and society. But there are many people, who want to see the movie "Top Gun". They want to see, that the jet fighters are flying on the skies, and this makes that movie the great experience. But the reality is always forgotten. In the real life, those fighters or fighter-bombers are made for some purposes, and they are part of the most calculated strike force on the Earth.

And here I forgot one thing: the strike capacity of the military force must not be too high, because the force needs resistance. If there are no enemies, our military forces would sometimes take a control in the nation, what is not the very nice thing. But as we know the real life is not the movie, where we can get everything, what we want. If we want to be realistic, we need money for parties and another kind of things. And this means that we can't avoid the work. And many times the work is not so interesting looking, what we might want. There are many boring things, what are made by the boring looking persons, who might want to look boring. Those persons make houses, what is safe to live, and also they make fighters, what mission is to take the airspace to control and bomb the enemy targets away.

But when we are thinking about the second and more boding thing, what is making buildings, we might notice that there are many things, what could be dangerous. Have you seen the music video "Angels crying" of the techno band "E-Type"? In that video is the very interesting shower, what might not be allowed in real life. If there are two showers on the wall, what would be separated, there could be the way to kill the person. If some real evil person would connect the electricity to those showers, with installing the cables in the different tubes, the electric shock would kill that person instantly.

In some book, the killer connected the aggregate to that kind of system and executed the victim by using that very lethal method, what is very difficult to notice. In some death chambers of the concentration camps were used the salt water, what was be electric, and the metal floors were connected the electric circuit, that the electricity traveled thru those persons. When the showers would be used, the system will connect the circuits and the electric shock will kill the victim immediately. The similar system is used in the electric stun guns, where two ionized water showers will target the person and high voltage electric shock will terminate the target. Sometimes this impulse uses the lethal electricity, and that kind of weapons have been delivered to the special forces and law enforcement.


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