Tuesday, July 31, 2018
How is the growth of cities visible in the street views?
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Almost every person in the world wants the own house and lot, but in city areas they are expensive. The taxes of lot are high, and the persons who rule the city wants that there would be live as many people as possible in some area. Growing and improve the cities happens the way, that if the most people like it, would that thing put in the action. Sometimes there have been claiming, that cars dominate the plans, how the living would be developed.
City areas are growing all the time, and that causes very interesting thing in the ordinary street view. The picture above shows, that there was been cheap land somewhere in the past. And in that time the green painted house has been built. The work was cheap and the even ordinary worker could buy that kind of house in the past. But then there was the phenomenon when the price of the land was rising, and that was the reason, why the new buildings were different.
This green painted house has been somehow the attractive point of the city image, but this kind of unique buildings must step away from new architecture. And this is quite a sad thing because we all want to live in the unique house. But of course, the identical shape of the buildings increase safety and it's more practical to build than a unique building. Making groups is cheaper and more effective as financial and productive than making unique buildings.
The reason, why those old houses have been left in that area could be that they were not owned by private persons. The rising taxes and other payment guaranteed, that the normal worker would sell that property, and there would move directors of the firms. But if some company would own that house and the lot, would that guaranteed, that there was money to pay those payments. And if there were some big organization behind those payments, that would be the reason, why this green painted house has been left in this quite expensive area.
Why there are so many empty houses in the countryside?
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Kimmo Huosionmaa
Chancing of the economic structure is visible in the Finnish countryside. There are empty houses because farmers must be left the villages because their ranches were not profitable. But there is one thing, what I sometimes wonder, and that is, why those good-looking houses were left without use in the villages, and they would be destroyed by weather and mushrooms, what would rot entire structures of those houses. The question is, why those houses would not use as summer homes, or why they would not dissemble?
Those old houses, what are rotten in weather are dangerous because the people like children could go in there, and then the floors would collapse. When we are thinking about those fascinating places, we must notice, that there is sometimes the furniture and dishes inside, and that is quite interesting. Even the ranch is ended, would those equipment needed in the new house or flat, and why they were left in those houses?
The thing is that sometimes there is found even family photos, and that makes think, what kind of thing made those people leave that places, and why they didn't take anything with them? Those houses are not connected with any criminal activities, and this makes them very interesting targets for speculations. If the people moved to the cities, why they left all their stuff behind them? At picture one (Picture I) is the house, where must be changed the roof just before those people left there.
And in the final chapter, I will say, that those empty houses are dangerous. Why people keep rotten houses in their yards? If some children will go into that house, it be would very dangerous, if the foot comes through the floor. This is very interesting detail in the Finnish countryside. Some people have very fine and beautiful houses, and their yards very well care. But there is some house, where have nobody even visited in decades if the condition of that building is noticed.
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Of course, those things are not my business. But if some children would get hurt because of that kind of houses, that would bring them to the newspapers. And if there is something to hide, that must be investigated very carefully. If somebody would leave all the stuff and family photos behind, would that be something very interesting? There is one very interesting and horrifying scenario, what people would probably don't want to hear about this kind of places.
I hope that would be only the production of my imagination. If Russian or German intelligence would be wanted to slip their man in the Finnish community, they must choose the right person. This person might be the man, who would be some soldier, who has lost the brother or who would not have contact with home from the Finnish side. After that, they must kill that person, and of course, his wife must be killed. And then their agent can come to the home ranch, what belonged to the dead man.
If our victim would not have many social contacts except the wife, this operation would be succeeded. And if that couple would be no contacts with own families, this might open the road to evening school and then if that person would pass it, even to the top place of the Finnish societies and corporations. Sometimes I have thought that could this kind of agent get the place in the Parliament or supreme court. This might cause big damages for Finland. And I hope that this could be pure fiction.
There are many fictional books about this kind of operations, and sometimes I think, that could they be real in somehow? Or are they pure fiction? And that is the thing, what the only couple of men know in the world. I must write that thing like fiction because I'm not the head of CIA or KGB. But the possibility, that in the Kremlin or White House would sit the enemy agent is fascinating. And it was given themes for many spy books, what are, fictional stories about the case, where the president is working for opponent's intelligence.
Hybrid whales are interesting phenomena
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Kimmo Huosionmaa
Hybrid animals what is the combination of whales and dolphins have been seen since the 1980's, and somebody thinks that those animals would not be naturally born. There are some theories, that some of those hybrid animals are made on purpose, in the program, what is called "Montauk", and the reason why hybrid animals are very fascinating by military and law enforcement, is that those combinations would not interested with another animal, what helps them to concentrate their mission.
Hybrid animals are sometimes used to simulate the behavior of the hybrid species, and that information would be transfer to the sociology. When we are thinking about the reason, why people believe this conspiracy theory, we must ask one question. Why those hybrid species have found in the 1980's, and before that the existence of those creatures was only the myth? Why did those animals not exist for science before the 1980's? Are they so new thing, or have those species started to combine in the 1980's, and before that was nothing like this?
And what the intelligence services and special forces would make with operators, who are not interested in opposite gender or have no need for couple relationship. Those persons could keep the secrets very much better, than persons who are in married. This is one reason, why some people believe, that the military forces have tried to make combinations of many species, like dogs and wolves. This would make those animals a little bit safer for the operators because they are not disturbed by the opposite gender. This is one reason for the interest of that kind of investigation.
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Monday, July 30, 2018
Why somebody vandalizes cemeteries?
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Kimmo Huosionmaa
The vandalism at cemeteries is a very interesting thing, because those people, who do that are making the crime. They must pay the damages, what those vandals have made, and that's why the cemetery as the vandal's target is the very uncommon thing. If somebody would fall over a hundred gravestones, there must be some reason for that, because those gravestones are sometimes very heavy, and the person, who makes that needs muscle.
If the question would be about so-called "common vandalism" there would be some kind of sprayed graffiti or something like that. If the question would be about satanism, we must ask, where are the signs of that kind of actions? Those people could draw the pentagrams or put the chicken corpses in that area, and common vandals might use drugs, and where are their pipes and other equipment.
