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Why is the atheism the necessary point of view in scientific writing?

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Atheism gives the philosopher freedom to think things freely, and it allows that this person can think, that someday the mankind could be in the position of the God in the relationship with other civilizations if we someday meet that kind of species, what could be intelligent but primitive, and that could attract us to play God to those aliens. And also the man always have wanted to be like the God. This is one argument for choosing atheism in the principle of the writing, even it would be against the conviction of the writer.

And when somebody says, that we should be like children of God, we can answer that we cannot be children forever. We and our species would take advantages, what would take us to the stars somewhere in the future. And when the Sun would transform into the Red giant, we must flee from Earth. That would be the final point to wait for our trip to stars. There all our species must move to the other solar system, or we would burn in by the heat of the Sun, what has grown enormously size, annd would turn the Earth to the gas. Then we would have no opportunity than move another solar systems.

Many people want to believe in God, but in the real life, that thing gives unnecessary limits in the scientific and philosophical writings. The religion makes limits for the thinking and the limits are bad for qualified writing, and we must remember, that we have had different opinions about moral and ethics. In the 19th. century black people lived without rights in Africa and many other countries. The reason for the atheism was that there were many people in the many nations, who were against the rule of the kings and noblemen. The kings and their supporters were explained their power and position for regular people, that their position was given by the God, and that kept people peaceful. But the French great revolution show, that the protection, what the king gets from the God was not stable. 

The radical anarchists asked: "If the god is protecting the King, why the French revolution was successful. And that thing began the advantage, what caused the independence movement in Africa. Before the Great revolution the attitudes of the black people were that they were not even humans, but also white Europeans lost their human rights very easily. The only thing what was needed was that the regular man or woman said something against the King. That extortion and humiliation were justified because the King was ruler in the name of the God. 

And the execution, in that case, was against the words of the Bible. The Church supported the monarchy without excuses, and that caused the situation, that many people lost their faith in the God. But when we are thinking the necessity of the atheism in the philosophy, we must argue that the way, that we must not make limits to ourselves, when we are thinking the shape of the God. We can say that limitations are denying the scientific way to think. And if we are thinking about crimes and criminal investigations, we must say, that the most innocent looking person can make the most horrifying crimes. 

When we are looking the persons like Odilo Globocnic, the commanding officer of the mass murder in the WWII, we can see the very kind man in those pictures. Only kind looking person can make very bad crimes. And when we are thinking the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, we can see, that the God, did not very tolerant master because if somebody worked against that ruler, this character lost the entire city and changed the wife of Loot to the salt statue because of she looked over her shoulder. That crime was not so big, that this kind of punishment was necessary. 

And as we could say in by using the modern languages, the nanomachine attack against Sodom and Gomorrah was the overuse of the power. The crimes in those cities were not so big, that this kind of action was actually even justified. But this is one point of view in atheism. There are many stories in the Bible, what can be explained if the god used the modern technology. This is only thoughts and there would ever be been the absolute way to think about religion and God, the mystical character, who is in the big role in the Old Testament. But that role would be smaller in the New Testament.

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