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Showing posts from October, 2018

How dangerous could the very pistol be?

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa Flare- or very pistol is made for signal purposes and it is normally not thought as the dangerous weapon. In some cases, drug dealers or gangsters have used this equipment as the weapon. If the rocket hits the person, the results could be deadly. Almost every person in the world can buy this equipment for giving signals at the seas. Flare-rockets can also be used for light some area. For law enforcement is made the anti-riot rockets, what gives CS- or CT gas in some area, and those weaponized versions of flare rockets are delivered to the riot police and some special entry teams in the police. The name of those weapons is riot-gun, but the very pistol is similar equipment. The CS means normal tear gas, and CT means opiate or other stun-gas, what is used in hostage- and other special situations. Also, deadly chemicals like phosgene and VX are probably installed in some modified riot control rockets. If the targeted persons use injected opiates tho

The artificial intelligence and marketing

Kimmo Huosionmaa There is a problem with artificial intelligence, and that is that some programs can answer to feedback like humans. This makes the situation, where the computer can give the answer for human possible, and the person, who is in the discussion situation believes that the comment is made by some real person. Those systems can follow Emails, and even change the content of the E-mails, and route them to different places than the sender was meant. What is the problem for marketing because artificial intelligence can fill the forms, and give feedback in multiple forums and homepages. Also, we must understand that the feedback and "like" comments can be bought, what can be very dangerous. The artificial intelligence can control and write to the multiple forms at the same time, and that means the speed and power of those systems is very much higher than human operators. The artificial intelligence has the ability to replace homepages in the servers. In this sit

Mandela-effect part II

Kimmo Huosionmaa I started to think about "Mandela effect" more carefully, and sometimes I feel, that there are some problems in the world. Sometimes I have heard people that they really have felt, that some books are different each time when they are opened. Sometimes we might feel that there are missing or empty pages in some books or texts in the book might change while reading it. Maybe it's only psychology or the reader is just tired. There might be some errors in the printed books, and maybe those people have just taken the individual book, where are errors in printing. But then we might think there might be something else behind those things. The "Mandela-effect" is the term, that means that something would be changed in history backward. And that changing have done by time-travelers. In this theory, the key element is that somebody is modifying the time and society by changing the results of battles and other things in history. We actually don&

Looking for a civilized person (What is a definition for a civilized person? ) Kimmo Huosionmaa Above the text is a statue in Helsinki Worker's Institute what seems to search something. I sometimes have thought that maybe it searches individualistic, intelligent and civilized persons. Johan Vilhelm Snellman has been said, that civilized person understand the being for the group or structure, and this is the thing, what we always think. We don't always realize, that civilization and science have a very big difference and the scientist don't always understand, that the things what this person creates have always influence for the groups. Civilizing is right and duty for the person, who wants to get something from the world.  One of the best ways to make trouble for some group or individual person is to publish information that is not true in the name of the science. Even the top level scientists are individual humans, who are making mistakes. In that time they

The thing, what probably makes national identity

Kimmo Huosionmaa Every nation has their way to behave, and we know the most of those sometimes iconic ways to react in the social situation. And sometimes we might think, "why some Italian, Finnish or Irish behave like that?". We see the "national way of behavior" in the traffic lights every day, and we might sometimes think, why some nation behaves a little bit different way that we behave, and what is the origin of that behave, where person scream and yell together in the traffic light. But when we are thinking about the origin of those things the reason for that might be the thing, what is called "social enriching". The reason for social enriching is, of course, similar to genetic enriching and it's similar to the thing, what is similar in normal working life. We, humans, are individuals, who want to be with similar persons as we are, and this is the reason why ancient people made groups and tribes, and in fact, the nations and states are super

Mysterious genomes and increasing the speed of the evolution

Kimmo Huosionmaa There is one mysterious place on Earth, what is called the "Bohemian cave", and there are theories about secretive rituals and even satanism what is claimed to be the purpose of this place. The secrecy around that place is feeding theories about the purpose of that area, and one of them is the eugenics. When we are thinking about the "pure line" increasing of some quality. The use of the "pure lines" is very common with the racehorses, and that is a very unpopular thing when we are thinking the human beings. The making super-individuals is a very delicate thing in the world of science, and this is very much against religion.  But if the purpose is to use the enriching genome material there would be two or more groups of individuals, and when we are planning to drive those lines together and create the super individual, we must say, that there would be many social problems with that kind of creatures. So where would you hide this kind

How to support other nations economical value? And what makes this kind of action very dangerous?