I think that nobody would do that kind of things just for fun. The good question is, how those gravestones were chosen, and is there something, what connects it with other vandalism actions in the cemeteries. Are those vandals wait, who would come to repair those gravestones? There was one explanation for the motive of that kind of vandalism. That creepy explanation is the wealthy families, what lost their children by drugs are graved them to some cemeteries at far away from home, and there would be wrong dates to mark in the stone.
Those youngsters would be graved as old people, and nobody would even know their existence. Those graves might be kept good looking by the church, and that service could be paid for 20 or more years. And nobody actually visits those graves to remember the person, who lays in it. But that explanation was in some crime movie, what name I don't remember.
Maybe the maker of that kind of actions could be the drug user, who was in the amphetamine psychosis, but those persons would not able to work systematically. There is one thing, what could explain this kind of destruction, and that is, that there was something, what those vandals looked for, but why they have crushed some of those memorial stones. Neonazis would mark the area by their marks, and there is a question, what those people, who fall those gravestones were looking for in that area? If the motive would be political, why there were no messages, about the purpose of the vandalism?
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Synthetic sugar substitute named aspartame.
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Aspartame is the synthetic substitute, what is 100-200 times sweeter than saccharose. This sugar substitute has claimed to be dangerous because it creates methanol and formic acid the human body when it would be destroyed. Some conspiracy theorists claim, that this chemical causes many health problems, but there is no evidence of that.
Those doses are not dangerous, claims the health authorities, but there is one danger in this chemical if it would be misused with some other chemicals. Humans are naturally addicted to the sweet taste, and that's why we all like sweets. Aspartame is used in sweets and lemonades for replacing sugar, and that's why diabetic patients can also use those things. But if aspartame is used with drugs or narcotics, would that be very dangerous.
If this sugar substitute is connected with anodynes or narcotic medicals, that would make them more addictive, than they normally are. And good taste would be an excellent way to market some medical products. If the narcotic chemicals would be connected with the sweet taste, would it become very addictive, and if some medical factories would not care about anything, they would connect aspartame with the drug pills, and good taste makes these chemicals easy to take.
And that is strictly against the ethics of marketing. Those medical would not get selling permission in the European Union but in some African or Asian countries, the medical authorities are not so sharp with those things. And if those good taste fentanyl-tablets would be sold to people, they can cause problems also in Europe
If narcotic-addict would get aspartame with fentanyl, would that person choose also later that sweeter product, and there is claiming, that some drug dealers have given drugs to their clients, what is mixed with aspartame. In those cases, the drug has been mixed to drinks or juice. And this sugar substitute would make those drugs easy to drink. This is quite alarming because the first contact with drugs happens with drinks or tablets.
The banking reserve and financial policy
When governments make their contracts of the structure like roads and buildings they act like other actors. Almost every budget in the building industry is calculated a little bit over the real costs, because of the unexpected catastrophes or disturbing the production. There is calculated the loss of building material, what can be replaced with new elements, and if the accident happens in the building site, would that replacement pay the contractor.
But if there are no accidents, the money what is reserved for those replacements would leave to the bank accounts. Also, another reserve is made for repairings, but if there is no need for that the money would not be used. This would grow the money in the accounts, what are called the overbudgeting.
The governments are working like big companies in this area, and one of the things, where that money is used is the financial buffer, what makes possible to make fast investments in the short period. This buffer is so-called "free money", and it is not connected to any special projects or other things. Why I'm writing about governments and corporations like mixing those things? The reason is that money buffers work basically the same way, are they governmental or private sector money.
There is no difference between an actor in this case. And when we are thinking about the multinational corporations, we are facing the truth, that those corporations have very much money in their buffers. And if they want, they can use it in the thing, called currency investment. In this case, the investor would follow the value of currencies and then sell or change the money for another currency.
Simply the way to explain, how this thing happens is to buy some currency, and then the value of the currency is rising that actor can sell that money for the better price. But normal way to use this methodology is to use the multiple currencies, what can give short period incoming and winnings for the investor. And if the investor would have billions of dollars in use, even the small change of the value of the currency would give big profits for that person.
This requires the ability to follow the courses of currencies all the time, but the Internet would give the possibility for that. The change of the currencies value can easily to follow by using the Internet. This way to use currency as the merchandise can also cause the changes in the value of currencies. When somebody would buy money for billions of dollars, that will cause the raise if this targeted currency, and this is the way, where the investor would manipulate the value of the currency.
If that would be translated into the normal language, that kind of investor cannot make losses, and in this kind of actions can this person use weak currencies. First, this actor would buy the weak currency by using dollars or euros, and this investor would use billions of units of money. And then this targeted currency would get more value. After that, the actor would just buy euros, dollars or yen, and then gets very much profit from that action. This causes, of course, the inflation in the weak currencies, but in this case, the thing would not mean.
The reason why this kind of currency trader would choose weak currencies is that in this game would the thing, what makes profits is percents. If that investor can pull the currency up many percents, that person would get more profits. And if this tradesman would sell the currency or exchange it in the very short period of the time, would that give very good benefits. In the modern world, the computers can use to build the networks, where the sum would transfer by using many currencies, and that will maximize that profit.
Sunday, July 29, 2018
The natural explanation for energy vampire
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Some people believe that they are so-called "energy vampires", what sucks the life force from the people nervous system. So this so-called energy vampire steals electricity from the nervous, and that would cause tiredness and other physical problems. But in fact. we have met the energy vampires in the real life. The bosses, who give us too many jobs and working fellows, who always disturb people, while they have some important work, where the main role has the concentration are real-life energy vampires.
When those people are in the workplace, nothing would be done, and that might feel very bad. Also, the real-life energy vampires are persons, who harass other people in the work and make all working day feel uncomfortable. And of course, one version of this so-called physic vampire is neighbor, who keeps extreme nice parties just, when we must go to work in the morning.
