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Vaccines and the science

Kimmo Huosionmaa

One very interesting question is, are the hypothetical aliens bad or good. Here we can answer this question by saying that “if aliens want to harm us, they are bad for us”. Here I'm talking also about the scientific experiments, what aliens claimed to made to people. Maybe they are only jealous, but I think that I or some other human would cutter like some test animal like guinea pigs is very uncomfortable thinking, and my opinion is, that if somebody wants to harm me or some other human, that would be a bad thing. And here we are coming to think about the term “evilness". The evilness, what Nazis have made to other humans is absolutely intolerable, but then we must realize, that also prisoners and mentally ill people have used in the painful experiments and those tests have made also by other nations, and Nazis were not only ones, who injected deadly viruses and bacteria to the people.

Also, things like penicillin have tested with prisoners during World War II. Many medical productions like vaccines have been tested with prisoners, what were seem suitable targets for that kind of tests. The group, what mainly has been used has been persons, who were convicted about homicides, but sometimes the persons, who have convicted about high treason have faced the horrors of the bacteria tests. When the first vaccines have created the inventor of the smallpox vaccine he noticed, that persons, who got cowpox would not be infected by smallpox virus, people don't know that those viruses were injected to the test persons, that the thing, what made they immune against that virus could be found.

The similar thing was with Rabies, what is one of the most feared illnesses in the world. This vaccine was first produced from the dog's spit, what was infected with rabies. The vaccine is produced by injecting it to the bigger animal like cows, and the body or exactly the immune system of those animals would produce the serum, what will activate the immune process in the targeted human or animal. In modern time, there would be used killed viruses, what DNA will be destroyed by using ultraviolet light, and then the proteins of those viruses activate the immune system. In the past, against the deadliest viruses were not be possible to create vaccines, because those organisms terminated that animal.

Sometimes the living viruses were used in that kind of action, where the people were vaccinated against extremely lethal viruses, but the dose of the injected organism must be meter very carefully because if there will be too many viruses in the body of a targeted person, will that cause a deadly infection. Using ultraviolet light the DNA can be destroyed, and the problem what was made the creation of vaccines very difficult have been solved, in theory. The problem is, how to make sure, that the DNA has been terminated. If there is a living virus would that cause the infection, or if the ultraviolet light will be used too long, the proteins could be destroyed, and the vaccine will not have an effect.

This is the thing in the Vaccine and medicine production. Testing those things is extremely important and if the vaccine is not effective, would that cause the life of many people. There is sometimes no time for testing vaccines by using standard methods, and without precise and careful testing would the vaccine be dangerous. The influenza virus is a very difficult target for vaccine makers because that virus is so complicated, and it would change very fast. And this means that the vaccine-developing against that virus is actually the non-stop process, and every each year the new vaccines must be developed because the influenza virus has so many mutations, because of its outer layer complicated antigens and long DNA molecule, what can be mutated in a very short period of time, what makes developing stable version of the vaccine against influenza very difficult or even impossible, but if somebody can do that, would that person greatest medicine creator in the history of mankind.


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