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa When some other nation wants to support some states economy, that nation would do that without asking any permissions. The thing what is needed for the support buying of some nations economy is the cash, what can be used for giving support of some nations money. Support buying can be done by the national bank or the business banks. But the supporting for the money can give also big firms, what have enough money for buying the currency, and the only thing, what this buyer need to have is the bank account, there is enough money for the financial operations, what are actually buying the money. When the money is bought, it would go to the foreign operators, who would keep it in their bank accounts. And if enough currency is transferred to the foreign land, would this operator work like some "Uncle Scrooge". That character is well known from the "Donald Duck" comics. That duck had very much money in the place called money tank, and

Why economics is not an interesting thing?

Kimmo Huosionmaa Economics is the science, what is not very interesting, and the reason for that is this science doesn't look interesting in the media. Here is no particle accelerators and CAD-programs, when the economist is sitting in the room, and try to think about the mechanisms of the national and international economic and funding and how they influence in the groups of the individual people. And here we must say, that the nations and societies are consist of the individuals. In the real world, economists sit in the boring rooms and on the table is a laptop computer, where economists make their texts, what are calling as the analyses. The reason why people would not usually like to talk about economics and economists is that those persons seem like boring people, who are looking at the numbers and lines on the screen. Here is very much interesting things in the world, and one of them is the jet fighters, what is looking nice in some photographs. When we are thinking ab

What means psychic soldiers?

Kimmo Huosionmaa When people claimed, that there have been tests to use the psychic skills like telekinesis in the military operations, they mean the way to control people mind and even kill the person by using that kind of things. In real life is not evidence, that telepathy exists. There is known that some intelligence operators have trained to read body language, and see the markings of mental disorders like dementia and hate against the authorities. The idea of that training would be that the operators notice persons, who don't like their superiorities and who is another way favorable targets for propaganda and recruitment. Those people are the most valuable targets for the recruiter of intelligence because they can give information about enemy plans and equipment. Also, psychic warriors are sometimes trained to irritate some special persons, and when those persons would start to attack because of the provocation, would that agent kill that person by using hand-to-hand co

Swarm of drones is here and are we prepared?

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa Swarm of drones is in the key element if the world of battlefield and intelligence. Those small aerial and land-moving robots can cover very large areas, and they can be connected together with networks, what allows to connect the information, what the sensors of those vehicles send to the control center. Sometimes those small drones can carry the remote-controlled "toy cars", what can be dropped to the operational area, and those devices can look in the holes, and other places, where might be hiding people or equipment. Some of those vehicles are equipped with small explosives like thermobaric, HEAT and thermite ammunition, what mission would be destroy enemy equipment. But there is more use for the swarm of the drones than use them as the hit weapon. The central computer can use the swarm of drones for protecting the bases against land and even the aerial attack. Those small helicopters can have IR- and chemical sensors, and because d

The high-tech and utopist version of undead person (Part II)

Kimmo Huosionmaa Now it's Halloween, and I must write another way to make an undead person. In the last version would the person making the clone of self and then transfer the EEG, where are stored all memories, what the person gets to the baby. But there is another way to make a person undead, and it's very complicated and requires very complicated technology. This is the technology, where the skin of the person would cover by using polymers, and of course, the nanotechnology would be used to replace the damaged DNA. For making this system real, would be made very complicated nanotechnology, and systems, what can recycle all nutrition back to the body. In this version, the person carries the closed cycle life-support system, what allows to recycle the food. In some very interesting and wild visions, the recycling system would installed surgically in the veins of the person body. The reason, why this system would be made recycling and isolated is that microbes and vir

How to make the undead person in theory

Kimmo Huosionmaa Sometimes there have been discussions, how to make person undead, or how to live forever. The first thing is to equip a person with the microchip, what would send every sense, what we get to the computer, what stores the memories, what we get during life. And then this person must make a clone him or herself. In this case, the genomes of the blastula would suck off, and replace with the DNA of this person. This kind of thing allows making person undead by using technology, what seems like some kind of Phoenix bird. The problem with this kind of thing would be the memories, what must be set in the brains of the child, because the human can clone themselves by using cell-level fetus, what genomes would be changed with some other person DNA. This kind of thing is very easy and very realistic way to make a person undead. But then is another way, where is used the nanotechnology to fix the DNA, what is damaging because of the natural radiation and chemical influe

The thing about the resonance, what people usually don't want to know.