But when we are thinking about the form of the supernatural energy vampire, we might think that this unbelievable creature could conduct the electricity from the human nervous system to the creatures own nervous system. This would çause low voltage in this system, and that is quite dangerous. Is this thing natural, or human-made machine is the thing, what everybody decides for themselves.
But in working place, we meet the vampire, what makes everybody feel uncomfortable. Without this person, every day would feel nice, but the problem is the persons, who behave like idiots. We all know those persons. When we see them in the morning, is our day ruined. Maybe we would not just like them, but sometimes the reason, why we don't like them, is that their attitude for comrades is disgusting.
The role of navies in the war against terrorism
Kimmo Huosionmaa
President of Russia, Vladimir Putin has said, that the Russian navy has the great role in the war against terrorism, and this is one of the biggest roles also for other navies. Navy and it ships are in the key role in long-range over-seas operations, where those things can give tactical support for ground forces, deliver and carry equipment and rescue the crews of attack planes if they would shoot down or face the engine failure in those operations.
In those cases, rescue crews can use naval ships as the base, where those pilots can be taken for getting medical attention and return home. The ships can also work as the safe place for own troops because the enemy cannot surprise those men while resting. But in the case of Russia the protecting the gas tubes, what deliver natural gas to Europe is one of the biggest roles of anti-terrorism troops. Also, offshore oil rigs are probably one of the most vital targets for terrorists.
Those targets must be protected extremely sharp because the systems that are used in the petrochemical industry are attractive targets for the men, who want publicity because they are causing a very prominent effect. And this is the main purpose of the terrorists. They want publicity for their work, and massive explosions guarantee that TV would follow that case.
One of the reasons, why Putin want that there would not come any problems with the oil and gas delivery is that if Russia could guarantee that the gas deliveries can continue without problems, would that give change to export more gas to Europe, and also connect the policy of Europe more effectively the Russian energy. And that would give weapon in the hands of Russians because if they would not like European policy, they will just stop the gas exports.
The thing what guarantees the buying of gas from Russia is the cheap price of the energy. But the price must be always paid, and if some political decision is against Russian interests, would that cause that the pressure in the tube would decrease. And strong nuclear weapon would guarantee, that nobody would threat Russia by the military operation. Energy is a very good way to blackmail other nations for giving in to Russian interests.
Writing about religion and opinions
Sometimes we are facing the newspaper article, where is mentioned, that somebody is atheist. And this kind of news is probably meant for giving the people some kind of picture of that person's opinions. What does the opinion of religion and god influences of other work of that person, is the thing that I don't sometimes understand. When we are talking about religion, we are talking about the thing, when people believe, or they do not believe in something. Religion is a myth, what is visible in every city in the Western world, or in the countries, what has not the officially atheistic government, what would deny any religious signs.
When we are thinking about the God, I'm sure that this creature would not live in my neighbor. And I ever met this thing, so I must say that if there is no proof the existence of the god, we must proudly say that we believe or we would not believe that thing. And believing in something, what can change many times during the day. We have all confessed our Christian religion in the church, but do we really believe in that thing?
This is the thing, what everybody knows in the mind or heart, what term we would want to use about that thing, where we deeply handle things, what is important to us. When people are young, the things like religion are not very important for them, but at the end of the life, those things like the existence of the God would become more important. And at the final end at the time of death, the human want to believe that something is waiting for that person because that makes things easier to stand.
But religion and atheism are good weapons in the attack against some other persons because there are no right opinions about those things. When that targeted person tries to defend self, would that cause only more critiques and even hate against that person, because there is no way to defend the right way. Every time when this person tries to say something, would that hurt somebody very deep opinion and feelings about religion.
Or if the defense bases the religion is the real thing, that would be justified as a pseudoscience. But how this is possible, that our person never please other persons in the society. The answer is simpler as you might think, my dear readers, there are three groups of attackers. One is the team, what leads the attack, and other teams, what have the opinion that religion is true, and another has the opinion, that religion is false.
This action would sometimes boost with programs, where some private detective claims, that somebody, who has the same background than this targeted person is some pedophile. That sounds good in the media. The harassment is also very often used the method in this kind of things, where somebody would be wanted to smoke out of the workplace. Personal opinions about religion are everybody's own business. That is the thing, what would not be seen in the normal life.
A-12 "Oxcart" (SR-71) and the strange tale about this plane
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SR-71 was the fastest aircraft in the world, and it had the capacity to fly at speed over 3600 kilometers per hour. The program was also known as A-12 "Oxcart", and the name of this system was selected for covering the top-secret spy plane, by claiming that is new attack plane. This aircraft had extreme high speed, and some of them were lost in accidents. One of the reasons or the biggest reason for terminating this program was that the CIA afraid that the motor technology what was used in this plane got into hands of the communist block if one of those planes would get the motor damage during the mission.
There were explosives in those planes, that if it would go too low, the explosives were destroyed the motors and other important parts of that plane, and some of the destroyed planes were destroyed in the tests, where those self-destruction mechanisms were tested because CIA afraid that KGB might slip their agent in the service crew, and that person could remove the explosives. If the pilot of that plane could also want to take the plane to the hands of Soviets, that would be the catastrophic thing. And destroying the planes in those security screens is very expensive.
This is, of course, one reason for the price of that mission, but for the high costs of the airplanes were many other reasons Actually, SR-71 (A-12) were two planes, the airborne refueling plane, and the recon plane, and every one of those aircraft used unique fuels, and they had the unique ventilation system, what rises the costs of that program. Another means the plane, what was used in Air-Force, and another one means the planes, what was made for CIA, by using materials, what were brought by passing the bookkeeping, and also those planes had special numbers, what were not public. CIA used those planes for deep penetrating missions in the Soviet airspace. The funny thing about those planes is, that Titanium, what was used for them was bought from the Soviet Union. This information was delivered in some TV-document of that project.
