Kimmo Huosionmaa
The games and theories are things, what we always think that they are belonging to the different worlds. The games are belonging for the children's world and the theories are belonging to the academic world, but at the same time, we forget, that children and professors are living on the same planet. There is not a different planet for gamers and professors. When we are thinking about one of the least known theories in the world, what is known as the "Game theory", we always think that this particular theory is only one theory, where the scientists would investigate or model the natural selection and behavior of the organism.
In the game theory, the scientists would begin from that hypothesis, that organisms are trying to maximize their benefits. And that makes this theory one of the most well known sociological theories in the world. In the Game theory, the state or the country is handled like one big macro-organism, what acts like ant society. This theory tries to model, why some organisms are making unions with other organisms like one tree co-operates with ants, or aphids would give sugar for ants. Those species are giving gifts to ants because they want that those bugs would protect them against other species.
But why those species have selected ants for their protectors? The reason for that is, ants have no aisles, and they cannot fly. Ants must walk to the food, and that's why they are easier allies for aphids because they cannot fly to the food. And if the aphids are near the ants, they will find those bugs easily. Ants protect aphids from other bugs, and this kind of unions is millions in nature. For the same reason, small states are looking for protection from bigger countries. But getting that protection the smaller country must give something to the bigger country, that it would get protection. In the international politics, the game theory acts very brutal way.
In this model, we can think that our allies can break as an example. human rights if that would not happen in our country. In this scenario, the smaller country would make other nation dirty work, and in some scenarios, the police of democratic state would send the suspects for extortion in some other country. The extortion would happen that somebody would win the trip to some undemocratic country, and then this person would arrest in there. Then the secret police would extort that victim because of the denunciation, what has been made for political activism. In this case, the "friendly authorities" would make things, what are illegal in the victims own country. And for the back gift, those authorities would get information for the political opposition of some country.
In this theory, the bigger and stronger countries would automatically connect the smaller countries in its area. But that is not always done, because the small independent states between two powerful states would give their more benefits than occupation. The small states, what are not the strategic threat to their neighbors is the opportunity to show the tolerance of the bigger state. That seems good in the bigger political arenas, and that would make bigger states seems to tolerate. And when we are thinking about the international operations field, we can ask "why we must occupy some country, because we can control its policy?". That kind of force-policy would not be seen anywhere, and in this case, the smaller state can sometimes say something against the bigger state, but in big questions, they always co-operate with the bigger state.
But where the bigger state would need weaker neighbors? One answer would be that those smaller countries are giving arena, where that bigger state can change the money for its intelligence operations. When we are thinking about spying, the money, what comes straight from some country automatically connects it user for intelligence. That's why the origin of that money must be covered by fixing it in somewhere else. And another way, how intelligence would get benefits from the weaker countries, is that those countries can offer their areas to the cover corporations, what can be used to buy flats and other working spaces from other countries. Those corporations can also offer the cover-stories for the spies.
The world of intelligence is very interesting. There are many ways to spy on the opponent. One of the best is to buy the stakes of interesting companies and then follow the production process. In this case, the intelligence operators would use another countries engineers for creating the products for their military. The benefit of the state is very complicated entirety. If the benefit for some country would only connect with the other states in it, there would be no game theory. The name of this strange theory would be "assault theory". If the state would connect other states in it, that would mean the internal political problems like riots and rebels.
That's why every nation needs the outer enemies. When we are thinking about the strike capacity of nuclear weapons, that capacity is the most calculated thing in the world. When nuclear armament development started in the late 1940's the problem was that the military forces were overgrown, and the United States needed the new enemy. And the Soviet Union had similar problems. In the early years of the nuclear weapons created the doctrine, what is known as MAD (Mutual Associated Destruction). The idea of the doctrine was if another state would use nuclear weapons, another one would also be destroyed. The mission of this doctrine was to guaranteed, that own military forces would not rebel, because it would cause the nuclear attack.
In this case, the state uses another military force as the "police" against its own military. That's why the codes, what is needed for launching the missiles are in hands of the actor, what works outside the military forces. In this case, the threat of the strike with nuclear armament makes the military forces loyal. Here we must remember, that the benefit of the leader of the state is not always same as the benefit of ordinary people. The leaders of the military forces have different benefit than some sergeant of the military. The best thing for the general is the threat, what is big enough, that it cannot handle by using the military, without massive destruction of the environment. And when we are thinking the shape of the threat, I sometimes have thought, that the United States would give the nuclear weapon to the Soviet Union in purpose.
That weapon caused, that the superpowers were not stated open war during the Cold War. The outer enemy is the thing, what keeps nation strong and homogeneous. It guarantees that own military industry has clients for its product, and the war has always been the reason for sending the political enemies for dying, and the outer enemies have always come like some angels in the life of the kings when they should answer some questions like, why they are living in their castles, and don't make any work? When the enemy comes out from the borders the men must be called to the arms and the internal political talking must be stopped because the nation needs strong leaders. This is one way to handle the thing, what is known as the "Game theory".
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