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Good theme for the book about Meyerling-case 1889

Meyerling lodge 1889

Kimmo Huosionmaa

As we might know, the Meyerling- lodge's case was the double suicide of the eldest son of Franz-Joseph, The  Crown-Prince Rudolf and his lover Mary Vetsera. This case is very well known, about the happens, where the bodies were removed from the crime scene before police arrived. And the only thing, what proved that case, was the telegram, what was send to Franz-Joseph by the Criminal commissar Johann Habrda that the orders from the Emperor were followed and bodies were terminated. After that Frans-Joseph ordered to remove all pictures of Rudolf from official photographs.

The thing what was remembered the existence of the Rudolf was the white blanket in the official photos, what was not able to retake. Somebody claim that Franz-Josef murdered both persons because he was drunk, and then some argue started with the father and son, and after that, the pistol came to the hand of the emperor, who shot his son and his lover. So this would look like the normal domestic violence, what was caused by too much alcohol, and bad relationship inside the family.

And the shame caused that crown prince's pictures have been removed. The Emperor could look his dead son's picture. But there is another way to think about this case. The reason for the censorship and the change of political line in Austria-Hungary can be explained, that somebody has murdered the real Franz-Josef, and changed the man in the power of Austria.

This explanation has not very much support, but the reason why Franz-Josef changed the most liberal policy in Europe the eldest fashion and toughest policy what is found in Europe. That change could be caused, that this man would want to create hate above Hapsburgs. Maybe the censorship caused, that nobody actually has seen the real emperor, and powerful police order made sure, the identity of the Franz-Josef have ever uncovered.

But this is only one of the theories, what happened in Meyerling castle 1889, where he withdraws for drinking and keeping the fun. The Meyerling castle or hunting lodge was bought by Rudolf, and I'm not sure did Franz-Joseph actually know about this place. And if the place were bought without knowledge of Emperor, it's possible that Rudolf was moving there without security men, and if that would be true, the crown prince was there without protection.

Maybe this lodge was shown to the emperor, but the friend count Joseph Hyos was introduced as the owner of that place. And here we are going to think, what kind of relationship the crown prince had with Hyos? Was it only the friendship or was it more? In that kind of friendships has one thing, those higher rank officials would sometimes forget to ask if the other person would want to spend all the time with him, what caused hate sometimes.  And if that was the homosexual relationship, the best way to everybody was that the emperor would not know about this thing. And the security men were given their reports to the emperor.

So if the murdered would find that thing could that person go to Meyerling lodge, and hide in the house. Then this person must only shoot the crown prince, and tell that to Franz-Joseph, who would come to the place, and after that kill the emperor. There were many men, who hated Hapsburgs, and if the crown prince was forced the count to that relationship, would it cause enough hate that this man or somebody else shot Rudolph and Mary Vetsera.

And then if our imagination goes high, that person would shoot the emperor and destroyed the body by burning it or that could be eaten to Tasmanian Devil if that is found in some place in Austria. If the bodies were served to Tasmanian Devils, there would be no sign left for that and the fire would not be necessary. This could be the good topic for some Sherlock Holmes-style detective story.


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