Also, CIA is suspected to transfer money by this project for "black budget" aircraft and weapon projects, and this is why the costs of this program were extremely high. But there is a tale, that some of this fastest man-made aircraft had the capacity to carry bombs and missiles. The rumor claims that SAC planned to install nuclear weapons to the internal bomb bay of this plane. That's the reason, why the A-12 had the letter "A" in the name, but I don't know does the SR-71's attack version existed.
There are rumors that there were three types of this aircraft. YF-12, what was planned to be an ultra-fast jet fighter, A-12 what was or is an attack version and SR-71, what is the reconnaissance version of the worlds fastest aircraft. The YF-12 was code-name for this project sometimes, and the nuclear weapons could be the good reason for keeping persons out of the areas, where this plane kept for service and other purposes, but as we know, the SR-71 is real, but other variants of this plane are only rumors.
Maybe they were stored in AREA-51 or destroyed when the program was terminated. But as we know, there are many secrets in that place, and maybe this aircraft still flies in the top-secret world of intelligence, under the project, what code-name have not been mentioned. The reason, why the SR-71 was mentioned as "grey project", means that those aircraft were so expensive. The production of those planes outside the official bookkeeping was also making suspects, that there were many things, what somebody didn't want that was not known in public.
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Saturday, July 28, 2018
One thing, what you probably didn't know about traffic tickets
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Almost every person, who lives in the cities is using sometimes the bus or train. The public transportation system is one of the best inventions, what cities have. This system contains trains and busses, and of course, it's not free. When we are using this system, we must buy the ticket for traveling in the public transportation system, and this thing contains one very big danger for information security.
That danger is connected with the customer groups, what have the right to get lower price tickets. In some cases, the handicapped and mental patients have the different group for sale than other users. To getting the sale, we must show that we have right kind of diagnoses or we are students in some kind of high schools or universities. And that can danger our privacy because another reason for sale is needed the doctor's testimony, and that might be the thing, what we would not want to tell anyone else in the whole world.
Public transportation system has the database, what tells about us studies and medical diagnoses very clearly. And if the system would be in the wrong hands, could somebody follow, what bus or train lines the targeted person uses. The sneaker would compile the home address of the traffic user, and the numbers of lines, what this person uses, and then this follower can take information, what kind of bars and other places are found at the road of those busses and trains.
And if the person would go far away from home for the drink, would that bar be some kind of different, or that person has a boy or girlfriend in that area. Who will sit on the bus even hour for the drink, if the place would be nothing special? That is the question, what the sneaker would ask anytime when that person follows the target.
This means that everybody, who has the device, what can read the data from those electronic tickets can get very personal information in the hands. This is against personal data security because that information is prohibited to deliver even for the doctors, who work in the public health care system, but that information is available for any person, who sees the ticket automat in the busses or subways.
Also, modern mobile telephones can read those traveling cards even, when the wallet is in the pocket, by using official mobile applications, what is meant for checking, is there any money in the card. This might seem very small thing but is violates against the law of privacy. Those traveling cards are also problematic because the card can be programmed to deliver the computer viruses if somebody wants to do that.
This means that somebody must just write the computer virus, and then upload it to the card, and that would cause the collapse of all traffic control system. Only thing, what that hacker must get is the tool, what is used for writing to the cards, and then the tool, what can be used for programming those chips.
And the problem, in this case, is, that this hacker can also make the back gate to that system, and then steal the information of users of public transportation, who have some special reason for getting the sale for using that system. That could be quite embarrassing for people, who are marked for sale groups, what are reserved for some special groups like people, who have mental disorders.
Metamorphosis in legends about Werewolves
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Kimmo Huosionmaa
Metamorphose is a very interesting thing and many native believing and stories are the tales about creatures, what are able to change their shape as an animal. The idea that some person could change it's shaped between human and animal is very fascinating. Also in Finnish national book Kalevala the bad creature, Louhi (1) could change her creature as a giant eagle. The creature is similar to the native American Indian stories about Skin-walkers(2), the witches, what can take animals form. And there are some other tales about creatures, what change as the animals when they want to do that.
The most well-known characters are of course werewolves and naguals (3) . The last one is some kind of werewolf, but it normally takes the form of a coyote, puma or wolf, and this connects it to the creature of the werewolf. When we are thinking about this very well known the character of horror tales and movies, we would forget one very good explanation for that beast, what has the shape of the man. The origin of those creatures might be men, who wear the wolf skins as clothes, and that's why those men were called as "werewolves".
The stories about those monsters might be meant first some professional soldiers, who would try to be like normal people, but when somebody tried to hurt them, they would use their combat skills. Maybe the origin of this mythical creature is Vikings, who might be ordinary traders, but when the people, who had expensive clothes or equipment came, those traders took the form of warriors and started to rob the village.
In some German mythologies, werewolves were creatures, what defended the people against evilness, but this is not the very common thing to write about that creature. The common way to talk about the werewolves is that they wanted blood and flesh of innocent people, and that's why they were evil creatures, what fate was the silver bullet.
(1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louhi
(2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skin-walker
(3) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagual
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Friday, July 27, 2018
Cuckoo-effect and the dark side of human personality
Kimmo Huosionmaa
This is the thing, what I would write also in the future. Cuckoo is the bird, what kills it stepsiblings. The thing happens because the cuckoo has sensitive point in it's back and when other chicks in the den would touch that point, will the cuckoo push them out from the den. This behavior has given the name for the effect, where one of the siblings kills family members. Sometimes we will face the news, where is told about domestic violence, where one member of the family has killed one or more members of the family, and this is of course very sad. But why somebody makes that thing?
Sometimes there is the tumor in the brain tissue, what causes violent behavior, but sometimes the reason is that this member of the family has been violated in the society. In this kind of cases, one member of the group would face the violation. When we are thinking about the cases, where only one member of the group has been targeted for the very bad domestic violation, we are facing the situation, where one time is too much, and then happens something very bad. But what kind of person violates family member even years?
This kind of things are happening, because the violation and humiliation were accepted by the authorities of that society. The society makes the situation, where the hate can grow inside the mind of that person. In many religious isolated groups have been behavior, that if the patriarchs of the community would be resisted, the punishment would be an assault against that person. In those societies, the patriarch would not use violence by himself.
