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J.Edgar Hoover and the position of the FBI

J.Edgar Hoover and the position of the FBI 

(How Mrs. Ruth Vanderbildt-Towny knew the length of the prohibition law?)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

J. Edgar Hoover (1895-1972) was one of the most complicated characters of the history of the United States of America. He was the man, who led FBI from the age of 24 until his death at the age of 77 in 1972. He was the head of the FBI from its establishment in the year 1924 until his death and the years in the service were 59. During the prohibition law, that man worked against corruption, and he got very much success. In the early years, FBI was known as BOI (Bureau of Investigations  (or Intelligence)) and in the year 1935 that office took the name FBI (Federal Bureau of investigations), and there is one remarkable thing in the history of that bureau.

During the Second World War, the president of the United States offered Hoover the rank of the General Lieutenant. And the problem was, that the president of the United States would be the chief and give commands to the FBI. In Kennedy's era, that thing was again under the discussions and the reason for that was that Kennedy wanted to put the FBI under the political control, but there was one excuse, and that was that the control for the FBI took Kennedy himself, if that model of selection of the personnel would be taken in the bureau. In that case, the president would use it in the own purposes.

There is one thing, what would raise the FBI in the position, what it has even today. The thing is called the prohibition law, what filled the pockets of American gangsters with dollars. When we are talking about the explosive rise of the numbers criminal activities during the prohibition laws from 1920 to 1933, we must also notice that the archive and reporting methods of the crimes were became more advanced, and that means that the people were reported about crimes more often than before, and that might also raise the percent of the criminal activities.

How Mrs. Ruth  Vanderbildt-Towny knew the length of the prohibition law?

There is one little detail, what makes us interesting, and it's the story that before the prohibition law Mrs. Vanderbildt-Towny ordered enough alcohol, that it was enough for the all 13 years of the existence of that law.  And here we must ask one thing, "hos she could predict that?". Was somebody told that woman, that someday the prohibition law would be disembed? That will mean that the law was meant for the temporary or appointment solution.

 When we are thinking about the case that the prohibition law would cause the problems for the United States, would that person mean some politicians have made money for selling illegal alcohol during the prohibiting law? And that would be very awkward, but as we know, that also  Americans are only human beings. In some other countries were similar laws, what was meant for making people stop drinking. The reason for the attempt to make people becoming sober was that in that time people drink too much alcohol and also the State wanted to collect money from that product in the form of the taxes.

When we are thinking about the situation, that some politicians became rich because of the smuggling the alcohol, that would cause the situation, that the politicians, who had a relationship with Mafia would enter to the parliament. The power of the FBI was and still is, that the information of those actions might be found in its archives and that would give power to that organization to control the politicians.

During the prohibiting law could some politicians make money by selling alcohol, and that money will go to the banks of Canada, and then it would be returned to the United States, by some import companies. And that money could help the politician rising to the power. Of course, when the prohibiting law has dismantled the smuggling itself was not the crime anymore. But violence and murders, what was connecting the smuggling business were still crimes.


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