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Why there are so many empty houses in the countryside?

Picture I

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Chancing of the economic structure is visible in the Finnish countryside. There are empty houses because farmers must be left the villages because their ranches were not profitable. But there is one thing, what I sometimes wonder, and that is, why those good-looking houses were left without use in the villages, and they would be destroyed by weather and mushrooms, what would rot entire structures of those houses. The question is, why those houses would not use as summer homes, or why they would not dissemble?

Those old houses, what are rotten in weather are dangerous because the people like children could go in there, and then the floors would collapse. When we are thinking about those fascinating places, we must notice, that there is sometimes the furniture and dishes inside, and that is quite interesting. Even the ranch is ended, would those equipment needed in the new house or flat, and why they were left in those houses?

The thing is that sometimes there is found even family photos, and that makes think, what kind of thing made those people leave that places,  and why they didn't take anything with them? Those houses are not connected with any criminal activities, and this makes them very interesting targets for speculations. If the people moved to the cities, why they left all their stuff behind them? At picture one (Picture I) is the house, where must be changed the roof just before those people left there.

And in the final chapter, I will say, that those empty houses are dangerous. Why people keep rotten houses in their yards? If some children will go into that house, it be would very dangerous, if the foot comes through the floor. This is very interesting detail in the Finnish countryside. Some people have very fine and beautiful houses, and their yards very well care. But there is some house, where have nobody even visited in decades if the condition of that building is noticed.

Picture II

Of course, those things are not my business. But if some children would get hurt because of that kind of houses, that would bring them to the newspapers. And if there is something to hide, that must be investigated very carefully. If somebody would leave all the stuff and family photos behind, would that be something very interesting? There is one very interesting and horrifying scenario, what people would probably don't want to hear about this kind of places.

I hope that would be only the production of my imagination. If Russian or German intelligence would be wanted to slip their man in the Finnish community, they must choose the right person. This person might be the man, who would be some soldier, who has lost the brother or who would not have contact with home from the Finnish side. After that, they must kill that person, and of course, his wife must be killed. And then their agent can come to the home ranch, what belonged to the dead man.

If our victim would not have many social contacts except the wife,  this operation would be succeeded. And if that couple would be no contacts with own families, this might open the road to evening school and then if that person would pass it, even to the top place of the Finnish societies and corporations. Sometimes I have thought that could this kind of agent get the place in the Parliament or supreme court. This might cause big damages for Finland. And I hope that this could be pure fiction.

There are many fictional books about this kind of operations, and sometimes I think, that could they be real in somehow? Or are they pure fiction? And that is the thing, what the only couple of men know in the world. I must write that thing like fiction because I'm not the head of CIA or KGB. But the possibility, that in the Kremlin or White House would sit the enemy agent is fascinating. And it was given themes for many spy books, what are, fictional stories about the case, where the president is working for opponent's intelligence.


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