There is a mark, what other follow, and it could be that the patriarch would turn the back for the person, who was marked for abuse. And then the other members of the group would attack that targeted person. In some families, this mark is the phrase "when daddy comes home". That means that some person would get the punishment. And then the mother of the family would leave the belt to the chair, what means she asks punishment.
This kind of punishment is a very bad thing because children would stop to fear that violation. They would move to the streets, and that will cause bad things in the society. Sometimes there are people, who have taken part in the assaulting the siblings because their parents ordered that. Or they gave permission to play "adult" for one of the family members. And that is seen in their behavior. They always ask their henchmen giving "open hand" for the children, who call to the workplace or otherwise disturb the workday of adult persons.
For those persons, the adulthood means only right to give punishments. They have always right to order other persons to do anything, that they want, and those men and women would do anything. If they even have to open the door by themselves if there is found some henchmen, that is the great insult for that person and authority of that man or woman. But how somebody become the person, who would always give only punishments, is the question, what is the very interesting thing. One of the answers is normally, that they would face the violence in the younghood, but that is not actually true. Persons who have faced the violation in their childhood normally would not accept the violence against children.
The reason why physical punishment in the home is prohibited is the "Lucifer effect", because if the person would be someday in the same position, what the violator has been, would that cause that this person would act same way against the helpless persons. The effect is caused because somebody has been violated that man or woman, and then when this person has got the same position as the violator has, that would cause the change to revenge the treatment. But this kind of violence is targeted for the elder people, and it happens in old people's home.
In the human mind is the system, what is built for protecting our species, and that is that the form of children normally makes the person act a nonviolent way. And the reason, what causes the "Lucifer-effect" is hate against the persons, who have humiliated that man or woman. And that causes sometimes very traumatic behavior, what would bring sad headlines in the newspapers. When the person knows, that there would become the punishment anyway, does he or she the things, what normal people would not even think to do.
One of the examples in history is when the prisoners of the Treblinka death camp started the rebel and took the weapons from the hands of their guards without thinking about their own safety. The reason was, that those persons knew, that they would die anyway, and that was the reason, why they attacked the guards, and only three of them survived. But this is an example, what desperate persons would get.
The violence against children is something, what we never understand. But sometimes we are looking that thing from the newspaper, and then we must remember, that those persons, who would make the things, what are causing the death for the children have sometimes thought that they have done right things. Somewhere those persons have learned to shake the children if they are noisy. And that could be very dangerous. Domestic violation is the very traumatic thing, what leaves the marks for the victimized person rest of the life. That thing makes more violence in the streets and keeps police in the work.
The case of the "Sherman's ranch" or "Skinwalker ranch"
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Kimmo Huosionmaa
There is one thing, what you probably didn't notice in the video of the strange things, what happens in the place, called "Skinwalker's ranch". The former owners were named "Sherman", and one of the United States most popular tank has their name. The stories tell about strange stock mutilation and other paranormal activities in that area. There is the possibility, that in this area would be made by some kind of genetic or crossing experiments, and that's why there is something, what they don't want you to know. One thing what you should know is that area is private property, and that's why going there is prohibited. The name of that ranch smells like PSY-OP, what mission is to keep people out of the area, where happens something, what those people don't want to introduce all people on Earth. And maybe there is tested some new kind of weapons or equipment like Lasers and drones. This would explain the things, what happens in that ranch.
When we are thinking about the owners of that ranch, Shermans, who left from that area, we can give that thing another good explanation, and it is, that Shermans just bought that land for the aircraft corporation, what is mentioned in that film, Bigelow Aerospace, or somebody, who works inside the covert of that kind of companies. When we are thinking about the stock mutilation, there is the possibility, that it is made for keeping the people out of the area. Maybe they are made by hydraulic jaws, that could be made of titanium, and installed to the hybrid airships like Lockheed Martin P.791.
This system could be on the top of the similar manipulator arm, what is used in the space shuttle. And those jaws are modeled to make similar markings, as the teeth of wolves, but they are more powerful. When we are looking at the humiliation photo in the film 3:48, there seems like only the head and the front body of that animal has been destroyed. And if this cow was some kind of hybrid animal, the mission of this action might be made to destroy the signs of that thing. Maybe there were plans to crossing cows and some other animals, and create the stock, that can eat also meat. This could make them survive in many places like deserts, there is no grass or other vegetables.
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Thursday, July 26, 2018
The little story about marketing.
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(MTV3.fi) |
Kimmo Huosionmaa
This is the very common way to sale and marketing many things. The hidden images of naked women are meant to attract especially men to buy the things. Image of naked women are used in the etiquettes of alcohol bottles and deodorants, and also in some shops, the magazines, where is some lady, who is dressed in very small clothes are placed near the section, where is so-called men's stuff like hammers and other tools.
Also, those pinup-photos are used in the cover pages of the car magazines. This picture turns the eyes of the men straight to that production, and maybe the picture of this dress is from the past when the men bought also clothes for women. But in the modern times, the pictures of men are also used for the same purpose.
The ladies clothes can contain the hidden image of the man in the figure, what is painted in it. And that would turn the eyes of the women to those clothes. But as we know nothing is so simple as it seems. Those pictures can also uncover the homosexuality. If the person is gay, the man's eye turns to the clothes, where is the picture of the man, and if women look the picture, where is the hidden image of the nasty girl, that means that woman is gay.
So those pictures can uncover those things. If we can use the system, that detects the position, where the person actually looks, and if that person who might be man looks all the time of the picture, where is the hidden figure of the man, when the picture, where is hidden man and woman side by side in the front of him, would that tells that the person is gay. But this is only writing, and don't be so serious.
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
The misuse of the social media data is a very big problem
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Collecting data from the social media services is against their contracts, and they would want to disconnect the firms, what makes that kind of actions on the Internet. But the problem is, how to control, that nobody would collect data by acting private person. This makes the surveillance of the net very easy because the corporation can have thousands of Facebook-accounts in their hands.
