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Do you know, what could mean "chemical agent"?

QF-16 Drone
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Kimmo Huosionmaa

The term "chemical agent" is commonly used with nerve gases, and there is one very frightened meaning of that term. Agent means normally hidden or secretive working man or machine. And when we are thinking about the world "chemical agent", that could mean the chemical weapon, what have secretly installed to the bombs or some other equipment. The nerve gas is a very deadly chemical and that chemical could be very easily installed inside conventional bombs in capsule, what would be break by the normal explosive. That means that the nerve gas capsules would be put in the GP-bombs without telling that to the aircrew.

In some cases, the phosphorous rockets can be put in the rocket cassettes, what are used in the tactical aircraft.  Phosphorous is an inhumane weapon, what is strictly prohibited in international contracts. But if somebody would put the phosphorous rockets in the rocket cassettes without telling that to pilots, that means that aircraft would use this weapon, but the pilots would not even know that. That thing can cause the prosecutions against those persons.

The drones are problematic, because the operators are not seen, what the ground crew would load to those planes. Those drones can be only modified target drones, what are equipped with the capacity to drop bombs. The cockpits can be equipped with underpressure switch, what launches the destruction explosives if somebody tries to go inside the plane. And that explosive can also be the UPSHOT-KNOTHOLE GRABLE-type 15 kt. small size nuclear bomb, what is internally installed inside those planes, and if somebody would try to open the airlock, will that cause the nuclear explosion.

Also, the botulinum or ricin can be mixed in the gunpowder or smoke grenades, and that means, that those chemicals would be vaporizing during the burn. The ricin is easier to control and get. The seeds of the spurge just grind as the powder, what would be set inside the explosives. When the bomb would explode, the powder, what involves ricin would be released to the air, and that would cause terrible sequences. Ricin is the poison, what cuts the mitochondrial energy production, and that very lethal chemical would be invincible in the sensors, what are meant to uncover nerve gases.  The opiates like heroin and fentanyl are tested in the military training areas for simulating the chemical attack.

If the soldier lost the sense, that person would have died in the real attack. And also the use of opiates in the chemical weapons, like BLU-80 "BIGEYE" bombs allows capturing enemy soldiers in large scale. Those non-lethal chemical bombs can be dropped to some terrorist training camps. Those bombs would be loaded with the mixture of fentanyl and BZ, what means that they deny the enemy capacity to fight back. And then the ground troops can carry those enemies to helicopters for interrogations. Those so-called "soft methods" are investigated for handling the riots. Those gasses are safe, but if the targeted person uses injected opiates, would the attack cause the overdose.

Sometimes have been claiming that in some riot grenades would be put opiates because that would set the riot down. The opiates would be used without telling that to the field operators, what can cause deaths if some of the targeted persons have used injected narcotics. Opiate smoke is also tested to use in the hostage situations. But in the Nord Ost-case in Russia, nobody realized, that some of those persons, who were in the movie theater were used opiates, and the fentanyl-gas, what was pumped in the space, caused overdose, and deaths of over 200 persons. And that is problematic in that kind of actions.

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