Kimmo Huosionmaa Have you read Kalevala? There is a character name Vainamoinen, who played kantele, what was made by using the skull of the fish. That thing might cause the resonance inside the human body because the bones of our skeleton start to vibrate with the sound of that musical instrument, and this thing is very painful to experience because the bones can be broken like some crystal glass. When we are talking about resonance, we are meaning the phenomenon, that the resonating piece would transfer the wave movement to every piece, what is made by using the same material. Or otherwise has the same resonance frequency, what means that the sound, what faces the surface of that material would start to vibrate it with the sound. This will cause the effect, where the glass or other material will be broken by the vibration. Resonance is a very dangerous thing because if the metal net inside the house starts to resonate, even the biggest houses can fall by the small loudspeaker. T

Could "Skinwalker" mean something, what seems harmless, but what is very dangerous?

Kimmo Huosionmaa When we are talking about the creatures like "Skinwalker", we must understand that this term could mean "walking skin",  and inside that skin would be something, what we don't want to disturb. One very good explanation of that world would be the undercover Samurai or Ninja, who plays some innocent creature. In many ninja-films, the main character is actually something, what looks ordinary, and then somebody attacks against that creature. After that, the film would turn as the show of martial arts. When we are thinking about something like highly trained karate-user, we might see a very innocent looking creature. And the idea of Karate is to defend self by using hands as the weapon. The punches what would give by using back of the hand can kill the opponent in a very brutal way because the power of those punches can easily break the skull or throat. So could the skinwalker actually mean the assassin, what was trained by Mayans? Those men wer

Kinetic energy missiles, what is installed on the Moon can be destructive

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa The idea of use meteorites for bombing the enemy is coming from the Cold War. People usually laugh at this idea, and I certainly hope that they would think that thing again. The idea of use meteorites as the weapon of mass destruction doesn't mean anything, what it seems. When we are thinking more carefully about this mystic plan, we do not normally think about the change to replace the word "meteorite" the word "kinetic energy missile", and this means artificial meteorite, what would plan to use against targets, and making this kind of weapon is not very difficult. In some scenarios, the artificial meteorite would be like the ball, what would fill with the concrete, and then this meteorite would shoot to the Moon, or actually to the parabolic trajectory, where the Moon would use as the gravity sling for giving more energy for that ceramic projectile. Sometimes the Apollo-program was mentioned as the plan for making this kin

Chrysler's mark in the Pentagon.

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa Have you seen the aerial photograph of the house of the Pentagon (Picture I), the house of the Department of defense? In the middle of it is a small yard, where seems to be the mark of the Chrysler Corporation (Picture II), what is very interesting detail in this remarkable house. The thing, what makes this symbol very interesting, is that it seems to hidden by accident or on purpose. There are no theories about that symbol, and in some pictures, this detail is not visible at all. And in fact, there is the fifth line in the image, but it might be made for making difference between Crysler corporation and the Pentagon. There is a good explanation for that detail, and that is some engineer played some game with that house. But when we are thinking that the Pentagon is made after bombers take the place in the military forces, and this thing makes me think, that why the shape of the

The "hollow Earth" theory part II

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa I have written about this theory recently and in that writing, I wrote, that the term "hollow Earth" could mean the undercover military base. But there is another version of this theory, and it bases the novel "Foundation", what was written by Isaac Asimov. In that novel was the planet, name "Trantor", what was covered with the metallic core. And this means that term "hollow Earth"  could mean the asteroid what have been covered the structure, what looks like some kind of hall. This means, that this hall would cover all the surface of the ball-shaped asteroid, and allows the crew to live on the surface of that asteroid in the giant hall. That structure would be made also by using similar glass, what is used in the windows of the spacecraft, and it allows to create the gardens on the surface of that asteroid. In this case, the synthetic atmosphere would be made in the physical structure, and the asteroid would

Motivation is a way to use psychology.