And they can operate that by using remote computers, what are placed even in the different countries. This is why connecting those accounts to some firm is impossible. The use of the cover firm makes possible to get flats and equipment possible without uncovering the identity of those operators. Firms can always establish new if the old one would get a bad reputation.
But the workers are difficult to renew, and the data to the Facebook would always send from the Western country. Those operators can use remote connections from Russia, and the computers, what is used can be installed in many countries because if one IP-address would be banned, the rest of them can continue their actions. This makes that thing very hard to deny.
And if some of those accounts would be removed, those operators can create the new one very easily, but the use of the firms as a cover guarantees, that those operators personal internet use would not be disturbed. One way to uncover those accounts, what is used in this kind of operations is to compile the information, what that account sends with the accounts, what operates same age persons, what this account owner claims, and if some 16 years old starts to feel like Vladimir Putin, could that account be faked.
The layer, what collects data from the Facebook or some other social media service must be very large, for getting enough data for making the profile of a large number of people and their way to use the Internet. This means that the corporation, what collects information might operate by several Facebook-accounts, what seems like private accounts.
That kind of data can be also collect by automatized screenshots and then the computers would start to analyze, what kind of interests and what kind of things, those persons like. Those corporations make compliments with the database where is collected the information by private operators and Russian authorities, what kind of person likes Vladimir Putin.
The things, what please the users are used to create propaganda posts, what are satisfying to see. That makes this kind of propaganda extremely dangerous because it is masked as the music videos or some other stuff, and this kind of propaganda is targeted at young people.
And there could be connected the flash-pictures and subliminal orders, what purpose is to change the targeted person way of think. But also to the leading politicians are frightened by Gallups, what might be faked. Those Gallups show, that the most of the people like the things, what support Russia.
One silly thought about faked "Alien Autopsy"
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Kimmo Huosionmaa
Sometimes I have thought, that maybe the famous "Alien Autopsy" film is faked for some movie, what was not shown in anywhere. or it was ordered by men, who claimed that this trick picture is for some kind of movie. But there is one question remaining, why it is made for? Is it made for cover the existence of real alien autopsy film, what was taken after the Roswell incident, because of somebody afraid that the film would uncover the truth about alien co-operation?
Or maybe it was covered the developing of the new kind of pressure suits, what were classified in 1947. This explanation could be the realistic choice for alien co-operations because if the air force personnel used special NBC suits in Roswell, those suits could be classified. And if there dropped some special high-altitude test plane, the fuel of that plane could be poisonous, but I like to write long texts, and that's why I'm going to think also the choice that this film would cover the film of the real alien autopsy. And this is free land and we have the right to write anything that we want about that film.
In some imaginations, I could see how the liquid humanoid amoeba would put in the Coca-Cola bottle, and served to the Eisenhower. This writing is in a series of writings under headlight "open your mind", so don't be serious sam, if I will write about things, what are proven to be faked. Or somebody claim that those films about alien autopsy in secret military medical room are faked. Here we must ask one question about the film, what has been cost money.
The equipment, what was shown in the film are real, and they are not free, so what is the reason for faking this film? Those equipment and rooms cost money and also protective clothes and masks are real, but if the body, what is under the autopsy is fake, we must request the reason for that fake? Why somebody wanted to make faked alien autopsy film after so-called "Roswell incident"? The creature of that film might look like a child, and maybe the original purpose of that film was to claim that the personnel, who work with secret aircraft projects hides some accidents, what have caused deaths, and the image of the child could help to keep them mouth shut about national secrets.
One explanation for faking that film is if the fakers got orders to make this film by the persons, who were claimed to work for some movie studios, for making some kind of Sci-Fi movie. But if this would be true, where is that film? Or maybe government agents played the role, that they were from some movie studio. And they could be from some military intelligence offices or FBI, and maybe they didn't know the reason, why this film was made. Maybe it was made for keeping the engineer's mouth shut if they were working on those secret aircraft projects.
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Tuesday, July 24, 2018
Strange error in nuclear test "EMERY BANEBERRY" 7. December .1970
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Kimmo Huosionmaa
In 1970 United States military made nuclear test series codenamed EMERY, and it was one of 16 tests, what were planned to explode in underground position. The underground nuclear tests were only allowed test form after the partial nuclear test ban treaty, what prohibited nuclear tests in the sea, close space and atmosphere because of the radioactive fallout. BANEBERRY was 10 kiloton unit, what was detonated 270 meters below the surface, and the depth was too small. The explosion caused the radioactive cloud and very high level of radiation. Two workers of that area got leukemia, because of that test.
That nuclear test is very strange because the unit was shot so close to the Earth surface, and that caused the high level of radiation. Somebody claimed that the reason for that radioactive catastrophe was that the United States tested cannon, what could launch the spacecraft to the trajectory. In this system, the nuclear detonator would be launched in the tunnel under the spacecraft, and then the pressure would throw it to the orbiter. This is one of the weirdest rumors of the history of aviation, and sometimes I have thought that is the real purpose of ORION-project actually cover this kind of tests, where satellites were shot to air by using nuclear weapons.
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This is not the only or the first time when the nuclear detonators would be claimed to use in this purpose, and there is one very interesting detail in the history of nuclear weapons, what could explain the "Black Knight" satellite. In 1956 United States Military made the nuclear tests in the series of OPERATION BLUBBOB. There were test code-named PASCAL-B, where claimed that the steel plate would kick to the orbital trajectory.
The idea is purely similar to the Montgolfier-brothers balloon from 1783. The balloon was fly because under it was burned the campfire, what made heat air inside the balloon. The same idea could be in the nuclear detonation use under the similar construction, what is of course made by different materials. The nuclear detonator would give heat air, and launch that thing in the orbital trajectory. This writing is of course only speculative, and there would be no proof about supporting this, except the reports or comments of operation "Plumbbob Pascal-B" test in nuclear weapon archives.
