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The conclusions of the reports of PROJECT BLUE BOOK

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Have you ever thought that BLUE BOOK might test if the holograms or pseudo-UFO:s what government has made trustable? When we are thinking the reality, we know that the flashing lights and sounds can cause the epileptic effect. And the most effective way to use that kind of things is to make people look at them.  If the lights are synchronized with the human brain alpha electric wave that would cause the epileptic symptoms, and the mixing the ultra- and infrasound the effect would be very powerful, and it could be boosted with psychoactive chemicals like BZ, what has been installed to some bombs.

And that equipment might be tested to use against riots and other massive civil disorders because the deaths of the rioters could cause that those people would get martyrs if the police would shoot the rioters or protesters. That allows the government to use non-lethal force against the rioters, and that avoids the deaths in that operation. The martyrs would increase the violence, and that's why government must use minimum force to stop those riots without casualties.

I sometimes have wonder, was the BLUE BOOK the predecessor of the PROJECT BLUE BEAM. In the BLUE BOOK reports the reason for the UFO-sightings are mentioned four major reasons, and at the below, they are listed, as they were in the Wikipedia. Real BLUE BOOK claimed that the UFO.s are from the Earth or they were caused some kind of psycho-effect. The first explanation seems the little bit extraordinary because now we must ask, what causes the ”mass hysteria”?

Of course, there are many methods, what would cause the mass hysteria, but those methods are illegal, and one of those things is to spray the LSD, LSD-25 or some other psychoactive like Mescaline or BZ to the air. And that kind of chemicals would cause very large mass-effect. And if the UFO:s would spray those chemicals into the air, would that danger the national security. Also, low-frequency voice signals could cause the mass hysteria. And maybe those weapons were tested in those areas, where UFO:s were seen.

1.A mild form of  mass hysteria

2. Individuals who fabricate such reports to perpetrate a  hoax or seek publicity.

3. Psychopathological persons.

4. Misidentification of various conventional objects.

The second reason to make UFO-report seems the little bit strange too. Have you ever seen, that somebody would get any publicity because of those reports? Of course, some people might want to meet the investigators to tell them some weird things, but the reason for that might be loneliness rather than willing to get to the publicity.

Psychopathological personality is the good reason to explain those incidents. But then comes the induction question: how the psychopathological person could serve in the United States Air Force, and how that kind of person could get the flyers license.

And the last one would be the most often and acceptable reason for seeing the UFO:s. The misidentification of conventional objects might cause the UFO-phenomenon. But when we are thinking the reason for the psychic powers of those strange objects, we might understand that some high power magnetic fields can cause the psychological effect.

The magnetic field would influence to the human nervous system like it influences to human blood cells because the hemoglobin is an iron atom. That means the high power magnetic fields can cause the hallucinations and other strange feelings in the human body.

So were the investigators worried about the high power magnet fields or radio waves, what would have the strange influence on the human body. Those magnet fields might be tested in the tests, where above the object have tried to make the protective electric field, what could destroy enemy missiles before they would get too close of the object.

Or high power radio-waves what investigated because that powerful radiowaves could intercept the Soviet and other Eastern Block radio jamming, what was meant to isolate that part of Europe. And using very powerful radio waves, the CIA tried to avoid the jamming of the Eastern Block radio stations. Maybe this is the reason for the BLUE BOOK-operation, that CIA wanted to create high power radio-transmitters, what were invincible for humans.

On the BLUE BOOK was investigated the possibility to create the psychological weapons, what could disturb enemy troops concentration. Sometimes I have thought that was the BLUE BOOK some general training for the PROJECT BLUE BEAM. That means that in the BLUE BOOK were tested the technology, what has used the much larger scale in BLUE BEAM operation. But this is of course only the writing about the reason, why the BLUE BOOK was worked intensively and systematically with the UFO:s? Was this project used to test the systems, what can cause extreme hallucinations for the victims? That would give the Government a powerful weapon to handle riots and take enemy troops in control.


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