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How Facebook changed the world, and how it became the manipulation machine?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Facebook began the revolution of social media, and in the beginning, it was something new and awesome. But then it changed when the companies and governmental agencies came in the business. There are many good things on this channel, and one of them is that it will uncover the radicalism of some people. Here we can think, that sometimes even the mass shooting have been blocked because the shooter has told that thing before, and officials have got that person. But there are many problems in the Facebook, and one of them is that the photographs, what are published in there can use to get information, what nobody wants to share. By using zooms in the drawing programs can the hacker get information of the weapons, what are in the rooms, and also the registration numbers of the cars.

Also, the jewelry is also visible in those pictures. The problem is, that this social media service can use to manipulation very effective and simple way: you must just get the personal photo and open the account in this person name. This is a very effective tool to deliver hoax information and also give the wrong image for that person. This is also a very effective tool to make "dirty business" by using those accounts. The multi-million dollar company leader might be a trusted person, and that is very easy to use in the dirty work. The idea is, that for that leader would create the fake profile in the net. And then the operator just sends a message that the company would have financial problems.

That will cause immediately the collapse of the shares, and that can be used to buy those shares at a low price. When the director reclaims this hoax information would the price of the shares rice again, and this makes easy to get very high profits. When we are thinking about the change in Facebook, we must realize that this service has been grown on a very large scale, and it is far away, what it has been from begin, and this means that this kind of service is a very strong responsibility for the safety of the users. This is very problematic because Facebook operates like some web-community, and it is impossible to control every single word, what is written in there.

Because Facebook operates in multinational level, it impossible to control, who the users actually are. There are claims, that some undemocratic states have made the accounts for the political prisoners, and they use those Facebook-accounts for fishing the information about supporters of the political resistance. Facebook is actually a very popular platform for calling so-called "street parliaments" or revolters in some place. Everybody can make that kind of group, call the group in some place, and then start the action, and then remove the group.

Also, drug dealers and members of organized crime are fishing the information of the police by using Facebook. They buy pictures of the police cars, and they are also searching the data of the parties, where they can come to sell their products. Persons, who work against democracy are also playing supporters of the "regular people", that means that they are always looking for the main group of people getting the support for their own career.

The number of votes means everything, and that's why some people, who have limits in their workability can be pushed away from the work life, and isolate in the "institute" because they are not wanted to see in the workplace. The main argument of those persons is, that the main group of the people are always right, and the handicapped persons would not give votes anyway. So this justifies the isolation of the persons, who are not guilty in their situation. People who are different than others are a very good target for the persons, who just want a good job in parliament. They will find always some group for targeting their hate talk, and then they have medicine for everything.

That is hiring more police and military men. And of course, more tanks can be bought by using the money, what is collected from taxpayers. I don't understand the people who are so "normal", that they are wanted to kill somebody, because of those targets sexuality. What people are doing in their bedrooms is no other person's business. But some people are thinking, that threatens to kill somebody because this person is different is right. And social media can also be used to uncover that kind of opinions.


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