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Rocket explosion is a very nice to see, but bad for the launcher

Rocket explosion is  a very nice to see, but bad for the launcher

Picture I

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Rescue rocket would save the lives of astronauts in the case of the destruction of the rocket, but it would also rescue the payload in that kind of cases. Above the text is a picture of the rocket explosion. The explosion of the rocket is very nice to see, but it's not a good thing for the companies, what would pay the payload like satellites. I sometimes wonder, why rescue rocket would not be used in the unmanned missions because it would save the payload if the rocket would explode.

I must be boring in the mind of some people because I always start the text, where is a picture above the text using the worlds "above the text is". But this is the different story. Above this text is a picture, what is portraying the rocket explosion. And as we see, the only one picture would not show anything more than the blue form, what is hanging in the sky. Annexes are below the text and the film about the explosion can be found in the first link. The reason for the blue form is the fuel what would be released in the explosion is forming the blue cloud.

The cloud is releasing in the forward because there is the weakest point of the rocket and the thing would cause, that the rocket stages would stay in one piece, what minimizes the debris. That can cause injuries if it would hit the person, and also those metal pieces can start a fire, if they are hit in the area, where is highly inflammable materials.

If we would see the film about the explosion, that thing could be a very easy thing to notice, and this thing would not cause the suspected UFO case. This is one example, why whole material must be seen during the investigation and research process. If we would see only one frame from the film, what is length about minutes, we would see less than one percent of the physical evidence, what would help us to form the text.

This is the thing, what we must understand when we are making some decisions about this kind of cases. The thing, where it seems the blue form in the skies is a very attractive thing, but then we would realize, that this thing might be "only" the rocket, what was destroyed. The reason, why rockets are destroying in the explosion is in some cases, that the rocket motors combustion chamber would have too low pressure, and the flame would suck in the fuel tank.

Or in some cases, the fuel is mixed with oxygen, because the air has not removed from the fuel tanks properly, and that was causing the explosion. In safety tests, the rockets would explode in purpose because the thing is the rocket suitable for manned missions is also tested. The use of a rescue rocket would also save the payload in the case of the destruction of the rocket also in the unmanned missions.  Sometimes there would be the ABM (Anti Ballistic Missile) tests, where high energy weapons would explode the rockets, and sometimes those tests are highly classified. The target piece would be eliminated in the test by targeting it with electromagnetic radiation, and the tests are marked as the explosions.

But they are not the most common reasons for the rocket explosions. The safety in modern space programs is very high level, but sometimes the accidents are happening. That's why the launch-operators must make very sharp plans for the trajectories and times of the launch. If the aircraft would travel through the turbulence, what rocket would leave, the accident is very close. And that's why the timing of the launch must be calculated very sharply, and the airspace near the launching site must be closed because the pressure of the rocket is very high. And it would destroy aircraft at a very long distance, and if the rocket would explode, the tons of fuel like hydrogen will explode much higher power than the warhead of the anti-aircraft missiles.

The film

Picture I


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