Kimmo Huosionmaa Companies want to hire highly motivated persons and the way of motivating is an important thing in the process. It's interesting to know about the process, what makes a person obligate in the job and company, what offers the position to show the skills. This is one very good psychological method to make young and dynamic person interest about the job in some company. "Come to show your claws" is very good and striking slogan in the job advertisement.  The thing about the group interview is to make competition between the applicants, and also show the things, like how the person acts in the case, where the competition is extremely hard. And this interview method is used to show the applicants, that the place is very wanted. When we are thinking about the jobs and careers, we must realize, that the employer has their own interests in the case, and it's not the same, who would come to the workplace. Many times the organization would give sometim

Technical shamanism and the question: what is Qi?

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa In this text, I don't write about implanted microchips, what would allow the person to click inside the Internet without the visible computer. Those microchips would allow getting the picture from any surveillance camera, what is connected to the net, what makes remote-viewing possible. This kind of systems allows also to control any robot or computer, by using the Internet. And in the wildest dreams, the military of tomorrow would surgically install that kind of implants for persons, who are controlling drones by using this kind of systems. That kind of microchips could make possible to create the techno-shaman, who controls the computers and robots over the Internet by using brain waves and decoders for that mission. Qi is the term for the strange thing, that the human body shines the light, and it is the term for the energy of life force. When we are thinking about the light, we can understand that thing as the infrared light or heat, what

The brainwashing and dangers of this techniques

Kimmo Huosionmaa When we are talking about ideology, we must understand that even the rulers of the state changes and the wars are ending the ideologies are stable. The men who rise the nationalism existed in 1945 when World War II was ended. And some of those men had ideas, that they would take control in the states, what won the War. We all know, about the strange structures, what Nazis left behind in the countries, what they occupied, and the idea of those structures is sometimes left in history. But when we are thinking about the projects, what are sometimes hiding very deadly or frighten techniques, what mission is to brainwash people, we must notice that the men behind those projects were separated from the production units, and they were controlling those projects remotely by using telegrams and telex machines. And in this case, the most dangerous part of the projects remained, even the production units were destroyed or bombed. One of the most terrifying ideas was the pl

The writing about shamans

(Wikipedia) Kimmo Huosionmaa When we are thinking clearly, the myths of the shamans goes that the shaman conducts something, what is flowing thru that person. And in this kind of myths, the shaman is the person, who stands in the line of the visible and invisible world. So this might give us the tip, what kind of skills those persons might have. In the real world, many shamans might use things like narcotic mushrooms for creating the effect of the magic, and narcosis could be the reason for the most psychic effects, what shamans could create. But then we are going to think about the position of shamans in the cases, where this person would not actually use the narcotics, what causes the hallucinations.  If the poisonous mushroom would be cooked or put in the campfire, that smoke can cause the psychic effect like visible illusions in the eyes and voice illusion in ears. Somebody has made the interesting theory about those incredible persons, and that is, that they might have

Could artificial intelligence have feelings?

Kimmo Huosionmaa Below the text is a link to the music video, what would handle the idea, that maybe some civilization would transfer it's individuals to one thinking machine. In this scenario, the individuals would be connected together by using EEG-system, what collects the data from the brain core, and connect the individuals to the computer, where they are staying in the collective reality, what allows the system use the brains as the biocomputer. The reason, why we would do that is, that by using that method, could we create extremely intelligent computers, but the prize of those computers would be tough. The persons, who are connected with computers are losing their personality, and become part of the collective intelligence, what is the digital version of the Brahman or "Soul of the world" what is the key element of Hinduism religion. This kind of visions is frightening but in the same way interesting. If we would somewhere in the future face that kind of

What is Human responsibility for genetic engineering?

