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Alexander the Great and the great eagle

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The tale of the great military leader Alexander the Great, the king of Macedonia is beginning the tale when this man was born, two big eagles landed on the roof of that temple, and that told the predictors, that this man was the man, who would make Macedonia bigger and more powerful than ever before. When we are thinking about this kind of tales, they might be written by priests, because they wanted that the next ruler of the kingdom had power and courage to lead the men to fight.

 And those predictions and signs, what was told to the kings were another things, the royal mission of the King was given by the form of those predictions. When the mission is done, the nation needed the new king. The fate of the Alexander was dying by accident or poison in India. When we are thinking about that case, Alexander might cause his death by himself, because he was a heavy drink and violent person after drinking too much. Because his bodyguards didn't stop that man, when he was drunk, that caused the death of many of his friends.

The king might get angry if somebody said something against him during parties, and take his sword. Sometimes I have thought that could the death caused the destruction of the liver, and if the man was heavy drinking, the reason could be liver cirrhoses or somebody could give him something, what destroys the liver. Maybe he was bitten by Boomslang-snake, what poison destroys the liver. That kind of poisons is in the cells and bacteria, what is living in the polluted water, and if Alexander ordered to bring him water, could somebody give him the water, that was not boiled or what was took from some standing pond, what is full of bacteria. Sometimes the reason could be mentioned that somebody would hit Alexander to the stomach and cause the rip of the spleen.

But normally the reason is mentioned the poisoning by Spatter root. The symptoms what are marked in that case, like cold feelings might cause also by Malaria, but the reason could be blood leak inside the body. The empire of Macedonia has existed the very short time. The creator of this remarkable state was the Philippos II and the second and the last king was Alexander the Great. Of course, there is the child of Alexander, who was born after his death, but this man Alexander IV didn't have power in the empire. The reason for the short period of the existing of the empire of Macedonia is sometimes wondered.

Sometimes the reason for murder is mentioned, that somebody wanted to revenge the loss of Greece or Sparta to Macedonian Kings. And maybe the poison was given by some Greek patriots, who wanted to stop the Macedonian power in that peninsula. But why they wanted to choose the poison? And why the poisoning happened in far away from home? Maybe those murderers wanted to set some men who were boring for war as the guilty of that action. But the reason for murder might be that somebody in Greece wanted to hide the reason for Macedonian easy winning in the battlefield, that caused the occupations. And maybe Greeks buy the father of Alexander Philippos II that he would attack Greece to stop the power of Sparta in that area.

This plan would be perfect for some book or computer game. The people were made the plan that Sparta would destroy Athene first in Peloponnesian war, and then Sparta was kicked off by Macedonian army. This would allow Greeks to kill their countrymen, and the foreign enemy would combine that area. And Macedonia was the better enemy than other Greeks because that would drive all peninsula to bloody war against together. Greece was united once because the Persia attacked that country, but then there was begin the war, what took 27 years and ended year 404 B.C. And maybe the Greeks called Macedonia for making the situation stable. Philippos II was born in year 382 B.C and died in year 336 B.C, and he would be the perfect man to lead the army against Athena and Sparta because he was born about 20 years after the end of the Peloponnesian war. The reason, why Greeks were so dispersed was probably, that they didn't want the combination under the rule of Sparta or Athene.

The great time of that powerful empire began when Philippos II has occupied Greece and ended when his son was dead in India. The occupation of Greece caused the end of the Spartan rule in the Peloponnesian peninsula and made the situation in the Greece relaxing. Of course, the Spartans had occupied Athene before that, and sometimes I have thought, that did somebody paid to Philippos, that he would attack Greece and kick Sparta out of power? That could be the nice conspiracy theory in the ancient philosophical talking.


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