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Thinking about feeling and humanity

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we are thinking about humanity and feelings, we might think that every human is always humanitarian for other people. The humanity is the reason, why our species so successful. We are defending and care our children and defend together against animals. When we are thinking deeper about humanity, we are facing the thing, that children are naturally human for together, but this way to act is missing when somebody elder person is starting to tell, that other people can be closed away from the personal life.

But when we are thinking about empathy and the ability to show emotions for other people, we are facing the situation, that some persons have no feelings at all. In some cases, the philosophers have thought that if for some humans would be made lobotomy just after they are born, the military would get the person what can be make everything, what the superiorities wanted without feelings or mercy. We might think, that we could recognize that kind of person in the real life, but that is actually very difficult if that person has been trained to play empathy and feelings.

When we are thinking about lobotomy, there is the so-called nail- or pike lobotomy, what can be done very fast, and it is capable to make those surgeries for the mass of the people. This surgery is very horrified because it can be used secrecy, and if that kind of person is young enough, there is nothing visible on the outside. But this might make that person cold, and that is what is called the "perfect soldier". In the behavior therapy, this kind of person can teach to play feelings, but everything would be played.

Empathy is bad for military officers, who must make tough decisions, and this is why there are stories of the horrifying project called MONARCH, that was begun by Gestapo, but was it continued secretly in some other countries is the question, what has ever made in public. In this case, the operators would be persons, who have made the lobotomy and then they are taught to play emotions. Those operators would have no problems to eliminate persons, who are ordered by their superiorities. They would not go angry when they are blamed in the newspapers, and that would make them very dangerous.

 In the world of the military is no need for feelings or empathy, or do you think that men like Kitchener or Von Moltke were some humanitarian people. For them, the humanity was the thing, what was shown only when it helps them to win battles. Nothing else was important. And sometimes their orders cost the lives of millions of people on the battlefields. Churchill supported democracy because it served the benefits for the United Kingdom, and nothing else was meanless.

The reason for those mass bombings against German cities was that the whole of Germany was mobilized, but the arguments were also, that the Luftwaffe bombed London and the bombardments against Germany were revenge or counteraction of those bombardments in 1940. But why they mentioned also Warzaw and Rotterdam? That sounded good in the ears of their allies, and the Polish and other eastern soldiers were the most capable in the commando-operations because they were punished by death if they were in the hands of Germans.

That would deny the surrounding of those troops. Of course, SOE (Service Operations Executive) had own version of that, what denied the surrounding. The pistols, what was given to the agents were sometimes used against the German officers, and that would cause the death penalty. The reason for terror, what Germans used in Eastern Front was that German soldiers would not talk to civilians and were not surrender to the Soviet troops. That's why the special units of the SS shot people systematically, and the corpses were left to find by Partisans.

But sometimes the NKVD made similar actions for forcing people to join partisans and after the Second World War the liberated people sent to prison camps because they were not followed the evacuation orders, what was given by NKVD. And the convictions were given by co-operation the enemies. This is one way to handle the problems, what might political resistance cause. In that case, we must remember, that humanity is only the limit for the men like Joseph Stalin. They would not care, is the evacuation order really given, or did the people get those orders. That they would not left is enough to send them to work camps and use them as free or slave labor in the massive building projects, what were necessary after the war.


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