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New nuclear test photographs released from 1950's
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TEAPOT TURK (Fireball) (Picture I) |
Kimmo Huosionmaa
In the 1950's the United States military and Atomic Energy commission accomplished many nuclear tests in the Nevada Desert. From those tests collected the information, what was used in the creation and developing of the new kind of nuclear tests. Some of those photographs and films were classified because they were uncovered the structure of the nuclear device. One of those films was taken during nuclear test TEAPOT TURK.
The film is taken by using rapatronic cameras, what are also called "rope trick" cameras, what means that there were many single-shot cameras in the electric wire. And the electric wire allowed launching those cameras as the series, what allowed to make films for extremely fast movements. Those cameras were also used to take slow-motion pictures of bullets, what are flying in the range. The famous film where the bullet cuts playing cards and apples are taken using this camera system.
When you see the picture and the film of the fireball, you might notice small rises or discontinuity on it. Those anomalies caused because there are weaker points in the nuclear device, and that's why the exhausting shock-wave would travel faster on those points. And maybe that was the place, where the safety pellets were to ensure that the device would explode when it wanted to blow.
Or there would be three cannon type devices, what shoots the plutonium pellets to the center of the device. In that case, the chain reaction would be faster in those points. The reason for those anomalies can also cause, that there would be small pieces of Radium or Polonium in those points, and that would cause those forms, what makes this fireball look like giant macrophage.
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Monday, July 23, 2018
Forgotten solution for automobiles: Steam car
Kimmo Huosionmaa
There is one solution from the past, what might be interested some techno-freaks. That thing is the car, what uses steam engines. The idea of steam-engine cars is, that it uses the steam engine and the problem is, that it was complicated to use, and the gasoline motor replaced it, when Karl Bentz and Gottlieb Daimler made the first car, what used combustion engine.
Steam cars had the oven on the right side and the passenger must put the wood to the oven when the car was in use. There was one thing, what made the steam car able to compete with the combustion car in the early years of the automobile, and that was the ability to use wood as the fuel, but when petroleum stations became common, steam cars remained in history.
When we are talking with the piston-engine steam cars, they were complicated to use, because the pressure in the system must be raised, before the car was able to move. And when the people wanted to drive their steam cars, they needed to follow the pressure meter all the time, and release steam from the system, if the pressure rises to a dangerously high level.
And there must be two persons in the car because another one needed to put the wood in the oven. Otherwise, the driver must stop driving, before increasing wood. In the modern time sometimes there were talking about the ability to return the steam car to traffic because it has the capacity to use a different kind of fuels. The liquid fuel can burn in the same grate with gas, and the bottles are easy to put in the car.
Also, the capacity to use wood makes that car an interesting choice for some people, who are living long away from civilization, but these plans have had very little volume and the planned production number was the only couple of individuals, what was planned a build for experimental purposes. But when we are thinking about the speed of the steam car, they might not quite slow, because if the piston engine would be replaced the steam turbine, what would be put to the axel like, that would go thru it.
The speed of those cars is high. The last time when the steam turbine was planned to install serially produced car was 1960's when American car industry planned to put the turbine in the car. The steam-Wankel was planned to replace the turbine or Wankel-motor, what have rotating piston because there was no heat exhausted gas.
Normal turbine released extremely heat exhaust gas, what could burn people. And that's why the engineers wanted to put the steam engine for the car. Making the steam would happen with oil or gasoline burner, what is used in the oil heating system. In some cases, the NASCAR or Indianapolis-formulas have planned to use turbine booster with the normal engines. When the driver needs the power to pass another car, and normal engine power would not be enough, he would release the steam to the turbine.
The system would be like the normal cooler of the car, what is installed in the side of the motor. And when it wanted to use, the steam would be released to the turbine, what would give extra speed for that car, but these plans have remained in the papers. But the world of technology is the interesting thing, and that's why those kinds of things are nice to investigate and think, what if Karl Bentz would not have gasoline in hands when he made the first combustion engine.
Another individual solution for aviation
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Avro Avrocar (Picture I) |
Kimmo Huosionmaa
There is another one individual idea of aviation, and it contains with Avro's flying saucer. This aircraft failed because in the 1950's there were not able to control that device. The computerized control systems, what corrects the position of that aircraft, would make this aircraft real, and that form is very good for STEALTH-helicopters.
But this kind of machines have the capacity for much more, and one of them is, that they could be equipped with a valance, and under it can form the air cushion. This would make possible to use those devices in the extremely low altitude, but they could actually fly like aircraft or helicopter also in the high altitudes.
Those quiet and invincible machines would help to rescue dropped aircraft from hostile territory. The stealth-hybrid helicopter would work like there would be blower in the center of that saucer. That blower allows the silent take off and land, and the sides could be jet engines, what would give that device very high speed.
Under this system might be manipulator's hands, that would take the touch to the wreck and then fly with those bites inside the C-5 Galaxy airplane, that would be airborne during the operation. But the flying saucer could be equipped also with air cushion, that would give it the ability to fly on the ground and water like air cushion vehicle.
That means that this equipment can pass the defense lines by transforming the air cushion vehicle, what can operate near the ground without touching it. And when the mission is done, this vehicle can fly away. That device could be used for military and law enforcement actions in some swamp area.
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The electric arc in the jet motors
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X-15 Rocket plane (illustration photo) (https://theaviationist.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/X-15.jpg) |
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Do you know what is the "electric arc" jet engine? Originally this engine was created for interplanetary flight. Basically, this engine is the rocket, where the electric arc would replace the burning in the combustion chamber. And that rocket would not need the oxygenize the fuel for burning. In many scenarios, this rocket would need the nuclear reactor for creating the electric arc, but that is not true. The electricity, what is needed could be created by putting dynamo in the turbine pump of that system.
The use of an electric arc in the jet engines is the fascinating idea because that motor would not need to form any special way. Even the straight tube would be enough if there is a flap system in both sides. The system might look like the flap motor, what is used in V-1 "Flying bombs" in the 1940's, but the electric arc motors have one big difference.