Kimmo Huosionmaa Human responsibility for the artificial life-forms is absolute. We must consider the things, what we are creating.  When we are making genetic experiments like transferring the genomes between the species, we must consider that those life forms would not enter the natural environment, and this is the thing, what we normally forget. When we are creating the corn, what is resistant for some specific poison or chemical, we are creating the thing, what is very dangerous in the wrong hand. In the first case, we can destroy other corn by using the agricultural chemicals, and then our own corn would be the only thing, what is left behind.  If we are honest, we can use the same methodology for creating human, who is resistant for the neurotoxins like nerve gas in a very simple way. We can connect the genome, what makes the Mongoose resistant for the poison of Mamba to our own genomes. This would give the ability to create the soldiers, who are resistant against nerve

Singularity and communication

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa What could radio-telescope or other transmitter do with the ball-shaped space station? This is the question, what many people don't think. When we are thinking about the situation, that ball-shaped space station orbits in the stationary trajectory with some planet or moon, like hypothetical Death Star does in the movie Return of the Jedi, we might think that there is no problem with that. In the movie, the radio-telescope creates the ball-shaped electric field around the battlestation, and if the space station uses opposite polar generators, it can create the power field, what would make the incoming meteorites as the vapor. But in this case, the problem would be that the radio waves increases the mass of the space station. Sooner or later the ball-shaped space station would be transforming the black hole, and it can travel in the time thru the wormhole. If the time-space continuum would be "U"-shaped,  that thing would travel to the

Another speculation about the thing, what if humanoids would contact us?

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa There are many speculations about this kind of situation, and one is maybe the governments would hide that information. The reason is, that maybe some governmental officials would first try to analyze, what is the motive of the other civilization to take a contact with us. If there would be some kind of threat, the human race must start to defend ourselves. And there are many philosophical speculations, about the thing, why the far more advanced humanoids would not destroy us? If we continue to think that the hypothetical humanoids would exist, that would give more length for this writing, and keep it more interesting. One hypothesis is connected with the experiments, what those humanoids are claimed to make. The reason for leaving mankind alive would be that the humanoids would need our DNA for keeping their genomes rich enough, that they could keep their species vitality in the high level, that they can keep their bodies and minds strong. And a

Aviaries give limits, but at the same time, they protect the thing, what is trapped in the space.

Kimmo Huosionmaa One interesting detail in the painting "Okrilenisty" is that the small bird, what is trapped in the aviary is surrounded by the shape of the Hawk or Eagle, and in this case, we might think, that this painting is meant for the warning, that somebody would want to use the trapped bird as the bait, for calling the other people for the trap. If the eagle would attack the aviary would protect that bird. And this is the thing in aviaries. They might give limits, but also they protect the thing, what is hidden in there. Sometimes I have explained this painting as the hidden figure of RDS-220 Tsar bomb, but there would be many other explanations for this painting. In the bird hunting is sometimes used the bird, what is trapped for calling other birds in the trap. And this thing is very interesting if we are thinking about the cases like Andrei Sakharov. This man was arrested and sent to the internal eviction, and then the doctors claimed, that this brilliant

How to cause disqualification in a very simple way?

Kimmo Huosionmaa If you want to cause the disqualification for your competitor, just put some medicine in this person's food or drink. This is a very good rule for people, who want to play dirty tricks in the working life. That would give the good feeling when some idiot, who would trust the workmates gets the drugs and loses the driving license or ability to get a job from police or military. After given the drugs to that person might feel very good, and it feels good to look at the mirror. If somebody asks about the positive drug tests, this kind of person who gave those drugs can tell, that their victim was so naive, that trusted the workmates or friends, that took a cup of coffee from them. But who cares, in the real world the person, who is the most twisted and who has the lowest methods would get the best jobs. In real life, the world is made for persons like Al Capone, who must not care about everything. Only idiots follow the law, and prisons are made for persons, who

What can we do with the third arm?

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa U.S military test third arm for the soldiers, that they could carry dun in the certain point, and in same time read maps or climb on the walls etc. This kind of hands can be made as the carrying systems, and there are no electronics inside them. But those extra arms can also equip with the hydraulic system, what is connected to the computer, and this hydraulic arm can also be used with HULC-exoskeleton, what means robots, what are connected to the human body. The mission of those robots or hydraulic systems is give the soldiers or other persons more strength, and those systems can be flexible in the many missions. The hydraulic systems are normally heavy and difficult to carry, but if they are connected to the exoskeleton system would they be suitable for many things. In the visions, this kind of robot arms is connected to the smart rifles and the action cameras, what are equipped with infrared systems. In this case, the robot arm can also shoot au