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Why criminals choose Novichok-poison for their attack?

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Finding the motive for the crime brings the solution closer. I once asked this question before: Why criminals have chosen Novichok-chemical for their tool to afraid the people? Normal poisons like hydrogen cyanide or ricin would have the similar effect as Novichok, but they are more difficult to track that Novichok. If the person, who uses poison would want to show, that this person has the relationships to some special laboratories or the governments, the way to use Novichok is the right way to show those relationships.

And after that, the conspiracy theories are growing, and in this case, the tacks would go straight to Kreml. Is this what those criminals want? Confess that they are working for FSB and after that, they would get their employer in the deep trouble. Or maybe they want to connect themselves to FSB because those criminals would think, that FSB-connection would protect them against officials? If those criminals would act like normal assassins, they would use some more common poison, like ricin, what can get from the berries of spurges.

The attacker could collect those berries easily, and then use those seeds to get this deadly poison, and in Wikipedia is mentioned, that three seeds of spurges could cause death. When we are thinking about the poisoning of those people in Great Britain, we must think that is there somebody, who wants to make intelligence and other police cooperations between Russia and the Western world more difficult. And what could be the reason for that? Is it that some persons in some intelligence service have been sold guns to IRA or have the weapons what suppose to go to the hands of IRA, went sometimes to the hands of Mafia?

Or were the some IRA personnel work as the contract killers for Mafia? When we are thinking about the famous training camps for terrorists in Arabia, we can also think, that maybe Mafia has been trained their operators also in those camps. Sometimes have been mentioned, that the training in those camps was very effective, and maybe some members of the mafia have bought this training for their gang members. That means, the members of the organized crime might be bought the places in those groups, and those persons might work for the "godfathers" as the professional killers.

The reason, why IRA would accept that might be, that the organization needed money for hotel rooms and safehouses, where those terrorists could hide after the strikes. Those things are not free, they cost money. Also, the bomb-materials must be bought by using the money, and that's why IRA must get it from somewhere, and they must accept the Mafia's offer for the training course. But this is only speculation. That hypothetical mafia-connection would not be accepted in the IRA, and that's why the persons must be careful, that they would not be caught for that. Because this could bring the bullet to the head of the boss of IRA.

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