The rise of the pressure in the tube would be done by using the electric arc, and this motor would not need fuel for creating the pressure in the tube. In some scenarios, I have thought that this motor could work without nuclear power. The system needs only the high power capacitor for creating the electric arc, what would give the thrust for the aircraft.
That engine would work like this. First, the flaps would let the fuel to the tube, and then the electric arc would be created. The electric arc would raise the temperature and volume of the gas inside the tube, and then the backside flaps would open, and the gas would be exhausted with force. And if the power of that system is high enough, the air would be heated enough, that there would be no need for extra fuel.
Sunday, July 22, 2018
Dragon family and strange business life.
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Kimmo Huosionmaa
In 2009, Japanese nationals were caught trying to transport billions of dollars worth of US bonds to European banks. The US claims these bonds were fake. Was those 134.500. 000. 000.00 what are mentioned the film of the "Dragon family case" actually the money, what is real, but the serial numbers were not driven to the database? This could be the beginning of the financial operation, where the economy will be collapsed. The operation would go like this: first, the actors would get very much money, what they can be used in the own money production. And after that the illegally produced banknotes serial numbers can put in the database of the central bank of United States of America.
Below the text is the link to the movie, what is telling about Chinese top-secret organization called "The dragon family". That organization is claimed to keep the hands of the money of Chinese nationalists. The carriers of that money were citizens of Japan, but in the film is not told have they Chinese backgrounds This story is told by two Japanese businessmen, who were arrested in Italy when they were trying to bring the extraordinary sum of U.S currency in that country. The money is easier to transfer with Japanese passport because if the origin of money would be Chinese or the carriers have Chinese nationality, could that cause that they couldn't operate freely in Europe. After this incident, the central bank of the United States told, that that money was faked, but it felt like real dollars.
And this is the question, "why that money was so brilliant fake?". The answer could be very interesting and feels unbelievable. What if those dollars were actually right money, but they were removed from the database of the Central Bank of the United States. That would mean, that those banknotes were made by using the original printing press, but for some reasons, those serial numbers were not driven to the database.
What could be the reason for that? Maybe someone tried to deliver that money to another country, where the banknotes could be used as the making so-called super fakes, where the banknotes would look like exactly like dollars. And if the hackers could break into the computer system of the central bank, they could make an incredible number of dollars to the markets. Maybe those criminals thought that they could make very much dollars, and cause the hyperinflation in the United States.
If those gangs would have good equipment and enough skills, they could produce very much money, and then those people would release that currency to markets. If it would be driven to the database that money could cause a collapse of the economy of the United States. When there are too many banknotes in the world, that would cause the decreasing of the value of that money.
Nanotechnology and the immune system
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Kimmo Huosionmaa
Nanotechnology and immune defense are the combinations, what people don't usually think that would sometimes save the life. When we are thinking the vaccine of tomorrow, we might think that inside human body would be injected with the nanorobots, what would transfer the antigene of the organism straight to the stem cells, where the immune cells are forming, and that might increase the power of the vaccine.
The term "antigen" means the part of the mantle of the targeted organism to the stem cells, and that opens new ways to give the vaccine. One of the most modern ideas is that those nanorobots, what might look like small crayfish would catch the organism from blood, and transfer it straight to the place, where the cells of the immune defense are forming.
Also if there are enough those machines, they can also destroy bacteria and tumors by closing the blood veins in there by using carbon. In this case, the carbon would be injected into the veins with the nanomachines, what would carry them in the wanted position. Or they can cut the mantle of the bacteria open, what would destroy it immediately.
The question is, how the nanomachines would do that thing? They can operate under the command of the computer, what is outside the body, and communicate with that computer by using radio signals. And the radio waves can also transfer electricity for those small robots. The position of nanomachines in the body can get from RFID sensors, what allows the computer to control each of them independently. And that would give them the opportunity to make surgical operations inside the human body. Those small robots can slip into the body by using sweat gland's channel, what the body uses when it removes sweat.
Those robots can be very lethal if they are in the wrong hands. If that small robot would take the part of the targeted person's cells, it would cause the terrible immune reaction, that could exterminate that person. After that, the nanorobot can slip off the body, and it would not leave any trace of its existence. Those extreme small robots can be delivered to the targets department by using nano bugs, and they can be controlled by the relay systems, what are installed in nanobugs or quadcopters. They can be used in special forces operations.
And is some scenarios the agents of DEA or other anti-crime offices have this kind of robot in the body, and if they are in trouble the systems, what is telling about the condition of the body would release that nanotechnological crayfish. This crayfish would slip in the bodies of the hostage takers, and after that, they would be facing the death, what is the most unwilling, that human mind can imagine. Those cells, what is used to turn the immune system can collect from the target's own body. And this makes the nanorobot the perfect weapon.
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Shamans and modern science
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http://www.wakingtimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Shaman.jpg |
Kimmo Huosionmaa
When we are talking about shamanism, we are meaning the persons who use some kind of hallucinogens to get the contact for the spiritual world, and the used chemicals are often classified as narcotics. That means, that the use of those chemicals is reserved for trained medical staff, and keeping their in hand without official permission is the crime, what would be punished by law.
The shamans are often unwilling to tell about secrets of their rituals, and they would not tell people, where those drugs are coming from because that would danger their position in the community. In those cases, the investigators can use many things, what modern science and technology have created. They can use special suits, what makes them very hard to notice, those suits are created for snipers, and they use active stealth technology, what allows that the material is invincible for the human eye.
That means that the outer layer of the canvas is covered by LED-lights, where are three colors. That system works like old-time three color television. In the groups of LED's is small size cameras, what allow to form the picture to opposite side of the person, who seems to become like transparent. But also the robots are used. New kind of drones can be dropped near those societies, and they can observe villages without disturbing people.
And the shamanic rituals can also be investigated by using mass-spectroscopy to investigate, what kind chemicals are used in those secret rituals. Those tiny robots can also film the ceremonies and even steal the DNA from the places, where shamans have kept their vegetables. The modern laboratories can uncover the secrets, what those people have covered for centuries.
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