Thursday, December 6, 2018

The fictional trip inside Neptune

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we are thinking about the journey inside the gas giants like Neptune, we might think, that we will use the vehicle, what seems like bathyscaphes, what was used for a trip to the Mariana grave. In fact, the best form for that spacecraft would be the ball, where is a nuclear reactor, and the tube of opposite rotating magnets through it. The motor would be actually "the Bell", or the WARP, what has been created in the NASA:s laboratories, and the thing would allow the fictional spacecraft travel to the heart of Neptune and return to space.

The ball must be totally sleek, and there should not be any changes or bricks, what would cause that the pressure would divide unevenly. The sleek ball would face the pressure totally symmetrically, and in those cases, the pressure would not break the ball. And maybe it could survive in the extreme heat and pressure inside the planet. The spacecraft would also collect the energy from the fast rotating layer of the planet, and that might help it to create enough energy for the extreme powerful WARP-engine or it could form the singularity, what helps that spacecraft escape from the extreme conditions of that planets nucleus.

The ball-shaped bathyscaphe would be equipped with special equipment like a nuclear reactor for that journey, where the pressure would be over 7 million bar inside the planet, and the temperature would be about 5000 degrees Celsius. So the spacecraft, what would make this theoretical trip must be manufactured by using carbon fibers, what is almost as hard as the diamond. The system might have electric filed, what would pull the ionized gas away from the core, and the device would be filled with PFC (Poly Fluoride Carbonite), this liquid respirator denies the effect of the pressure what would crush the core of the craft.

Filling the core with liquids allows that the spacecraft would not be crushed by the extreme pressure. That thing would be used in special diving suits, what allows the diver to dive in very deep because human lungs are filled with the liquid don't cave in, and that would allow the person dives in extremely deep. Or in some ideas, this kind of craft would be filled with water, and the astronauts, or whatever they are, staying in the space suits, what is filled with the carbonite respirator, what allows very long staying in the suit.

This kind of spacecraft would dive in the center of planet Neptune, and there would send the probe in future, what is made as the shape of the ball because the ball is impossible to crush.  And the thing is that the escaping from the center of that planet is extremely difficult, but maybe the system of this scientific spacecraft would use ion motors or from inside it the black hole, what would transfer it out of the planet. Or maybe the WARP-drive, what would transfer the ionized gas across the spacecraft or through the tunnel across it, and that would allow these science fiction spacecraft fly away from the planet.

YouTube movie about the journey to the planet Neptune

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